Trade License Consultant in Sitamarhi-Labour License Consultant in Sitamarhi-Contractor License Consultant in Sitamarhi-Security Agency License sitamrahi
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Depending on type of business, size of business, nature of business and activities carried out by business houses or units, they are required to get different types of licenses. Licenses are in form of permissions given by different departments of central government and state governments in India. Like if you want to start a service oriented company you may need to have Service tax registration.
Thus, without licenses you can not run your businesses (if you crosses minimum exempted transaction limits). If your business is just new or its a small one, you may not have to get most of the licenses, but as your business grows you will be required to have those licenses which have become applicable to your company.
What is a Trade license?
The sole proprietorship is the legal form of corporate which is one of the simpler and less burdensome as to its constitution does not require no special requirements; the only thing to do is to open a VAT number. The sole proprietorship is the kind of company that refers to a single owner that is the entrepreneur who is therefore the only responsible and also the only promoter of his business venture. The entrepreneur does not impose a minimum amount of initial capital to invest. Since he was the only “responsible” of the entire entrepreneurial process, it is clear that the business risk falls all over him. This means that all of the assets of the entrepreneur are subjected to business risk. In case of insolvency of the debts of the individual firm, he is liable to third parties with all his possessions, including personal.
For this reason, the sole proprietorship is usually preferred, such as legal form, when you need to perform tasks that do not require large investments that involve risks and quite limited. The sole proprietorship can also be done in the form of a family business or undertaking married.
What is Labour License?
A labour contractor who employs labours and do works under principal employer is required to take labour license from labour department of the state. Any contractor who does not work under any employer but employs labours has to get contractor registration from either road construction department or building construction department of the state. Only after this, he can apply for getting labour license to keep labours for his works.
What is Contractor License?
Contractors have to get license from local authorities such as road construction department, building construction department, PWD of their state.� Application for contractor license has to be made along with fee and necessary documents to the respective department and authorities. After submission of documents, authorities issue license to contractor.
Any Indian Individual, Sole Proprietorship Firm, Partnership Firm, Public Limited Company or a Private Limited Company is entitled to get enlistment as a contractor in PWD/WRD, Road Construction Department, Building construction Department provided the eligibility criteria and other conditions are satisfied. The enlisted contractors have to abide by all the rules of their licensing authorities made herein and as amended from time to time during the currency of their enlistment. For more information, please contact us.
What is Security Agency License?
Any person willing to start a security agency business has to get registration under PSARA ACT in their respective state. PSARA Act means Private Security Agency Regulation Act, this act is to regulate affairs of private securities. So, anyone willing to start a private agency company has to mandatory obtain PSARA Act Registration. Fees for making application for security agency licenses are charged on the basis of number of districts in which you want to start your business, Like if you want to start a security agency company in one district, then we will have to pay Rs. 5000/-, Rs. 15000 for 3 districts and Rs. 25000 for whole state.
We are one of the leading Trade License, Labour License, Contractor License, Security Agency License, Trademark registration, Copyright Registration, Patent Registraton, Website designing company and EPF consultant, ESI consultant, company registration consultant, tax consultants based at Bihar. If you want any help, please call us at +91-7050515253, +91-8540099000 or visit us at
Topic of this page:
Trade License Consultant in Sitamarhi-Labour License Consultant in Sitamarhi-Contractor License Consultant in Sitamarhi-Security Agency License sitamrahi
This article is written by: ACS Prince Kunal
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