- .To carry on business as manufacturers, producers, processors, growers, fermentators, distillers, refiners, makers, inventors, convertors, importers, exporters, traders, buyers, sellers, retailers, wholesalers, suppliers, indenters, bottlers, packers, movers, preservers, stockists, agents, subagents, merchants, distributors, consignors, jobbers, brokers, concessionaires or otherwise deal in acids, alkalies, salts, organic and inorganic chemicals, compounds, solvent, cryogenics, food additives, dyes, inks, paints, intermediates of any chemical, cosmetics, detergents, soaps, compressed coal, gases, petrochemicals, plastic, surface coating chemicals, adhesives, fertilizers, pesticides, insecticides, rubbers, sanitary chemicals, propellants, explosives, emulsifiers, pharmaceuticals, glass, ceramics, man made fibres, sugar and starches, fine chemicals, photographic chemicals, water purification salts and chemicals, pigments, vegetable tanning and extracts, fuel, industrial gases, and all kinds, classes, charter and property of organic and inorganic chemicals and compounds which has been developed or known or which may be developed or invented in future as a result of any research and studies made in any part of the world.
- To deal in any kinds or classes of acids, alkalies or chemicals which may be produced, manufactured, grown or formulated by any of the chemical processes, reactions, or unit operations such as alkylation, amination by reduction, ammonolysis, aromatization, calcination, carboxylation, electrolysis, esterification, fermentation, frisdel crafts filtration, halogenation, hydroformylation, and synthesis of hydrocarbons, hydrogenation, hydration, causticization, combustion, condensation, concentration, dehydration, double composition, distillation, isomerization, neutralization, nitration, oxidation, polymerization, pyrolysis or cracking reduction, silicate formation, sulfonation, saponification, alkali fusion or by any other chemical conversion, electrical conversion, physical operation or manipulation of either any raw material from mines, forest, sea, air, farm, oil, brine, gas wells or animal substances or any products, by products and residual substance from any chemical process and conversion into any marketable products, consumer or industrial goods entered directly into the economic life or as intermediates or chemicals for the manufacture of consumer items or as raw materials for further fabrication in other industries.
- To carry on business as manufacturers, producers, processors, growers, fermentators, distillers, refiners, makers, inventors, convertors, importers, exporters, traders, buyers, sellers, retailers, wholesalers, suppliers, indenters, bottlers, packers, movers, preservers, stockists, agents, subagents, merchants, distributors, consignors, jobbers, brokers or otherwise deal in oxygen, acetylene, ammonia, nitrogen, hydrogen, coal gas, natural or manmade gas, helium, and other kinds and classes of gases, mineral oil, spirit, diesel oil, kerosene, hydrocarbon oils and their blends including synthesis fuels and lubricating oils required for or used in industries, agriculture, clinics, hospitals, refrigeration, aviation, transport vehicles, space rockets and crafts, communication objects and media, power plants, domestic or public lighting, heating, cooling or cooking purposes, lighters, plants producing water, chemicals or fuels, pesticide, insecticide, defense or warfare establishments, horticulture, forest or plant protection or other allied purposes and to service, repair, manufacture, market or deal in machinery, plants, spares, cylinders, containers, gadgets, appliances and accessories required for working or using or producing any of such gases, oils and products.
To acquire and take over as a going concern with all its assets, rights in the lease hold properties and liabilities the business, being carried on under the name and style of a partnership firm engaged in the business of……………………….
To take over, purchase, acquire or to take on lease the business as a going concern of any trading firm or company engaged in the manufacture of ………………………… and allied products with all its assets and liabilities.
To acquire the goodwill of any business concern whose objects may be similar, in part or in whole, to those of the company and any land, privileges, rights, contracts, property or effects, held or used in connection therewith, and upon such purchase to undertake the liabilities of any company, association, partnership or person.
To purchase, acquire and take over as a going concern, the business carried on by partnership firm in the name and style of M/s.___________________________, together with all assets and liabilities used in connection therewith or belonging thereto for consideration either by way of allotment of shares in the Company or in cash or partly in one way and partly in other.
- To manufacture, produce, process, make, convert, import, export, trade, buy, sell whether as retailers or wholesalers, suppliers, indenters, packers, repackers, movers, preservers, stockists, agents, subagents, merchants, distributors, consignors, jobbers, brokers, or otherwise deal in all kinds of Acrylic fibre, Acrylic tow, Acrylic top and all types of products made of Acrylic.
- To manufacture, process, produce, dye, gin, press, spin, weave, crimp, texturise, card, bleach, comb, double, finish, blend, sort, garnet, stretch, dry, draw, cut, improve, buy, sell, resale, import, export, transport, store, fabricate, develop, market, or otherwise to deal in all types of natural & synthetic yarns and fibres made of materials like cotton, flax, hemp, jute, linen, wool, nylon, viscose, ramie, polyster, silk, artsilk, terene, jute, staple, fibres, cashmilon, filaments, terecotton, monofilaments, multifilaments, acrylics, polynosic, polypropylene, polyamide, polymethane, cellulose, dropping, spun or other fibrous substances or any combination thereof and fabrics made of such yarns or articles in which fabrics of any kind is used.
To manufacture, produce, process, pack, repack, import, export, buy, sell whether as retailers or wholesalers, suppliers, indenters, bottlers, movers, preservers, stockists, agents, subagents, merchants, distributors, consignors, jobbers, brokers, concessionaires or otherwise deal in all kinds of adhesives, sealants, starch, gum, dextrine, silicate, rubber, latex, PF, UF, and PVA, and all other products used for making or producing adhesives and sealants, synthetic and natural rubber, synthetics, chemicals, industrial, medical and other articles and products, paints, oils, varnishes, plastics, and makers of and dealers in such articles, products and compounds.
- To carry on the business of advertising agents and publicity agents and releasers and contractors both outdoor and in newspapers, magazines, books, screens, journals, walls, buses, railway carriage, hoardings, souvenirs, catalogues, brochures, pamphlets, visiting cards, gift articles, diaries, presentation articles, audio cassettes, video cassettes or through any other media or other display devices of advertisement.
- To erect posters, distribute handbills, to announce through loudspeakers, to erect panels for display of painted bulletins whether electrically, electronically illustrated, to exhibit by means of electric signs, neon signs, electronic display boards, films, slides, video cassettes, audio cassettes or displaying through the advertising material currently in vogue.
- To carry on the business of advertising contractors and agents, designers and to purchase and sell advertising time or space on any radio station, television centre in India or abroad or any other media currently in vogue and to promote the sale or interest of its clients by organising trade fairs, exhibitions, road shows etc.
- To prepare, advise, devise, compose, design, layout, manufacture, construct, install, fabricate, paint, finish, buy, sell, print, screen print all kinds of advertising and publicity material such as slides, cassettes, pamphlets, calendars, posters, hoardings, cutouts, etc.
- To carry on the business of advertising agents and publicity agents and releasers and contractors both outdoor and in newspapers, magazines, books, screens, journals, walls, buses, railway carriage, hoardings, souvenirs, catalogues, brochures, pamphlets, visiting cards, gift articles, calendars, diaries, presentation articles, audio cassettes, to erect posters, distribute handbills, to announce through loudspeakers, to erect panels for display of painted bulletins whether electrically, electronically illustrated, to exhibit by means of electric signs, neon signs, electronic display boards, films, slides, video cassettes or displaying through the advertising material currently in vogue, to purchase and sell advertising time or space on any radio station, television centre in India or abroad or any other media currently in vogue and to promote the sale or interest of its clients by organizing trade fairs, exhibitions, road shows.
- To prepare, advise, devise, compose, design, layout, manufacture, construct, install, fabricate, paint, finish, buy, sell, print, screen print all kinds of advertising and publicity material such as slides, cassettes, pamphlets, calendars, posters, hoardings, cutouts, etc.
- To carry on the business of advisers and consultants on problems relating to the administration and organisation of industry and business and to advise ways and means and methods for extending, developing and importing all types of business or industries and all systems and processes relating to the production, storage, distribution, marketing and sale of goods and or relating to the rendering of the services.
- To carry on the profession of consultants, advisers, representatives, advocates, attorneys, liaisioner, agents, serviceman, middleman, arbitrator, conciliator, auctioneer, liquidator, secretary & solicitor on different subjects such as legal, commercial, industrial, manufacturing, production, engineering, personnel, marketing, advertising, publicity, sales promotion, public welfare, corporate management, business management, company law, taxation, investment, portfolio management, agriculture, animal husbandry, poultry, fisheries, power generation, energy savings, insurance, banking, loan syndication, imports & exports, researches & developments, software developments, computer applications, quality control, technical knowhow, geology & mining, medicine & surgery, merchant banking, underwriting, secretarial services, financial management, construction, transport and on other similar subjects and to make evaluations, feasibility studies, techno economic feasibility studies, project reports, forecasts, surveys & rehabilitation packages
- To carry on business as brewers, distillers, manufacturers and dealers in squashes, syrups, essences, aerated waters and of malt, hopes, grains, meal, yeast and all other materials and things capable of being used in connection with any such manufacture or business.
- To carry on the business of bottling of soft drinks, aerated, mineral & artificial waters and other beverages, fruit juices, cocktails under franchise agreement of well known producers or otherwise and for that purpose to buy, sell, manufacture, import and deal in all types of bottles, stoppers, corks including tinplate crown corks, crates and containers, whether of glass, plastic, wood or any other material.
- To carry on business as bakers, confectioners and manufacturers of and dealers in confectionery, bakery and dairy products.
- To carry on the business of aerial spraying on farms, grovelands, cultivations, products through helicopter, aeroplanes and other modes and to carry on other allied business of insecticides, eradication of diseases, virus and insects.
- To undertake the business of distribution and application of chemicals, fertilizers and pesticides, aerial or otherwise and to maintain and run vehicles, aeroplanes, helicopters, equipments for spraying and to run the said aeroplanes for hire and as passengers carrying craft also.
- To undertake and transact all kind of agency business and to carry on and promote any business, commercial or otherwise and/or act as distributors, agents, underwriters, brokers, estate agents, middleman, contract men, representatives and indenting agents, on commission, allowances or on any basis as may be deemed fit, in commodities, merchandise, agricultural and forest produce, engineering goods, machineries, spare parts, accessories, equipments and materials and to purchase, take on lease or rent or otherwise acquire any establishment marketing any of the goods and products mentioned herein before and other allied articles/lines of business.
- To carry on business as Clearing agents, Shipping agents, commission agents, Freight Contractors, Forwarding agents, Licensing agents, General Brokers, order suppliers and all kinds of Agency business and dealers in all kinds of goods and merchandise, raw or manufactured, of any description, quality, kind and variety.
To engineer, develop, design, assemble, manufacture, produce, import, export, buy, sell, operate, run, repair, lease, hire or let on lease or hire and otherwise deal in all kinds of earth moving and agricultural machines, petrol and diesel engines, tools, plants, tractors, equipments, spares, appliances, implements, accessories, mobile or other forest cleaning, thrashing, harvesting, sowing, ploughing, digging and all other types of machinery used in agricultural operations; heavy vehicles and machines for agricultural and reclamation drainage, irrigation, waterworks, engineering, forest cleaning, pumping, and other purpose; spraying machines, vehicles and equipments, whether mobile or otherwise; tube-wells, pumps, engines, motors and irrigation machinery.
- To manufacture, produce, refine, process, formulate, buy, sell, export, import or otherwise deal in all types of heavy and light chemicals, chemical elements and compounds, laboratory and scientific chemicals, pharmaceutical chemicals, agricultural chemicals, hexamine, fertilisers, petrochemicals, industrial chemicals or any mixtures, derivatives, articles and compounds thereof, alkalies, acids,
gases, and compounds, dyes, cosmetics, drugs, pharmaceutical and medical preparations.
- To carry on business as manufacturers, producers, refiners, processors, converters, dealers, traders, importers, exporters, retailers, stockists, buyers or sellers of para nitrochloro benzene, dinitro chloro benzene, paracetamol, aluminium sulphate, manganese sulphate, acids, rubber chemicals, dystuffs, fertilisers, organic or inorganic and/or mixed chemicals including fine and heavy chemicals, synthetic resins, plastics or P.V.C. materials and such products, machineries and parts required for use in or
based, partly or fully, on one or more aforementioned materials or products.
- To produce, manufacture, use or otherwise acquire, sell, distribute, deal in and dispose of chemical products of every nature and description and compounds, intermediates, derivatives and by products thereof and products to be made therefrom including specifically but without limiting the generality of the foregoing,calcium cyanamide, vat, solubilised vat, naphthols, all type of floatation reagents, wetting agents, insecticides and fumiagents, plastics and resins, dyestuffs, explosives, catalytic agents, foods, direct colours, basic and rapid fast colours, pigment, drugs, biological, pharmaceuticals, serums, vitamin products, hormones, sutures, drugs, essence, cordial, minerals and other water, cellulose and oil paints, pigments and varnishes, derived from phosphate, mines, limestones, quarries, bauxite mines, petroleum, natural gas and other natural deposits useful or suitable in the manufacture of chemicals and chemical products
- To manufacture and deal in all chemical products such as coaltar products and their intermediates, dyes, drugs, medicines and pharmaceuticals, petroleum and its products, its derivatives, all type of heavy chemicals such as sulphuric and other acids, caustic soda, soda ash, etc., all type of textile chemicals and sizing and finishing materials, cement and allied products, photographic chemicals, soap, glycerine and allied products, all industrial and pharmaceutical, organic and inorganic chemicals, fertilisers, pesticides, manures, fungicides, deodorants, biochemical and allied products, fats, waxes and their products, hides, skins and leather.
- To buy, sell, import, export or otherwise deal in all plants and machinery, implements, accessories, tools, materials, substances, goods or things of any description used in all types of operations of farming, horticulture, agriculture including tractors, power tillers, sprayers, dusters, mist blowers, threshers and all types of modern agricultural implements, fertilisers and all types of plants, goods, pesticides, insecticides, fungicides, any types of plant protection chemicals, fishing boats, craft and trawlers, fishing nets, gadgets, cold storages, deep freeze equipment and all types of equipment required for forestry, animal husbandry, poultry, farming, pisciculture, sericulture, agricultural; equipments for processing and preserving forest produce, agricultural produce, and all other foods, materials including materials of animal origin, and such other allied articles.
- To carry on business as manufacturers, producers, processors, growers, fermentators, distillers, refiners, makers, inventors, convertors, importers, exporters, traders, buyers, sellers, retailers, wholesalers, suppliers, indenters, bottlers, packers, movers, preservers, stockiest, agents, merchants, distributors, consignors, jobbers, brokers or otherwise deal in all kinds of fertilizers, manures, plant and animal foods, pesticides, insecticides, fungicides and all types of chemicals used in apiculture, pisciculture, sericulture, horticulture, poultry farming and animal husbandry.
- To plant, cultivate, produce and raise, purchase or sell or otherwise handle or deal in grass, timber, wood, bamboo, straw, cotton, jute, flax, hemp, sugarcane, leather, asbestos, rags, waste paper, gunnies, water hyacinth, jute sticks or other fibres, fibrous substances or other things as may furnish materials for pulp and for paper or board manufacture in any of its branches or to develop forest resources, promoting forest resource based industries and arranging marketing of forest products, agricultural plantation and horticultural products, medicinal and aromatic plants.
- To carry on the business of growers, agriculturist, producers, processors, manufacturers, importers, exporters; traders, dealers, packers, stockiest, agents of wheat, gram, pulses and other agricultural produce and crushing, extracting oils from the seeds.
- To acquire, promote, establish and carry on business of manufacturers, importers, exporters, traders, dealers and processors of agro based products of high protein, soyabean meal, high protein foods, soyaflour, soyameal, proteins, proteinconcentrates, protein isolates, lecithin, glycerine, emulsifiers, oils, deoiled cakes, refined oil, vanaspati, margarine, from or out of cotton seeds, castor, linseed, sunflower, soyabean, rice bran, ground nut and other types of edible and non edible, essential and nonessential, oil seeds and solvent extraction by ordinary crushing or any other process and utilise the oils, cakes and proteins to be produced therefrom.
- To carry on the business as manufacturers, processors, importers, exporters, traders, packers and to treat, process, purchase, sell, market, repack or otherwise deal in horticulture, vegetable, fruit and fruit products and food processing and fruit juices and essences, vegetable juices and essences and drinks thereof; milk products, condensed milk powder, milk cream, cheese, butter, oil and all types of flowers, flower products and flower essences and to carry on the business of farmers, dairymen, milk contractors and dairy farmers.
- To establish experimental farms and research stations in India or elsewhere for conducting experiments, tests and research for developing better quantities and qualities of food grains and agricultural products and for developing milch strain in cattle by cross breeding or otherwise and increasing egg laying capacity in poultry and also for finding other ways and means of improving other agricultural crops, produce, seed, fodder crops and cattle feed of all kinds.
- To acquire by purchase, lease or otherwise, land for farming and to establish and run farms and carry on the business of agriculture, horticulture, dairy farming, animal husbandry, to carry out any processes connected with any one or more of such products, scientifically store farm products, and to purchase, sell or otherwise deal in articles of farm product.
- To design, develop, invent, assemble, fabricate, manufacture, distribute, market, sell, service, repair, replace refrigeration, air conditioning plants, cold storage machinery, cooling appliances, apparatuses and machinery, freezing, dehydrating equipment, dehumidifying equipment, heating equipment, boilers, industrial furnaces, kitchen equipments, complete and parts, accessories, articles and fittings thereof, fabrication of these out of any metal and fibre reinforced plastic.
- To manufacture, produce, process or assemble and deal in air and gas treatment plants and equipments, air conditioning plants, chilling plants, refrigeration, cold storage machinery and equipment, industrial fans, steam heaters, air filters, air curtains, spray painting booths and complete systems relating to air and gas technology.
- To carry on the business of manufacturers and dealers in machinery and plant of every description and kind and in particular machine tools and implements, and to manufacture, produce, repair, alter, convert, recondition, prepare for sale, buy, sell, hire, import, export, let on hire, trade and deal in machine tools and implements, plant equipments, articles, apparatus, appliances, components, parts, accessories, fittings and things in any stage or degree of manufacture, process or refinement.
- To execute the jobs of air conditioning, cooling, refrigeration and heating of premises, vehicles, railway coaches and wagons.
- To carry on business as manufacturers, producers, fabricators, assemblers, developers, designers, importers, exporters, traders, buyers, sellers, suppliers, indenters, agents, subagents, reconditioners, hirers, charterers, repairers, cleaners of or otherwise deal in all types, varieties, specifications, descriptions and capacities of aircraft, airbus, helicopters, training planes, bombers, hovercraft, spaceships, spacecraft, rockets, space shuttles, and other craft of all type and description for carrying passengers, cargo and goods of whatever nature or for defence, security or other craft of all types and description capable of being flown in air or run on land whether carrying passengers or cargo and all other equipments of whatever nature or kind used in aircraft or hovercraft.
- To manufacture, deal in, recondition and service aircraft and other apparatuses of every description capable of being flown or navigated in the air, whether powered or not and to deal in their components, parts, accessories, fittings, equipments, instruments, systems, devices, consumables and other allied products thereof.
- To carry on the business as travel agents, freight and passenger ticket booking agents, aircraft plyers, flight couriers and to undertake any contract or assignment from government, semi government or other authorities to operate any air taxi route.
- To carry on business as manufacturers, producers, designers, importers, exporters, traders, buyers, sellers, indenters, agents, subagents, repairers, cleaners or otherwise deal in and operate all types of aeroplanes, seaplanes, flying boats, hovercraft, helicopters, and other craft or conveyances appropriate for the carriage of passengers, freight and mails by air and all or any parts, equipments, engines, machinery and plant relating thereto and to carry out and conduct any tests, experiments, research or development necessary or expedient for such purpose.
- To carry on the business of chartering aircraft, helicopters and allied air vehicles in scheduled and unscheduled manner to institutions, concerns, body corporates, associations (incorporated or unincorporated), Governments, public and local bodies and authorities, societies and trusts and persons in India and outside and to undertake and operate air service and air taxi operations subject to the permission and control of appropriate Government and their agencies as may be required.
- To purchase, take on lease, hire, take licences of, or otherwise acquire or sell, let out, or otherwise give any exclusive or other right or interest in aerodromes, landing grounds, airports, helipads, land and sea planes bases, hangers, machine shops, engineering shops, sheds for servicing, maintaining, and landing all kinds of aircraft in any part of the world and to obtain and hold from any state, sovereign, government, or semi governmental authority, any licences, authorities or rights necessary or convenient for such purpose.
- To manufacture, deal in, recondition and service aircraft and other apparatuses of every description capable of being flown or navigated in the air, whether powered or not and to deal in their components, parts, accessories, fittings, equipments, instruments, systems, devices, consumables and other allied products thereof.
- To carry on the business of travel agents, tour operators, general carriers, forwarding agents, packers and movers, air transporters, aerial surveyors.
- To carry on business as manufacturers, producers, designers, importers, exporters, traders, buyers, sellers, indenters, agents, subagents, repairers, cleaners or otherwise deal in and operate all types of aeroplanes, seaplanes, flying boats, hovercraft, helicopters, and other craft or conveyances appropriate for the carriage of passengers, freight and mails by air and all or any parts, equipments, engines, machinery and plant relating thereto and to carry out and conduct any tests, experiments, research or development necessary or expedient for such purpose.
- To carry on the business of chartering aircraft, helicopters and allied air vehicles in scheduled and unscheduled manner to institutions, concerns, body corporates, associations (incorporated or unincorporated), Governments, public and local bodies and authorities, societies and trusts and persons in India and outside and to undertake and operate air service and air taxi operations subject to the permission and control of appropriate Government and their agencies as may be required.
- To purchase, take on lease, hire, take licences of, or otherwise acquire or sell, let out, or otherwise give any exclusive or other right or interest in aerodromes, landing grounds, airports, helipads, land and sea planes bases, hangers, machine shops, engineering shops, sheds for servicing, maintaining, and landing all kinds of aircraft in any part of the world and to obtain and hold from any state, sovereign, government, or semi governmental authority, any licences, authorities or rights necessary or convenient for such purpose.
- To manufacture, deal in, recondition and service aircraft and other apparatuses of every description capable of being flown or navigated in the air, whether powered or not and to deal in their components, parts, accessories, fittings, equipments, instruments, systems, devices, consumables and other allied products thereof.
- To carry on the business of travel agents, tour operators, general carriers, forwarding agents, packers and movers, air transporters, aerial surveyors.
- .To carry on business as manufacturers, producers, processors, growers, fermentators, distillers, refiners, makers, inventors, convertors, importers, exporters, traders, buyers, sellers, retailers, wholesalers, suppliers, indenters, bottlers, packers, movers, preservers, stockists, agents, subagents, merchants, distributors, consignors, jobbers, brokers, concessionaires or otherwise deal in acids, alkalies, salts, organic and inorganic chemicals, compounds, solvent, cryogenics, food additives, dyes, inks, paints, intermediates of any chemical, cosmetics, detergents, soaps, compressed coal, gases, petrochemicals, plastic, surface coating chemicals, adhesives, fertilizers, pesticides, insecticides, rubbers, sanitary chemicals, propellants, explosives, emulsifiers, pharmaceuticals, glass, ceramics, man made fibres, sugar and starches, fine chemicals, photographic chemicals, water purification salts and chemicals, pigments, vegetable tanning and extracts, fuel, industrial gases, and all kinds, classes, charter and property of organic and inorganic chemicals and compounds which has been developed or known or which may be developed or invented in future as a result of any research and studies made in any part of the world.
- To deal in any kinds or classes of acids, alkalies or chemicals which may be produced, manufactured, grown or formulated by any of the chemical processes, reactions, or unit operations such as alkylation, amination by reduction, ammonolysis, aromatization, calcination, carboxylation, electrolysis, esterification, fermentation, frisdel crafts filtration, halogenation, hydroformylation, and synthesis of hydrocarbons, hydrogenation, hydration, causticization, combustion, condensation, concentration, dehydration, double composition, distillation, isomerization, neutralization, nitration, oxidation, polymerization, pyrolysis or cracking reduction, silicate formation, sulfonation, saponification, alkali fusion or by any other chemical conversion, electrical conversion, physical operation or manipulation of either any raw material from mines, forest, sea, air, farm, oil, brine, gas wells or animal substances or any products, by products and residual substance from any chemical process and conversion into any marketable products, consumer or industrial goods entered directly into the economic life or as intermediates or chemicals for the manufacture of consumer items or as raw materials for further fabrication in other industries.
- To carry on business as manufacturers, producers, processors, growers, fermentators, distillers, refiners, makers, inventors, convertors, importers, exporters, traders, buyers, sellers, retailers, wholesalers, suppliers, indenters, bottlers, packers, movers, preservers, stockists, agents, subagents, merchants, distributors, consignors, jobbers, brokers or otherwise deal in oxygen, acetylene, ammonia, nitrogen, hydrogen, coal gas, natural or manmade gas, helium, and other kinds and classes of gases, mineral oil, spirit, diesel oil, kerosene, hydrocarbon oils and their blends including synthesis fuels and lubricating oils required for or used in industries, agriculture, clinics, hospitals, refrigeration, aviation, transport vehicles, space rockets and crafts, communication objects and media, power plants, domestic or public lighting, heating, cooling or cooking purposes, lighters, plants producing water, chemicals or fuels, pesticide, insecticide, defense or warfare establishments, horticulture, forest or plant protection or other allied purposes and to service, repair, manufacture, market or deal in machinery, plants, spares, cylinders, containers, gadgets, appliances and accessories required for working or using or producing any of such gases, oils and products.
To manufacture, produce, fabricate, design, develop, process, assemble, refine, make, convert, import, export, trade, buy, sell, whether as retailers, wholesalers, suppliers, indenters, packers, stockists, agents, merchants, distributors, consignors, jobbers, brokers or otherwise deal in all shapes, sizes, specifications, gauges, thickness,dimensions and varieties of aluminium ore, aluminum, aluminum utensils, wires, aluminium furniture, tools, equipments, plants, tubes, packing materials, springs, plates, circles, coils, foils, powder, rails, rods, squares, grills, doors, windows, their parts, accessories, components or any product in which aluminium is used.
To manufacture, produce, fabricate, design, develop, process, assemble, refine, make, convert, import, export, trade, buy, sell, whether as retailers, wholesalers, suppliers, indenters, packers, stockists, agents, merchants, distributors, consignors, jobbers, brokers or otherwise deal in all shapes, sizes, specifications, gauges, thickness,dimensions and varieties of aluminium ore, aluminum, aluminum utensils, wires, aluminium furniture, tools, equipments, plants, tubes, packing materials, springs, plates, circles, coils, foils, powder, rails, rods, squares, grills, doors, windows, their parts, accessories, components or any product in which aluminium is used.
To carry on the business as manufacturers, processors, producers, growers, importers, exporters, buyers, sellers, suppliers, stockists, agents, merchants, distributors of and dealer in ammonium sulphate, nitrate (double salt), ammonium chloride, superphosphate, urea and other types of ammonium nitrate, calcium ammonium nitrate ( nitriline stone), organic or inorganic or mixed fertilisers of synthetic or natural origin containing nitrogen, phosphorus or other compounds, soda ash, insecticides, preservatives, pesticides and D.D.T..
- To manufacture, produce, process, assemble, mould, make, convert, design, fabricate, press, export, trade, buy, sell or otherwise deal in all kinds of arms, ammunition, fireworks and other explosive products and accessories of all kinds whether for military, internal security, sporting, mining, industrial or for any other purpose in all shapes, sizes, varieties, capacities and specifications.
- To carry on the trade or business of arms and ammunition manufacturers and dealers and for that purpose to manufacture, purchase, process, transport and deal in guns, pistols, revolvers, rifles, machine guns, stenguns, bullets, bombs, rockets, missiles, tanks, fighter planes, cartridges, cartridge cases, detonators, fuses and other substances and articles required for or incidental to the carrying out of the above objects or any of them.
- To purchase, lease, hire, construct, provide, operate, equip and maintain land, buildings, theatres, cinemas, studios, concert halls, stadiums, tracks, arenas, golf and putting courses, bowling greens, tennis, squash and paddling pools, marinas, landing stages, jetties, coach and car parks, chairs, machines, and all other structures, apparatus, equipment and articles which may appear necessary or convenient for the carrying on of any such business.
- To carry on the business of proprietors and operators of amusement parks, and as promoters, organisers and managers of all kinds of entertainments, sports, recreations, indoor and outdoor amusements, including funfairs, circuses, amusement arcades, exhibitions, sideshows and games, competitions, tournaments, concerts, cinema and television performance, stage and variety shows, dancing, skating, aquatic and equestrian events, and pyrotechnic, aerial and other displays and to enter into agreements with, grant lease and licences to, and engage and employ showmen, artists, entertainers, performers, sportsmen and other persons for the purpose.
- To carry on, either directly or providing facilities for others, the business of restaurant, milk bar and cafe proprietors, licensed victualers, wine, beer and spirit merchants (wholesale and retail), manufacturers and vendors of alcoholic or non-alcoholic drinks, groceries and provisions and of refreshment caterers, suppliers and contractors.
- To carry on, either directly or providing facilities for others, the business of manufacturers and vendors, whether wholesale or retail of all kinds of confectionery, ice cream, tobacco and cigarettes, toys, scent and perfumery goods, fancy goods, photographic materials, fancy jewellery, stationery, newspapers, periodicals and other publications, textiles and other soft goods, and any articles for sale in automatic vending machines, or for use in any game playing or amusement machines.
- To purchase, lease, hire, construct, provide, operate, equip and maintain land, buildings, theatres, cinemas, studios, concert halls, stadiums, tracks, arenas, golf and putting courses, bowling greens, tennis, squash and paddling pools, marinas, landing stages, jetties, coach and car parks, chairs, machines, and all other structures, apparatus, equipment and articles which may appear necessary or convenient for the carrying on of any such business.
- To carry on the business of proprietors and operators of amusement parks, and as promoters, organisers and managers of all kinds of entertainments, sports, recreations, indoor and outdoor amusements, including funfairs, circuses, amusement arcades, exhibitions, sideshows and games, competitions, tournaments, concerts, cinema and television performance, stage and variety shows, dancing, skating, aquatic and equestrian events, and pyrotechnic, aerial and other displays and to enter into agreements with, grant lease and licences to, and engage and employ showmen, artists, entertainers, performers, sportsmen and other persons for the purpose.
- To carry on, either directly or providing facilities for others, the business of restaurant, milk bar and cafe proprietors, licensed victualers, wine, beer and spirit merchants (wholesale and retail), manufacturers and vendors of alcoholic or non-alcoholic drinks, groceries and provisions and of refreshment caterers, suppliers and contractors.
- To carry on, either directly or providing facilities for others, the business of manufacturers and vendors, whether wholesale or retail of all kinds of confectionery, ice cream, tobacco and cigarettes, toys, scent and perfumery goods, fancy goods, photographic materials, fancy jewellery, stationery, newspapers, periodicals and other publications, textiles and other soft goods, and any articles for sale in automatic vending machines, or for use in any game playing or amusement machines.
- To acquire, promote, establish, maintain, conduct and run testing laboratory, research laboratory, experimental workshops, scientific laboratory, pathology laboratory, medical examination centres, diagnostic centres, investigation centres and other organisations for examination, analysis, investigations, test, experiment & research on behalf of government, semi government, local authorities, private bodies and general public for all kinds of materials, including pharmaceuticals, drugs, chemicals, medical, metallurgical, electronic, cement, electrical, agricultural, edibles, and other items of industrial, domestic or commercial use.
- To buy, sell, import, export, consign, store, clean, recondition & develop or otherwise to deal in all types of intermediates, chemicals, instruments, equipments, apparatuses, accessories, fittings, goods, articles or things which are required for the attainment of the above objects.
- To provide cargo inspection, survey, sampling facility for export material and insurance purposes.
- To provide ISI, ISO9000, Food and Drug administration, Agmark, NPL testing and consultancy facilities.
- To work and act as analyser, examiners of pharmaceuticals, medicines and drugs manufactured by the manufacturers and others including government, semi government bodies and also to carry on the profession of analyst, pathologists and examiners of materials.
- To provide testing facilities for food items, chemicals, edible oils, agricultural raw material and products, industrial raw material and products, water, effluent water, air, gases, sludge, textile auxiliaries and finished products, cement, alloys, packing material, soap and detergent , etc. to small and big industries to have control on the quality of the products.
- To provide facilities for analysing the industrial effluents, sludges and gases which covers air, water and soil pollution and also to provide monitoring facilities for soil, water, air pollution on turn key basis for clean environment.
- To provide R and D services to various industries by running pilot studies at laboratory level.
- To provide calibration facilities of various physical instruments to industries so as to reduce the
incident of accidents and maintain the quality of the product.
- To provide testing of soil for physical and mechanical parameter which will help in deciding the quality of construction of multi-storey buildings, rivers, dams, bridges, etc.
- To provide ISI, ISO9000, Food and Drug administration, Agmark, NPL testing and consultancy facilities.
- To provide cargo inspection, survey, sampling facility for export material and insurance purposes.
- To carry on scientific and technical researches, experiments and tests of all kinds for and on behalf of government, semi government bodies and for others.
- The Objects Incidental or Ancillary to the Attainment of Main Objects:-
- To purchase, lease or take on lease, hire, construct, develop, let out, exchange, sale, work of deal in land, building, flats and to manufacture, assemble, export, import and deal in products and by products, raw materials required in connection therewith in which the company is authorised to carry on business.
- To acquire or otherwise undertake the whole or any part of the business, assets and liabilities of any person or company.
- To promote, form or acquire any Company and to transfer to any such company any property of this Company.
- To undertake, carry out, promote and sponsor rural development including any programme for promoting the social and economic welfare of or the uplift of the public in any rural area and the Directors may, in order to implement any of the above mentioned objects or purposes, transfer or divest the ownership of any property of the Company without consideration, or at such fair or concessional value as the Directors may think fit to or in favour of any public institution or Trusts of Funds or any society registered under the Societies Registration Act,1956 as the Directors may approve.
- To apply for purchase or otherwise acquire any patents, trade names, trade marks, brevet deinvention, licences, concessions, protections, rights to their use or any secret or other information as to any invention which may seem capable of being used for any of the purpose of the company or the acquisition of which may seem calculated directly or indirectly to the benefit of the Company and to use, exercise, develop, grant licences in respect of or otherwise turn to account the property rights or information so acquired and to assist, encourage and spend money in making experiments,improvements of all inventions, patents and rights etc. which the Company may acquire propose to acquire.
- To amalgate with any Company.
- To enter into partnership or into any arrangement for share profits, union of interests, cartels, co-operation, joint ventures, reciprocals concession or to lend money or to guarantee the contracts of or otherwise assist any such person or company.
- To invest and deal with the surplus money of the Company in such manner as may from time to time be determined by the directors.
- To Sale, let, exchange or otherwise deal with the undertaking of the company or any part thereof for such consideration as the Company any think fit and in particular for shares, debentures or securities or any other company having object altogether or in part similar to those of the Company.
- Subject to the provisions of the Companies Act and the rules framed thereunder and directives issued by the RBI to receive deposit on interest or otherwise lend money on mortgage of immovable property or in hypothecation or pledge of movable property or without any security to such person and on having dealing with the Company, but not amounting to any Banking business as defined under the Banking regulation Act, 1949.
- To purchase or otherwise acquire any patents, brevets, deinvention, licences, concession, copyrights, exhibition rights, trade marks and the likes of conferring any exclusive or limited right to use any invention, process or article which may seem capable of being used for any of the purpose of the company or the acquisition of which may seem calculated directly or indirectly to benefit this company and to use, exercise, develop or grant, licence in respect or otherwise turn to account the property so acquired.
- To established and support or aid in the establishment and support of Association, Institution, Provident funds, trusts and conveniences calculated to assist the company in the conduct of its business or to benefit employees or ex-employees of the Company or the dependents or connections of such persons and to grant pensions and allowances and to make payments towards insurance and to subscribe, donate or guarantee money for charitable, religious or benevolent or any other objects beneficial to the Company or public or for any exhibition or useful objects or for any other purpose which the directors may consider reasonable, but not intended to serve any political cause or purpose.
- To make, draw, accept, hold, endorse, issue and otherwise negotiate all kinds of negotiable or transferable securities and instruments including promissory notes, drafts, hundies, bills of exchange, bills of lading, debentures and securities, issued by the State or Central Government in India or to any foreign Government and to carry on the business of stock brokers but not to do the business of Banking within the meaning of Banking Regulation Act, 1949.
- To guarantee the performance contracts by members or persons having dealing with the Company for the purpose of the business of Company and to guarantee the payment of money, unsecured by or payable under or in respect of bonds, debentures, debenture stocks, contracts, mortgages, charges, obligations and other securities of any company or of any authority, Central, State, Municipal, Local or otherwise, or of any person whomsoever whether incorporated or not and generally to transect all kinds of guarantee business, to guarantee the issue of or the payment of interest on the shares, debentures, debenture stocks or other securities or obligations or any company or association and to pay or provide for brokerage, commission and under writing in respect of any such issue and to transect all kinds of trust and agency business in which the company is authorized to carry on relating to the business.
- To borrow or raise or secure the payment of money in such manner as the Company shall think fit and by the issue of debenture perpetual or otherwise charges upon all or any of the company’s property, stock-in-trade and other movable or immovable assets and book debts and claim-in action both present and future including its uncalled capital if any and to apply the same or any part thereof for all or any purpose of the company and to purchase, redeem or pay off any such securities.
- To remunerate any person or company for services rendered or to be rendered in or about the formation for promotion of the company or the conduct of its business or for otherwise assisting or rendering services directly or indirectly to the company.
- To establish agencies or branch for the purchase and seal and manufacture goods of all description in India or elsewhere and to undertake the supervision of any company or companies having objects altogether or in part similar to those of this company.
- To manage, let, mortgage, sell, underlet or otherwise turn to account or dispose of or deal with all or any part of the real or immovable and personal movable property and rights of the company whenever and however acquired.
- To open branches, sub-office, deposits and multiple shops in any state of India or outside India and to appoint agents, stockiest, distributors, sub distributors and brokers to procure orders, market or sell the products of the company or the goods of any other firms or company in which this company may be dealing.
- To provide for the welfare of employees (including Director and Ex Directors) of the company and the wives and families or the dependents of such persons by building or contributing to the building of dwelling houses or quarters, to grant money, pensions, gratuities, allowances, bonuses, profits sharing bonuses or benefits or any other payments, by creating and from time to time subscribing or contributing to provident fund institutions funds profits sharing or other schemes or trusts and by providing or subscribing ,contributing towards place of instruction and recreation, hospitals and dispensaries medical and other attendance or assistance as the company shall thinks fit.
- To acquire from any person, firm or body corporate or unincorporated, whether in India or elsewhere technical information, know-how process, engineering, manufacturing and operating data, plans, layouts and blue prints useful for the design, erection and operation of plant, machinery or apparatus required for attaining the main objects of the company and to acquire any grant of licence and other rights and benefits in connections therewith.
- To do other thing ancillary to main business that may seem to the company capable of being conveniently carried on in connection with the main objects or calculated directly or indirectly to enhance the value of or render profitable any of the Company’s property or rights of which it may be advisable to undertake with a view to improving, developing, rendering valuable or turning to account any property real, or personal, belonging to the Company or in which the company may be interested and to do all or any of the above things, either as principals, agents, trustees, contractors or otherwise and either alone or in conjunction with other and either by though agents, sub-contractors trustees or otherwise.
- To establish, provide, maintain and conduct research and other laboratories, training colleges, schools and others institutions for the training, education and instruction of students and others who may desire to avail themselves or the same and to provide for the delivery and holding of lectures, demonstration, exhibitions, classes, meetings and conferences in connection therewith.
- To aid peculiarly or otherwise any association, body or movement having for an objects the solution, settlement or surmounting of industrial or labour problems or troubles or the promotion of industry or trade.
- To enter into any arrangement and to take, all necessary or proper steps with Governments or with other authorities supreme, national, local, municipal or otherwise of any place in which the Company may have interest and to carry on any negotiations or operations for the purpose directly or indirectly carrying out the objects of the Company or effecting any modifications in the constitutions of the company or furthering the interests of its members and to oppose any such steps taken by any other company, firm or person which may be considered likely directly or indirectly, to prejudice the interests of the Company or its members and to promote or assist the promotion, whether directly or indirectly, of any legislation which may appear to be in the interests of the company and to oppose and resist, whether directly or indirectly, any legislation which may seem disadvantageous to the Company and to obtain from any such Government authority of any company by lawful mean any charters, contractors, decrees, rights, grants, loans, privileges or concessions which the company think fit and desirable to obtain and to carry out, exercise any company with any such arrangements, charters decrees, rights privileges or concessions.
- To adopt such means of making known the products of the Company as may seem expedient and in particular by advertising in the press or any other media by purchase, exhibition or reproduction of works of art of interest, by publication of books, pictures and periodicals and by granting prizes, rewards and donations or in such other manner as the Company may deem desirable.
- To undertake and execute any trust the undertaking of which may seem to the Company desirable and either gratuitously, or otherwise and vest any real or personnel property rights or interests acquired by or belonging to the Company and with or without any declared trust in favour of the Company.
- Subject to the provisions of the Companies Act, 1956, to subscribe or guarantee money for any national, charitable, benevolent, public, general or useful object or for any exhibition subject to the compliances of Central and State laws.
- Subject to the provisions of any law for the time being in force distribution among the members in specie any property of the Company and proceeds of sale or disposal of any property of the Company in the event of winding up.
- To buy, repair, alter, improves, exchange, let out on hire, import, export and deal in all factories, works, plant, machinery, tools, utensils, appliances, apparatus, products, materials, substances, articles and things capable of being used any business, which this company may competent to carry on or which may seem capable of being profitable to deal with in connection therewith and to experiment with, render marketable and deal in all products or residual and by-products incidental to or obtained in any of the business carried on by the Company and to do all such other things as may be deemed incidental or conductive to the attainment of the main objects of the Company or any of them.
- To subscribe, purchase, acquire, hold, sell, underwrite, invest, sell dispose and otherwise deal in shares, stocks, debentures, debenture stock, Government securities bonds, units of any Company or other authority supreme, Municipal or local.
- To purchase, prepare, breed, rear, sell, import, export, improve, deal and trade in all kinds of animals, cattle and live stock such as cow, ox, bull, buffaloes, fish, horses, asses, donkeys, mules, pigs, sheep, goats, birds, bee, poultry, live and dead stocks of every description and to process, pack, preserve, distribute or otherwise deal in milk, cream, butter, honey, egg, pork, prawn and other commodities, goods or things, products, wastes, by products, residuals of animal origin.
- To undertake and carry on poultry farms, fishery, piggery and dairy farming and for the purpose to prepare stables, dens, sheds, kennels, nests, burrows, dwelling places and grazing pastures, veterinary hospitals for keeping and rearing animals, livestock for safe custody and for improving their breed by cross breeding or otherwise deal in all kinds and classes of animal products including meat, ham, pork, steak, beef, chicken, oils, fats, skins, nails, teeth, hair, hooves, horns, etc.
- To undertake and carry on poultry farms, fishery, piggery and dairy farming and for the purpose to prepare stables, dens, sheds, kennels, nests, burrows, dwelling places and grazing pastures, veterinary hospitals for keeping and rearing animals, livestock for safe custody and for improving their breed by cross breeding or otherwise deal in all kinds and classes of animal products including meat, ham, pork, steak, beef, chicken, oils, fats, skins, nails, teeth, hair, hooves, horns, etc.
- To purchase, prepare, breed, rear, sell, import, export, improve, deal and trade in all kinds of animals, cattle and live stock such as cow, ox, bull, buffaloes, fish, horses, asses, donkeys, mules, pigs, sheep, goats, birds, bee, poultry, live and dead stocks of every description and to process, pack, preserve, distribute or otherwise deal in milk, cream, butter, honey, egg, pork, prawn and other commodities, goods or things, products, wastes, by products, residuals of animal origin
- To manufacture, produce, prepare, assemble, heat, grade, mould, cast, buy, sell, resale, import, export, store, forward, distribute, dispose of, develop, handle, manipulate, market, supply or otherwise to deal in all types, description, diameters, capacities, applications and uses of mechanical appliances, goods, merchandise, articles, machinery, equipments, devices capable of being run and consume electricity or capable of generating and distributing electricity or power of any type whatsoever such as ceiling fans, rotators, transformers, air conditioners, diesel engines.
- To carry on business of manufacturers, producers, processors, exporters, buyers, sellers, traders, distributors, fabricators, assemblers, fitters, installers, repairers, agents and dealers in electrical, electronics and mechanical engineering items including motors, pumps, generator sets, and all types of electrical, mechanical, electromechanical & electronic items, and spare parts, accessories used for industrial, domestic and agricultural purposes.
To manufacture, produce, process, develop, design, assemble, repair, import, export, buy, sell, brand, hire, let on hire, lease, pack, re pack, recondition, service, supply or otherwise deal in all models, shapes, sizes, capacities and varieties of domestic and household appliances, heating, cooking and electrical appliances, devices, gadgets such as stoves, pressure cookers, ovens, cooking ranges, hot plates, other cooking utensils of all types, containers, buckets, refrigerators, dryers, heaters, geysers, irons, mixers, filters, ceiling fans, table fans, exhaust fans, vacuum cleaners, washing machines, air conditioners, tube light fittings, radio, television, Stereo, videos, tape recorders, electronic motor and other similar products, their consumables, parts, accessories, components, fittings whether as wholesalers, retailers, agents, sub agents, distributors or otherwise.
To manufacture, produce, process, develop, design, assemble, repair, import, export, buy, sell, brand, hire, let on hire, lease, pack, repack, recondition, service, supply or otherwise deal in all models, shapes, sizes, capacities and varieties of domestic and household appliances, heating, cooking and electrical appliances, devices, gadgets such as stoves, pressure cookers, ovens, cooking ranges, hot plates, other cooking utensils of all types, containers, buckets, refrigerators, dryers, heaters, geysers, irons, mixers, filters, ceiling fans, table fans, exhaust fans, vacuum cleaners, washing machines, air conditioners, tube light fittings, radio, television, Stereo, videos, tape recorders, electronic motor and other similar products, their consumable, parts, accessories, components, fittings whether as wholesalers, retailers, agents, subagents, distributors or otherwise.
- To carry on the business of manufacturers, producers, stockiest, commission agents, importers, exporters of electrical products and other domestic appliances, their assemblies, kits, spares and accessories.
- To manufacture, produce, process, develop, design, assemble, repair, import, export, buy, sell, brand, hire, let on hire, lease, pack, repack, recondition, service, supply or otherwise deal in all models, shapes, sizes, capacities and varieties of electrical appliances, domestic and household appliances, heating, cooking appliances and devices, gadgets such as refrigerators, dryers, heaters, geysers, irons, mixers, filters, ceiling fans, table fans, exhaust fans, vacuum cleaners, washing machines, air conditioners, radio, television, pressure cookers, ovens, cooking ranges, hot plates, other cooking utensils of all types, and other similar products, their consumable, parts, accessories, components, fittings such as electrical wires and accessories; heaters, presses, enamelled wires, cords, tapes, cells, tubes, lamps, electrical motors, conductors, capacitors, electrical furnaces, transformers, light fittings, chokes, ballasts, stabilizers, electro medical instruments, insulators, transistors, polythene pipes, connectors, conduit pipes, internal circuits, relays and other allied articles and appliances for any use in domestic or industrial purposes whether as wholesalers, retailers, agents, subagents, distributors or otherwise and to act as electrical/electronic engineers and consultants.
- To carry on the business of manufacturers, producers, stockists, commission agents, importers, exporters of electrical products and other domestic appliances, their assemblies, kits, spares and accessories.
- To manufacture, produce, process, develop, design, assemble, repair, import, export, buy, sell, brand, hire, let on hire, lease, pack, re pack, recondition, service, supply or otherwise deal in all models, shapes, sizes, capacities and varieties of electrical appliances, domestic and household appliances, heating, cooking appliances and devices, gadgets such as refrigerators, dryers, heaters, geysers, irons, mixers, filters, ceiling fans, table fans, exhaust fans, vacuum cleaners, washing machines, air conditioners, radio, television, pressure cookers, ovens, cooking ranges, hot plates, other cooking utensils of all types, and other similar products, their consumables, parts, accessories, components, fit tings such as electrical wires and accessories; heaters, presses, enamelled wires, cords, tapes, cells, tubes, lamps, electrical motors, conductors, capacitors, electrical furnaces, transformers, light fittings, chokes, ballasts, stabilizers, electromedical instruments, insulators, transistors, polythene pipes, connectors, conduit pipes, internal circuits, relays and other allied articles and appliances for any use in domestic or industrial purposes whether as wholesalers, retailers, agents, sub agents, distributors or otherwise and to act as electrical/electronic engineers and consultants.
- To carry on the business in prawn culture either by developing ponds or by catching prawn in sea waters.
- To buy, sell, barter, import or otherwise deal whether as wholesalers or retailers or as exporters or importers or as principals or agents or brokers or otherwise to catch fish and procure sea foods and preserve, smoke, cure, freeze, prepare or process or otherwise to deal in all sorts of fresh, chilled, dried, salted, inbrine or frozen sea foods, fish meals, fish products, vegetables, and to manufacture or procure any substances or articles wholly or partially from fish or sea foods for human or animal consumption.
- To carry on the business of keepers, warehousemen and transporters of fish, sea foods, processed fish and sea foods, vegetables, fruits, meat, eggs, poultry and foods of every description.
- To purchase, sell, lease, exchange, hire or otherwise acquire, deal, operate, equip and use trawlers, vessels, plants, apparatuses, equipments and articles for catching, procuring, processing, preserving, packing, bottling, canning and extracting fish, fish products, sea foods of all kinds.
- To manufacture, purchase and otherwise deal in all kinds of fishing, farming, gardening and canning equipments, implements, tools, stores, accessories, requisites, chemicals, feeds, manures, preservatives, protective and things required for the purpose of fishing, farming and canning business.
- To work as architects, engineers, designers, surveyors, town planners, valuers, interior and exterior decorators and contractor for carrying out civil construction works, earth moving jobs, construction of roads, buildings, dams and irrigation works, airways strips, and other roads and buildings of any and every description.
- To carry on the profession of Architecture in all its branches and in particular as urban design consultants, engineers, industrial and interior designers, town planners, and to render technical knowhow for the design of buildings, roads, airway strips and other construction works, and their supervision during construction stage and rendering skilled services for projects, the design of projects with projects reports, feasibility studies, schematic designs, development of designs, preparation of construction drawings, preparation of tender drawings, invitation to tenderers, award of construction work, administration of construction contracts and commissioning, preparation of drawings and details for structural, sanitary, electrical, air conditioning and other specialised services related to building works and for the execution of projects both in India and abroad.
- To provide professional services in respect of town planning, urban design work including the preparation of landscape proposals, interior designs, including selection of furniture and furnishing, special interior designs, features, industrial design and exhibition and display.
- To manufacture, produce, process, assemble, mould, make, convert, design, fabricate, press, export, trade, buy, sell or otherwise deal in all kinds of arms, ammunition, fireworks and other explosive products and accessories of all kinds whether for military, internal security, sporting, mining, industrial or for any other purpose in all shapes, sizes, varieties, capacities and specifications.
- To carry on the trade or business of arms and ammunition manufacturers and dealers and for that purpose to manufacture, purchase, process, transport and deal in guns, pistols, revolvers, rifles, machine guns, stenguns, bullets, bombs, rockets, missiles, tanks, fighter planes, cartridges, cartridge cases, detonators, fuses and other substances and articles required for or incidental to the carrying out of the above objects or any of them.
To manufacture, produce, process, make, develop, distribute, convert, import, export, trade, buy, sell whether as retailers or wholesalers, suppliers, indenters, packers, repackers, preservers, stockists, agents, subagents, merchants, consignors, jobbers, brokers, or otherwise deal in perfumes, aromatic, perfumery and flavouring substances like phenones, acetyle derivatives, anthracites alcohols, aldehydes, esters, acids, salicylates, all types of synthetic musks, and its compounds, and derivatives, and compounds or chemical or derivatives used in perfumery industries, perfumery products, including deodorisers, depilatories, toilet preparations, agarbattis, scents, sprays and other goods, all essentials oils, both natural and synthetic, and all sorts of perfumes, raw material and compounds required for the manufacture of the above products made from or with the use of any of the products thereof.
- To carry on the business of exhibitors of and dealers in pictures and prints, and of artists’ agents, makers, importers, exporters and sellers of picture frames, artists’ colours, pastels, oils, acrylics and other paints, brushes, easels and other instruments, articles and ingredients relating to any such business.
- To carry on the business of publishers, book and print sellers, magazine proprietors, fine art journalists, printers and engravers, advertisement agents and purchasers and sellers of copyrights.
- To engage in the business of production, manufacturing, buying, selling, exchanging, importing, exporting and dealing either in wholesale or in retail in handicrafts made of metal, wood, cement, stone, paper, cloth, lace, leather, and other materials or with any combination thereof such as Handicrafts of aluminum, copper, brass, bronze, bell metal, German silver, silver or any alloy thereof, real and imitation; zari, zariwoven embroidered products; Handicrafts of paper, marble, leather such as hand bags, pouches, bangle boxes, belts, travel goods, carpets, rugs and druggets, wood articles; goods and articles of stones, plaster of Paris such as statues, monuments, photo frames, models of histori cal places, model temples etc., hand made paintings, drawings and pastels, original engravings, prints and lithographs, collections of zoological, botanical, mineralogical and anatomical, historical, archaeological, paleontological, ethnographical or numismatic inters, handloom materials, antiques, art goods, wearing and deco rative apparels of every kinds, nature and description, and also to carry on the business of all kinds of ivory and metal works.
To carry on business as manufacturers, producers, processors, makers, importers, exporters, traders, buyers, sellers, indenters, packers, movers, retailers, wholesalers, suppliers, stockists, agents, subagents, distributors, brokers or otherwise deal in artificial limbs, eyes, legs, hands, arms or any other limbs, other parts of human body or of any animal and providers of all requisites for hospitals, patients and invalids such as crutches, chairs, stretchers, carriages, ambulances.
- To carry on the business as manufacturers, buyers, sellers and dealers in asbestos and other sheeting materials; articles or goods of every description made or composed wholly or partly of asbestos, cement, concrete, concrete products, plasters, lime, clay, gravel, sand or minerals, earth, coke, fuel china, terracotta and ceramic ware of all kinds, quarry owners, road and sewer contractors, carriers, auctioneers, house and estate agents, surveyors and architects, and to carry on any joiner works, steel casement works, or any other works, treatment of asbestos or other minerals or substances.
- To manufacture, process, trade or deal in and undertake manufacturing of bricks, tiles, cement pipes, cement poles, lime, building materials, requisites and other materials used in construction or any substitute thereof.
- To act as surveyors, loss assessors and claim settling agents for and on account of India and foreign underwriters for all branches/ disciplines of General Insurance viz, fire, marine (cargo and hull), motor and miscellaneous engineering and to undertake valuation of movable and immovable properties at any place within or outside India.
- To act as architects, consultants, engineers, fabricators, designers, developers, decorators for buildings commercial, residential or industrial and any other type of structures and to provide civil, architectural and interior decoration services.
- To undertake steamer & ship surveys on behalf of the ship owners and/ or shipping agents within India and outside India and also to undertake quality surveys, weighments, sampling, standardisation, preshipment inspection & cargo superintendence services in India and abroad.
- To undertake market research and surveys for specific industries and to act as risk management consultants and Insurance consultants for industrial houses, business concerns and clients of the Company.
- To establish, promote, form, organise, sponsor, operate, supervise, manage and carry on business as administrators or managers of investment funds, mutual funds (both local as well as offshore), growth funds, income or capital funds, taxable or tax exempt funds, provident funds, pension funds, superannuation funds, charitable funds, trusts funds, of person or bodies of persons whether incorporated or not, as part of mutual fund business for investment in equity and other securities, to contribute to the development of capital market and for providing facility for participation by subscribers, holders of units in the mutual funds and in the profits or income arising from the acquisition, holding, management and disposal of the securities and other properties whatsoever and for that purpose to promote, establish, manage and carry on various schemes as may be approved by Securities & Exchange Board of India (SEBI) and all concerned authorities and conducive to the management of the company concerning shares, stocks, debentures, debenture stocks, bonds, units, obligations, securitised debts, promissory notes, participation certificate, policies, money market investment securities, policies of the Central and State Government, company, corporation, municipal, local or other body or authority or obligations of other securities or investments of any kind or description whether in India or in any foreign country.
- To act as financial consultants, management consultants and to provide advice, service, consultancy in various fields, general administrative, secretarial, commercial, financial, legal, economic, labour, industrial, public relations, scientific, technical, direct and indirect taxation and other levies, statistical, accountancy, quality control and data processing.
- To establish, encourage, aid and assist and promote friendly feelings amongst employees and with this view, to establish and to adopt all such welfare measures as may seem to the Association expedient.
- To establish and support or aid in the establishment and support of associations, institutions, funds, trusts and conveniences calculated to benefit employees or directors or past employees or directors of the company or of its predecessors in business or the dependents of any such persons; and to grant pensions and allowances; and to make payments towards insurance; and to subscribe or guarantee money for charitable or benevolent objects, or for any exhibition or for any public, general or useful object.
- To set up library and reading rooms, health, educational and other amenities and to provide facilities for practice and knowledge of music, art, drama and other hobbies and to give or to arrange concerts, musical entertainments, programmes, shows, displays, invite writers, speakers, poets, composers, philosophers, religious preachers and to give prizes and awards.
- To provide housing accommodation and for the purpose to purchase, acquire, take on lease or rent land and to construct, renovate, rehabilitate, and develop the same for disposing it of or letting it on hire or lease and for providing facilities to the members or others on such rentals as may be considered in the interest of the Association.
- To manage and provide all reasonable facilities for the purchase and consumption of goods, non alcoholic drinks and to provide reading and writing material and newspaper rooms and library.
- To raise capital by means of donations, grants, contributions from members or others and by way of monthly subscriptions or otherwise from members and also to borrow money on such security and on such terms as the Association may from time to time consider.
- To promote, form, encourage, establish and run business and trade associations in India and abroad for matters relating to regional, national, intercontinental & international interest and welfare to boost, regulate and develop trade, transport, industry, science, health care, food, environment, social welfare, housing, insurance, communication, aviation, finance, entertainment, art, banking and other subjects of social, economic, commercial, defence, science and general importance and to participate, delegate, organise & sponsor seminars, workshops, meetings, festivals, training centres, classes & lectures for the attainment of above objects.
- To encourage a friendly feeling and unanimity amongst business community on all subjects connected with the common good of business.
- To collect and circulate statistics and other information relating to agriculture, trade, commerce and industry.
- To consider all questions connected with or affecting any trade, commerce and manufacture; to obtain the removal, as far as possible, of grievances affecting businessmen or mercantile interests in general; and to promote or oppose legislative and other measures as circumstances may require and to secure organised action on all subjects mentioned above.
- To promote and safeguard the interest of all Export Oriented Units in India licensed under the Export Schemes already framed or to be framed from time to time by the Government of India.
- To work for the betterment of the members by providing facilities in carrying on any trade or manufacture relating to export oriented industries.
- To represent the grievances of the manufacturers collectively before concerned authorities and to assist in their solution in a peaceful and legal manner.
- To collect information and data relating the industry, disseminate and circulate the same amongst its
- To cooperate with other manufacturers, trade associations and other bodies for the advancement of trade and manufacturing interest of the members.
- To subscribe in and aid in the promotion of the aims and objects of any society or Association having objects similar to all or any of the objects of the Association
To carry on the business of auctioneers, surveyors, loss assessors, valuers and appraisers of all kind of movable or immovable properties, goods, merchandise and for the above purpose to act as agents to companies, firms, government departments and others or otherwise sell, purchase, export, import and deal in any goods or properties
- To manufacture, produce, process, make, invent, convert, repair, assemble, import, export, trade, buy, sell whether as retailers or wholesalers, suppliers, indenters, packers, movers, preservers, stockists, agents, subagents, merchants, distributors, consignors, jobbers, brokers or otherwise deal in audio, video products or video heads, devices, magnetic tapes, tape recorders, VCRs, VCPs, cleaners, cassettes and all other parts, components, accessories used in any audio, visual, or audiovisual devices.
- To establish in any part of India or elsewhere, libraries for keeping and lending on hire or otherwise video cassettes, audio cassettes, books, magazines, newspapers and other publications.
- To carry on all or any of the business of importers and exporters, buyers, sellers, stockists, suppliers, agents and distributors, wholesale and retail dealers, repairers, hirers, stores of and workers in motor cars, motor buses, omnibuses, motor lorries, station wagons, motor trucks, motor cycles, scooters, jeeps, trolleys, trailers, buses, motor vans, vehicles, commercial vehicles, velocipades, whether propelled or assisted by means of petrol, diesel oil, powering oil, spirit, gas, vapour, electricity, battery, solar energy, animal, manual labour or any other powers whatsoever and to own, lease, manage, carry on and run the business of garage proprietors, workshop owners and of a service station for motor vehicles of all kinds, servicing, repairing and maintenance of vehicles of every description.
- To manufacture, produce, buy, sell all kind of spare parts, components, accessories, fittings, furnishings, engines, chassis, bodies, tools and implements, in connection with the above mentioned things such as petrol, oil, lubricants and petroleum products, new and used motor vehicles, caravans, trailers, tyres and tubes, batteries, spare parts, accessories, radios, cassette players, rubber and electrical goods and to carry on the business of body builders of motor vehicles and trucks.
- To carry on all or any of the business of carriers of passengers, goods and merchandise by sea, air, rail, road or other means of transport, manage and maintain steam ships, aircraft, automobiles, trucks, taxis, buses, lorries, vehicles and conveyance of all kind and to act as shipping, chartering, forwarding, clearing and transport agents and as warehousemen, wharfingers, freight contractors, brokers and general traders and to establish, undertake, maintain and provide all services and facilities connected therewith.
- To undertake the safe keeping, cleaning, repairing, painting, furnishing, body building, refuelling and servicing of motor vehicles of all kinds.
- To operate motor transport of all kinds, including the leasing, hiring or letting out of cars, trucks, tractors, and breakdown vehicles.
- To manufacture, press, vulcanize, repair, retreat, purchase, sell, import, export and otherwise deal in all types of tubes for all types of vehicles i.e., cars, trucks, buses, jeeps, vans, motor cycles, scooters, cycles, rickshaws and animal drawn vehicles, agricultural tractors, trolleys of all kinds, industrial tubes and solid tubes, heavy duty tubes used in earthmoving equipments, aeroplanes, inner tubes, flips, camel back, repair materials in general and other articles and things made out of natural, synthetic and reclaimed rubber, their derivatives and substitutes, rubber latex, synthetic resins and plastics.
- To process, manufacture, retread, purchase, sell, import, export and otherwise deal in all types of tyres and semi tyres for all types of vehicles, i.e., cars, trucks, buses jeeps, vans, motor cycles, scooters, rickshaws, animal drawn vehicles, tractors, trolleys, earth moving equipments, aeroplanes and for other purposes whether made of metallic or non metallic substances including natural, synthetic and reclaimed rubber, their derivatives and substitutes, rubber latex, synthetic resins and plastics carbon black, accelerators, textiles and canvas, cotton, fabric, rayon tyre cord and rayon fabric, nylon filament, nylon yarn, nylon tyre cord and nylon fabric conveyor belts, transmission belts, industrial Vbelts, hoses, foam, rubber and rubber shoes
- To carry on all or any of the business of importers and exporters, buyers, sellers, stockists, suppliers, agents and distributors, wholesale and retail dealers, repairers, hirers, stores of and workers in motor cars, motor buses, omnibuses, motor lorries, station wagons, motor trucks, motor cycles, scooters, jeeps, trolleys, trailers, buses, motor vans, vehicles, commercial vehicles, velocipades, whether propelled or assisted by means of petrol, diesel oil, powering oil, spirit, gas, vapour, electricity, battery, solar energy, animal, manual labour or any other powers whatsoever and to own, lease, manage, carry on and run the business of garage proprietors, workshop owners and of a service station for motor vehicles of all kinds, servicing, repairing and maintenance of vehicles of every description.
- To manufacture, produce, buy, sell all kind of spare parts, components, accessories, fittings, furnishings, engines, chassis, bodies, tools and implements, in connection with the above mentioned things such as petrol, oil, lubricants and petroleum products, new and used motor vehicles, caravans, trailers, tyres and tubes, batteries, spare parts, accessories, radios, cassette players, rubber and electrical goods and to carry on the business of body builders of motor vehicles and trucks.
- To carry on all or any of the business of carriers of passengers, goods and merchandise by sea, air, rail, road or other means of transport, manage and maintain steam ships, aircraft, automobiles, trucks, taxis, buses, lorries, vehicles and conveyance of all kind and to act as shipping, chartering, forwarding, clearing and transport agents and as warehousemen, wharfingers, freight contractors, brokers and general traders and to establish, undertake, maintain and provide all services and facilities connected therewith.
- To undertake the safe keeping, cleaning, repairing, painting, furnishing, body building, refuelling and servicing of motor vehicles of all kinds.
- To operate motor transport of all kinds, including the leasing, hiring or letting out of cars, trucks, tractors, and breakdown vehicles.
- To carry on the business as manufacturers, fabricators, designers, developers, buyers, sellers, dealers, hirers, repairers, job workers, cleaners, storers, suppliers of automobiles, motor cars, lorries, vans, tractors, trucks, buses, minibuses, jeeps, three wheelers, motor cycles, scooters, mopeds and other vehicles of every description, specifications, systems, models, shapes, sizes, dimensions, capacities for transporting passengers, goods and animals or special vehicles like break down lorries, crane lorries, forklift trucks, other trucks fitted with lifting or handling equipment, fire fighting vehicles, concrete mixer lorries, road sweeper lorries, spraying lorries suitable for propulsion on land, sea or in the air or in any combination thereof whether propelled or assisted by any form of power including petrol, spirit, steam, gas, oil, electricity, battery, animals, solar energy, atomic energy, wind energy or other form of power; and of engines, chassis, bodies and other components, parts and accessories and all machinery, implements, appliances, lubricants, solutions, enamels and all things capable of being used for, in, or in connection with manufacture, maintenance and working of automobiles.
- To carry on business of garage keepers, showroom owners for motors and vehicles and suppliers of and dealers in petrol, diesel, gas, electricity and other motive power for use in vehicles.
To purchase, sell, manufacture, produce, grow, import, export, pack, repack, refine, acquire, process, store, distribute, exchange or otherwise deal in all types of Ayurvedic medicines, drugs, medicines, vitamins, tonics, herbal products, ointments, chemicals, spirits, mixtures, powders, tablets, pills, capsules, injections, balms, oils, compounds, extracts, tincture, mouth washes, cosmetics, toiletries, soaps, detergents, shampoo, creams, scents, perfumes and perfumery products including deodorisers, perfumed bath salts, flavours, sprays, scalp lotions, hair oil, hairdyes and tooth pastes and brushes and goods used in hospitals, nursing homes, clinics, laboratories and other health units and all kinds of pharmaceutical cosmetics, preparations used in Homeopathic, Allopathic, Ayurvedic, Unani, Biochemical, nature cure or any other medicinal system or branch of medicine or as beauty aid or personal hygiene; juices, squash, sharbat, nourishment foods and concentrates, bandages, cotton, crutches connected with or required for any one or more of the above mentioned items and products.
- To manufacture, treat, prepare, ferment, process, produce, pack, repack, supply and deal in all types of confectionery items, processed foods such as bread, flour, biscuits, pastry, cakes, confectionery, chocolates, sweets, chewing gums, milk cream, ice-creams, and other farinaceous and food products and to bake and prepare baking powders and all materials and ingredients generally used in preparation of bakery products.
- To carry on all or any of the business or businesses as manufacturers, importers, exporters, dealers and agents of all kinds of bakery products, including and in particular bread, loaves, biscuits, cakes, buns, pastries, creams, protein foods, maize products, cornflakes, canned fruits and vegetables, butter, ghee, cheese and other dairy products, milk goods, malted goods, pickles, jams, jellies, sausages, milk powder, condensed milk, chocolates, toffees, sweets, aerated and mineral water.
- To do all kinds of banking business at one or more places in India and abroad.
- To engage in any one or more of the following forms of business :-
- a) The borrowing, raising or taking up of money.
- b) The lending or advancing of money either upon or without security.
- c) The drawing, making, accepting, discounting, buying, selling, collection and dealing in bills of exchange, hundies, promissory notes, coupons, drafts, bills of lading, Railway receipts, warrants, debentures, certificates, scrips and other instruments, and securities whether transferable or negotiable or not.
- d) The granting and issuing of letters of credit, travellers cheques and circular notes.
- e) The buying and selling of and dealing in bullion and specie.
- f) The buying and selling of foreign exchange including foreign bank notes.
- g) The acquiring, holding, issuing on commission, underwriting and dealing in stock, bonds, obligations, securities and investments of all kinds.
- h) The purchasing and selling of bonds, scrips or other forms of securities on behalf of constituents or others
- i) The negotiating of loans and advances.
- j) The receiving of all kinds of bonds, scrips or valuables on deposit or for safe custody or otherwise.
- k) The providing of safe deposit vaults.
- l) The collecting and transmitting of money and securities.
- Acting as agent for any government or local authority or any other person or persons, the carrying on of agency business of any description including the clearing and forwarding of goods, giving of receipts and discharges and otherwise acting as an attorney on behalf of customers but excluding the business of Managing Agent or Secretary and Treasurer of a company.
- Contracting for public and private loans and negotiating and issuing the same.
- Effecting, insuring, guaranteeing, underwriting, participating in, managing and carrying out of any issue, public or private, of state, municipal or other loans or of shares, stocks, debentures, or debenture stock of any company, corporation or association and the lending of money for the purpose of any such issue.
- Carrying on and transacting every kind of guarantee and indemnity business.
- Managing, selling and realizing any property which may come into the possession of the company in satisfaction or part satisfaction of any of its claims.
- Acquiring and holding, generally dealing with any property or any right, title or interest in any such property which may form the security or part of the security for any loans or advances or which may be connected with such security.
- Undertaking, setting and executing trusts for any purpose including Mutual Fund.
- Undertaking and administration of estates as executor, trustee or otherwise.
- Establishing and supporting or aiding in the establishment and support of association, institutions, funds, trusts and conveniences calculated to benefit employees or exemployees of the Company or the dependents or connections of such persons, granting pensions and allowances and making payments towards insurance, subscribing to or guaranteeing moneys for charitable or benevolent objects for any exhibition or for any public, general or useful objects.
- The acquisition, construction, maintenance and alteration of any building or works necessary or convenient for the purpose of the company.
- Selling, improving, managing, developing, exchanging, leasing, mortgaging, disposing of or turning into account or otherwise dealing with or any part of the property and rights of the Company.
- Acquiring and undertaking the whole or any part of the business of any person or company, when such business is of the nature enumerated or described above.
- Doing all such other things as are incidental or conducive to the promotion or advancement of the business of the company.
- To fake or concur in taking all such steps calculated to uphold and support the credit of the Company/Bank and to obtain and justify public confidence and to avert and minimise financial disturbance which may affect the Company/Bank.
- Taking or otherwise acquiring and holding shares in any other company having objects similar to those of the company.
- To carry on the business of leasing, hire purchase and factoring.
- To incorporate subsidiary companies with main objects of carrying on business of merchant banking, leasing, factoring, hire purchase, financial services of all kinds, consultancy or such other business as such subsidiary company may be permitted by the Reserve Bank of India to carry on.
- Any other form of business which the Central Government or Reserve Bank of India may specify as a form of business in which it is lawful for the company to engage.
- To carry on the business in all its branches of managing public issues, merchant banking and general financing and to act as broker, agent, subagent, underwriter, lead manager, comanager, consultant, adviser, share transfer agent, registrar of shares, advertising & publicity agent, printer, portfolio manager, merchant banker, odd lot dealer or other intermediaries and to issue, undertake, buy, sell, exchange, adjust, subscribe, acquire, undertake, hold, invest or otherwise deal in all kinds of shares, securities, stocks, bonds, fully convertible debentures, funds, contracts, obligations, title deeds, warrants, premium notes and other similar instruments and any other property on deposit or for safe custody or otherwise, collecting and transmitting money and securities and managing property as may be prevailing from time to time.
- To act as financial consultants, management consultants and to provide advice, service, consultancy in various fields, general administrative, secretarial, commercial, financial, legal, economic, labour, industrial, public relations, scientific, technical, direct and indirect taxation and other levies, statistical, accountancy, quality control and data processing.
- To carry on the business as manufacturers, assemblers, processors, producers, suppliers, repairers, purchasers, sellers, importers, exporters, makers, fabricators and dealers in all batteries, stationary batteries, starting batteries, storage batteries, traction batteries, alkaline batteries, dry batteries, button batteries, solar power batteries, mini batteries, emergency lights, dry cells and other batteries used in or required for industrial, transport, commercial and consumptive purpose, their components, parts, ingredients, substances, systems, consumable accessories or fittings including battery plates, cases, wires, knobs, accessories, distilled water, armature and armature winding, electrical wires and accessories, electrical motors, generators, accumulators, battery chargers, relays, transformers, auto transformers, electrical switches, plugs, sockets, circuit breakers, actuators, connectors, measuring instruments, multimeters and multi testers, electrical connectors and automobile parts.
- To carry on the business of distributors, indenters, stockists, selling and buying agents manufacturers, representatives and dealers in dry cell, emergency lights and other batteries used or required for industrial, transport, commercial and consumptive purpose, battery plates, cases, knobs and accessories, armature, armature winding, distilled water, electrical wire and accessories and automobile parts.
- To manufacture, produce, prepare, assemble, heat, grade, mould, cast, buy, sell, resale, import, export, transport, store, forward, distribute, dispose of, develop, handle, manipulate, market, supply or otherwise to deal in all types, description, diameters, capacities, applications and uses of ball bearings, roller bearings, needle roller bearings, taper roller bearings and other allied items, their components, parts, raw materials & consumables.
- To carry on business of manufacturers, producers, processors, exporters, buyers, sellers, traders, distributors, fabricators, assemblers, fitters, installers, repairers, agents and dealers in electrical, electronics and mechanical engineering items including motors, pumps, generator sets, and all types of electrical, mechanical, electromechanical & electronic items, and spare parts, accessories used for industrial, domestic and agricultural purposes.
To carry on the business of beauticians, manicurists, bridal makeup, hairdressers, hair dyers, makers and suppliers of all kinds of wigs, and to run health care centres, beauty parlours, massage centres, yoga centres, gymnasiums, swimming pools and to conduct classes, seminars, demonstration, education and training programmes for betterment of body & beauty care or make up, and to deal in cosmetics of every description and kinds including lipsticks, nail polishes, creams, lotions, ointments, perfumes, foundations, soaps, fashion wear and beauty aids of every kind and description.
- To manufacture, buy, sell, import and export all kinds of pharmaceutical, cosmetics, medicinal preparations required or used for beauty aid or personal hygiene or in allopathic, ayurvedic, unani or natural cure methods/systems of treatments, bandages, cotton, gauzes, crutches, stretchers and all kinds of anatomical, orthopaedic and surgical appliances and stores.
- To carry on the business of beauticians, manicurists and to run health care centre, yoga centres, gymnasiums and to conduct classes, seminars, demonstration, education and training programmes for betterment of body and health care.
- To carry on the business of manufacturing, brewing, maltstering, distilling, fermenting, blending, processing, treating, refining, cleaning, preserving, improving, germinating, mineralising, bottling, importing, exporting, distributing, wholeselling, retailing and dealing in all kinds of beer, liquors, alcohols, spirits, wines, squashes, syrups, juices, cordials, drinks, liquids, and waters including mineral water, beverages and other drinks; whiskey, brandy, gin, rum, post wine, stout, cider, vinegar and malt products such as malt, maltose, malt dust, malt extract, maltliquor, malttea and malt beverages.
- To carry on the business of restaurant, cafe, tavern, hotel, motel, beerhouse, refreshment room and lodging house keepers, licensed victuallers, wine, beer and spirit merchants, brewers, maltsters, distillers, importers and exporters thereof, purveyors, caterers for public amusements, coach, car, carriage and motorcar proprietors, farmers, dairy men, ice merchants, importers and brokers of foods, live and dead stock and foreign produce or the similar type of products as required for hotel industry.
To manufacture, produce, sell, import, export and generally deal in VBelts and Fan Belts and/or any other conveyor, elevator or transmission belts and other industrial rubber products such as hoses, braided hoses, rice rubber roller, made with natural and/or synthetic rubber, their derivatives and substitutes, latex, synthetic cotton and fibers, synthetic resins, plastics in general or with any combination thereof.
- To carry on the business of conducting chits (auction and other chits), daily, weekly, monthly and at such interval as the company may decide from time to time and to canvass and admit subscribers for Auction Chit Schemes or other Benefit schemes (not amounting to lotteries), subject to the provisions of Prize Chits and Money Circulation Schemes (Banning) Act, 1978.
- To lend money either with or without security upon such terms and conditions as the company may think fit to subscribers of the chits and to guarantee the performance of the contract by any such person, subject to the provisions of Prize Chits and Money Circulation Schemes (Banning) Act, 1978.
- To carry on the business of manufacturers, producers, boilers of and dealers in beverages of all kinds and description, soft drinks, aerated, mineral & artificial waters and other beverages, fruit juices, syrups, tea, coffee, beer, wine, whisky, rum, gin, vodka or other alcoholic or non-alcoholic drinks; cocktails and for that purpose to set up, install, purchase, import, or otherwise acquire all plant, machinery and related equipments.
- To carry on the business of bottling of soft drinks, aerated, mineral & artificial waters and other beverages, fruit juices, cocktails under franchise agreement of well known producers or otherwise and for that purpose to buy, sell, manufacture, import and deal in all types of bottles, stoppers, corks including tinplate crown corks, crates and containers, whether of glass, plastic, wood or any other material.
- To carry on the business of restaurant, cafe, tavern, hotel, motel, beerhouse, refreshment room and lodging house keepers, licensed victuallers, wine, beer and spirit merchants, brewers, maltsters, distillers, importers and exporters thereof, purveyors, caterers for public amusements, coach, car, carriage and motorcar proprietors, farmers, dairy men, ice merchants, importers and brokers of foods, live and dead stock and foreign produce of the similar type of products as required for hotel industry.
- To carry on business as Bakers, Confectioners and Manufacturers of and dealers in confectionery, bakery and dairy products.
- To carry on the business as manufacturers, producers, processors and dealers in tobacco, bidies, cigarettes, cigars, smoking and chewing tobacco, snuff grinders, and other products of tobacco, match lights, matches, match boxes and pipes.
- To carry on the business of buying, stocking, selling, exporting, importing, blending, treating or otherwise dealing in raw materials, ingredients, intermediates of any description which are generally required and used in the manufacture of bidies, cigarettes, cigars etc., such as tobacco, tendu leaves, thread, wrapping paper, wrapping materials and packing materials.
- To purchase or otherwise acquire and take over the running business and/ or establishment or establishments carrying Business of Bidi, Cigar, Cigarettes, and tobacconist in India or elsewhere and to enter into agreement or agreements with such establishment or establishments for the purpose of acquiring and taking over the stock of raw materials, finished products of tobacco, other articles, things, rights, liabilities and privileges of the said establishment or establishments.
- To acquire, register in its own name or purchase out right or on royalty basis the patent rights, trade marks and such other rights and privileges of a running business for the manufacture, process and marketing of bidis, cigarettes, cigars and other tobacco products.
- To engage in the business of binding and for this purpose to set up a complete unit of binding by installing fully automatic units of book binding from folding to binding stage or to set up separate folding machines, stitching machines and perforating machines.
- To engage in the business of manufacture of binding cloth, rexine, paper finish PVC, etc. and to install a unit of screen printing, gold leafing, lamination and if need so arises to install colour machine for the purpose of printing of covers of books being bound.
- To enter into complete job work from composing to binding stage and for this purpose to enter into such tie-ups with printers to get accessibility to good printing machines and to install if need so arises own printing, processing and scanning unit
To manufacture, produce, process, make, convert, import, export, trade, buy, sell whether as retailers, wholesalers, suppliers, indenters, packers, movers, preservers, stockists, agents, subagents, merchants, distributors, consignors, jobbers, brokers or otherwise deal in fibber board, chip board, particle board, veneers, veneered board, paper board, hard board, paste board, card board, straw board, pulp board, leather board, mill board, corrugated board, plywood board and all kinds and varieties of boards.
To manufacture, produce, process, make, convert, distribute, import, export, trade, buy, sell whether as retailers or wholesalers, suppliers, packers, repackers, movers, stockists, agents, subagents, merchants, consignors, jobbers, brokers, or otherwise deal in populated, loaded or stuffed printed circuit boards, electronic circuit boards, and all other kinds of circuit boards.
- To carry on the business of manufacturers, buyers, sellers, importers, exporters of and dealers in all kinds and classes of paper, board and pulp including writing paper, printing paper, news printing paper, absorbent paper, wrapping paper, tissue paper, cover paper, blotting paper, filter paper, antique paper, ivory finish paper, coated paper, art paper, bank or bond paper, badami, brown or buff paper, bible paper, cartridge paper, cloth lined paper, azurelaid paper, creamlaid wove paper, glassing, waxed paper, greaseproof paper, gummed paper, handmade paper, parchment paper, drawing paper, craft paper, manila paper, envelop paper, tracing paper, vellum paper, water proof paper, carbon paper, sensitised paper, chemically treated paper, carbon paper, litmus paper, photographic paper, glass paper, emery paper, pasteboard, cardboard, straw board, pulp board, leather board, mill board, corrugated board, box board, cartons, paper bags, paper boxes, post cards, visiting cards, all other kinds of paper whatsoever, soda pulp, mechanical pulp, sulphite pulp, and all kinds of articles in the manufacture of which in any form, paper, board, or pulp is used, and also to deal in or manufacture any other articles or things of a character similar or analogous to the foregoing or any of them or connected therewith.
- To plant, cultivate, produce and raise, purchase or sell or otherwise handle or deal in grass, timber, wood, bamboo, straw, cotton, jute, flax, hemp, sugarcane, leather, asbestos, rags, waste paper, gunnies, water hyacinth, jute sticks or other fibres, fibrous substances or other things as may furnish materials for pulp and for paper or board manufacture in any of its branches or as may be proper or necessary in connection with the above objects or any of them.
To carry on business of coach builders, bus, truck and other vehicle builders, manufacturers, fabricators, body assemblers, producers, repairers, job workers, buyers, sellers of all means of transport, including buses, coaches, trucks, minibuses, ambulances, special purpose vans, tankers, cars, utility vans, trawlers and all types of light and heavy vehicles and to act as agent, broker, collaborator, consultant, contractor, subcontractor, metal workers, welders, machinists, wood workers, enamellers, engineers, hirer, wholesaler, retailer or otherwise to deal in all such fixtures, fittings, accessories, consumable tools, jigs, dies, equipments, instruments, components, parts, goods, articles and things, required for the above purposes.
To carry on business of coach builders, bus, truck and other vehicle builders, manufacturers, fabricators, body assemblers, producers, repairers, job workers, buyers, sellers of all means of transport, including buses, coaches, trucks, minibuses, ambulances, special purpose vans, tankers, cars, utility vans, trawlers and all types of light and heavy vehicles and to act as agent, broker, collaborator, consultant, contractor, subcontractor, metal workers, welders, machinists, wood workers, enamellers, engineers, hirer, wholesaler, retailer or otherwise to deal in all such fixtures, fittings, accessories, consumable tools, jigs, dies, equipments, instruments, components, parts, goods, articles and things, required for the above purposes.
To draw, create, make or in other way deal in designs, plans and/or specifications of all types of engineering goods, works, plants, factories, buildings, allied construction works for remuneration receivable in lump sum or on commission basis or on royalty basis or on any other way found suitable and to act as manufacturers of machinery, tool makers, builders, founderers, metal workers, boiler makers and other allied products.
To carry on the business as manufacturers, producers, suppliers, dealers, stockists, exporters and importers of bolts, nuts, nails, rivets, screws, hinges, hooks and all other hardware items, machinery, machinery parts, tools, accessories and implements of all types, sizes, specifications and descriptions.
- To undertake or arrange for the writing, printing and publication of books, magazines, journals, newspapers or pamphlets relating to trade, commerce, industry, agriculture, banking, insurance, investment, taxation, finance, economics, law and other subjects.
- To carry on in India or in any part of the world, business of publishers, printers, photocopiers, owners, proprietors, importers, exporters, copyright owners, dealers, distributors, stockists and agents of daily, biweekly, weekly, occasional, special, morning, evening news papers, weekly, fortnightly, monthly magazines, journals, books, periodicals, stationery, registers, pamphlets, posters, diaries and other literary work and to undertake publishing work of any kind of government, semi government departments, local bodies, authorities, corporations, companies and other organisations, firms, persons and to work as publicity/advertising agents
- To carry on the business of manufacturers of and dealers in paper, cardboard, containers, packing materials, printing, drawing and writing materials and requisites, pens, inks, greeting cards, diaries and stationery.
- To engage in the business of binding and for this purpose to set up a complete unit of binding by installing fully automatic units of book binding from folding to binding stage or to set up separate folding machines, stitching machines and perforating machines.
- To engage in the business of manufacture of binding cloth, rexine, paper finish PVC, etc. and to install a unit of screen printing, gold leafing, lamination and if need so arises to install colour machine for the purpose of printing of covers of books being bound.
- To enter into complete job work from composing to binding stage and for this purpose to enter into such tie-ups with printers to get accessibility to good printing machines and to install if need so arises own printing, processing and scanning unit
- To undertake or arrange for the writing, printing and publication of books, magazines, journals, newspapers or pamphlets relating to trade, commerce, industry, agriculture, banking, insurance, investment, taxation, finance, economics, law and other subjects.
- To carry on in India or in any part of the world, business of publishers, printers, photocopiers, owners, proprietors, importers, exporters, copyright owners, dealers, distributors, stockists and agents of daily, biweekly, weekly, occasional, special, morning, evening news papers, weekly, fortnightly, monthly magazines, journals, books, periodicals, stationery, registers, pamphlets, posters, diaries and other literary work and to undertake publishing work of any kind of government, semi government departments, local bodies, authorities, corporations, companies and other organisations, firms, persons and to work as publicity/advertising agents
- To carry on the business of manufacturers of and dealers in paper, cardboard, containers, packing materials, printing, drawing and writing materials and requisites, pens, inks, greeting cards, diaries and stationery.
- To carry on the business of manufacturers and repairers of and wholesale and retail dealers in all types of footwear and accessories of footwear (such as heels, soles, buckles, straps, booteries, laces) and hand gloves and other products of leather, rubber, textiles ( of natural or man made fibre), polyvinyl chloride compound or in combination of leather.
- To prepare, process, coat, transport, refine, recover, improve, recycle, reclaim, utilise, extract and finish, import, export, buy, sell, market, install, survey, estimate and carry on business as manufacturers, dealers in all kind of footwear, components and accessories, last, moulds, boot trees, laces, buckles, rivets, eyelets, shanks, shoe horns, leggings, boot polishes, toe cap, shoe tacks, zips, thread, bindings, adhesives, colour batches, lubricant, leather, rubber and plastic goods.
- To fabricate, prepare, process, coat, transport, refine, recover, improve, recycle, reclaim, utilise,
extract, finish, import, export, buy, sell, market, install, survey, estimate and carry on business as manufactures and dealers of leather, leather board, saddlery, harness, luggage and travel goods, leather goods and sports goods, textile, jute, rubber, P.U., PVC, leather cloth, polyurethane, thermoplastics, rubber chemicals and all other raw materials, plant, machinery, lasts, moulds, equipments for manufacturing footwear components, leather goods, rubber goods, plastic goods and accessories thereof.
- To deal in raw hides and skins.
To establish, operate, maintain, run and promote the boutiques, fashion centres, art and craft showrooms, exhibitions, handicraft centres to produce, import, export, purchase, sell or otherwise deal in designer or fashionable clothes and dress materials, flowers, flower pots, bouquets, handicrafts, objects of arts, precious stones, jewellery, whether artificial or otherwise, and to organise fashion shows, exhibitions and deal in any products or materials used in boutiques, fashion shows and interior decoration.
To manufacture, draw, develop, roll, reroll, extrude, convert, make, design, import, export, and to act as agents, stockists, brokers, traders, distributors, suppliers, providers, jobworkers, die casters, metallurgists, wholesalers, retailers, concessionaires, fabricators, cutters, moulders or otherwise to deal in brass products of all shapes, sizes, varieties, dimensions, specifications, descriptions, applications and uses such as rods, pipes, nuts, bolts, nails, springs, metal plates, circles, cables, coils, conductors, foils, furnitures, rails, grills, doors, windows, ladders, monuments, articles, squares, flats, hexagons, rounds, rectangular, architectural and transport sections etc, used for engineering, industrial, agricultural, transport, commercial, domestic, power, transmission and construction purposes whether made of brass or its combination with plastic, fiber, aluminium, copper and any other ferrous or nonferrous metals.
To carry on the business of buying, selling, importing, exporting and breeding of horses, ponnies and other racing animals and to train horses of all varieties, to maintain lists of the most celebrated and prizewinning horses or other animals of all noted breeds, their pedigree and chief characteristics and to publish or furnish information in this behalf and to participate in horse racing and other competitions either alone or in combination with or through others.
- To carry on business as brewers, distillers, refiners, bottlers, preservers, coopers, dehydrators, manufacturers and merchants of and dealers in beer, ale, bitter, cider, cognac, whisky, martini, champagne, brandy, porter, vermouth, sherry, gin, rum, stoutwines, ginger wines, spirits, sweet spirits, alcohol, alcohol anhydrous, fizz, aerated waters, white wine, vegetarian and non-vegetarian wines and beverages, mineral waters, squashes, syrups, health foods, soft drinks, confectionery wine, cashew apple wines, alcoholic beverages, vinegar, acetic acid, carbonic acid gas, cordials, glucose, nectar, delicious beverages, synthetic beverages, tonic and vitamin beverages, sweetened and flavoured drinks and punch, fermented extracts from oats, barley, rice, wheat, maize, ragee, tapioca, cereals, potatoes and any other starch yielding materials, fermented juice of grapes, apples, vegetables, herbs, fruits, sugarcane juice, molasses, sugar, lime, honey, lemon juice, plant juices and liquors of every description, including Indian made foreign liquors and country liquors and all products and byproducts thereof, whether intoxicating or not, and of malt, hops, grain, meal, yeast, mustard, condiments of all kinds, cocoa, coffee and all or any other commodities, materials and things which may be conveniently used or manufactured in conjunction with any of the above or any similar business or manufactures.
- To acquire, construct and establish factory, works, stores, warehouse, godowns, distributing centres, shops, refreshment rooms, restaurants, depots for the sale of drinks, liquors, beverages and all other products of the Company and to export or import such products.
- To carry on the business of manufacturers, producers, processors, makers, buyers, sellers of and dealers in bricks and tiles of every description and refractories and other building materials of every kind and description and for this purpose to acquire lands and set up brick kilns whether mechanised or otherwise.
- To manufacture bricks, tiles, paving slabs, pipes, pottery, earthenware, china and similar goods and to acquire the freehold or other interest in any land from which may be extracted clay or any other substance required for the said purpose.
- To carry on the business of stock brokers, sharebrokers, investment brokers, insurance brokers,
underwriters and to carry out brokerage of all and every kind whatsoever.
- To negotiate, buy, sell, transfer, hypothecate, deal in and otherwise dispose of any shares, stocks, securities, certificates, debentures, whether perpetual or redeemable debentures, stocks, properties, units and bonds of any Government, local authority, Government undertaking, company or any body corporate and subject to the provisions of the Banking Regulations Act, 1949 to receive money, deposits on interest or otherwise and to negotiate and lend money with or without security to such companies, firms or persons and on such conditions as may seem expedient and to guarantee the performance of contracts by any person, companies or firms provided that the company shall not carry on the business of banking as provided in the Banking Regulations Act, 1949.
- To act as a member of National Stock Exchange, OTC Exchange of India or any other recognised Stock Exchange(s) in India or elsewhere, and to render all such services as may be provided by a stock broker and to do such things as may be incidental thereto.
- To carry on the business of stock brokers,share brokers, investment brokers, insurance brokers, underwriters and to carry out brokerage of all and every kind whatsoever.
- To negotiate, buy, sell, transfer, hypothecate, deal in and otherwise dispose of any shares, stocks, securities, certificates, debentures, whether perpetual or redeemable debentures, stocks, properties, units and bonds of any Government, local authority, Government undertaking, company or any body corporate and subject to the provisions of the Banking Regulations Act, 1949 to receive money, deposits on interest or otherwise and to negotiate and lend money with or without security to such companies, firms or persons and on such conditions as may seem expedient and to guarantee the performance of contracts by any person, companies or firms provided that the company shall not carry on the business of banking as provided in the Banking Regulations Act, 1949.
- To act as a member of National Stock Exchange, OTC Exchange of India or any other recognised Stock Exchange(s) in India or elsewhere, and to render all such services as may be provided by a stock broker and to do such things as may be incidental thereto.
- To carry on the business as estate agents, housing and land agents and property dealers and for the purpose to advertise and assist for sale or purchase, to find out or introduce purchasers and vendors of land, buildings, flats and other properties.
- To carry on the business as estate agents, housing and land agents, property dealers and estate managers and to collect rents, repair, look after and manage immovable properties of or for any persons, firms and companies, governments and states, as well as this company, to give, take, let and sublet and to carry out under taking, supervising, building, constructing, altering, improving, demolishing and repairing operations and all other works and operations in connection with immovable estates and properties.
To carry on the business as manufacturers, producers, packers, importers, exporters, buyers, sellers and dealers in toothpastes and tooth powders of all kinds and description, medicated, non medicated or ayurvedic and tooth brushes of every size, shape and description whether made of plastic, wood, metal or other substances and for that purpose to set up, purchase, import or otherwise acquire plant and machinery and to act as agents of any Indian or foreign manufacturers of any such goods.
- To carry on the business of builders, contractors, constructors, developers, purchasers, sellers, property brokers, designers, architects, decorators or otherwise deal in houses, land, buildings, flats, apartments, offices, godowns, shops, farm houses, holiday resorts, shopping cum residential complexes, sheds or any other property.
- To carry on business of builders and contractors for construction or demolition work of any kind and electrical, heating and constructional engineers.
- To purchase or otherwise acquire, sell or deal in all types of movable or immovable properties, lands, houses, offices, workshops, buildings and premises for development, investment or for resale.
- To purchase or otherwise acquire and to manufacture and deal in bricks, stone and other building materials of any kind, and all implements, machinery, vehicles, scaffolding and other equipments and articles used by builders and contractors.
To carry on business of coach builders, bus, truck and other vehicle builders, manufacturers, fabricators, body assemblers, producers, repairers, job workers, buyers, sellers of all means of transport, including buses, coaches, trucks, minibuses, ambulances, special purpose vans, tankers, cars, utility vans, trawlers and all types of light and heavy vehicles and to act as agent, broker, collaborator, consultant, contractor, subcontractor, metal workers, welders, machinists, wood workers, enamellers, engineers, hirer, wholesaler, retailer or otherwise to deal in all such fixtures, fittings, accessories, consumable tools, jigs, dies, equipments, instruments, components, parts, goods, articles and things, required for the above purposes.
- To build, fit and repair and lend money on ships, drilling rights and floating and submersible equipment of every description.
- To carry on the business of ship builders, ship wrights, marine and general engineers and manufacturers and repairers of engines, boilers, connected with the purpose of ship building.
- To construct and maintain for the use of the company or for letting out on hire, graving and other docks and other installations for building, repairing or docking ships and other vessels, and to aid in or contribute to the construction of any such works.
- To buy or otherwise acquire ships and hulls in any condition for the purpose of improving, reselling or otherwise turning them to account.
- To produce, manufacture, treat, process, prepare, refine, import, export, purchase, sell and generally to deal in, and to act as brokers, agents, stockist, distributors and suppliers of all types and kinds of cement (whether ordinary, white, coloured, portland, pozzolana, blast, furnace, slag, rapid hardening, silica or otherwise), lime and limestone, clinker and/or by roducts thereof, as well as cement products such as pipes, poles, slabs, asbestos sheets, blocks, tiles, gardenwares, plaster of Paris, lime, pipes, building materials and otherwise and articles, things, compounds and preparations connected with the aforesaid products and in connection therewith; to take on lease, acquire, erect, construct, establish, work, operate or/and maintain cement factories, quarries, mines, workshops and other works.
- To manufacture, process, prepare and generally to deal in cement oriented products, cement poles, cement pipes and cement benches and prestressed concrete building section, bridge section, walls, drain covers, and fire clay and fire bricks of all kinds, stoneware, bricks, tiles, earthenware, glassware, glass, crockery, sanitary wares, china and terracotta, refractories and ceramic wares of all kinds and other allied goods.
- To manufacture, process, trade or deal in and undertake manufacturing of bricks, tiles, cement pipes, cement poles, lime, building materials, requisites and other materials used in construction or any substitute thereof.
To carry on business of coach builders, bus, truck and other vehicle builders, manufacturers, fabricators, body assemblers, producers, repairers, job workers, buyers, sellers of all means of transport, including buses, coaches, trucks, minibuses, ambulances, special purpose vans, tankers, cars, utility vans, trawlers and all types of light and heavy vehicles and to act as agent, broker, collaborator, consultant, contractor, subcontractor, metal workers, welders, machinists, wood workers, enamellers, engineers, hirer, wholesaler, retailer or otherwise to deal in all such fixtures, fittings, accessories, consumable tools, jigs, dies, equipments, instruments, components, parts, goods, articles and things, required for the above purposes.
To carry on the business as manufacturers, manufacturer’s representatives, dealers, traders, factors, agents, suppliers, stockists, packers, distributors, exporters and importers of all kinds, types, nature and description of medicines, drugs, drug intermediates, pharmaceuticals, mixtures, powders, tablets, capsules, injections, compounds, formulations, nutrients, health products, creams, lotions, syrups, tonics, biological and biochemical products, pills, mother tinctures, triturations, glucose, nourishment foods, ointment, surgical dressings, water for injections and medical preparations, required for or used in allopathic, ayurvedic, unani, homeopathic and nature cure treatments for prevention or prophylactic cure for human beings, animals, insects and birds.
To manufacture, produce, process, make, convert, import, export, trade, buy, sell whether as retailers, wholesalers, suppliers, indenters, packers, movers, preservers, stockists, agents, subagents, merchants, distributors, consignors, jobbers, brokers, concessionaires or otherwise deal in all kinds of self-propelled bulldozers, angle dozers, graders, levellers, scrapers, mechanical shovels, excavators, shovel loaders, tamping machines, road rollers, spare parts, components, accessories and all or any other products used in or in connection with the aforesaid.
- To purchase, sell, construct, maintain, repair, recondition, hire or let motors, buses or vans, cars or other vehicles appropriate for the carriage of passengers or goods, and to carry on the business of bus proprietors and carriers of passengers and goods both in public conveyances and in private vehicles as may from time be thought fit.
- To deal in components, parts, accessories, fittings, equipments, instruments, systems, devices, consumables and other allied products of all such vehicles and to repair and maintain all such vehicles and for the purpose to construct garages.
- To carry on the business of travel agents, tour operators, general carriers, forwarding agents, packers and movers.
- To promote, form, encourage, establish and run business and trade associations in India and abroad for matters relating to regional, national, intercontinental & international interest and welfare to boost, regulate and develop trade, transport, industry, science, health care, food, environment, social welfare, housing, insurance, communication, aviation, finance, entertainment, art, banking and other subjects of social, economic, commercial, defence, science and general importance and to participate, delegate, organise & sponsor seminars, workshops, meetings, festivals, training centres, classes & lectures for the attainment of above objects.
- To encourage a friendly feeling and unanimity amongst business community on all subjects connected with the common good of business.
- To collect and circulate statistics and other information relating to agriculture, trade, commerce and industry.
- To consider all questions connected with or affecting any trade, commerce and manufacture; to obtain the removal, as far as possible, of grievances affecting businessmen or mercantile interests in general; and to promote or oppose legislative and other measures as circumstances may require and to secure organised action on all subjects mentioned above.
- To manufacture, produce, process, prepare, fabricate, extrude, roll, reroll, blend, coat, insulate, manipulate, pack, repack, grade, import, export, buy, sell, resale, and to act as agent, broker, contractor, jobworker, supplier, provider, collaborator, consignor, consultant, stockist, distributor, trader, C & F agent, delcredre agent or otherwise to deal in all types, specifications, applications, descriptions & capacities of wires & cables such as super enamelled wires (bare or covered by plastic, Rubber, Cotton, Paper and PVC), conductors made of any matter or substance, copper conductors, aluminium conductors, low, medium and high tension insulators, switch gears, PVC wires, electrical wires, telephone wires, antenna wires, insulated wires, jelly filled cables, optical fibre cables, hi tension wires & ropes, communication wires and other allied goods, articles and things, their raw materials, intermediates, substances & consumables.
- To manufacture, buy, sell, exchange, supply, alter, improve, prepare for market, import or export or otherwise deal in all type and kind of spare parts and components of every type of Electric motors (including Stators, Rotors, Actuators) and Pumps meant for domestic, agriculture, industrial purposes and all types of machinery, plant or apparatus and things required or capable of being used in connection with the manufacture of the above or for the generation, accumulation, distribution, supply or employment of electricity.
- To manufacture, distribute, buy, sell, indent, import, export, repair, assemble, service, maintain, develop, design, process, pack, repack or otherwise to deal in all types , varieties, capacities, characteristics, applications, strength, range and uses of photographic cameras, their parts, fittings, accessories, allied materials, components, systems, devices, instruments used for duplicating, copying, enlarging, reproducing, multiplying, printing, recording, handling, gathering, retrieving including studio cameras, domestic cameras, T.V. cameras, video cameras, projectors, lenses, optical products, circuits, microfilms, cases, boxes, flash lights, reels, films, plates, video tapes, photographic chemicals, photographic papers, sensitized products and other allied goods, articles & things.
- To carry on the business of importers, exporters, stockiest and selling agents, commission agents of any company dealing in graphic, photographic and allied goods like colour films, colour rolls, colour photo paper, chemicals, cameras, enlargers, printers, film processors, paper processor and all other allied items.
- To manufacture, produce, process, make, convert, import, export, trade, buy, sell whether as retailers or wholesalers, suppliers, indenters, packers, repackers, stockists, agents, merchants, distributors, consignors, jobbers, brokers, or otherwise deal in cans and general line containers, plain and lithographed cans, open top cans, tin cans, tin containers including boxes and tubes, and any other tin articles, light pressed metal articles, corks of all types or any kind of components, closures and openers thereof, drums, barrels, cans, tubes including collapsible tubes, containers, utensils, vessels, made of or capable of being manufactured from tin plates, stainless steel or other metal sheet, plastic, aluminium, cardboards and papers of all or any kinds and description whatsoever.
- To manufacture, produce, process, make, convert, import, export, trade, buy, sell whether as retailers or wholesalers, suppliers, indenters, packers, repackers, stockists, agents, merchants, distributors, consignors, jobbers, brokers or otherwise deal in and all types of metal plates like copper, aluminium, steel and other articles, made of tin, metal or other materials, of any kind and descriptions, and as sheet iron and tin plate workers and jappeners, letter press or block printers, designers and draughtsmen, engravers, photographers, electrotypers, photographic printers, photo lithographers, publishers, cardbox makers, book sellers, stationers, stereotypes and advertising agents and as printers in general including as printers on paper, card board, polythene, polyvinyl compounds, aluminium, tin plates and other metals, alloy sheets and on any other materials and articles.
- To carry on in India or elsewhere the business of managing public issues of shares & securities in all its branches and to act as adviser, broker, sub broker, remiser, market maker, representative, investor, underwriter, sub underwriter, merchant banker, manager to issue, co-manager to issue, portfolio managers, consultants, share transfer agents, registrars of shares, advertising & publicity agents, printers or other intermediaries of capital market.
- To sell, purchase, exchange, subscribe, acquire, undertake and hold all types of shares, securities, stocks and bonds, including equity shares, preference shares, cumulative convertible preference shares, fully convertible debentures, partly convertible debentures, nonconvertible debentures, debenture stock, warrants, premium notes and other similar instruments whether issued in India or in any foreign country.
- To apply for and acquire membership of Stock Exchanges, Securities & Exchange Board of India (SEBI), Over The Counter Exchange of India (OTCEI), National Stock Exchange (NSE) and any other similar authority, body or institution as may be established from time to time by public, government, financial institutions or any other person or group of persons in India or abroad.
To manufacture, produce, process, make, convert, import, export, trade, buy or act as suppliers, indenters, packers, repackers, movers, stockists, agents, subagents, merchants, distributors, consignors, jobbers, brokers or otherwise deal in gelatine, soft gelatine capsules, hard gelatine capsules, bulk drugs and formulations and all other products required for dealing in gelatine.
- To engage and hire professional, clerical, manual and other staff and employees and to enter into agreements with such staff and employees with a view to allocating their services to any person, firm or company requiring them.
- To provide or procure the provision by others of any service, need or requirement of any business of any nature required by any person, firm or company in connection with any business carried on by them.
- To carry on the business of financing, money lending, bill discounting, advancing money by way of issue of credit cards or otherwise to issue and manage charge cards, debit cards and prepaid cards.
To manufacture, produce, process, make, invent, convert, import, export, trade, buy, sell, pack, move or otherwise deal in all types of cosmetics, nonprescribed drugs, health care products, food preservatives and additives, fast foods, artificial flavourings, artificial dyes and colouring agents, beauty and skin care products, birth control medicines and devices whether as retailers, wholesalers, suppliers, stockists, agents, subagents, distributors, consignors, brokers or otherwise.
- To carry on business as general carriers and freight forwarders, transport, cartage and haulage contractors and to provide carrier, freight, transport, courier, taxi, truck, light or heavy haulage and delivery services by land, road, railway, sea, river, canal, water or air for and in connection with any containers, packages, parcels, articles, mails, goods or bulk commodities.
- To carry passengers by air, road, rail, land, sea or water, and to operate any taxi service and to construct, equip, maintain, work, purchase, sell, export, import, lease, hire, let on hire, repair or otherwise deal in any aircraft, ship, car, bus or any kind of vehicle or mode of transport and to act as booking agents, indenting agents and travel agents.
- To carry, collect, receive, load, unload, store, consign, distribute, transfer and deliver goods, wares, merchandise, parcels, packages, baggage, freight, animals, livestock, timber, coal, oil, ores and other minerals and other property of every description by any mode of transport and for such purpose to acquire, manage and operate warehouses and bonded warehouses, act as agents for shippers and consigners, and to issue warehouse warrants and receipts and bills of lading and to act as clearing and forwarding agents.
- To carry on business as manufacturers, processors, producers, exporters, importers and wholesale traders or retailers and dealers in all kinds, shapes, sizes & varieties of carpets, including handmade and machine made, tufted, Examinster, Wilton, Brussels, chenille, tapestry, ingrain, velvet, namda carpets, festoons and goblin, linoleum, portiers cords, druggets, durries, rugs, mattings, floor cloths, floor covering and furnishing fabrics, upholstery, cushions and other items made wholly or partly of any one or more of the following materials, namely, hair, silk, jute, flax, yarn, spun staples, coir, sisal, cotton, natural and other synthetics or manmade fibres and to carry on the jobs of synthetic and chemical foams, dealers of all kinds of rubber, natural or synthetic, cleaning, scouring, bleaching, dyeing, disinfecting, renovating and laying of carpets, underlay articles of the floor covering, furnishing fabrics and materials of all kinds.
- To carry on business as manufacturers of and dealers in all kinds of synthetics and chemical foams for use as cushions, mattresses, upholstery and other allied purpose.
- To manufacture, produce, process, make, invent, convert, repair, assemble, import, export, trade, buy, sell whether as retailers or wholesalers, suppliers, indenters, packers, movers, preservers, stockists, agents, subagents, merchants, distributors, consignors, jobbers, brokers or otherwise deal in audio, video products or video heads, devices, magnetic tapes, tape recorders, VCRs, VCPs, cleaners, cassettes and all other parts, components, accessories used in any audio, visual, or audiovisual devices.
- To establish in any part of India or elsewhere, libraries for keeping and lending on hire or otherwise video cassettes, audio cassettes, books, magazines, newspapers and other publications.
- To promote, establish and run steel plants, rolling mills, steel furnaces and to carry on the business of manufacturers, processors, founders of iron and steel, tin plates, ferrous and non ferrous metals, ingots, blooms, structural engineers, mechanical engineers, sheet workers, smelters, founder and steel fabricators.
- To carry on in India or elsewhere the business of manufacturers, processors, fabricators, drawers, rollers and rerollers of ferrous and nonferrous metals, steels, alloy steels, special and stainless steels, brass, bronze, aluminium, shaftings, bars, rods, flats, squares from scrap, sponge iron, pig iron, prereduced billets, ingots including manufacturing, processing and fabricating of pipes, expanded metal, hinges, plates, sheets, strips, blooms, rounds, circles and angles and to act as exporters, importers and dealers in all such and allied merchandise.
- To purchase, prepare, breed, rear, sell, import, export, improve, deal and trade in all kinds of animals, cattle and live stock such as cow, ox, bull, buffaloes, fish, horses, asses, donkeys, mules, pigs, sheep, goats, birds, bee, poultry, live and dead stocks of every description and to process, pack, preserve, distribute or otherwise deal in milk, cream, butter, honey, egg, pork, prawn and other commodities, goods or things, products, wastes, by products, residuals of animal origin.
- To undertake and carry on poultry farms, fishery, piggery and dairy farming and for the purpose to prepare stables, dens, sheds, kennels, nests, burrows, dwelling places and grazing pastures, veterinary hospitals for keeping and rearing animals, livestock for safe custody and for improving their breed by cross breeding or otherwise deal in all kinds and classes of animal products including meat, ham, pork, steak, beef, chicken, oils, fats, skins, nails, teeth, hair, hooves, horns, etc.
- To set up, establish, carry on business, purchase, sell, deal, import, export, store, preserve, prepare, process, manufacture, crush, refine, mix, finish, pack and repack market or to act as commission agents, brokers and consultants of various products, by products and joint products based on, related to, and/or associated with various types of oil bearing raw materials, oil bearing seeds and cakes, deoiled cakes, cattle feed, such as ricebran, sal seed, neem seed, groundnut, ground nut cake, soyabean, sunflower, etc.
- To act as dealers, wholesalers, retailers, stockists, commission agents, representatives, selling agents, purchasing agent, distributors, brokers, exporters, importers of soyabean, groundnut, sesame seeds, all other oil seeds, edible and non edible oils, vanaspati, oil cakes, proteins and protein foods, other substances or residue or by products of all goods aforesaid.
- To produce, manufacture, treat, process, prepare, refine, import, export, purchase, sell and generally to deal in, and to act as brokers, agents, stockist, distributors and suppliers of all types and kinds of cement (whether ordinary, white, coloured, portland, pozzolana, blast, furnace, slag, rapid hardening, silica or otherwise), lime and limestone, clinker and/or by products thereof, as well as cement products such as pipes, poles, slabs, asbestos sheets, blocks, tiles, gardenwares, plaster of Paris, lime, pipes, building materials and otherwise and articles, things, compounds and preparations connected with the aforesaid products and in connection therewith; to take on lease, acquire, erect, construct, establish, work, operate or/and maintain cement factories, quarries, mines, workshops and other works.
- To manufacture, process, prepare and generally to deal in cement oriented products, cement poles, cement pipes and cement benches and prestressed concrete building section, bridge section, walls, drain covers, and fire clay and fire bricks of all kinds, stoneware, bricks, tiles, earthenware, glassware, glass, crockery, sanitary wares, china and terracotta, refractories and ceramic wares of all kinds and other allied goods.
- To manufacture, process, trade or deal in and undertake manufacturing of bricks, tiles, cement pipes, cement poles, lime, building materials, requisites and other materials used in construction or any substitute thereof.
- To subscribe, donate, establish, provide, maintain, conduct, subsidize, undertake, carry on and promote studies, research centres, research laboratories, experimental workshop for scientific, technical and medical researches, tests and experiments of all kinds and scientific and technical investigations and inventions by proving, subsidizing, endowing or assisting laboratories, workshops, libraries, lectures and conferences and by providing, or contributing to the remuneration of scientific or technical professors or teachers and by providing or contributing to the awards, scholarships, prizes, grants to students or otherwise and generally to encourage, promote and reward studies, researches, investigations, experiments, tests and inventions of any kind that may by considered by the company likely to assist in business which the company is authorised to carry on or otherwise useful for the company.
- To acquire or set up and run schools, colleges, training and professional institutions and music and dance centre.
- To promote, encourage, establish, develop, maintain, organise, undertake, manage, operate, conduct and to run in India or abroad computer training centres, data processing centres, computer coaching classes, computer consultancy business, software consultancy and other allied activities and all sorts of services relating to computer, its maintenance, repairs, programmes & operations for industrial, commercial, domestic, public utility, defence, government, and other general customers or sections of society.
- To carry on the business of the computer bureau and of computer consultants and to provide educational, personnel training and other kind of service or facility relating to computers, computer programming, information retrieval, data preparation and processing equipments and electronic and electrical equipments and devices.
- To purchase, sell, hire, lease, operate and maintain communication systems and aids of all kinds and all machinery and electronic devices ancillary thereto (including but without limitation satellites and the like).
- To acquire, establish, run, manage, construct, build, take on hire or lease, maintain, organise, promote, provide, acquire, develop, erect, and to handle, hospital, health centres, dispensaries, operation theatres, yoga centres, immunization centres, massage houses, beauty saloons, clinics, maternity & family planning units, gymnasiums, swimming pools, poly clinics, natural cure centres, sona & steam bath, nursing homes, pathological laboratories, eye banks, blood banks, kidney banks, sports clubs, diagnostic centres, medical & other research centres and similar establishment on membership basis or otherwise for the treatment of persons suffering from illness or mental defect or for the betterment of the society at large.
- To run chemist shop and to carry on, manufacture, produce, export, import, buy, sell, fabricate, discover, develop, design, process, investigate, store, formulate, install, repair, maintain, recondition, turn to account, exchange, sponsor, distribute or otherwise to deal in all sorts of medicines, pharmaceuticals, chemicals, injections, drugs, formulations, apparatus, instruments, accessories, natural & artificial human body parts and other allied goods & articles.
- To establish, provide, maintain and run research centres, laboratories, experimental workshops and to carry out medical research by engaging in the research and development of all fields of medical science, and in therapies of medical treatment
- To carry out medical research by engaging in the research and development of all fields of medical science, and in all therapies of medical treatment, so as to afford medical relief in a better way.
- To provide research facilities for carrying on research, basic and applied in all systems and disciplines of medical and surgical knowledge, keeping in view the sociomedical and socioeconomic needs of the afflicted community.
- To fund, establish or takeover and/or otherwise conduct research institutions in all discipline of medical and surgical knowledge.
- To encourage and develop biological and pharmacological standardization of indigenous medicinal plants.
- To encourage the discovery of new medical and/or surgical management of disease and afflictions and investigate and make known the nature and merits of investigations and findings and research in the said field and to acquire any patent and licences or other protective devices relating to the results of any discovery, investigations, findings or researches and to acquire any process upon such terms so as to manufacture and distribute for charitable purpose any product developed, discovered or improved.
- To provide, encourage, initiate or promote facilities of the discovery, improvement or development of new methods of diagnosis, understanding and prevention and treatment of disease.
- To conduct and to carry experiments and medical research.
- To establish, construct, erect, build, organise, manage, undertake, promote, develop, own, acquire, purchase, improve, equip, provide, maintain, operate, take on lease, own and run diagnostic centres, scan centres, nursing homes, hospitals, clinics, polyclinics, dispensaries, chemist shops, blood banks, eye banks, kidney banks, maternity homes, child welfare and family planning centres, clinical & pathological testing laboratories, consulting chambers, X-Ray & ECG clinics, sonography centres, physiotherapy centres, polio clinics, dialysis centres, research laboratories in India or abroad.
- To act as consultants and advisers providing technical know-how, technical services and allied service for the establishment, operation and improvement of Nursing Homes, Hospitals, Clinics, Medical Institutions, Medical Centres, diagnostic Centres and Laboratories in India and abroad.
- To carry on all or any of the business of importers and exporters, buyers, sellers, stockists, suppliers, agents and distributors, wholesale and retail dealers, repairers, hirers, stores of and workers in motor cars, motor buses, omnibuses, motor lorries, station wagons, motor trucks, motor cycles, scooters, jeeps, trolleys, trailers, buses, motor vans, vehicles, commercial vehicles, velocipades, whether propelled or assisted by means of petrol, diesel oil, powering oil, spirit, gas, vapour, electricity, battery, solar energy, animal, manual labour or any other powers whatsoever and to own, lease, manage, carry on and run the business of garage proprietors, workshop owners and of a service station for motor vehicles of all kinds, servicing, repairing and maintenance of vehicles of every description.
- To manufacture, produce, buy, sell all kind of spare parts, components, accessories, fittings, furnishings, engines, chassis, bodies, tools and implements, in connection with the above mentioned things such as petrol, oil, lubricants and petroleum products, new and used motor vehicles, caravans, trailers, tyres and tubes, batteries, spare parts, accessories, radios, cassette players, rubber and electrical goods and to carry on the business of body builders of motor vehicles and trucks.
- To carry on all or any of the business of carriers of passengers, goods and merchandise by sea, air, rail, road or other means of transport, manage and maintain steam ships, aircraft, automobiles, trucks, taxis, buses, lorries, vehicles and conveyance of all kind and to act as shipping, chartering, forwarding, clearing and transport agents and as warehousemen, wharfingers, freight contractors, brokers and general traders and to establish, undertake, maintain and provide all services and facilities connected therewith.
- To undertake the safe keeping, cleaning, repairing, painting, furnishing, body building, refuelling and servicing of motor vehicles of all kinds.
- To operate motor transport of all kinds, including the leasing, hiring or letting out of cars, trucks, tractors, and breakdown vehicles.
- To carry on the business of manufacturing, producing, compressing and processing of ceramic goods, glazed, unglazed floor and wall tiles and such other ceramic products, sanitary products including urinals, wash basins, European closets, Indian water closets and other accessories and also ceramic table wares, ceramic wares, earthenware, hotel wares, pressed wares, decorative wares, garden wares, kitchen wares, crockery, potteries, insulators, terracotta, porcelain ware, bathroom accessories, pipes, wall tiles, floor tiles, roofing tiles, porcelain tiles, bricks, building materials, asbestos sheets, poles,
- To carry on the business of trading, wholesale and retail, in ceramic goods, glazed, unglazed floor and wall tiles and such other ceramic products like sanitary wares including urinals, washbasins, European closets, Indian water closets and other accessories and also ceramic decorative table wares and crockery which may result in perfecting the quality of ceramic goods production, based on the continuous market survey and research so as directly or indirectly benefit the company.
- To manufacture, process, refine, compress any chemical compound including ceramic products or any other compounds which are required in the manufacture of ceramic goods, glazed, unglazed floor and wall tiles and such other ceramic products like sanitary wares, ceramic table wares, ceramic wares, earthen wares, hotel wares, pressed wares, decorative wares, garden wares, kitchen wares, crockery, potteries, insulators, terracotta, porcelain ware, bathroom accessories, pipes, wall tiles, floor tiles, roofing tiles, porcelain tiles, bricks, building materials, asbestos sheets, poles, blocks.
To carry on the business as manufacturers, producers, processors, fabricators, importers, exporters, buyers, sellers and dealers in all kinds of chains in all shapes, sizes, capacities, varieties required for industrial, automotive, domestic, commercial purposes, heavy duty chains, for all kinds of machinery and equipment, bicycle chains, motor cycle chains and chains for all kinds of vehicles and means of transport used in carriage by sea, land, air and for that purpose to set up, purchase, import or otherwise acquire all plant, machinery and related equipments and to run and maintain the same and to buy, sell, import, export and deal in all kinds of spare parts, components, tools, accessories, dies and stores for the manufacture, production, reconditioning and repairs of all chains.
Chamber Of Commerce And Industry
- The objects for which the Company is established are:
(i) To encourage a friendly feeling and unanimity among business men and professionals involving their common good.
(ii) To promote and protect the general mercantile and industrial interest of India.
(iii) To consider all questions connected with agriculture, trade, commerce and manufacture; to obtain the removal of grievances affecting businessmen or mercantile interest in general; and to promote or oppose legislative and other measures as circumstances may require.
(iv) To collect and disseminate data, statistics and information relating to agricultural activities, trade, commerce and industry.
(v) To undertake and arrange for the settlement by arbitration of trade disputes.
(vi) To communicate with officials on problems raised by members, to obtain their views on them and disseminate the same among all concerned.
(vii) To organise periodical meetings, seminars and symposia with Government officials and to seek clarification and solution to the problems confronting the interests of the members.
(viii) To organise Trade and Industrial Missions comprising of members, specialists and entrepreneurs both in India and abroad, to arrange meetings with the Foreign Trade and Industrial teams visiting India.
(ix) To formulate expert opinion on topical subjects and to submit wherever necessary recommendations to the concerned authorities and to render advice to the members.
(x) To render expert advice on different problems and solutions thereto in connection with taxation, excise and customs, company law, industrial licensing and import-export to members.
(xi) To render advice on all aspects of export documentation, including letters of credit and mode of payment to intending business houses, to issue certificates of origin, and to certify commercial invoices.
(xii) To offer expert advice and render assistance to members on all matters, including labour and industrial relations, to prepare applications, replies and to appear on behalf of the members before any authority.
(xiii) To encourage, assist, guide and render specialised services to small scale industries, including availability of raw materials, plant and equipments, technical know-how, cost of installation and production, legal procedure, arrangement of funds, market for the sale of produced goods, etc.
(xiv) To act as an Information Centre, to collect literature, books, periodicals, magazines and other publications from all over the world, to disseminate factual information on all matters concerning business and industry, to establish and run a modern library for reference, assistance, and advantage of the members.
(xv) To publish books and brochures on subjects of topical interest and proceedings of seminars and conferences organised by the Chambers.
(xvi) To act as a Centre for extending common facilities to the members.
(xvii) To encourage, aid, assist, organise or undertake and contribute to the execution of Community Development and Social Welfare Programme, including rural development, urban growth, technical education, environmental quality etc.
(xviii) To create public opinion, encourage and activate social responsibilities of business enterprises and to establish just and equitable principles in trade, commerce and industry.
(xix) To act as a centre of studies and research on subjects of interest to members.
(xx) To organise exhibitions and/or take up mass communication projects by means of news, letters, circulars, notices, newspapers, magazines, periodicals, cinemas, television, radio, etc.
(xxi) To establish effective communication for supporting or opposing the policies of the government in the interest of its members.
(xxii) To impart training and guidance to young persons with a view to enabling them for employment in association members.
(xxiii) To arrange facilities for books, guides, data and information, to conduct courses and to hold examinations in professional as well as vocational disciplines.
(xxiv) To enter into agreements with other Chambers of Commerce and other bodies for the advancement of trade and manufacture and the protection of traders and manufacturers and to subscribe to and promote the aims and objects of any society or association having similar objects to all or any of the objects of the association and to encourage and support any society, association or movement for the improvement of commercial law.
(xxv) To borrow or raise monies required for the purpose of this company.
(xxvi) To acquire, purchase, build or take on lease or hire any movable or immovable property or rights; and to sell, mortgage or otherwise dispose of all or any part of such property and rights.
(xxvii) To invest the monies of the company not immediately required in such securities as may from time to time be determined.
(xxviii) To establish or support or aid in the establishment and support of associations, institutions, funds and trusts calculated to benefit employees or ex-employees of the Company or their dependents and grant them pensions and other allowances.
(xxix) To draw, make, accept, discount, execute and issue bills of exchange, promissory notes, bills of lading, warrants, debentures and other negotiable and transferable instruments and securities.
(xxx) To subscribe to local and national charities and to grant donations for public purpose.
(xxxi) And generally to do all other acts, deeds and things necessary or incidental to or for the
Charitable Purposes
- To promote spiritual, physical, mental, educational development and upliftment of adults and children of all ages without any distinction of cast, creed or religion and in the interest of mankind in general.
- To aid or establish, takeover or collaborate with any institution or school or association, for physical, mental, spiritual, educational development, uplift of intelligence or its development.
- To propagate, import and adopt any audiovisual methods for solving the problems of crime, drug abuses and help in the inculcation of such behavior as would bring happiness to the family of man or generally mankind without reservation of his status, caste and religion.
- To aid or establish any institution or adopt means for imparting, promotion of any art, science or to promote selfhelp to overcome any of these evils particularly for the poor or weaker sections of the society in India or abroad.
- To establish any home, institution or society for religious workshop and knowledge or for the welfare, maintenance and development of orphans of any community or society.
- To establish any institution or society for the welfare of victims of natural calamities and/or provide food and shelter to any needy person or persons from time to time.
- To undertake the compilation, printing and publication of:
- Simple prayers for daily prayers for spiritual and psychological uplift of people generally.
- Simple booklets explaining the basic morals and values of human life and for moral upliftment.
iii. Books suitable for moral and spiritual instructions to school going children, containing simple science, stories from epics depicting the life of ideal persons, sages and other renowned personalities.
- To award prizes in competition of physical games and educational competitions and to award scholarships to the needy and to provide ways and means for the uplift of poor and needy children or individuals and to inculcate moral discipline.
- To arrange and provide such medical aid and such other assistance necessary for living to the needy persons who are otherwise incapable or handicapped or mentally or physically retarded and financially uplift any person of poor class.
- To enter any social, moral and financial assistance for betterment of life of any unmarried girl or boy, widow or widower from time to time.
- To arrange tours or provide conveyance to any person or persons to and from any such place(s) of historical or universally acclaimed religious place or places which may enlighten and defuse knowledge and/or for the avoidance or to reduce or remove the mental depression and which may encourage and boost the spiritual instinct for a better and happier life.
- To provide cooking, eating and other utensils or clothing temporarily or from time to time daily needs on special occasions of the persons or families of the persons who are, for any reasons incapable for providing these for themselves at the time of need, either free or against nominal charges.
- To accept donations, raise subscriptions from the members or other persons, to invest the funds of the company with such individuals, societies, firms or companies for providing income to the company on such terms and conditions as may deem proper and necessary for the fulfillment of the aims and objects of the company and to further its interest as enumerated above.
- To provide for all activities for improving the moral standards of the people, promoting respect for all religions, tolerance and cordial feelings between man and man irrespective of difference of caste, colour, creed or religion.
- To promote spiritual studies and open spiritual training and Yoga centres for general public and to do everything to make spiritual studies popular amongst the public.
- To start, maintain and assist in relief measures in those parts which are or become subjected to natural calamities like famine, fire, flood, earthquakes etc.
- To establish, found and maintain libraries, reading rooms for the use and convenience of general
- To award prizes, medals and the like in universities, colleges, schools, etc., to encourage students for higher and better education.
- To give monetary help to disabled or blind persons in the form of monthly allowance or gratuities.
- To open, found, establish, maintain and assist leper asylums or other institutions for helping the poor, destitute, widows and orphans of all faiths and communities.
- To give stipends, allowance or gratuities, recurring or otherwise for the maintenance etc. for such time or duration as may deem proper and necessary.
- To do any other act or thing which is ancillary to the achievement of any of the above stated objects.
- To carry on the business as manufactures, producers, processors, importers, exporters and dealers in all kinds and classes of compost, organic and inorganic manures, gas based, natural or man made fertilisers, chemicals such as urea, sulphur, insecticides, pesticides, repellents, fungicides, sprayers, dusters.
- To establish and run plants for treatment of waste, garbage, sludge for manufacture of compost through high rate mechanical, aerobic composting process and to enter into collaboration or other arrangements with Government, semi-Government, local bodies, municipal corporation and others for manufacture and distribution of the same.
- To carry on the business of manufacturers of and dealers in all kinds of agricultural chemicals and to carry on the said business in all their branches and/or undertake spraying of such chemicals through manual, mechanical and/or aerial operations.
- To buy, take on lease or under a licence, concession, grant or otherwise acquire mines, mining rights in any land or other place and metalliferious land and any interest there in and to explore, work, develop, turn to account the same.
- To crush, win, get, quarry, smelt, calcine, refine, dress, amalgamate, manipulate and prepare for market ore, metal, mineral, and mineral substances of all kinds and to carry on any other metallurgical operation.
- To manufacture, import, export, improve, treat, preserve, blend or otherwise deal in all kinds of minerals, their compounds, products, by products, derivatives.
- To buy, sell, manufacture, import, export, for otherwise deal in coal, wood, cement, refractories, plants, machinery,implements, appliances, conveniences, provisions, and things capable of being used in connection with the operation of the company.
- To search for ores, minerals, mines and grant licences for mining or offer any lands or places which may be acquired by the company and to lend any such land or place for agriculture, building or other use, to sell or otherwise to dispose of any lands, mines or other property of the company.
- To manufacture, process, refine, buy, sell, export, import, or otherwise deal in all kinds of ferrous and non ferrous metals & their scraps.
To manufacture, produce,refine, process, formulate, buy, sell, export, import and deal in all types of heavy and light chemicals, chemical equipments and compounds, chemicals capable of being used in the pharmaceutical industry, agricultural chemicals, petrochemicals, industrial chemicals, minerals, methylated and rectified spirits, colours, coaltar dyes, dye intermediates, raw materials, pigment dyes, paints, synthetic paints, thinners, varnishes, synthetic resins, enamels, lacquers, distempers disinfectants, oils, wood and food preservatives, printing, marking inks, polishes of metal, wood paper, crayons, powders, electroplating, abrasives and its chemicals, greases, vaselines, creams, glue, gelantines.
- To manufacture, produce, refine, process, formulate, buy, sell, export, import or otherwise deal in all types of heavy and light chemicals, chemical elements and compounds, laboratory and scientific chemicals, pharmaceutical chemicals, agricultural chemicals, hexamine, fertilisers, petrochemicals, industrial chemicals or any mixtures, derivatives, articles and compounds thereof, alkalies, acids,
gases, and compounds, dyes, cosmetics, drugs, pharmaceutical and medical preparations.
- To carry on business as manufacturers, producers, refiners, processors, converters, dealers, traders, importers, exporters, retailers, stockists, buyers or sellers of para nitrochloro benzene, dinitro chloro benzene, paracetamol, aluminium sulphate, manganese sulphate, acids, rubber chemicals, dystuffs, fertilisers, organic or inorganic and/or mixed chemicals including fine and heavy chemicals, synthetic resins, plastics or P.V.C. materials and such products, machineries and parts required for use in or
based, partly or fully, on one or more aforementioned materials or products.
- To produce, manufacture, use or otherwise acquire, sell, distribute, deal in and dispose of chemical products of every nature and description and compounds, intermediates, derivatives and by products thereof and products to be made therefrom including specifically but without limiting the generality of the foregoing,calcium cyanamide, vat, solubilised vat, naphthols, all type of floatation reagents, wetting agents, insecticides and fumiagents, plastics and resins, dyestuffs, explosives, catalytic agents, foods, direct colours, basic and rapid fast colours, pigment, drugs, biological, pharmaceuticals, serums, vitamin products, hormones, sutures, drugs, essence, cordial, minerals and other water, cellulose and oil paints, pigments and varnishes, derived from phosphate, mines, limestones, quarries, bauxite mines, petroleum, natural gas and other natural deposits useful or suitable in the manufacture of chemicals and chemical products
4. To manufacture and deal in all chemical products such as coaltar products and their intermediates, dyes, drugs, medicines and pharmaceuticals, petroleum and its products, its derivatives, all type of heavy chemicals such as sulphuric and other acids, caustic soda, soda ash, etc., all type of textile chemicals and sizing and finishing materials, cement and allied products, photographic chemicals, soap, glycerine and allied products, all industrial and pharmaceutical, organic and
- To manufacture, produce, refine, process, formulate, buy, sell, export, import or otherwise deal in all types of heavy and light chemicals, chemical elements and compounds, laboratory and scientific chemicals, pharmaceutical chemicals, agricultural chemicals, hexamine, fertilisers, petrochemicals, industrial chemicals or any mixtures, derivatives, articles and compounds thereof, alkalies, acids, gases, and compounds, dyes, cosmetics, drugs, pharmaceutical and medical preparations.
- To carry on business as manufacturers, producers, refiners, processors, converters, dealers, traders, importers, exporters, retailers, stockists, buyers or sellers of para nitrochloro benzene, dinitro chloro benzene, paracetamol, aluminium sulphate, manganese sulphate, acids, rubber chemicals, dystuff, fertilisers, organic or inorganic and/or mixed chemicals including fine and heavy chemicals, synthetic
resins, plastics or P.V.C. materials and such products, machineries and parts required for use in or based, partly or fully, on one or more aforementioned materials or products.
- To produce, manufacture, use or otherwise acquire, sell, distribute, deal in and dispose of chemical products of every nature and description and compounds, intermediates, derivatives and by products thereof and products to be made therefrom including specifically but without limiting the generality of the foregoing, calcium cyan amide, vat, solubilised vat, naphthols, all type of floatation reagents, wetting agents, insecticides and fumiagents, plastics and resins, dyestuffs, explosives, catalytic agents, foods, direct colours, basic and rapid fast colours, pigment, drugs, biological, pharmaceuticals, serums, vitamin products, hormones, sutures, drugs, essence, cordial, minerals and other water, cellulose and oil paints, pigments and varnishes, derived from phosphate, mines, limestones, quarries, bauxite mines, petroleum, natural gas and other natural deposits useful or suitable in the manufacture of chemicals and chemical products.
- To manufacture and deal in all chemical products such as coaltar products and their intermediates, dyes, drugs, medicines and pharmaceuticals, petroleum and its products, its derivatives, all type of heavy chemicals such as sulphuric and other acids, caustic soda, soda ash, etc., all type of textile chemicals and sizing and finishing materials, cement and allied products, photographic chemicals, soap, glycerine and allied products, all industrial and pharmaceutical, organic and inorganic chemicals, fertilisers, pesticides, manures, fungicides, deodorants, biochemical and allied products, fats, waxes and their products, hides, skins and leather.
biochemical and allied products, fats, waxes and their products, hides, skins and leather.
- To manufacture, produce, refine, process, formulate, buy, sell, export, import or otherwise deal in all types of heavy and light chemicals, chemical elements and compounds, laboratory and scientific chemicals, pharmaceutical chemicals, agricultural chemi cals , hexamine, fertilisers, petro-chemicals, industrial chemicals or any mixtures, derivatives, articles and compounds thereof, alkalies, acids, gases, and compounds, dyes, cosmetics, drugs, pharmaceutical and medical preparations.
- To carry on business as manufacturers, producers, refiners, processors, converters, dealers, traders, importers, exporters, retailers, stockists, buyers or sellers of para nitrochloro ben zene, dinitro chloro benzene, paracetamol, aluminium sulphate., manganese sulphate, acids, rubber chemicals, dystuffs, fertilisers, organic or inorganic and/or mixed chemicals including fine and heavy chemicals, synthetic resins, plastics or P.V.C. materials and such products, machineries and parts required for use in or based, partly or fully, on one or more aforementioned materials or pro ducts .
- To produce, manufacture, use or otherwise acquire, sell, distribute, deal in and dispose of chemical products of every nature and description and compounds, intermediates, derivatives and by-products thereof and products to be made therefrom including specifically but without limiting the generality of the foregoing, calcium cyanamide, vat, solubillsed vat, naphthols, all type of floatation reagents, wetting agents, insecticides and funiagents, plastics and resins, dyestuffs, explosives, catalytic agents, foods, direct colours, basic and rapid fast colours, pigment, drugs, biological, pharmaceuticals, serums, vitamin products, hormones, sutures, drugs, essence, cordial, minerals and other water, cellulose and oil paints, pigments and varnishes, derived from phosphate, mines, limestones, quarries, bauxite mines, petroleum, natural gas and other natural deposits useful or suit able in the manufacture of chemicals and chemical products.
- To manufacture and deal in all chemical products such as coaltar products and their intermediates, dyes, drugs, medicines and pharmaceuticals, petroleum and its products, its derivatives, all type of heavy chemicals such as sulphuric and other acids, caustic soda, soda ash, etc., all type of textile chemicals and sizing and finishing materials, cement and allied products, photo graphic chemicals, soap, glycerine and allied products, all indus trial and pharmaceutical, organic and inorganic chemicals, fertilisers, pesticides manures, fungicides, deodorants, biochemical and allied products, fats, waxes and their products, hides, skins and leather.
- To carry on the business of manufacturing, processing, preparing, formulating, exporting and importing, buying and selling and dealing in organic chemicals such as fats, organic acids, poly oils etc., from oil seeds of any description or any of them and all its by products, and products to be made therefrom.
- To extract oil from oil cake and oil seeds and carry out process of refinement and conversion of oil, to manufacture all types of soaps and all sorts of by products, including manufacture of steric acid and glycerine.
- To purchase, sell, import and export, or carry on the business of manufacture of all kinds of chemicals and compounds and preparations therefrom, dye stuffs, and bleaching materials, glue, resin, cellulose, spirits, turpentine, soap, salt, oil, caustic soda, clay and other materials used in the manufacture or treatment of pulp, paper and board.
- To take on lease or otherwise acquire any lands, forests, timber land and estates of every description and any right in, over or connected with the land, to develop the resources of the Company, in particular by clearing, draining, fencing, planting, cultivating, building, improving, farming, irrigating, gazing and by promoting immigration and emigration and the establishment of villages and settlements.
- To manufacture, produce, process, import, export, trade, buy, sell, distribute, pack, repack or otherwise deal in and carry on the business of the chemists, druggists, dealers in patent drugs and compounds; pharmaceutical, medical and chemical preparations, articles and compounds thereof, chemicals, foodstuffs, cosmetics, toiletries, contraceptives, oils, pharmaceuticals, industrial, medicinal and chemical articles and products, compounds, paints, oils, varnishes, pigments, dyes.
- To produce, manufacture, refine, develop, process, export, sell, distribute or otherwise deal in drugs or medicines, pharmaceuticals, antibiotic, herbal, bacteriological and biological products and preparations of all kinds, insecticides, pesticides, alkalies, acids, essences, disinfectants, foodstuffs, organic or mineral intermediates, wines, tonics, fine chemicals, photographic chemicals and chemicals of any nature and kind whatsoever, soaps and washing materials, perfumes, toilet articles and cosmetics and laboratory reagents.
- To manufacture, buy, sell or otherwise deal in all kinds of surgical, scientific, electrical, chemical, photographic and other apparatus and instruments and miscellaneous hospital requisites.
- To carry on the business of conducting chits (auction and other chits), daily, weekly, monthly and at such interval as the company may decide from time to time and to canvass and admit subscribers for Auction Chit Schemes or other Benefit schemes (not amounting to lotteries), subject to the provisions of Prize Chits and Money Circulation Schemes (Banning) Act, 1978.
- To lend money either with or without security upon such terms and conditions as the company may think fit to subscribers of the chits and to guarantee the performance of the contract by any such person, subject to the provisions of Prize Chits and Money Circulation Schemes (Banning) Act, 1978.
- To carry on the business as manufacturers, producers, processors and dealers in tobacco, bidies, cigarettes, cigars, smoking and chewing tobacco, snuff grinders, and other products of tobacco, match lights, matches, match boxes and pipes.
- To carry on the business of buying, stocking, selling, exporting, importing, blending, treating or otherwise dealing in raw materials, ingredients, intermediates of any description which are generally required and used in the manufacture of bidies, cigarettes, cigars etc., such as tobacco, tendu leaves, thread, wrapping paper, wrapping materials and packing materials.
- To purchase or otherwise acquire and take over the running business and/ or establishment or establishments carrying Business of Bidi, Cigar, Cigarettes, and tobacconist in India or elsewhere and to enter into agreement or agreements with such establishment or establishments for the purpose of acquiring and taking over the stock of raw materials, finished products of tobacco, other articles, things, rights, liabilities and privileges of the said establishment or establishments.
- To acquire, register in its own name or purchase out right or on royalty basis the patent rights, trade marks and such other rights and privileges of a running business for the manufacture, process and marketing of bidis, cigarettes, cigars and other tobacco products.
- To carry on the business of the cinematograph trade and industry in all their branches and activities and particularly the business of manufacture, production, distribution, exploitation, exhibition, import and export of all kinds of cine films, talkie films, video films, telefilms, documentary films, advertising films, TV Serials and films and motion pictures of all kinds and nature for entertainment, amusement, publicity, education and instruction in all languages prevailing in the world.
- To carry on either solely or in partnership, periodically or permanently the business of running, conducting and managing as proprietors, lessees, tenants, licensees, managers and agents of cinematograph cinemas and theatres, places and halls, preview theatres, video theatres, studios, cinematographic shows and exhibitions and other entertainments and amusements and places of entertainments and amusements and in particular to provide for production, projection, representation and performance of cinematographic films, motion pictures, video films, telefilms and films and motion pictures of all kinds and nature in all its branches and performances, exhibitions and representations of one or more of them or any part thereof by means of cinematograph films, television, radio, video cassettes, video discs or any other similar contrivances and appliances by means whereof the same may be mechanically or otherwise performed, exhibited and represented and in connection therewith.
- To carry on business as distributors, buyers, sellers, merchants and dealers in cinematograph films, records, tapes and apparatus for recording or reproducing sights and sounds and all rights to produce, distribute or exhibit any performance, entertainment or event by means of films, records or such other apparatus.
- To carry on the business as producers, distributors, importers, exporters, exhibitors and financiers of cinematographic films and to manufacture, own, acquire, provide, secure, arrange or deal in films and photographic, sound recording, musical, lighting appliances, instruments, equipments and machines; to construct, establish, own, hire or otherwise acquire and to manage, let on rent, fee, monetary gain or otherwise studios, laboratories, theatres, buildings, halls, open air theatres, bars, restaurants and other building or works required for the purposes of production, distribution or exhibition of the films, operas, stage plays, dances, burlesques, vaudeville, revues, ballets, pantomimes, spectacular pieces, promenade, concerts, circus or other performances and entertainment.
- To carry on the business of production, distribution or exhibition of films and motion pictures including the running of theatres, cinemas, studios and cinematographic shows and exhibitions.
- To establish and carry on the business as producers, exhibitors, distributors, screeners, importers, exporters, financiers, repairers, buyers, sellers or otherwise dealers in photographic goods, including cinematographic instruments, cameras, talking and silent machines and other equipments, slide projectors, film projectors, sound recording and reproducing equipments, process films or educational, recreational and entertainment films, value like slides, documentaries, feature films, short films, news reel films and advertisement films.
- To carry on the business as proprietors and managers of theatres (cinemas, picture places and concert halls) and to provide for the production, presentation and performance (whether by mechanical means or otherwise) of operas, stage plays, burlesques, vaudevilles, revue, ballets, pantomimes, spectacular pieces and other concerts, musical and dramatic performance and entertainments.
To manufacture, produce, process, make, convert, distribute, import, export, trade, buy, sell whether as retailers or wholesalers, suppliers, packers, repackers, movers, stockists, agents, subagents, merchants, consignors, jobbers, brokers, or otherwise deal in populated, loaded or stuffed printed circuit boards, electronic circuit boards, and all other kinds of circuit boards.
- To carry on at any place or premises all or any of the business of circus, concert, cinema, ballroom, hippodrome, nightclub, superclub and theatre proprietors and agents; box-office keepers, ticket agents, showmen and exhibitors; song, music, play, programme and general publishers and printers; scene, proscenium and general painters and decorators; theatrical and musical agents; and caterers for public and private amusements and entertainments of every description.
- To carry on the business of proprietors and operators of amusement parks, and as promoters, organisers and managers of all kinds of entertainments, sports, recreations, indoor and outdoor amusements, including funfairs, circuses, amusement arcades, exhibitions, sideshows and games, competitions, tournaments, concerts, cinema and television performance, stage and variety shows, dancing, skating, aquatic and equestrian events, and pyrotechnic, aerial and other displays and to enter into agreements with, grant lease and licences to, and engage and employ showmen, artists, entertainers, performers, sportsmen and other persons for the purpose.
- To carry on the business of manufacturers, producers, processors, makers, buyers, sellers of and dealers in bricks and tiles of every description and refractories and other building materials of every kind and description and for this purpose to acquire lands and set up brick kilns whether mechanised or otherwise.
- To manufacture bricks, tiles, paving slabs, pipes, pottery, earthenware, china and similar goods and to acquire the freehold or other interest in any land from which may be extracted clay or any other substance required for the said purpose.
To establish, own, maintain, carry on all or any of the business usually carried on by dry cleaners, dyers, launderers, washermen, steam, electrical and general laundry and to wash, clean, purify, scour, bleach, wring, dry, iron, colour, dye, disinfect, renovate, dress, sterilise, press, block, polish, glaze, finish and prepare for use all articles of wearing apparel, costumes, garments, household, domestic and other linen and cotton and woollen goods and clothing and fabrics of all kinds including fur, leather, water proofs, felts, velour, panama and straw hats etc., and all sorts of furnishing materials including curtains, covers, carpets, rugs, etc. and to buy, sell, hire, manufacture, repair, let on hire, alter, improve, treat and deal in all apparatus, materials, chemicals, and articles of all kinds which are capable of being used for any such purposes, and for that purpose to set up dry cleaning and washing plants, dryers, steam presses and household washing machines.
To carry on business as manufacturers, producers, processors, makers, inventors, designers, assemblers, repairers, convertors, importers, exporters, traders, buyers, sellers, suppliers, indenters, packers, stockiest, agents, merchants, distributors, consignors, jobbers, brokers or otherwise deal in injection or extraction machines, scrubbing or drying machines and all kinds of industrial or domestic vacuum cleaners and all parts, spares, components and accessories thereof.
- To manufacture, produce, process, make, convert, import, export, trade, buy, sell whether as retailers or wholesalers, suppliers, indenters, packers, repackers, stockists, agents, merchants, distributors, consignors, jobbers, brokers, or otherwise deal in cans and general line containers, plain and lithographed cans, open top cans, tin cans, tin containers including boxes and tubes, and any other tin articles, light pressed metal articles, corks of all types or any kind of components, closures and openers thereof, drums, barrels, cans, tubes including collapsible tubes, containers, utensils, vessels, made of or capable of being manufactured from tin plates, stainless steel or other metal sheet, plastic, aluminium, cardboards and papers of all or any kinds and description whatsoever.
- To manufacture, produce, process, make, convert, import, export, trade, buy, sell whether as retailers or wholesalers, suppliers, indenters, packers, repackers, stockists, agents, merchants, distributors, consignors, jobbers, brokers or otherwise deal in and all types of metal plates like copper, aluminium, steel and other articles, made of tin, metal or other materials, of any kind and descriptions, and as sheet iron and tin plate workers and jappeners, letter press or block printers, designers and draughtsmen, engravers, photographers, electrotypers, photographic printers, photo lithographers, publishers, cardbox makers, book sellers, stationers, stereotypes and advertising agents and as printers in general including as printers on paper, card board, polythene, polyvinyl compounds, aluminium, tin plates and other metals, alloy sheets and on any other materials and articles.
- To carry on the business of spinners, weavers, manufacturers, importers, exporters, ginners, pressers, packers, balers, traders, commission agents, adatiya, controllers, consultants of cotton and the cultivation thereof and the business of weaving or otherwise manufacturing, bleaching, dyeing, printing, colouring, and selling yarns, cloth, linen and other goods and fabrics whether textiled, trebled, netted or looped and of buying, selling and dealing in cotton and other fibrous materials, yarn, cloth, linen, and other goods or merchandise made thereof and generally to carry on the business of cotton spinners and doublers, cotton merchants, bleachers and dyers and to transact all curing and processing processes.
- To carry on business as manufacturers, traders, importers, exporters, and dealers in flax, hemp and jute; spinners, linen manufacturers, jute and wool merchants, wool combers, worsted spinners, yarn merchants, worsted stuff manufacturers, bleachers and dyers and makers of vitriol, bleaching and dyeing materials and to purchase, comb, prepare, spin, dye and deal in wool, cotton, silk and other fibrous substances and to weave or otherwise manufacture, buy and sell and deal in linen cloth and other goods and fabrics whether textiled, trebled, netted or looped.
- To carry on the business of ginning, pressing, spinning, combing, cleaning, preparing, packing, weaving, manufacturing, bleaching, dyeing, colouring, printing and importing, exporting, selling, buying and otherwise dealing in cotton, yarns, linen, cloths, fabrics, jute, wool, silk, flax, hemp and other staples, fibre materials, whether synthetic, artificial or natural, textile substitutes for all or any of them and to treat and utilise any waste arising from any such manufacture, production or process whether carried on by the company or otherwise.
- To purchase or otherwise acquire lands, or to accept leases or assignments of leases and on such lands or any of them to build or erect mills, buildings, gins, presses, factories, machine houses, godowns, ware houses, out houses, works, wells, tanks and other buildings, structures and erections and works of any kind whatsoever and to purchase, erect and set up engines, boilers, machinery plants and other fixtures and things of any kind whatsoever suitable, useful or necessary for a spinning and weaving mill and businesses and works incidental thereat or connected therewith or falling within any of the objects of the company.
- To provide facilities and accommodation for indoor and outdoor sports or games, changing rooms, refreshments and other amenities and to promote polo, hunting, tennis and other games, athletic sports and pastimes.
- To provide courses and grounds, reading rooms, billiards and other recreation rooms and refreshment rooms, television rooms, and such sports facilities as may be thought appropriate, and to provide accommodation for meetings and gatherings of all description, and to lay out, prepare and maintain the same and the property of the company to be used by members and other persons either gratuitously or for payment.
- To purchase, hire, make or provide and maintain all kinds of horses, livestock, furniture, implements, tools, utensils, plates, glass, linen, books, papers, periodicals, stationery, cards games and other things required or which may be conveniently used.
- To buy, prepare, make, apply, sell, deal in, take on hire or provide all kinds of apparatus, furniture, catering equipment and utensils, linen, glass, china, books, papers, periodicals, stationery and all other things required in connection with a club, any sport, game or pastime.
- To build, alter, adapt, construct, repair, maintain and equip, purchase, take on lease or in exchange, or otherwise acquire, any property, club house or other buildings movable or immovable which may be conveniently used in connection with any of the objects of the company.
- To buy, provide, make and sell meals, food, drinks, tobacco, cigars, cigarettes and other facilities.
- To provide the equipment necessary for billiards, snooker, darts and other games and sports, and for musical, dramatic, video and other social entertainments.
- To hire and employ secretaries, clerks, managers, servants and workmen, and to pay to them and to other persons in return for services rendered to the company, salaries, wages, gratuities and pensions.
- To promote or hold either alone or jointly with any association, club or persons, meeting, competitions and matches.
- To establish, promote or assist in establishing or promoting and to subscribe to, or become a member of, any other association or club whose objects are similar either in full or in part to the objects of the company.
- To invest and deal with the money of the Company not immediately required upon such securities
and in such manner as may from time to time be determined.
- To borrow or raise and give security for money by the issue of or upon bonds, debentures, bills of exchange, promissory notes or other obligations or securities of the company or by mortgage or charge upon all or part of the property of the Company.
- To do all such other lawful things as are incidental or conducive to the attainment of the above objects.
To establish, manage, administer, construct, build, develop, purchase, operate and maintain, take on lease, own and run health clubs, health resorts, holiday homes, nursing homes, nursing home-cum-hotels, nursing home-cum-guest houses, guest houses, catering houses, hotels, motels, inner restaurants, hospitals, clinics, polyclinics, dispensaries and medical centres, child welfare and family planning centres, physiotherapy centres, health clinics, pathological laboratories for medical or other kinds of care in India and elsewhere.
- To provide facilities and accommodation for indoor and outdoor sports or games, changing rooms, refreshments and other amenities and to promote polo, hunting, tennis and other games, athletic sports and pastimes.
- To provide courses and grounds, reading rooms, billiards and other recreation rooms and refreshment rooms, television rooms, and such sports facilities as may be thought appropriate, and to provide accommodation for meetings and gatherings of all description, and to lay out, prepare and maintain the same and the property of the company to be used by members and other persons either gratuitously or for payment.
- To purchase, hire, make or provide and maintain all kinds of horses, livestock, furniture, implements, tools, utensils, plates, glass, linen, books, papers, periodicals, stationery, cards games and other things required or which may be conveniently used.
- To buy, prepare, make, apply, sell, deal in, take on hire or provide all kinds of apparatus, furniture, catering equipment and utensils, linen, glass, china, books, papers, periodicals, stationery and all other things required in connection with a club, any sport, game or pastime.
- To build, alter, adapt, construct, repair, maintain and equip, purchase, take on lease or in exchange, or otherwise acquire, any property, club house or other buildings movable or immovable which may be conveniently used in connection with any of the objects of the company.
- To buy, provide, make and sell meals, food, drinks, tobacco, cigars, cigarettes and other facilities.
- To provide the equipment necessary for billiards, snooker, darts and other games and sports, and for musical, dramatic, video and other social entertainments.
- To hire and employ secretaries, clerks, managers, servants and workmen, and to pay to them and to other persons in return for services rendered to the company, salaries, wages, gratuities and pensions.
- To promote or hold either alone or jointly with any association, club or persons, meeting, competitions and matches.
- To establish, promote or assist in establishing or promoting and to subscribe to, or become a member of, any other association or club whose objects are similar either in full or in part to the objects of the company.
- To invest and deal with the money of the Company not immediately required upon such securities and in such manner as may from time to time be determined.
- To borrow or raise and give security for money by the issue of or upon bonds, debentures, bills of exchange, promissory notes or other obligations or securities of the company or by mortgage or charge upon all or part of the property of the Company.
- To do all such other lawful things as are incidental or conducive to the attainment of the above objects.
- To provide a secular, non political institution to promote and facilitate different game activities, social, recreational, cultural and intellectual activities among the members of the Club and to support such activities.
- To establish and provide recreational sports facilities and other related activities like indoor, outdoor games and sports for members in a phased manner.
- To provide temporary accommodation/catering etc. to members and their guest in a phased manner.
- To maintain a recreation room.
- To promote, encourage and support such activities among the members as are conductive to the growth of social, cultural and intellectual environment in particular.
- To give, promote or support receptions, dinners, concerts and other entertainments and to hold, promote or support sports, sport meetings, competitions, championship and matches and to offer and contribute towards prizes, medals , scholarships and awards.
- To organise, conduct classes or coaching schemes in Judo, Karate, Dancing, Music, Art and any other fine arts, health club, hobbies and sports generally.
- To establish, promote, manage or assist in the establishment, promotion or management of any other body or association either in India or outside India, whose objects are similar either in full or in part to the objects of the Club and to affiliate the Club to such institutions in India or abroad.
- To perform acts of charity and render service to those in need, especially the poor and backward in community, irrespective of caste, creed, race or religion.
- Generally to engage in such other activities as are incidental or conductive or otherwise advantageous to the attainment of the above objects or any of them.
- To organise and manage indoor and outdoor games like Billiards, Table Tennis, Lawn Tennis, Carom Board, Ludo, Chess, Badminton, Playing Cards so as to help physical and mental development of members and to provide healthy recreation of friendship, nationalism by organising sports, games, kavi sammelan, dances, Mushaira, Drama and magic show.
To carry on business of coach builders, bus, truck and other vehicle builders, manufacturers, fabricators, body assemblers, producers, repairers, job workers, buyers, sellers of all means of transport, including buses, coaches, trucks, minibuses, ambulances, special purpose vans, tankers, cars, utility vans, trawlers and all types of light and heavy vehicles and to act as agent, broker, collaborator, consultant, contractor, subcontractor, metal workers, welders, machinists, wood workers, enamellers, engineers, hirer, wholesaler, retailer or otherwise to deal in all such fixtures, fittings, accessories, consumable tools, jigs, dies, equipments, instruments, components, parts, goods, articles and things, required for the above purposes.
- To carry on the business of mining for any element or substance including mining of coal and manufacture of all type of coals and cokes, petroleum coke, calcined coke and coal tar, anthracite coal and to take on lease or otherwise acquire, purchase, transfer, lease out or sell mines, mining rights and land or any interest therein and for this purpose to search for, prospect, explore, mines and quarries.
- To carry on business as manufacturers, producers, processors, makers, convertors, importers, exporters, traders, buyers, sellers, retailers, wholesalers, suppliers, indenters, packers, movers, stockists, agents, merchants, distributors, consignors, jobbers, brokers or otherwise deal in all or carry on development and research work, mineral fuels including coal, lignite, peat coke, pitch coke, kerosene, natural gas, petroleum coke, calcined coke and coal tar, their products and other byproducts as may be possible and utilise waste gases in industrial purposes.
To carry on the business of manufacturing, producing, processing, selling, purchasing, importing, exporting, marketing industrial painting equipments, domestic painting equipments, paint-shops, painting and powder coating automatic machines, fabrication of paint shop components, job coating, painting, contracting, consultancy in paint shop projects and in industrial painting; and all other related matters of industrial painting,coating, electroplating and galvanizing.
To produce, grow, cultivate, farm, manufacture, treat, crush, extract, powder, mix, manipulate, prepare, pack, repack, protect, buy, sell, export, import, or otherwise to deal in all types, varieties, qualities, mixtures and grades of cocoa products, byproducts, residues, intermediates, derivatives, formulations, including cocoa beans, whole or broken, raw or roasted; cocoa shells, husks & skins; cocoa paste, cocoa drinks, cocoa butter; sweetened or unsweetened; cocoa powder, chocolate, sausages, chatanis and other food preparations; cocoa oils and other allied items as agents, subagents, representatives, distributors, stockists, wholesalers, retailers, consignors, consultants or otherwise.
- To carry on the business as manufacturers, producers, growers, cultivators, planters, traders, suppliers, importers, exporters, wholesalers, retailers, distributors, packers, repackers, blenders or otherwise to deal in all varieties, descriptions, characteristics of tea, coffee, chicory, cocoa and the like products in all or any of their forms including spray dried, freeze dried, chicory blend and other preparations thereof for instant consumption and otherwise in whatsoever manner, green tea, black tea, flavoured tea.
- To purchase or take on lease or otherwise acquire, establish, develop, manage and run estates, gardens, plantations and to grow, raise and cultivate tea, coffee, cinchona, rubber produce and to carry on the business of tea plantation in all branches; to carry on and work the business of cultivators, and buyers of and dealers in every kind of vegetable, kirana products, mineral or other produce of the soil, to prepare, manufacture and render marketable any such produce, and to buy, sell, dispose of, and deal in any such produce, either in its prepared, manufactured or raw state.
- To carry on the business as manufacturers, dealers, traders, exporters, importers, buyers, sellers, distributors, brokers, commission agents in coir foam, rubberised coir foam, rubber foam, artificial rubber foam, synthetic resins, elastomers and latex.
- To carry on the business of manufacturers, dealers, brokers, commission agents of coir mattresses, pillow, cushion of coir foam, rubberised coir foam, rubber foam and all kinds of foam goods.
- To carry on the business of mining for any element or substance including mining of coal and manufacture of all type of coals and cokes, petroleum coke, calcined coke and coal tar, anthracite coal and to take on lease or otherwise acquire, purchase, transfer, lease out or sell mines, mining rights and land or any interest therein and for this purpose to search for, prospect, explore, mines and quarries.
- To carry on business as manufacturers, producers, processors, makers, convertors, importers, exporters, traders, buyers, sellers, retailers, wholesalers, suppliers, indenters, packers, movers, stockists, agents, merchants, distributors, consignors, jobbers, brokers or otherwise deal in all or carry on development and research work, mineral fuels including coal, lignite, peat coke, pitch coke, kerosene, natural gas, petroleum coke, calcined coke and coal tar, their products and other byproducts as may be possible and utilise waste gases in industrial purposes.
- To construct, build, equip, own, purchase, take on lease, rent, hire, maintain, keep
and to run cold storages, storage chambers, freezers, deep freezers, godowns, warehouses, refrigerators and room coolers for storing fish, seafood, marine products and processed fish, meat, eggs, poultry products, protein foods, milk & dairy products, cream, butter, cheese, bacons, sausages, fruits, roots, vegetables and other substances made from all or any of them and canned, tinned and processed foods of every description and to act as transporters of aforesaid foods, substances and products.
- To establish cold storage plants and to carry on the business of ice manufacturers, cold storage keepers, provision merchants and fruits vendors and to maintain cold storage plants and chambers for the preservation of fruits, vegetables and consumable articles of all kinds and to deal in the same.
- To establish, promote, subsidize, encourage, provide, maintain, organise, undertake, manage, build, construct, equip, develop, recondition, operate, conduct and to run in India or abroad schools, colleges, boarding houses, ashrams, gurukuls, teaching classes for primary, secondary & higher education in the fields of commerce, arts, science, engineering, medical, pharmacy, mining, military, music, dance, acting, sports, journalism, management, social welfare and industry which can be imparted to the students regularly orally or through post and to conduct examinations and to award degrees.
- To establish, maintain and carry on an institution with or without branches to give instructions, viva voce or by post or through cinema, films or otherwise to both sexes for the purposes of teaching in the arts, science, commerce, stenography, typewriting, law, engineering, computers or pertaining to technical, vocational, commercial, business and other types of education.
- To organise debates, lectures, exhibitions, expeditions, research works, operas, dances, outdoor amusement, public meetings and classes and conferences conducted directly or indirectly to advance the cause of education whether general, professional or technical and for that purpose to establish libraries, reading rooms, laboratories, workshop and install equipments and to arrange for their maintenance and upkeep.
- To buy, take on lease or under a licence, concession, grant or otherwise acquire mines or mining rights, in any land or other place and to explore, quarry, work, develop, process or turn to account coal, coke, rocks, stones, granites, minerals and metals.
- To quarry, mine, cut, hew, curve, saw, crush, finish, polish, set, buy, sell, prepare for market, manufacture, process, refine and deal in all kinds of stone, marble, granite, coal, dolomite, bantonite, lignite, clay, sand and other products, ores, metals, minerals, mineral oils and rocks and rock products.
- To carry on business of prospecting of mineral deposits and obtaining certificates of approval, grant licences for mining and mining leases.
- To carry on business as quarry masters, stone merchants, and to buy, excavate, wash, screen, sell and deal in stones, earth, gravel and sand.
- To acquire, buy, purchase, lease, develop, renovate, improve, maintain, exchange or otherwise own property, estate, land, buildings, hereditaments, flats, garages, houses, halls, godowns, shops, warehouses, office premises, mills, factories, chawls, dwelling houses, residential accommodation or other immovable properties and to turn the same to account as may be expedient and in particular by laying out and preparing land for building purposes and preparing building site by planting, paving, draining and cultivating land and by demolishing, constructing, reconstructing, altering, improving, furnishing, maintaining, administering, equipping or subdividing properties by leasing or otherwise disposing of the same and to enter into contracts and agreements with builders, tenants, occupiers, either in India or in any part of the world to purchase, sell, deal in land, estates, houses or other landed properties of any tenure whether freehold, leasehold or otherwise and to act as promoters, organizers and developers of land, estates, property, cooperative housing societies, residential housing schemes, shopping centres, commercial complex, farm houses, holiday resorts, hotels, swimming pools, amusement parks and to finance with or without security for the same and to deal with and improve such properties either as owner or as agents and to join any other person, partnership firm or company in carrying the above objects.
- To undertake construction and management of properties of any person or governmental authorities for the construction of buildings of all descriptions, roads, bridges, earthwork, sewers, tanks, drain, culverts, channel or other works or things that may be necessary or convenient for any of the objects of the company.
- To carry on the business in India and/or abroad as architects, designers, draughtsmen, decorators, surveyors, valuers, estate agents, town planners, appraisers, coordinators, civil engineers, constructional engineers, furnishers, structural engineers, estate agents and land brokers.
- To finance housing activities in any way, to let on lease any such premises or parts of them and to provide services and facilities for the occupiers or tenants of those premises.
- To manufacture, fabricate, assemble, install, maintain, buy, sell, import, export or otherwise deal in doors, windows, fixtures, fittings, tiles, sanitary ware, pipes, grills, tanks, switches, cables, wires, bricks, prefabricated and precast blocks, slabs, beams, poles, arches, cement, stones, steel, sand, lime, ropes, pulleys, bamboo, planks and plants and machinery such as mixers, crushers, rollers, cranes required for the purpose of building and construction activities.
- To carry on the business of manufacturing, processing, developing, printing of colour films and colour photos of various sizes and shapes and to manufacture photo colour films, colour photo paper, colour film processors, printer and papers processors, cutters for photographic processing and printing.
- To carry on the business of importers, exporters, stockists and selling agents, commission agents or agency of any company dealing in graphic, photographic and allied goods like colour films, colour rolls, colour photo paper, chemicals, cameras, enlargers, printers, film processors, paper processor and all other allied items.
- To manufacture, produce, process, make, assemble, design, develop, erect, fabricate, convert, import, export, trade, buy, sell, pack, repack, whether as retailers or wholesalers, stockists, agents, subagents, merchants, distributors, consignors, jobbers, brokers or otherwise deal in all types of internal combustion engines including oil and petrol engines, gas turbines, steam turbines, boilers, locomotive, road rollers, automobiles, trucks, tractors, agricultural implements and pumps, and all types of internal combustion engines used in plant and machineries belonging to industries, public utilities, defence, transport, agricultural, power and to deal in machinery, implements, fittings, accessories, components and hardware of all kinds.
- To carry on the business of founders, mechanical engineers, machine tool makers, brass founders, metal workers, iron and steel convertors, smiths, wood workers and metallurgists.
- The objects for which the Company is established are:
(i) To encourage a friendly feeling and unanimity among business men and professionals involving their common good.
(ii) To promote and protect the general mercantile and industrial interest of India.
(iii) To consider all questions connected with agriculture, trade, commerce and manufacture; to obtain the removal of grievances affecting businessmen or mercantile interest in general; and to promote or oppose legislative and other measures as circumstances may require.
(iv) To collect and disseminate data, statistics and information relating to agricultural activities, trade, commerce and industry.
(v) To undertake and arrange for the settlement by arbitration of trade disputes.
(vi) To communicate with officials on problems raised by members, to obtain their views on them and disseminate the same among all concerned.
(vii) To organise periodical meetings, seminars and symposia with Government officials and to seek clarification and solution to the problems confronting the interests of the members.
(viii) To organise Trade and Industrial Missions comprising of members, specialists and entrepreneurs both in India and abroad, to arrange meetings with the Foreign Trade and Industrial teams visiting India.
(ix) To formulate expert opinion on topical subjects and to submit wherever necessary recommendations to the concerned authorities and to render advice to the members.
(x) To render expert advice on different problems and solutions thereto in connection with taxation, excise and customs, company law, industrial licensing and import-export to members.
(xi) To render advice on all aspects of export documentation, including letters of credit and mode of payment to intending business houses, to issue certificates of origin, and to certify commercial invoices.
(xii) To offer expert advice and render assistance to members on all matters, including labour and industrial relations, to prepare applications, replies and to appear on behalf of the members before any authority.
(xiii) To encourage, assist, guide and render specialised services to small scale industries, including availability of raw materials, plant and equipments, technical know-how, cost of installation and production, legal procedure, arrangement of funds, market for the sale of produced goods, etc.
(xiv) To act as an Information Centre, to collect literature, books, periodicals, magazines and other publications from all over the world, to disseminate factual information on all matters concerning business and industry, to establish and run a modern library for reference, assistance, and advantage of the members.
(xv) To publish books and brochures on subjects of topical interest and proceedings of seminars and conferences organised by the Chambers.
(xvi) To act as a Centre for extending common facilities to the members.
(xvii) To encourage, aid, assist, organise or undertake and contribute to the execution of Community Development and Social Welfare Programme, including rural development, urban growth, technical education, environmental quality etc.
(xviii) To create public opinion, encourage and activate social responsibilities of business enterprises and to establish just and equitable principles in trade, commerce and industry.
(xix) To act as a centre of studies and research on subjects of interest to members.
(xx) To organise exhibitions and/or take up mass communication projects by means of news, letters, circulars, notices, newspapers, magazines, periodicals, cinemas, television, radio, etc.
(xxi) To establish effective communication for supporting or opposing the policies of the government in the interest of its members.
(xxii) To impart training and guidance to young persons with a view to enabling them for employment in association members.
(xxiii) To arrange facilities for books, guides, data and information, to conduct courses and to hold examinations in professional as well as vocational disciplines.
(xxiv) To enter into agreements with other Chambers of Commerce and other bodies for the advancement of trade and manufacture and the protection of traders and manufacturers and to subscribe to and promote the aims and objects of any society or association having similar objects to all or any of the objects of the association and to encourage and support any society, association or movement for the improvement of commercial law.
(xxv) To borrow or raise monies required for the purpose of this company.
(xxvi) To acquire, purchase, build or take on lease or hire any movable or immovable property or rights; and to sell, mortgage or otherwise dispose of all or any part of such property and rights.
(xxvii) To invest the monies of the company not immediately required in such securities as may from time to time be determined.
(xxviii) To establish or support or aid in the establishment and support of associations, institutions, funds and trusts calculated to benefit employees or ex-employees of the Company or their dependents and grant them pensions and other allowances.
(xxix) To draw, make, accept, discount, execute and issue bills of exchange, promissory notes, bills of lading, warrants, debentures and other negotiable and transferable instruments and securities.
(xxx) To subscribe to local and national charities and to grant donations for public purpose.
(xxxi) And generally to do all other acts, deeds and things necessary or incidental to or for the
attainment of the above objects.
- The income and property of the Company whensoever derived shall be applied solely towards the promotion of the objects of the Company as set forth in this Memorandum of Association, and no portion by way of dividend or bonus or otherwise, shall be paid to the persons who at any time, are or have been members of the Company, or to any of them or to any person claiming through any of them; provided that nothing herein contained shall prevent the payment in good faith or remuneration to any officer or servants of the Company to any member thereof or to any other person in return for any services actually rendered to for and on behalf of the company or interest on money borrowed by or for the purposes of the Company, from any person, whether a member of the company or otherwise.
- To undertake and transact all kind of agency business and to carry on and promote any business, commercial or otherwise and/or act as distributors, agents, underwriters, brokers, estate agents, middleman, contract men, representatives and indenting agents, on commission, allowances or on any basis as may be deemed fit, in commodities, merchandise, agricultural and forest produce, engineering goods, machineries, spare parts, accessories, equipments and materials and to purchase, take on lease or rent or otherwise acquire any establishment marketing any of the goods and products mentioned herein before and other allied articles/lines of business.
- To carry on business as Clearing Agents, Shipping agents, commission agents, Freight Contractors, Forwarding Agents, Licensing Agents, General Brokers, order suppliers and all kinds of Agency business and dealers in all kinds of goods and merchandise, raw or manufactured, of any description, quality, kind and variety.
- To carry on business as traders and agents, suppliers and commission agents of products, commodities and materials in any form or shape manufactured or supplied by any company or firm, association of persons, body ( whether incorporated or not), government, semi government or any local authority.
- To cultivate, process, prepare, buy, sell, export, import, distribute, trade, stock, barter, exchange, pledge, make advances, speculate, enter into forward transactions or otherwise deal in seeds, food grains, cotton, jute, tea, coffee, rubber, oil seeds, pulses, sugar cane, vegetables and forests, agricultural and natural products of all kinds and to manufacture and deal in oils and other products obtained from such produce, and to develop farms and plantations for any of the above items and commodities or any other commodities or produce.
- To carry on the business of dealers, general order suppliers, contractors, buyers, sellers, merchants, importers, exporters, stockists, agents, brokers, commission agents and dealers in cotton goods, jute goods, textiles, garments, yarns, synthetic goods, chemicals, fertilizers, building materials, office appliances, domestic appliances, furniture, utensils, pulp, paper, plastic goods, engineering goods, electric items, electronic apparatuses or any products or commodities .
- To own, manage and run Digital Subscriber Line (DSL), Email, Hardware, Network Certification, Protocols, Software, Wireless systems and to act as consultants, advisors, developers and traders in computer programming system development, system design, system architecture, software designing, computer aided designs, data compilation and statistical analysis and to carry on the business of traders, developers, assemblers, repairs, importers, exporters of software packages, computer systems, computer peripherals, computer parts, consumables and electronic communication system, data publishing and processing system and other industrial automation systems and gadgets.
- To carry on, engage in the business at its own or in association with any Indian or any foreign agency, individuals, firms, company or government undertaking either in India or abroad and to act as franchise agent for electronic information technology development, up gradation, manufacturing, processing and up gradation of hardware, software, website, web-page, internet, e-mail, online electronic communication systems, data processing, developing, producing, generating, manufacturing, and dealing in all types of the computer hardware, software, computer stationery and to run and operate the computer hardware and software, training of Sap packages, ERP packages, accounting, other packages and programming in India or abroad.
- To provide consultancy services related to the preparation and maintenance of accounting, statistical or mathematical information and reports, data processing, computer programming and all other related business.
- To establish, promote, form, organise, sponsor, operate, supervise, manage and carry on business as administrators or managers of investment funds, mutual funds (both local as well as offshore), growth funds, income or capital funds, taxable or tax exempt funds, provident funds, pension funds, superannuation funds, charitable funds, trusts funds, of person or bodies of persons whether incorporated or not, as part of mutual fund business for investment in equity and other securities, to contribute to the development of capital market and for providing facility for participation by subscribers, holders of units in the mutual funds and in the profits or income arising from the acquisition, holding, management and disposal of the securities and other properties whatsoever and for that purpose to promote, establish, manage and carry on various schemes as may be approved by Securities & Exchange Board of India (SEBI) and all concerned authorities and conducive to the management of the company concerning shares, stocks, debentures, debenture stocks, bonds, units, obligations, securitised debts, promissory notes, participation certificate, policies, money market investment securities, policies of the Central and State Government, company, corporation, municipal, local or other body or authority or obligations of other securities or investments of any kind or description whether in India or in any foreign country.
- To act as financial consultants, management consultants and to provide advice, service, consultancy in various fields, general administrative, secretarial, commercial, financial, legal, economic, labour, industrial, public relations, scientific, technical, direct and indirect taxation and other levies, statistical, accountancy, quality control and data processing.
To promote, form & register, and aid in the promotion, formation and registration of any company, or companies subsidiary or otherwise for the purpose of acquiring all or any of the property, rights and liabilities of this Company, or for any other purpose and to transfer to any such company any property of the Company and to be interested in, or take or otherwise acquire, hold, sell or otherwise dispose of shares, stocks, debentures and other securities in any such Companies or any other company.
- To guarantee the payment of money, unsecured or secured payable under or in respect of promissory notes, bonds, debentures, stocks, contracts, mortgages, charges, obligations and other instruments and securities of any Company or of any authority, Central, State, Municipal, Local or otherwise or of any person whomsoever, whether incorporated or not and to transact all kinds of guarantee business including the guaranteeing of the fidelity of individuals in situations of trust or confidence.
- To indemnify principals and employers, and to make compensation for injury, ill health or damage occurring to or caused by their agents and employees.
- To acquire and hold controlling and other interests in the share or loan capital of any company or companies [and in particular in companies engaged in the business of …………………………]
- To provide financial, managerial and administrative advice, service and assistance for any company in which this company is interested and for any other company, firm or person(s).
To carry on the business of detective agency for carrying out investigation of personal, criminal, social or other matters as may be permissible for a private agency to undertake, to find out, secure and ascertain by all lawful means and to furnish or sell information, the antecedents of any individuals, firms, company whether as to financial, social, matrimonial or other matters or pertaining to any incident, accident, occurrence, offence, act of negligence or any other matter; to trace out the pedigree of any race horse, dog or other animal and to conduct and operate all kinds of detective business, to provide security services and for that purpose to acquire, hold or dispose off such equipments and accessories as may be necessary.
To promote, form & register, and aid in the promotion, formation and registration of any company, or companies subsidiary or otherwise for the purpose of acquiring all or any of the property, rights and liabilities of this Company, or for any other purpose and to transfer to any such company any property of the Company and to be interested in, or take or otherwise acquire, hold, sell or otherwise dispose of shares, stocks, debentures and other securities in any such Companies or any other company.
To carry on business as manufacturers, producers, processors, makers, convertors, assemblers, fabricators, repairers, importers, exporters, traders, buyers, sellers, retailers, wholesalers, suppliers, indenters, bottlers, packers, movers, preservers, stockists, agents, subagents, merchants, distributors, consignors, jobbers, brokers or otherwise deal in all types of electronic components, devices, equipments, and appliances, such as television and wireless apparatus including radio receivers and transmitters, tape recorders, broadcast relay and reception equipments, phonographic and other equipments used in and for audio and visual communications, apparatus and equipments including those using electromagnetic waves intended for radiotelegraphic or radiotelephonic communication, photocopiers, electronic lighting controls, continuous fan/motor speed control, continuous flashers and fire alarm system, digital and other electronic clock, time relays, punch card machines, electromechanical pneumatic control, computers and automatic calculators, X-Ray machine and tubes, surgical, medical and other appliances intended for electro and other therapy treatment and in all types of tapes, magnetic and otherwise, photographic films, projectors and cameras and capacitors, resistances, condensers, semiconductors, transistors, rectifiers, integrated and hybrid circuit, relays, potentio meters, connectors, printed circuits, coils, chocks, transformers, switch, volume controls, plugs, socket, aerial gears, diodes and allied items intended for and used in electronic devices and in air conditioners, refrigerators, washing machines, heaters and cooking ranges and other types of domestic appliances and any types of equipments used in the generation, transmission and receiving of sounds, light and electrical impulses and components, parts thereof and other materials used in or in connection with electric and electronic industries.
- To promote, encourage, establish, develop, maintain, organise, undertake, manage, operate, conduct and to run in India or abroad computer training centres, data processing centres, computer coaching classes, computer consultancy business, software consultancy and other allied activities and all sorts of services relating to computer, its maintenance, repairs, programmes & operations for industrial, commercial, domestic, public utility, defence, government, and other general customers or sections of society.
- To carry on the business of the computer bureau and of computer consultants and to provide educational, personnel training and other kind of service or facility relating to computers, computer programming, information retrieval, data preparation and processing equipments and electronic and electrical equipments and devices.
- To purchase, sell, hire, lease, operate and maintain communication systems and aids of all kinds and all machinery and electronic devices ancillary thereto (including but without limitation satellites and the like).
- To acquire or set up and run computer training schools, information systems technology, Training Institute and to license, franchise such Institutes and to carry on the business of developing, improving, designing, firmware and programs of all description, and selling data processing services and educational services including computer time sharing and CAD/CAM services, classroom, laboratory and audio/ visual training, books and educational materials to individuals, business and Government.
- To establish, set up, organize, maintain, support, assist and/ or conduct training classes, schools, colleges and other educational institutions to organize educational programs, lectures, seminars, symposium on subjects and in respect of computer training, computer manufacturing, computer technology and to award degrees, diplomas and certificates to trainees, students and other persons and to establish, promote, organize, support and maintain clubs and associations, of students and trainees for further advancing of their knowledge and experience in all or any of the above subjects and topics.
- To own, manage and run computer training and data processing centers and to act as consultants, advisors, developers and traders in computer programming system development, system design, system architecture, software designing, computer aided designs, data compilation and statistical analysis and to carry on the business of traders, developers, assemblers, repairs, importers, exporters of software packages, computer systems, computer peripherals, computer parts, consumables and electronic communication system, data publishing and processing system and other industrial automation systems and gadgets.
- To engage in the process of prototype setting, composing, desktop publishing and other modes of typesetting and to engage in the process of colour scanning used for printing of all kinds of books, periodicals, magazines, leaflets, advertisement materials, packaging materials, etc.
- To engage in the business of printing and publishing of all kinds including Books, Periodicals,
Magazines, Leaflets, Advertisement materials, Packaging Materials etc., through Letterpress, Offset, Litho press and other modes of printing machines.
- To produce, process, make or otherwise deal in all sorts of designs, drawings, art works, blue prints, flow charts, micro filming of drawings and the like.
- To buy, store, sell or supply, deal in, export or import, tranship and transport all kinds of materials used in printing business whether in wholesale or in retail.
- To deal in all classes of computers, computer hardware, electronic apparatus, instruments, fixtures, devices and contrivances and more particularly electronic data processing equipments, products and services, including Backup machines, Operating Systems, Shareware and Freeware, System Utilities, and to deal in EPOC Devices, Newton, Palm OS Devices, Pocket PC Devices and their operating systems, electronic educational equipment and services, minicomputers and microcomputers products, mainframes and super computers, electronic and mechanical computer peripheral equipment and terminals (including intelligent terminals), speech processing equipments, office and factory automation equipment and services and parts and assemblies and sub-assemblies related to the above.
- To develop, design, acquire, buy, sale, market, import, export and to deal in all kinds of computers, computer peripherals, apparatus, appliances and equip¬ment of every kind, class and description and to supply and provide services with respect to the above.
- To carry on engage in the business at its won in association with any Indian or any foreign agency, individuals, firms, company or government undertaking either in India or abroad and to act as franchise agent for electronic information technology development, up gradation, manufacturing, processing and up gradation of hardware. Software, websites, web-page, internet, e-mail and Instant Messaging service, chatting and social networking sites, online electronic communication systems, Internet Business management, Mobile Internet, Search engines, web-browsers, webdesigns, webrings, •data processing, developing, producing generating, manufacturing, and dealing in all types of the computer hardware, software, computer stationery and to run and operate the computer hardware and software, Training of Sap packages ERP packages, accounting, other packages and programming in India or abroad and to develop and maintain servers & routers.
- To undertake and provide Internet related services, systems, technology, information and software development services and products, including hardware’s, to any person through agents, franchise, by any available means, in India or abroad including value added services such as interactive, Television, Internet, E-Mail, V-Sat, Telephony, Video Shopping, Entertainment, Infotainment, Teleshopping, E-Commerce, Games, Data Transmission, Computer networking, Video conferencing etc. and to establish links via. Satellite uplink and downlink through available reception systems.
- To develop, design, acquire, adopt, deal, host and install website on internet or electronic sites, platform, for mar¬keting and trading of goods, raw materials, merchandise, articles, machineries, plant, apparatus, appliances, equip¬ment and commodities of every kind, class and description and to supply and provide services of all kind and to act as sellers, buyers, importers, exporters, retailers, wholesalers, suppliers, indenters, consigners, jobbers, brokers, stockiest, agents, sub-agents, merchants, distributors, consult-ants for E Commerce and E Business.
- To deal in all classes of apparatus, instruments, fixtures, devices and contrivances and more particularly electronic data processing equipments, products and services, including computers and computer products, mainframes and super computers, computer software, firmware and programs, electronic and mechanical computer peripheral equipment and terminals (including intelligent terminals), speech processing equipments, electronic calculators, electronic educational equipment and services, office and factory automation equipment and services and parts and assemblies and sub-assemblies related to the above and to undertake leasing and hire purchase of computers, electronics, equipments, communication and transmission lines.
- To carry on in India or elsewhere in the world, the business of publishing, copying, commissioning, duplicating, mixing, processing, producing, programming, recording, transferring, issue of software programmes on academic, commercial, cultural, educational and technical matters and purposes; to be issued on cinematographic films, floppy disks, diskettes, compact disks, computer or video tapes or cassettes, cartridges, spools, records or other format, any form of printed matter and/or any other reproducing device/s to be acquired, manufactured or processed for the purposes.
- To deal in all classes of apparatus, instruments, fixtures, devices and contrivances and more particularly electronic data processing equipments, products and services, including computers and computer products, mainframes and super computers, computer software, firmware and programs, electronic and mechanical computer peripheral equipment and terminals (including intelligent terminals), speech processing equipments, electronic calculators, electronic educational equipment and services, office and factory automation equipment and services and parts and assemblies and sub-assemblies related to the above and to undertake leasing and hire purchase of computers, electronics, equipments, communication and transmission lines.
- To carry on in India or elsewhere in the world, the business of publishing, copying, commissioning, duplicating, mixing, processing, producing, programming, recording, transferring, issue of software programmes on academic, commercial, cultural, educational and technical matters and purposes; to be issued on cinematographic films, floppy disks, diskettes, compact disks, computer or video tapes or cassettes, cartridges, spools, records or other format, any form of printed matter and/or any other reproducing device/s to be acquired, manufactured or processed for the purposes.
- To carry on general business of providing information, to design, invent, prepare, own, make, use, lease, sell or otherwise dispose of and generally to deal in and with software development, computers or any other equipment and materials of every type and description useful in forgoing business. To licence or otherwise authorise others to engage in general research and development in areas related to or involving foregoing, to provide consultancy in above and take jobs for solutions of problems relating to information and data processing.
- To manufacture, buy, sell, import, export, deal, assemble, fit, repair, convert, overhaul, alter, maintain and improve and provide training in all types of electronic and computer hardware, components, devices, equipments and appliances such as television, wireless, radio receivers, transmitters, tape recorders, broadcast, relay and reception equipments including those using electromagnetic wave intended for radio telegraphic or radio telephonic communication.
- To manufacture, buy, sell, assemble, exchange, supply, alter, improve, prepare for marketing, import or export or otherwise deal in every type and kind of super enamelled wires, Electric motors and power driven pumps meant for domestic, agricultural, industrial purposes.
- To manufacture, buy, sell, exchange, supply, alter, improve, prepare for market, import or export or otherwise deal in all type and kind of spare parts and components of every type of electric motors (including stators, rotors, actuators) and pumps meant for domestic, agriculture, industrial purposes and all types of machinery, plant or apparatus and things required or capable of being used in connection with the manufacture of the above or for the generation, accumulation, distribution, supply or employment of electricity.
- To manufacture, treat, prepare, ferment, process, produce, pack, repack, supply and deal in all types of confectionery items, processed foods such as bread, flour, biscuits, pastry, cakes, confectionery, chocolates, sweets, chewing gums, milk cream, ice-creams, and other farinaceous and food products and to bake and prepare baking powders and all materials and ingredients generally used in preparation of bakery products.
- To carry on all or any of the business or businesses as manufacturers, importers, exporters, dealers and agents of all kinds of bakery products, including and in particular bread, loaves, biscuits, cakes, buns, pastries, creams, protein foods, maize products, cornflakes, canned fruits and vegetables, butter, ghee, cheese and other dairy products, milk goods, malted goods, pickles, jams, jellies, sausages, milk powder, condensed milk, chocolates, toffees, sweets, aerated and mineral water.
- To manufacture, design, fabricate, develop, assemble, produce, process, import, export, buy, sell whether as representatives, distributors, suppliers, agents or otherwise to deal in all kinds of equipments in the field of fuel conservation, efficiency and operational efficiency of engines and automotive, marine, aircraft, industrial, domestic and other applications and to undertake and carry on research and development activities in the above field.
- To market the related equipment in the field of fuel/energy saving systems and/or ancillaries, fabricated, assembled, produced and manufactured by the company and/or acquired by the company on global basis.
- To acquire, own, impart, market own as well as other technical know-how for the conservation of fuel/energy and other allied fields including import and sell related equipment and devices in the field or fuel/energy saving systems as representatives, agents or otherwise.
- To carry on the business of builders, contractors, constructors, developers, purchasers, sellers, property brokers, designers, architects, decorators or otherwise deal in houses, land, buildings, flats, apartments, offices, godowns, shops, farm houses, holiday resorts, shopping cum residential complexes, sheds or any other property.
- To carry on business of builders and contractors for construction or demolition work of any kind and electrical, heating and constructional engineers.
- To purchase or otherwise acquire, sell or deal in all types of movable or immovable properties, lands, houses, offices, workshops, buildings and premises for development, investment or for resale.
- To purchase or otherwise acquire and to manufacture and deal in bricks, stone and other building materials of any kind, and all implements, machinery, vehicles, scaffolding and other equipments and articles used by builders and contractors.
- To render complete engineering services including feasibility studies, investigations, appraisal, estimate and reports, research, designs, calculations, drawings, specifications, contract documents, material and equipment evaluation and procurement, inspection and testing, construction, supervision, cost and efficiency control, operating and/or production procedures, and job management, in all or any of the related fields of consulting engineering either from own sources or in collaboration with others, both in India and abroad.
- To act as consulting engineers and management consultants and to prepare project reports, plans and lay out and provide technical advice, guidance and supervision in the erection, installation, commissioning of various types of machinery used in all types of industries.
- To acquire from or sell to any person, firm or body corporate whether in India or elsewhere, technical and managerial information, knowhow, processes, engineering, manufacturing, operating and commercial data, plants, layout and blueprints useful for the designing, erection and operation of any plant or process of manufacture and to acquire and grant licence, other rights and benefits in the foregoing matters and things and to render all kinds of management and consultancy services.
- To carry on business of money lenders , financiers, financial agents, brokers, stock and other securities brokers, underwriters . to procure money on loan or deposit with or without interest or under any scheme and/or to issue shares, debentures, stocks., bonds, securities, obligations, to invest money and/ or to give guarantee for loans or otherwise with or without interest to any person, firms, institutions, companies, organisations either on security of movable or immovable properties or personal securities, to grant loans under any scheme, to draw, accept, endorse, acquire, sell, purchase any negotiable or transferable instruments, and to give consultancy, advice for investment and financing.
- To act as professional consultants, legal advisers, solici tors, advisers, experts, valuers, actuaries in any field including finance, financial matters, external and internal auditing proce dure & practice, professional accountancy, accounting princi ples, methods & data, computer services, analysis, cost auditing principles & analysis, management information, personnel man agement , labour and other laws, industrial management, company law matters, company secretarial procedures, preparation of finan cial , technical feasibility, market survey reports, liaison work in all respects including making avaliable finance/loan to industrial units, investment of funds inshares, stocks, deben tures, units and other securities and purchase of these securities and to act as managers to the issue, registrars to the issue, legal advisers to the issue, transfer agents, underwriters, brokers of securities
- To carry on the business as adviser and /or consultants on matter and problems relating to the industries, administration, management, organisation, accountancy, costing, financial, marketing, import, export, commercial or economic activities, labour, statistical organisation, methods, quality control and data processing, technical “knowhow” operation, manufacture, production, storage, distribution, sale and purchase of goods, property and other activities of and in relation to any business, trade, commerce, industry, mine, agriculture, housing or real estate and upon the means, methods and procedure for the establishment, construction, development, improvement and expansion of business, trade, commerce and industry.
- To render industrial, technical, management, engineering and other types of skilled services to all types of industry, in India or abroad and to draw, create, make or in other way deal in designs, plans and/or specifications of all types of engineering goods, works, plants, factories, buildings, allied construction works for remuneration receivable in lump sum or on commission basis or on royalty basis or any other way found suitable and to act as manufacturers of machinery, tool makers, builders, founderers, metal workers, boiler makers and other allied products.
- To carry on the business of advisers on problems relating to the administration and organisation of industry and business and to advise ways, means and methods for extending, developing and importing all types of business or industries and all systems and processes relating to the production, storage, distribution, marketing and sale of goods and or relating to the rendering of the services.
- To seek for and secure openings for the employment of capital prospects, enquire, examine and take up the supervision or control of the business corporation of any person, firm, body corporate, association or other undertaking and for such purpose to appoint and remunerate any officer of the company, accountants, consultants or other experts.
- To engage in research in all problems relating to industrial and business management and distribution, personnel, marketing and selling and to collect, prepare and distribute information and statistics relating to any type of business or industry or technology.
- To act as agents or managers in carrying on any business concerns and undertakings and to employ experts to investigate and examine into the condition of management, prospects and value of any business or undertaking and generally of any assets or right of any kind.
- To carry on the business of advisers and consultants on problems relating to the administration and organisation of industry and business and to advise ways and means and methods for extending, developing and importing all types of business or industries and all systems and processes relating to the production, storage, distribution, marketing and sale of goods and or relating to the rendering of the services.
- To carry on the profession of consultants, advisers, representatives, advocates, attorneys, liaisioner, agents, serviceman, middleman, arbitrator, conciliator, auctioneer, liquidator, secretary & solicitor on different subjects such as legal, commercial, industrial, manufacturing, production, engineering, personnel, marketing, advertising, publicity, sales promotion, public welfare, corporate management, business management, company law, taxation, investment, portfolio management, agriculture, animal husbandry, poultry, fisheries, power generation, energy savings, insurance, banking, loan syndication, imports & exports, researches & developments, software developments, computer applications, quality control, technical knowhow, geology & mining, medicine & surgery, merchant banking, underwriting, secretarial services, financial management, construction, transport and on other similar subjects and to make evaluations, feasibility studies, techno economic feasibility studies, project reports, forecasts, surveys & rehabilitation packages
- To act as industrial, technical, financial, management and/or turnkey consultants and to render complete scope of respective services under each category to individuals, firms, companies etc.
- To carry on in India or elsewhere and undertake semi turnkey/turnkey projects and/or enter into joint venture for sharing profits, cooperation or reciprocal concession with any person, firm or company or companies for any type of business or industry and to engineer, develop, design, assemble, trade, manufacture, produce, import, export, buy, sell and otherwise deal in industrial, mining, environmental, agricultural and other equipments/ machines together and all types/ kinds of tools, fittings, components, accessories, mountings & appliances.
To provide consultancy services related to Communications and Networking, Data Formats, Desktop Publishing, Education, Hardware, Internet, Multimedia, Programming Languages, Security, Software, Technical Support, systems analysis and services for solving scientific and research problems or aiding commerce, industry or Government.
- To manufacture, process, design, buy, sell, export, import and otherwise deal in all kinds of packing cases, cartons, drums, crates, cans and containers of aluminium and other materials, card board containers, corrugated containers, wooden boxes, plastic containers, polythene containers, bottles, hollow wares etc. whether made of plastic or any manmade fibre, leather, wood, plywood, thermocole, particle board, corrugated paper, craft paper, glass or of other material, including high and low density polythene, polypropylene, plastic, P.V.C. chemicals, metals and other manmade fibrous material used in manufacture of all or any of the above products and raw materials used therefore.
- To manufacture tins, tin containers, polythene bags, polypropylene bags, P.V.C. containers, transparent containers, corrugated boxes, paper packing containers and packing materials.
- To manufacture, process, design, buy, sell, export, import and otherwise deal in all kinds of packing cases, cartons, drums, crates, cans and containers of aluminium and other materials, card board containers, corrugated containers, wooden boxes, plastic containers, polythene containers, bottles, hollow wares etc. whether made of plastic or any manmade fibre, leather, wood, plywood, thermocole, particle board, corrugated paper, craft paper, glass or of other material, including high and low density polythene, polypropylene, plastic, P.V.C. chemicals, metals and other manmade fibrous material used in manufacture of all or any of the above products and raw materials used therefore.
- To manufacture tins, tin containers, polythene bags, polypropylene bags, P.V.C. containers, transparent containers, corrugated boxes, paper packing containers and packing materials.
- To carry on the business of restaurant keepers, refreshment room proprietors, proprietors of hotels, tea rooms, bars, snack bars and as inn and lodging house keepers, licensed victuallers, tea and coffee shop, cake shop and snackbar, caterers, refreshment contractors, bakers and pastry cooks, confectioners and general provision merchants and to carry on business as manufacturers, producers, processors, makers, convertors, importers, exporters, traders, buyers, sellers, retailers, wholesalers, suppliers, indenters, packers, movers, stockists, agents, subagents, merchants, distributors, consignors, jobbers, brokers or otherwise deal in refreshments, food, mineral waters and soft drinks, aerated waters, cordials and consumable goods of every description.
- To establish and provide all kinds of facilities and amenities for customers and others, and in particular club rooms, reading and writing rooms, games and sports accommodation, changing rooms, lockers and safe deposits, laundries, places of amusement, recreation, sports, telephones, stores and shops, agents for railway and shipping companies.
- To carry on the business of builders, contractors, constructors, developers, purchasers, sellers, property brokers, designers, architects, decorators or otherwise deal in houses, land, buildings, flats, apartments, offices, godowns, shops, farm houses, holiday resorts, shopping cum residential complexes, sheds or any other property.
- To carry on business of builders and contractors for construction or demolition work of any kind and electrical, heating and constructional engineers.
- To purchase or otherwise acquire, sell or deal in all types of movable or immovable properties, lands, houses, offices, workshops, buildings and premises for development, investment or for resale.
- To purchase or otherwise acquire and to manufacture and deal in bricks, stone and other building materials of any kind, and all implements, machinery, vehicles, scaffolding and other equipments and articles used by builders and contractors.
To carry on in India or elsewhere the business of manufacturers, producers, assemblers, processors, repairers, importers, exporters, distributors, agents, hirers, buyers, brokers, stockists, commission agents, sellers of and dealers in all types of pollution control equipments, allied systems and instrumentation; their components, accessories, mountings and also the related resins, polyelectrolytes, treatment chemicals, filter materials, etc.
- To manufacture, assemble, repair, design, develop, fabricate, buy, sell, import, export and distribute or otherwise deal in all kinds and descriptions of fluid control products, piston valves, foot valves, ball valves, level indicators and all other types and ranges of valves and sealing products, gaskets and their components, spare parts, stores and accessories, fittings, appliances, apparatuses of all kinds.
- To manufacture, assemble, repair, buy, sell, import, export and distribute or otherwise deal in sealing products including gaskets, friction materials, brake lining, clutch facing, components for general or industrial use and for the automotive industries and in particular for motor cars, lorries, motorcycles, airplanes, bicycles and carriages, amphibious vehicles suitable for propulsion on land, sea or in the air, or in any combination thereof and vehicles of all kinds whether moved by mechanical power or not.
- To carry on the business of manufacturers, importers, ex porters, assemblers, traders, repairers, stockists, distributors of all types of fans in all shapes, sizes, varieties, colours, specifications, descriptions and capacities of electric fans used for domestic, industrial and other business and general purposes including table fan, ceiling fan, pedestal fan, hot air fans, rotary fan, moulded fan, exhaust fan, automobile fan, railway carriage fans, fan blades, its assemblies, parts, fittings, accessories and components, regulators, coils, motors, pumps, starters and to deal in coolers of all sorts including room coolers, assembly coolers, industrial coolers, their parts and accessories.
- To carry on the business of manufacturers, producers, stockists, commission agents, importers, exporters of electrical products and other domestic appliances, their assemblies, kits, spares and accessories.
To manufacture, produce, process, excavate, quarry, melt, mould, roll, cold, clean, cure, treat, mix, manipulate, prepare or otherwise to deal in copper, copper alloys, unwrought copper, copper waste, copper scrap, copper foils, copper powders, copper flakes, copper strips, copper sheets, copper wires whether coated, uncoated, clad, perforated, printed, embossed, insulated and all types of sections, varieties, strengths, specifications, descriptions, dimensions and shapes of copper products including bars, angles, tubes, pipes and blanks thereof, hollow bars, containers, stranded wires & cables, cordage, ropes, plaited bands, insulated electric wires & cables, electrodes, gauge, cloths, grills, netting, fencing, reinforcing fabrics, chains, nails, tracks, staples, hooks, spiked cramps, shields, spikes and drawing pins, rivets, buckles, bolts, nuts, screws, cotters, cotter pins, washers, spring washers, springs, sanitary wares, hardware, utensils, electronic goods and other allied items, their parts, fittings, accessories & components.
- To establish and carry on in India or abroad colleges and schools or coaching classes at or from which students may obtain education and instruction by post or otherwise through films, floppies or computers in academic, cultural, musical, artistic, literary, scientific, medical, management, law, engineering, technical, vocational and commercial subjects and crafts of every description, or which may be conducive to knowledge of or skill in any profession, trade or calling and to give prizes, certificates, diplomas, scholarships and awards to persons who have been instructed or examined by the company.
- To provide a school or schools, lecture class or examination rooms, offices, boarding, lodging and other facilities for students, teachers, lecturers and other instructors employed by the company, including facilities for study, research, cultivation, recreation, teaching and performance of the duties allotted to them respectively.
- To carry on all or any of the business of proprietors and publishers of newspapers, journals, magazines, books, catalouges and other literary works, printers, stationers, photographers, booksellers, advertising agents, engineers and dealers in or manufacturers or lessors or hirers of any articles, and in particular maps, plans, models, drawings, mathematical and technical instruments and materials, stationery, typewriters, word processors, electrical and electronic instruments, apparatus and appliances of all kinds.
- To carry on the business of spinners, weavers, manufacturers, importers, exporters, ginners, pressers, packers, balers, traders, commission agents, adatiya, controllers, consultants of cotton and the cultivation thereof and the business of weaving or otherwise manufacturing, bleaching, dyeing, printing, colouring, and selling yarns, cloth, linen and other goods and fabrics whether textiled, trebled, netted or looped and of buying, selling and dealing in cotton and other fibrous materials, yarn, cloth, linen, and other goods or merchandise made thereof and generally to carry on the business of cotton spinners and doublers, cotton merchants, bleachers and dyers and to transact all curing and processing processes.
- To carry on business as manufacturers, traders, importers, exporters, and dealers in flax, hemp and jute; spinners, linen manufacturers, jute and wool merchants, wool combers, worsted spinners, yarn merchants, worsted stuff manufacturers, bleachers and dyers and makers of vitriol, bleaching and dyeing materials and to purchase, comb, prepare, spin, dye and deal in wool, cotton, silk and other fibrous substances and to weave or otherwise manufacture, buy and sell and deal in linen cloth and other goods and fabrics whether textiled, trebled, netted or looped.
- To establish, maintain, run & operate the business of handling, carrying & delivering of articles, packages, parcels, containers, mails, goods, communication & messenger services from one place to another and from one person to another and to the place of destination and to charge such cartage, freight or fare as may be feasible or commensurate with the work or service performed in relation thereto and for that purpose to purchase or hire vehicles of all types for maintaining the service line and to insure all or any of the articles carried by the company for the delivery of the same during its transit or storage.
- To carry on the business as travel agents, tourist and cargo carriers, freight forwarders by road, railway, sea water or air or by any other mode of transport and to carry on all other allied business and activities pertaining to the travelling and tourist business.
- To carry on all or any of the business of transporters, cartage and haulage contractors, garage proprietors, owners and charterers of road vehicles, aircraft, ships, tugs, burger and boats of every description, carrier of goods and passengers by road, water or air, cartage contractors, stevedores, warfingers, cargo superintendents, packers, haulers, warehouse man, storekeepers and job master and to act as clearing and forwarding agents.
To manufacture, buy, sell, import and export or otherwise deal in all types of earthmoving machinery and its parts and to deal in all substances, apparatuses and things capable of being used in any such business.
To carry on the business of manufacturing, producing, compressing and processing of ceramic goods, mainly glazed, unglazed floor and wall tiles and such other ceramic products, sanitary products including urinals, wash basins, European closets, Indian water closets and other accessories and also ceramic decorative table-wares and crockery.
To manufacture, produce, import, export, sell whether as wholesalers, retailers, traders, brokers, suppliers, vendors, consultants, consignors, job workers, stockists, distributors, processors, collaborators and to develop, design, renovate, repair, maintain, recondition, assemble, alter, fabricate, finish, modify, let on hire, or otherwise to deal in all types of shapes, sizes, models, specifications of cycles, bicycles, tricycles, cycle rickshaws, children cycles, wheel chairs, sports cycles, special cycles and other similar items, their components, parts, gadgets, systems, consumable accessories and fittings.
To manufacture, assemble, convert, commercialize, design, develop, display, establish, handle, let on hire, install, maintain, operate, produce, promote, process, overhaul, renovate, recondition, remodel, service, supervise, supply, import, export, buy, sell or otherwise to deal in all shapes, sizes, varieties, capacities, specifications, descriptions and use of gas cylinders, hospital gas cylinders, defence gas cylinders including welded low carbon steel gas cylinders for low pressure liquefiable gases or for ammonia, chlorine, methyle bromide and other similar gases; seamless manganese steel cylinders for permanent and high pressure liquefiable gases; seamless carbon dioxide cylinders for fire fighting purpose on ship board; non refillable liquefied petroleum gas containers, low carbon cylinders for storage and transportation of liquefiable gases, their parts, fittings, accessories & components.
- To carry on the business of collecting, storing and preserving milk and for that purpose to establish, erect, build, manage and run dairy farms, and manufacture all kinds of things and products from milk, such as butter, cheese, sweets, toffees, chocolates and other products and to sell the same in wholesale or retail.
- To carry on the business as manufacturers, producers, processors, packers, repackers, suppliers and dealers in all types of milk, cow milk, buffalo milk, she goat milk, cream, butter, ghee, cheese, yogurt, paneer, condensed milk, malted milk, milk powder, skimmed milk powder, wholesome milk powder, ice cream, milk foods, baby foods, infant foods, sweets, chocolates, confectioneries, milk products and preparations, derivatives, by products, residues of all kinds.
- To keep, nurse, breed, raise or otherwise to deal and traffic in all sorts of poultry animals & livestock.
- To manufacture, produce, process, buy, sell and deal in soyamilk, soyamilk products and preparations, soyabean based foods including spray dried milk, powders, cheese, curd, icecream, baby foods, protein foods and other preparations of soya cereals and lentils including biscuits,breads, cakes, pastries, nuts, toffees and chocolates, soya beverages and other allied products and preparations of every kind, nature and description.
- To establish and run data processing/computer centres and to offer consultancy and data processing and other services that are normally offered by data processing/computer centres to industrial, business and other type of customers and to impart training in Electronic Data Processing, Computer Software and Hardware to customers and others.
- To carry on a general business of providing comparative information about the characteristics, interests and other attributes of individuals, communities, organisations, countries, or other social units and of articles or commodities or economic trends or whatsoever.
- To design, invent, prepare, own, make use of, lease, sell or otherwise dispose of and generally to deal in and with computers, data processing machines, types, cards, memory equipments and materials of every kind and description useful in connection with the foregoing business.
- To carry on the business of exhibitors of and dealers in pictures and prints, and of artists’ agents, makers, importers, exporters and sellers of picture frames, artists’ colours, pastels, oils, acrylics and other paints, brushes, easels and other instruments, articles and ingredients relating to any such business.
- To carry on the business of publishers, book and print sellers, magazine proprietors, fine art journalists, printers and engravers, advertisement agents and purchasers and sellers of copyrights.
- To engage in the business of production, manufacturing, buying, selling, exchanging, importing, exporting and dealing either in wholesale or in retail in handicrafts made of metal, wood, cement, stone, paper, cloth, lace, leather, and other materials or with any combination thereof such as Handicrafts of aluminum, copper, brass, bronze, bell metal, German silver, silver or any alloy thereof, real and imitation; zari, zariwoven embroidered products; Handicrafts of paper, marble, leather such as hand bags, pouches, bangle boxes, belts, travel goods, carpets, rugs and druggets, wood articles; goods and articles of stones, plaster of Paris such as statues, monuments, photo frames, models of histori cal places, model temples etc., hand made paintings, drawings and pastels, original engravings, prints and lithographs, collections of zoological, botanical, mineralogical and anatomical, historical, archaeological, paleontological, ethnographical or numismatic inters, handloom materials, antiques, art goods, wearing and deco rative apparels of every kinds, nature and description, and also to carry on the business of all kinds of ivory and metal works.
- To carry on the business of manufacturers, producers, stockists, commission agents, importers, exporters of electrical products and other domestic appliances, their assemblies, kits, spares and accessories.
- To carry on in India or elsewhere the business of manufacturers, producers, assemblers, processors, importers, exporters, distributors, agents, hirers, buyers, brokers, factors, stockists, commission agents, sellers of and dealers in and fabricators of electrical stamping, laminations, electrical goods both for domes tic and industrial use.
- To purchase, prepare, breed, rear, sell, import, export, improve, deal and trade in all kinds of animals, cattle and live stock such as cow, ox, bull, buffaloes, fish, horses, asses, donkeys, mules, pigs, sheep, goats, birds, bee, poultry, live and dead stocks of every description and to process, pack, preserve, distribute or otherwise deal in milk, cream, butter, honey, egg, pork, prawn and other commodities, goods or things, products, wastes, by products, residuals of animal origin.
- To undertake and carry on poultry farms, fishery, piggery and dairy farming and for the purpose to prepare stables, dens, sheds, kennels, nests, burrows, dwelling places and grazing pastures, veterinary hospitals for keeping and rearing animals, livestock for safe custody and for improving their breed by cross breeding or otherwise deal in all kinds and classes of animal products including meat, ham, pork, steak, beef, chicken, oils, fats, skins, nails, teeth, hair, hooves, horns, etc.
- To carry on the business as manufacturers of, dealers in and commission agents of furniture and fittings made from wood, metal, metal alloys, fibre glass, plastics and synthetic materials; wooden products, plywood, teak wood, teak board, block board, M D F board.
- To carry on the business as wholesalers or retailers and whether manufacturing of or otherwise dealing in house furnishers, upholsterers and dealer in and hirers, repairers, cleaners, warehouses of furniture, carpets, synthetic and cotton floorings, fabrics, household utensils, china and glass goods, fitting colourful curtains, hand made home furnishing and carpets, household requisite of all kinds.
- To organise, run, maintain, operate, promote and carry on the business of interior decorators, consultants, designers, repairers, furnishers, furniture and carpet designers and manufacturers, operators of fashion centres, fashion show, boutique and to make, acquire, deal in any way in handicrafts, objects of art, precious stones, jewellery, whether artificial or otherwise and articles whether in precious material or precious stones or otherwise and to manufacture and deal in any products as are dealt in by boutiques, fashion shows and interior decorators.
- To manufacture, produce, process, make, design, develop, convert, import, export, trade, buy, sell or otherwise deal in household and kindred furnishing and furnishers, cleaners and service in all other auxiliary fields.
- To let on hire or sell on hire purchase system, furniture and other household furnishings and to decorate and furnish houses, bungalows, shops and other buildings.
- To carry on in India or elsewhere the business of fishing including deep sea fishing and to act as dealers, exporters and agents in all kinds of fish and sea foods.
- To own, purchase, charter, hire, contract, equip and maintain fishing trawlers, ships, boats, vessels, aircraft, cars, motor lorries, insulated vans and refrigerated trailers.
- To carry on business as ship owners, trawlers, deep sea fishers, marine engineers, boiler makers, ship builders, dry dock keepers, ship and boat repairers, ship agents, wreck removers, divers, stevedores , wharfingers, carriers, forwarding agents.
To establish, maintain, run and operate the business of handling, carrying and delivering of articles, communications and messenger service from one place to another and from one person to another, and to the place of destination and to charge such cartage, freight or fare as may be feasible or commensurate with the work or service performed in relation thereto and for that purpose to purchase or hire vehicles of all types for maintaining the service line and to insure all or any of the articles carried by the company for delivery of the same during its transit or storage.
- To establish, acquire, keep, manage and run departmental store and general provision store for the purpose of dealing in all kinds and classes of household goods, merchandise, stores, consumer goods, articles and commodities of all sorts whether wholesale or in retail or both, and to establish, equip, manage and run chain stores, offices, shops and branches for the supply of provisions and all other articles for domestic and commercial use and to carry on the business of caterers, bakers, cereal and flour merchants, importers and exporters, agents, consignors and dealers in general merchandise.
- To provide and construct refreshment rooms and to carry on the business of catering and restaurant owners.
To carry on business as manufacturers, producers, processors, makers, convertors, importers, exporters, traders, buyers, sellers, retailers, wholesalers, suppliers, indenters, packers, movers, preservers, stockists, agents, subagents, merchants, distributors, consignors, jobbers, brokers, concessionaires or otherwise deal in armoured or reinforced safes, strong boxes and doors, safe deposit lockers, strong rooms, cash or deed boxes and all kinds of devices, made of metal or other materials for the safe custody of valuable articles.
To carry on the business of detective agency for carrying out investigation of personal, criminal, social or other matters as may be permissible for a private agency to undertake, to find out, secure and ascertain by all lawful means and to furnish or sell information, the antecedents of any individuals, firms, company whether as to financial, social, matrimonial or other matters or pertaining to any incident, accident, occurrence, offence, act of negligence or any other matter; to trace out the pedigree of any race horse, dog or other animal and to conduct and operate all kinds of detective business, to provide security services and for that purpose to acquire, hold or dispose off such equipments and accessories as may be necessary.
To manufacture, process, pack, repack, buy, sell, import, export or otherwise deal in all kinds of soaps such as bathing soap, soap strips, perfumed or non-perfumed soaps, glycerine soaps, in any form whether liquid or cake, detergent powders, cakes, liquids, shampoos, conditioner, non-soapy washing creams, baby soaps, medical or clinical soaps and all kinds and varieties of soaps and detergents and all types of raw material used in it, detergents, toiletries and cosmetics and to do the business of refining, preparing, buying, selling, importing, exporting or otherwise dealing in all kinds of oils, margarine, soda, caustic soda, soda ash, fats, perfumes and laundry materials and other substances and ingredients required for the manufacture of aforesaid products.
- To acquire, buy, purchase, lease, develop, renovate, improve, maintain, exchange or otherwise own property, estate, land, buildings, hereditaments, flats, garages, houses, halls, godowns, shops, warehouses, office premises, mills, factories, chawls, dwelling houses, residential accommodation or other immovable properties and to turn the same to account as may be expedient and in particular by laying out and preparing land for building purposes and preparing building site by planting, paving, draining and cultivating land and by demolishing, constructing, reconstructing, altering, improving, furnishing, maintaining, administering, equipping or subdividing properties by leasing or otherwise disposing of the same and to enter into contracts and agreements with builders, tenants, occupiers, either in India or in any part of the world to purchase, sell, deal in land, estates, houses or other landed properties of any tenure whether freehold, leasehold or otherwise and to act as promoters, organizers and developers of land, estates, property, cooperative housing societies, residential housing schemes, shopping centres, commercial complex, farm houses, holiday resorts, hotels, swimming pools, amusement parks and to finance with or without security for the same and to deal with and improve such properties either as owner or as agents and to join any other person, partnership firm or company in carrying the above objects.
- To undertake construction and management of properties of any person or governmental authorities for the construction of buildings of all descriptions, roads, bridges, earthwork, sewers, tanks, drain, culverts, channel or other works or things that may be necessary or convenient for any of the objects of the company.
- To carry on the business in India and/or abroad as architects, designers, draughtsmen, decorators, surveyors, valuers, estate agents, town planners, appraisers, coordinators, civil engineers, constructional engineers, furnishers, structural engineers, estate agents and land brokers.
- To finance housing activities in any way, to let on lease any such premises or parts of them and to provide services and facilities for the occupiers or tenants of those premises.
- To manufacture, fabricate, assemble, install, maintain, buy, sell, import, export or otherwise deal in doors, windows, fixtures, fittings, tiles, sanitary ware, pipes, grills, tanks, switches, cables, wires, bricks, prefabricated and precast blocks, slabs, beams, poles, arches, cement, stones, steel, sand, lime, ropes, pulleys, bamboo, planks and plants and machinery such as mixers, crushers, rollers, cranes required for the purpose of building and construction activities.
- To carry on the business of builders, contractors, constructors, developers, purchasers, sellers, property brokers, designers, architects, decorators or otherwise deal in houses, land, buildings, flats, apartments, offices, godowns, shops, farm houses, holiday resorts, shopping cum residential complexes, sheds or any other property.
- To carry on business of builders and contractors for construction or demolition work of any kind and electrical, heating and constructional engineers.
- To purchase or otherwise acquire, sell or deal in all types of movable or immovable properties, lands, houses, offices, workshops, buildings and premises for development, investment or for resale.
- To purchase or otherwise acquire and to manufacture and deal in bricks, stone and other building materials of any kind, and all implements, machinery, vehicles, scaffolding and other equipments and articles used by builders and contractors.
To produce, store or otherwise deal in solar energy and to manufacture, produce, process, make, convert, import, export, trade, buy, sell whether as retailers or wholesalers, suppliers, packers, repackers, movers, stockiest, agents, subagents, merchants, distributors, consignors, jobbers, brokers or otherwise deal in all kinds of equipments, gadgets required for production, storage or based on or using solar energy such as solar cookers, solar batteries, solar powered vehicles, solar water pumps, solar grain driers, solar watches and to deal in all kinds of electrical appliances, energy saving devices for industrial, business or household applications and specialized equipments required for defence, railways, telecommunication departments, civil, aviation and banks.
To carry on business as manufacturers, producers, processors, makers, convertors, assemblers, fabricators, repairers, importers, exporters, traders, buyers, sellers, retailers, wholesalers, suppliers, indenters, bottlers, packers, movers, preservers, stockists, agents, subagents, merchants, distributors, consignors, jobbers, brokers or otherwise deal in all types of electronic components, devices, equipments, and appliances, such as television and wireless apparatus including radio receivers and transmitters, tape recorders, broadcast relay and reception equipments, phonographic and other equipments used in and for audio and visual communications, apparatus and equipments including those using electromagnetic waves intended for radiotelegraphic or radiotelephonic communication, photocopiers, electronic lighting controls, continuous fan/motor speed control, continuous flashers and fire alarm system, digital and other electronic clock, time relays, punch card machines, electromechanical pneumatic control, computers and automatic calculators, X-Ray machine and tubes, surgical, medical and other appliances intended for electro and other therapy treatment and in all types of tapes, magnetic and otherwise, photographic films, projectors and cameras and capacitors, resistances, condensers, semiconductors, transistors, rectifiers, integrated and hybrid circuit, relays, potentio meters, connectors, printed circuits, coils, chocks, transformers, switch, volume controls, plugs, socket, aerial gears, diodes and allied items intended for and used in electronic devices and in air conditioners, refrigerators, washing machines, heaters and cooking ranges and other types of domestic appliances and any types of equipments used in the generation, transmission and receiving of sounds, light and electrical impulses and components, parts thereof and other materials used in or in connection with electric and electronic industries.
To manufacture, produce, pack, process, import, export, buy, sell or otherwise deal in diabetic biscuit, cake, confectionery and all kinds of diabetic foods or otherwise deal in biscuits, cakes, confectioneries and all kinds of diabetic foods whether as retailers, wholesalers, suppliers, stockists, agents, subagents, distributors, consignors, brokers or otherwise.
- To establish, construct, erect, build, organise, manage, undertake, promote, develop, own, acquire, purchase, improve, equip, provide, maintain, operate, take on lease, own and run diagnostic centres, scan centres, nursing homes, hospitals, clinics, polyclinics, dispensaries, chemist shops, blood banks, eye banks, kidney banks, maternity homes, child welfare and family planning centres, clinical & pathological testing laboratories, consulting chambers, X-Ray & ECG clinics, sonography centres, physiotherapy centres, polio clinics, dialysis centres, research laboratories in India or abroad.
- To act as consultants and advisers providing technical know-how, technical services and allied service for the establishment, operation and improvement of Nursing Homes, Hospitals, Clinics, Medical Institutions, Medical Centres, diagnostic Centres and Laboratories in India and abroad.
To manufacture, produce, process, prepare, commercialize, cut, polish, set, design, display, exchange, examine, finish, grind, grade, assort, import, export, buy, sell, resale, market or otherwise to deal in all shapes, sizes, varieties, description, specifications, applications & designs of rough, raw, cut, uncut, polished or processed, natural & man made, precious, semiprecious & natural diamonds, ruby, pearls, gemstones, blue sapphires, coral, topaz, opal, zircon, tourmaline, jade, spinel ruby, aquamarine, tourquaise, peridot, agate, garnet, corundum, amethyst, malachite, citrine, alexendrite, smoky quartz, lapis lazuli, rock crystal, onyx, jasper, bismuth, jet, diopside, tiger eye, spinal, sardonex, amber and their ornaments, jewelleries, articles, goods, or things, made in the combination of gold, silver, platinum, or other metals, and alloys thereof; watches, clocks, cutlery, presents and gifts, cups, medals, shields, curios, art and antiques, dressing bags, hand bags and for the purpose to act as goldsmith, silversmith, jewellers, gem merchants, electroplaters, polishers, purifiers.
To manufacture, produce, process, make, convert, import, export, trade, buy, sell whether as retailers, wholesalers, suppliers, indenters, packers, movers, preservers, stockists, agents, subagents, merchants, distributors, consignors, jobbers, brokers, concessionaires or otherwise deal in all kinds of baby and clinical diapers, sanitary napkins, bandages, surgical dressings.
To establish and carry on the business as manufacturers, producers, assemblers, importers, exporters, commission agents, brokers, stockists, dealers and repairers of all kinds of machinery, machine tools, hand tools, jigs and fixtures, moulds and dies, gauges, appliances and equipments for processing plastics, metals, alloy, rubber, wood, cloth, paper board, leather, chemicals, minerals or any other materials or any combination thereof and parts and components or assemblies or sub assemblies thereof for all purposes including industrial, agricultural and domestic purposes.
- To manufacture, produce, process, make, assemble, repair, convert, import, export, trade, buy, sell whether as retailers, wholesalers, suppliers, indenters, packers, movers, preservers, stockists, agents, subagents, merchants, distributors, consignors, jobbers, brokers or otherwise deal in all kinds of single or multi-fuel diesel generating sets with or without break system and all kinds of spare parts, components and accessories used in any diesel generating sets.
- To manufacture, buy, sell, assemble, exchange, supply, alter, improve, prepare for market, import or export or otherwise deal in every type and kind of electrical motors and in particular fractional horse power electrical motors and power driven pumps meant for domestic, agricultural or industrial purposes.
- To manufacture, produce, process, repair, assemble, import, export, trade, buy, sell, supply or otherwise deal in floppy diskettes, CD-ROM, and all other parts, components, devices, accessories used in it.
- To design, invent, prepare, own, make use of, lease, sell or otherwise dispose of and generally to deal in and with computers, data processing machines, types, cards, memory equipments and materials of every kind and description useful in connection with the foregoing business.
- To build, fit and repair and lend money on ships, drilling rights and floating and submersible equipment of every description.
- To carry on the business of ship builders, ship wrights, marine and general engineers and manufacturers and repairers of engines, boilers, connected with the purpose of ship building.
- To construct and maintain for the use of the company or for letting out on hire, graving and other docks and other installations for building, repairing or docking ships and other vessels, and to aid in or contribute to the construction of any such works.
- To buy or otherwise acquire ships and hulls in any condition for the purpose of improving, reselling or otherwise turning them to account.
To manufacture, produce, process, develop, design, assemble, repair, import, export, buy, sell, brand, hire, let on hire, lease, pack, re pack, recondition, service, supply or otherwise deal in all models, shapes, sizes, capacities and varieties of domestic and household appliances, heating, cooking and electrical appliances, devices, gadgets such as stoves, pressure cookers, ovens, cooking ranges, hot plates, other cooking utensils of all types, containers, buckets, refrigerators, dryers, heaters, geysers, irons, mixers, filters, ceiling fans, table fans, exhaust fans, vacuum cleaners, washing machines, air conditioners, tube light fittings, radio, television, Stereo, videos, tape recorders, electronic motor and other similar products, their consumables, parts, accessories, components, fittings whether as wholesalers, retailers, agents, sub agents, distributors or otherwise.
- To enter in agreement and arrangement with authors, script writers, artists and other persons, for the dramatic or other rights of operas, plays, films, vaudeville, revues, ballets, pantomimes, spectacular pieces, musical compositions and other dramatical performance and entertainments, and for the representation thereof in India and elsewhere.
- To present, produce, manage, conduct and represent at any theatre or other venue or place of amusement or entertainment plays, operas, revues, promenade and other concerts, musical and other productions, ballets, exhibitions, variety, bingo and other entertainment, and to apply for all necessary licences and similar rights.
- To purchase or otherwise acquire and obtain exclusive and other interests in copyrights and rights of representation and any other rights of or in plays, music, songs, cinematograph films, videotapes, words, operas, libretti and compositions.
To carry on the business of drapers, manufacturers, producers and dealers in cloths of all types and every description and to act as tailors, cutters and outfitters, dress designers, makers and suppliers of clothing and garments of every kind and description and to act as dealers of all types of readymade garments, hosiery and dresses made of natural, synthetic or blended textiles of all types and of every description.
To carry on the business of beauticians, manicurists, bridal makeup, hairdressers, hair dyers, makers and suppliers of all kinds of wigs, and to run health care centres, beauty parlours, massage centres, yoga centres, gymnasiums, swimming pools and to conduct classes, seminars, demonstration, education and training programmes for betterment of body & beauty care or make up, and to deal in cosmetics of every description and kinds including lipsticks, nail polishes, creams, lotions, ointments, perfumes, foundations, soaps, fashion wear and beauty aids of every kind and description.
- To carry on the business of manufacturers, producers, designers, finishers, dyers, showroom owners, agents, importers and exporters, wholesale and retail dealers of and in men’s, women’s and children’s clothing and wearing apparels of every kind, nature and description in all shapes, sizes, varieties, specifications, descriptions, applications, fashions; sportswear, party wears, fashion wears, daily wear, wearing apparels, underwears, purses, belts, wallets and other allied goods including shirts, bushshirts, pajama suits, underwear suits, foundation garments for ladies dresses, brassieres, maternity belts, knee caps, coats, panties, nighties and so on made from cotton, silk, synthetics, jute, velvet, wool, leather, rexine and other natural, synthetic and/or fibrous substances or with any combination thereof and to participate in local, national and international trade fairs, fashion shows, exhibitions, seminars and other sales promotion schemes.
- To carry on the business of manufacturers, importers and exporters, wholesale and retail dealers of
and in hosiery goods for men, women and children including vests, underwears, socks, stockings, sweaters, laces and so on and of all or anything which is used in hosiery goods.
- To carry all or any of the business of dealers and manufacturers of carpets, durries, furnishing fabrics, mats, rugs, blankets, shawls, tweeds, linens, flannels and all other articles of woollen and worsted material and of all articles similar to the foregoing or any of them or connected therewith.
- To spin, comb, prepare, weave, blend, process, dye, print, bleach, manufacture, buy, sell, import, export and deal in yarns & textiles, linen; cloth fabric of all kinds and description , natural, artificial and synthetic, duly textiled, felted, netted, knitted, woven or looped either on own account or on behalf of others.
- To carry on business of prospecting, exploring, drilling, opening and working mines and to pump and refine, raise, dig, explore, extract and quarry for water, oil, petroleum, gold, diamonds, precious stones, coal, lime stone, iron, aluminium, titanium, mica, chrome, copper, gypsum, lead, manganese, molybdenum, nickel, sulphur, tin, zinc, bauxite, zircon and tungsten or any other minerals and metals.
- To maintain drilling machines and use the same for drilling and carry on the business of extracting, pumping, drawing, transporting and purifying and dealing in water, petroleum and other mineral oils.
- To carry on the business of manufacturers, producers, boilers of and dealers in beverages of all kinds and description, soft drinks, aerated, mineral & artificial waters and other beverages, fruit juices, syrups, tea, coffee, beer, wine, whisky, rum, gin, vodka or other alcoholic or non-alcoholic drinks; cocktails and for that purpose to set up, install, purchase, import, or otherwise acquire all plant, machinery and related equipments.
- To carry on the business of bottling of soft drinks, aerated, mineral & artificial waters and other beverages, fruit juices, cocktails under franchise agreement of well known producers or otherwise and for that purpose to buy, sell, manufacture, import and deal in all types of bottles, stoppers, corks including tinplate crown corks, crates and containers, whether of glass, plastic, wood or any other material.
- To carry on the business of restaurant, cafe, tavern, hotel, motel, beerhouse, refreshment room and
lodging house keepers, licensed victuallers, wine, beer and spirit merchants, brewers, maltsters, distillers, importers and exporters thereof, purveyors, caterers for public amusements, coach, car, carriage and motorcar proprietors, farmers, dairy men, ice merchants, importers and brokers of foods, live and dead stock and foreign produce of the similar type of products as required for hotel industry.
- To carry on business as Bakers, Confectioners and Manufacturers of and dealers in confectionery, bakery and dairy products.
To carry on the business as manufacturers, manufacturer’s representatives, dealers, traders, factors, agents, suppliers, stockists, packers, distributors, exporters and importers of all kinds, types, nature and description of medicines, drugs, drug intermediates, pharmaceuticals, mixtures, powders, tablets, capsules, injections, compounds, formulations, nutrients, health products, creams, lotions, syrups, tonics, biological and biochemical products, pills, mother tinctures, triturations, glucose, nourishment foods, ointment, surgical dressings, water for injections and medical preparations, required for or used in allopathic, ayurvedic, unani, homeopathic and nature cure treatments for prevention or prophylactic cure for human beings, animals, insects and birds.
To manufacture, produce, process, make, invent, convert, import, export, trade, buy, sell, pack, move or otherwise deal in all types of cosmetics, non-prescribed drugs, health care products, food preservatives and additives, fast foods, artificial flavourings, artificial dyes and colouring agents, beauty and skin care products, birth control medicines and devices whether as retailers, wholesalers, suppliers, stockists, agents, subagents, distributors, consignors, brokers or otherwise.
To establish, own, maintain, carry on all or any of the business usually carried on by dry cleaners, dyers, launderers, washermen, steam, electrical and general laundry and to wash, clean, purify, scour, bleach, wring, dry, iron, colour, dye, disinfect, renovate, dress, sterilise, press, block, polish, glaze, finish and prepare for use all articles of wearing apparel, costumes, garments, household, domestic and other linen and cotton and woollen goods and clothing and fabrics of all kinds including fur, leather, water proofs, felts, velour, panama and straw hats etc., and all sorts of furnishing materials including curtains, covers, carpets, rugs, etc. and to buy, sell, hire, manufacture, repair, let on hire, alter, improve, treat and deal in all apparatus, materials, chemicals, and articles of all kinds which are capable of being used for any such purposes, and for that purpose to set up dry cleaning and washing plants, dryers, steam presses and household washing machines.
- To carry on the business of manufacturers of and dealers in and importers of chemical products of any nature and kind whatsoever and particularly of Vat and other organic dyestuffs, pigments, writing and printing inks of all kinds, paints, distempers and intermediates.
- To carry on the business as manufacturers of chemicals, distillers, dye-makers and to manufacture and to deal in all kinds of dyestuffs, chemical auxiliaries etc.
- To develop, design, acquire, adopt, deal, host and install website on internet or electronic sites, platform, for mar¬keting and trading of goods, raw materials, merchandise, articles, machineries, plant, apparatus, appliances, equip¬ment and commodities of every kind, class and description and to supply and provide services of all kind and to act as sellers, buyers, importers, exporters, retailers, whole-sellers, suppliers, indenters, consigners, jobbers, brokers, stockiest, agents, sub-agents, merchants, distributors, consult-ants for E Commerce and E Business.
- To establish, set up, organize, maintain, support, and host Auctions, Chatting, Individual Web Sites, Instant Messaging services, Internet Applications, Internet Business applications, Mobile Internet applications and services, running & managing/maintaining servers, Web Browsers, Web Design development, Web Site Promotion, Webmasters.
- To develop, design, acquire, adopt, deal, host and install website on internet or electronic sites, platform, for mar¬keting and trading of goods, raw materials, merchandise, articles, machineries, plant, apparatus, appliances, equip¬ment and commodities of every kind, class and description and to supply and provide services of all kind and to act as sellers, buyers, importers, exporters, retailers, whole-sellers, suppliers, indenters, consigners, jobbers, brokers, stockiest, agents, sub-agents, merchants, distributors, consult-ants for E Commerce and E Business.
- To establish, set up, organize, maintain, support, and host Auctions, Chatting, Individual Web Sites, Instant Messaging services, Internet Applications, Internet Business applications, Mobile Internet applications and services, running & managing/maintaining servers, Web Browsers, Web Design development, Web Site Promotion, Webmasters.
- To manufacture, buy, sell, import and export or otherwise deal in all types of earthmoving machinery and its parts and to deal in all substances, apparatus and things capable of being used in any such business.
2. To engineer, develop, design, assemble, manufacture, produce, import, export, buy, sell, operate, run, repair, lease, hire or let on lease or hire and otherwise deal in all kinds of earth moving and agricultural machines, petrol and diesel engines, tools, plants, tractors, equipments, spares, appliances, implements, accessories, mobile or other forest cleaning, thrashing, harvesting, sowing, ploughing, digging and all other types of machinery used in agricultural operation.
To carry on business as manufacturers, producers, processors, makers, convertors, importers, exporters, traders, buyers, sellers, retailers, wholesalers, suppliers, indenters, packers, stockists, agents, subagents, merchants, distributors, consignors, jobbers, brokers or otherwise deal in earthenware, china, fireclay, drain and water pipes, hollow and solid products for partitions and load bearing walls, ceiling blocks, roof bricks and all allied bricks, tiles, terracotta, sanitary ware, plain art stone ware, glass colour and glazes and all kinds and class of china and earthenware.
- To establish, extract, build, construct, own, maintain and run oil mills, hydrogenating and oxygenating plants, and to produce, process, prepare, crush, refine, blend, filter, deodorize, clean ,recover, mix, convert, purify, grade, compound, derive, excavate and extract all kinds of vegetable oils, crude oils, refined oils, deodorized oils, hydrogenated oils, rice bran oil, deoiled cakes, cattle and poultry feed.
- To extract oil from oil cakes, soyabeen and rice bran.
- To buy, sell, manufacture, refine, prepare and deal in oils, oleaginous and saponaceous products and byproducts or ingredients thereof.
- To carry on the business of manufacture, purchase, sell and deal in proteins and protein food.
- To act as dealers, wholesalers, retailers, stockists, commission agents, representatives, selling agents, purchasing agent, distributors, brokers, exporters, importers of soyabean, ground nut, sesame seeds, all other oil seeds, edible and non edible oils, vanaspati, oil cakes, proteins and protein foods, other substances or residue or byproducts of all goods aforesaid.
- To establish, promote, subsidize, encourage, provide, maintain, organise, undertake, manage, build, construct, equip, develop, recondition, operate, conduct and to run in India or abroad schools, colleges, boarding houses, ashrams, gurukuls, teaching classes for primary, secondary & higher education in the fields of commerce, arts, science, engineering, medical, pharmacy, mining, military, music, dance, acting, sports, journalism, management, social welfare and industry which can be imparted to the students regularly orally or through post and to conduct examinations and to award degrees.
- To establish, maintain and carry on an institution with or without branches to give instructions, viva voce or by post or through cinema, films or otherwise to both sexes for the purposes of teaching in the arts, science, commerce, stenography, typewriting, law, engineering, computers or pertaining to technical, vocational, commercial, business and other types of education.
- To organise debates, lectures, exhibitions, expeditions, research works, operas, dances, outdoor amusement, public meetings and classes and conferences conducted directly or indirectly to advance the cause of education whether general, professional or technical and for that purpose to establish libraries, reading rooms, laboratories, workshop and install equipments and to arrange for their maintenance and upkeep.
- To carry on the business of all kinds of farming (agricultural, poultry, horticultural and dairy) and gardening and of raising, breeding, improving, developing, producing, buying, selling, importing, exporting, preserving, preparing, dealing and trading in all kinds of products of such business and in particular poultry, meat, cattle and other livestock, eggs, sausages, preserved meat, trees, plants, fruits, flowers, and vegetables, milk and milk products.
- To establish and maintain dairies, cattle yards and poultry farms, piggeries, fruit, vegetable and flower gardens, grazing grounds, fish ponds, pigeon, beehives, warehouses, cold storages, freezing plants, factories for manufacture and preservation of meat, fish, fruits, honey, vegetables, canning of all kind of preserved foods and juices.
- To manufacture, produce, process, prepare, fabricate, assemble, design, develop, research and to act as agent, broker, franchiser, vendor, jobworker, supplier, contractor, subcontractor, brander, stockist, distributor, consultant, consignor or otherwise to deal in all shapes, sizes, varieties, capacities, descriptions, specifications, applications, uses & wattage of electric lamps such as fluorescent lamps, incandescent lamps, vacuum lamps, gas filled lamps, general lighting services lamps, high wattage lamps, photo flood lamps, automobile and vehicle lamps, train lamps, locomotive headlight lamps, miniature lamps, telephone dial lamps, projector lamps, halogen lamps, gas discharge lamps, mercury vapour lamps, sodium vapour lamps, metal halide lamps, flash bulbs, neon lamps and all other special purpose lamps used for industrial, commercial, domestic, public utilities, government and business purposes.
- To manufacture, produce, process, prepare, fabricate, assemble, design, develop, research and to act as agent, broker, franchiser, vendor, jobworker, supplier, contractor, brander, stockist, distributor, consultant, consignor, or otherwise to deal in all types of components, parts, accessories, raw materials, fixtures, fittings, luminaries, consumables, systems, substitutes and allied items for all kinds of lamps & tubes such as glass shells, glass tubes, filaments, cathodes, mercury and sodium arc burners, lead in wires, caps, phosphorous and other chemicals, wires, gases, rods, plates, sheets, packing materials, plants, equipments, instruments, apparatuses, machineries, and other goods, articles or things whether made of ferrous or nonferrous materials or any substance.
- To carry on the business of manufacturers, producers, stockiest, commission agents, importers, exporters of electrical products and other domestic appliances, their assemblies, kits, spares and accessories.
- To manufacture, produce, process, develop, design, assemble, repair, import, export, buy, sell, brand, hire, let on hire, lease, pack, repack, recondition, service, supply or otherwise deal in all models, shapes, sizes, capacities and varieties of electrical appliances, domestic and household appliances, heating, cooking appliances and devices, gadgets such as refrigerators, dryers, heaters, geysers, irons, mixers, filters, ceiling fans, table fans, exhaust fans, vacuum cleaners, washing machines, air conditioners, radio, television, pressure cookers, ovens, cooking ranges, hot plates, other cooking utensils of all types, and other similar products, their consumable, parts, accessories, components, fittings such as electrical wires and accessories; heaters, presses, enamelled wires, cords, tapes, cells, tubes, lamps, electrical motors, conductors, capacitors, electrical furnaces, transformers, light fittings, chokes, ballasts, stabilizers, electro medical instruments, insulators, transistors, polythene pipes, connectors, conduit pipes, internal circuits, relays and other allied articles and appliances for any use in domestic or industrial purposes whether as wholesalers, retailers, agents, subagents, distributors or otherwise and to act as electrical/electronic engineers and consultants.
- To carry on the business of manufacturers, producers, stockists, commission agents, importers, exporters of electrical products and other domestic appliances, their assemblies, kits, spares and accessories.
- To carry on in India or elsewhere the business of manufacturers, producers, assemblers, processors, importers, exporters, distributors, agents, hirers, buyers, brokers, factors, stockists, commission agents, sellers of and dealers in and fabricators of electrical stamping, laminations, electrical goods both for domes tic and industrial use.
ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS/Electronic Engineering
- To carry on the business of electrical engineers, electricians, engineers, contractors, advisers, manufacturers, workers, suppliers of and dealers in electrical, electronics and other appliances, apparatus, cables, wire lines, dry cells, accumulators and to generate, accumulate, distribute, supply electricity for the purpose of light, heat, motive power and for all other purposes to which electrical energy can be employed, and to manufacture and deal in all apparatuses and things required for or capable of being used in connection with the generation, distribution, supply, accumulation and employment of electricity and for the purpose to set up power plants and develop electricity systems.
- To manufacture and produce, and as principals or agents to trade and deal in, all apparatuses, appliances and things used in connection with any such business, or with any inventions, patents or privileges for the time being belonging to the company.
- To design, develop and hold public exhibitions of electrical and electronic machinery and appliances.
- To let out on hire all or any of the property, apparatus or appliances of the company.
- To manufacture, erect and use equipment and machinery of all kinds for the storage or transmission of energy or information; including appliances for the interlinking of terminals and exchanges.
To buy, sell, resale, alter, import, export, improve, assemble, distribute, let on lease or hire or otherwise deal in machinery operated by the use of electricity, steam, motive power or mechanical force or otherwise; wires, cables, conductors, insulators of all types, capacities, voltages, designs of high and low tension machines at hydrothermal, diesel or electric stations, generators, transformers and electric appliances.
- To manufacture, buy, sell, assemble, exchange, supply, alter, improve, prepare for market, import or export or otherwise deal in every type and kind of electrical motors and in particular fractional horse power electric motors and power driven pumps meant for domestic, agricultural or industrial purposes.
- To manufacture, buy, sell, exchange, supply, alter, improve, prepare for market, import or export or otherwise deal in all type and kind of spare parts, accessories, apparatuses and components of every type of electric motors (including starters, rotors, actuators ) and pumps meant for domestic, agricultural or industrial purposes.
- To manufacture, repair, purchase, sell, import, export or otherwise deal in generators, switchgears, meters, transformers, wire and cables, lamps, fans, fittings, electro-medical and X ray apparatuses, heaters, radiators, ovens, refrigerators and air conditioning equipments
- To generate, accumulate, transmit, distribute, purchase, sell and supply electric power or any other energy from conventional/no conventional energy source on a commercial basis and to construct, lay down, establish, operate and maintain power/energy generating stations, including buildings, structures, works, machineries, equipments, cables, wires, lines, accumulators, lamps, and works and to undertake or to carry on the business of managing, owning, controlling, erecting, commissioning, operating, running, leasing or transferring Power plants and Plants based on conventional or non conventional energy source, thermal power plants, atomic power plants, solar energy plants, wind energy plants, mechanical, electrical, hydel, civil engineering works and similar projects.
- To carry on business as manufacturers, producers, processors, makers, convertors, assemblers, fabricators, importers, exporters, traders, buyers, sellers, retailers, wholesalers, suppliers, packers, movers, stockists, agents, sub agents, merchants, distributors, consignors, jobbers, brokers, or otherwise deal in all apparatuses and things required for or capable of being used in connection with the generation, distribution, supply, accumulation and employment of electricity and to light cities, towns, streets, docks, markets, theatres, buildings and places, both public and private, and to act as suppliers and dealers in electrical and other appliances.
To carry on business as manufacturers, producers, processors, makers, convertors, assemblers, fabricators, repairers, importers, exporters, traders, buyers, sellers, retailers, wholesalers, suppliers, indenters, bottlers, packers, movers, preservers, stockists, agents, subagents, merchants, distributors, consignors, jobbers, brokers or otherwise deal in all types of electronic components, devices, equipments, and appliances, such as television and wireless apparatus including radio receivers and transmitters, tape recorders, broadcast relay and reception equipments, phonographic and other equipments used in and for audio and visual communications, apparatus and equipments including those using electromagnetic waves intended for radiotelegraphic or radiotelephonic communication, photocopiers, electronic lighting controls, continuous fan/motor speed control, continuous flashers and fire alarm system, digital and other electronic clock, time relays, punch card machines, electromechanical pneumatic control, computers and automatic calculators, X-Ray machine and tubes, surgical, medical and other appliances intended for electro and other therapy treatment and in all types of tapes, magnetic and otherwise, photographic films, projectors and cameras and capacitors, resistances, condensers, semiconductors, transistors, rectifiers, integrated and hybrid circuit, relays, potentio meters, connectors, printed circuits, coils, chocks, transformers, switch, volume controls, plugs, socket, aerial gears, diodes and allied items intended for and used in electronic devices and in air conditioners, refrigerators, washing machines, heaters and cooking ranges and other types of domestic appliances and any types of equipments used in the generation, transmission and receiving of sounds, light and electrical impulses and components, parts thereof and other materials used in or in connection with electric and electronic industries.
- To carry on all or any of the business of designers, manufacturers, installers, maintainers, repairers of and dealers in electrical and electronic appliances and apparatus of every description, radio, television and telecommunication requisites and supplies, teletext and view data receivers, and other electrical and electronic apparatus, appliances, equipment and stores of all kinds.
- To carry out research, investigation and experimental work in relation to electronics and the application and use of electronics technology.
- To carry on all or any of the business of electrical, mechanical, motor and general engineers, manufacturers and merchants of, agents for, and dealers in engineering specialities of every description.
- To buy, sell, manufacture, repair, alter or otherwise deal in apparatus, plant, machinery, fitting, furnishing, tools, materials, products and things of all kinds capable of being used for the purpose of the above mentioned business or any of them or likely to be required by customers of the company.
- To establish, encourage, aid and assist and promote friendly feelings amongst employees and with this view, to establish and to adopt all such welfare measures as may seem to the Association expedient.
- To establish and support or aid in the establishment and support of associations, institutions, funds, trusts and conveniences calculated to benefit employees or directors or past employees or directors of the company or of its predecessors in business or the dependents of any such persons; and to grant pensions and allowances; and to make payments towards insurance; and to subscribe or guarantee money for charitable or benevolent objects, or for any exhibition or for any public, general or useful object.
- To set up library and reading rooms, health, educational and other amenities and to provide facilities for practice and knowledge of music, art, drama and other hobbies and to give or to arrange concerts, musical entertainments, programmes, shows, displays, invite writers, speakers, poets, composers, philosophers, religious preachers and to give prizes and awards.
- To provide housing accommodation and for the purpose to purchase, acquire, take on lease or rent land and to construct, renovate, rehabilitate, and develop the same for disposing it of or letting it on hire or lease and for providing facilities to the members or others on such rentals as may be considered in the interest of the Association.
- To manage and provide all reasonable facilities for the purchase and consumption of goods, non alcoholic drinks and to provide reading and writing material and newspaper rooms and library.
- To raise capital by means of donations, grants, contributions from members or others and by way of monthly subscriptions or otherwise from members and also to borrow money on such security and on such terms as the Association may from time to time consider.
- To manufacture, produce, process, make, prepare, sell, purchase, trade, distribute, market, import, export and to deal in industrial emulsifiers including lecithin and its derivatives and organic, inorganic and aromatic chemicals, natural products required/used in agricultural, chemical, pharmaceutical, food processing, electronics and perfumery industries and to give know-how for the above items.
- To carry on the business of distributors, indenters, selling agents, manufacturers’ representatives, commission agents, clearing & forwarding agents, general brokers, sellers, purchasers, advertising agents, promoters, and organisers of sale and marketing of industrial emulsifiers including lecithin and its derivatives and organic, inorganic chemicals, natural products, required/used in agricultural, chemical, pharmaceutical, food processing, perfumery and electronics industries.
To produce, store or otherwise deal in solar energy and to manufacture, produce, process, make, convert, import, export, trade, buy, sell whether as retailers or wholesalers, suppliers, packers, repackers, movers, stockiest, agents, subagents, merchants, distributors, consignors, jobbers, brokers or otherwise deal in all kinds of equipments, gadgets required for production, storage or based on or using solar energy such as solar cookers, solar batteries, solar powered vehicles, solar water pumps, solar grain driers, solar watches and to deal in all kinds of electrical appliances, energy saving devices for industrial, business or household applications and specialized equipments required for defence, railways, telecommunication departments, civil, aviation and banks.
- To manufacture, produce, process, make, assemble, design, develop, erect, fabricate, convert, import, export, trade, buy, sell, pack, repack, whether as retailers or wholesalers, stockists, agents, subagents, merchants, distributors, consignors, jobbers, brokers or otherwise deal in all types of internal combustion engines including oil and petrol engines, gas turbines, steam turbines, boilers, locomotive, road rollers, automobiles, trucks, tractors, agricultural implements and pumps, and all types of internal combustion engines used in plant and machineries belonging to industries, public utilities, defence, transport, agricultural, power and to deal in machinery, implements, fittings, accessories, components and hardware of all kinds.
- To carry on the business of founders, mechanical engineers, machine tool makers, brass founders, metal workers, iron and steel convertors, smiths, wood workers and metallurgists.
- To carry on the business of exporters, importers, manufacturers, assemblers and dealers in all types of combustion engines including diesel and petrol engines, gas turbines, steam turbines, boilers, locomotives, road rollers, automobiles, trucks, tractors and accessories, parts and equipments thereof.
- To carry on the business of exporters, importers, manufacturers, assemblers and dealers in all types of prime movers and industrial and agriculture machinery, plants and implements and accessories, parts and equipments thereof.
- To carry on all or any of the business of proprietors, managers and renters of cinemas, theatres, concert and dance halls, discotheques and other places of amusement and entertainment of every kind, of film producing studios, video and sound recording studios and radio and television studios.
- To carry on the business of exhibiting cinematograph films and of organising the production, management and performance of plays, operas, revue, musical and other productions, ballets, radio, television and video entertainments, sonnet lumiere and other spectacles and entertainments of every kind, and of organising, managing and holding concerts, recording sessions and dances.
- To carry on the business of producers, renters, hirers and distributors of films and videotapes.
- To purchase, hire or otherwise acquire any photographic, video and sound recording and other apparatus for use in connection with cinematograph shows and exhibitions and radio, television and video entertainment, and to manufacture films, tapes and other appliances and machines for use in connection with the mechanical or electrical representation or transmission of moving picture and sound.
- To purchase, lease, hire, construct, provide, operate, equip and maintain land, buildings, theatres, cinemas, studios, concert halls, stadiums, tracks, arenas, golf and putting courses, bowling greens, tennis, squash and paddling pools, marinas, landing stages, jetties, coach and car parks, chairs, machines, and all other structures, apparatus, equipment and articles which may appear necessary or convenient for the carrying on of any such business.
- To carry on the business of proprietors and operators of amusement parks, and as promoters, organisers and managers of all kinds of entertainments, sports, recreations, indoor and outdoor amusements, including funfairs, circuses, amusement arcades, exhibitions, sideshows and games, competitions, tournaments, concerts, cinema and television performance, stage and variety shows, dancing, skating, aquatic and equestrian events, and pyrotechnic, aerial and other displays and to enter into agreements with, grant lease and licences to, and engage and employ showmen, artists, entertainers, performers, sportsmen and other persons for the purpose.
- To carry on, either directly or providing facilities for others, the business of restaurant, milk bar and cafe proprietors, licensed victualers, wine, beer and spirit merchants (wholesale and retail), manufacturers and vendors of alcoholic or non-alcoholic drinks, groceries and provisions and of refreshment caterers, suppliers and contractors.
- To carry on, either directly or providing facilities for others, the business of manufacturers and vendors, whether wholesale or retail of all kinds of confectionery, ice cream, tobacco and cigarettes, toys, scent and perfumery goods, fancy goods, photographic materials, fancy jewellery, stationery, newspapers, periodicals and other publications, textiles and other soft goods, and any articles for sale in automatic vending machines, or for use in any game playing or amusement machines.
- To carry on all or any of the business of proprietors, managers and renters of cinemas, theatres, concert and dance halls, discotheques and other places of amusement and entertainment of every kind, of film producing studios, video and sound recording studios and radio and television studios.
- To carry on the business of exhibiting cinematograph films and of organising the production, management and performance of plays, operas, revue, musical and other productions, ballets, radio, television and video entertainments, sonnet lumiere and other spectacles and entertainments of every kind, and of organising, managing and holding concerts, recording sessions and dances.
- To carry on the business of producers, renters, hirers and distributors of films and videotapes.
- To purchase, hire or otherwise acquire any photographic, video and sound recording and other apparatus for use in connection with cinematograph shows and exhibitions and radio, television and video entertainment, and to manufacture films, tapes and other appliances and machines for use in connection with the mechanical or electrical representation or transmission of moving picture and sound.
- To manufacture, produce, process, make, convert, import, export, trade, buy, sell whether as retailers, wholesalers, suppliers, indenters, packers, movers, preservers, stockists, agents, merchants, distributors, consignors, jobbers, brokers or otherwise deal in all kinds of Diglycidial ether or Bisphenol A and all grades and types of epoxy resins, synthetic resins, Novolac Epoxy Resins, Polyurethane Resins, polyurethane Formulations, Poly Carbonate Resins, high temperature epoxy compounds, insulating varnish, epoxy additives, epoxy formulations, curing agents/hardener and ancillaries of all types used for synthetic resins, petroleum chemicals, Ephichlorohydrin, BisphenolF, Synthetic wood and synthetic, natural or blended polymer and rubber products, polymer intermediates, raw materials, derivatives, mixtures, compounds, constituents, auxiliary products, by products and co-products.
- To manufacture, produce, process, make, convert, import, export, trade, buy, sell whether as retailers, wholesalers, suppliers, indenters, packers, movers, preservers, stockists, agents, subagents, merchants, distributors, consignors, jobbers, brokers or otherwise deal in all kinds of PVC resins, PVC pipes, PVC cables, plastics and compounds of the different grades and other industrial chemicals.
- To manufacture, import and export, buy, sell and deal in moulding powders, adhesives and oil paints, distempers, cellular paints, colours, varnishes, enamels and other allied products.
- To carry on business as manufacturers, producers, processors, makers, convertors, importers, exporters, traders, buyers, sellers, retailers, wholesalers, suppliers, indenters, packers, movers, preservers, stockists, agents, subagents, merchants, distributors, consignors, jobbers, brokers, concessionaires or otherwise deal in walkie-talkie sets, VSAT terminals, car telephones, modems, telephone answering machines, fax machines, attachments for telephones, ISDN terminals, video telephones, transportable telephones, and all kinds and varieties of telecom equipments.
- To carry on the business as designers, assemblers, manufacturers, traders, distributors, importers, exporters, agents, consultants, system designers and contractors for erection and commissioning on turn key basis or to deal in any other manner including storing, packing, transporting, converting, repairing, installing, training, servicing, maintenance of all types, varieties and kinds of telephone instruments, intercoms, accessories and components thereof for telecommunications, radio communication equipments, signalling and control equipments, testing equipments, instruments and accessories for repair and maintenance of all the above items.
- To carry on business as manufacturers, producers, processors, makers, inventors, convertors, importers, exporters, traders, buyers, sellers, indenters, packers, movers, merchants or otherwise deal in medical and surgical instruments, equipments, apparatuses, machineries, tools including medical kits, disposable and nondisposable syringes, disposable and nondisposable needles, urine collecting bags, urobags, poly masks, oxygen gas, netalon catheter, Foley’s catheters, endotracheal tubes, tracheotomy tubes (plain/cuffed), nasal oxygen catheters, resuscitation tubes, suction catheters, epidural cannula, umbilical cannula, intravenous cannula, intra catheters, Ryles tubes, Levin tubes, infant feeding tubes, rectal catheter, Romo Vac sets, Peritoneal dialysis transfusion sets, peritoneal catheter, Colostomy kits, AIDS test kits, infant mucus extractor, Sterivae cannula, blood administration sets, blood donor sets, regular fluid infusion sets, infusion sets, micro sets, plasma aspiration sets, disposable and nondisposable gloves, S.V and I.V cannula,V.A shunt, stethoscopes, sphygmomanometers, ampules, butterfly needles, microscopes, ophthalmic instruments and equipments, otoscopes, medical containers, thermometers, plastic and aluminium collapsible tubes and all kinds and varieties of disposable and nondisposable surgical instruments and kits, their parts, fittings, components and accessories used in healthcare, treatment, diagnosis, research, operation and for saving life of human beings.
- To carry on business as manufacturers, producers, processors, makers, convertors, importers, exporters, traders, buyers, sellers, retailers, wholesalers, suppliers, indenters, packers, stockists, agents, subagents, merchants, distributors, consignors, jobbers, brokers or otherwise deal in scissors, knives, blades, gloves, bandages and all kinds and classes of surgical furniture, medical equipments, diagnostic equipments and instruments, medical kits and all kinds and varieties of disposable and nondisposable surgical instruments, kits and equipments.
To carry on business as manufacturers, producers, processors, makers, convertors, assemblers, fabricators, repairers, importers, exporters, traders, buyers, sellers, retailers, wholesalers, suppliers, indenters, bottlers, packers, movers, preservers, stockists, agents, subagents, merchants, distributors, consignors, jobbers, brokers or otherwise deal in all types of electronic components, devices, equipments, and appliances, such as television and wireless apparatus including radio receivers and transmitters, tape recorders, broadcast relay and reception equipments, phonographic and other equipments used in and for audio and visual communications, apparatus and equipments including those using electromagnetic waves intended for radiotelegraphic or radiotelephonic communication, photocopiers, electronic lighting controls, continuous fan/motor speed control, continuous flashers and fire alarm system, digital and other electronic clock, time relays, punch card machines, electromechanical pneumatic control, computers and automatic calculators, X-Ray machine and tubes, surgical, medical and other appliances intended for electro and other therapy treatment and in all types of tapes, magnetic and otherwise, photographic films, projectors and cameras and capacitors, resistances, condensers, semiconductors, transistors, rectifiers, integrated and hybrid circuit, relays, potentio meters, connectors, printed circuits, coils, chocks, transformers, switch, volume controls, plugs, socket, aerial gears, diodes and allied items intended for and used in electronic devices and in air conditioners, refrigerators, washing machines, heaters and cooking ranges and other types of domestic appliances and any types of equipments used in the generation, transmission and receiving of sounds, light and electrical impulses and components, parts thereof and other materials used in or in connection with electric and electronic industries.
- To carry on business as manufacturers, producers, processors, makers, inventors, convertors, importers, exporters, traders, buyers, sellers, indenters, packers, movers, merchants or otherwise deal in medical and surgical instruments, equipments, apparatuses, machineries, tools including medical kits, disposable and nondisposable syringes, disposable and nondisposable needles, urine collecting bags, urobags, poly masks, oxygen gas, netalon catheter, Foley’s catheters, endotracheal tubes, tracheotomy tubes (plain/cuffed), nasal oxygen catheters, resuscitation tubes, suction catheters, epidural cannula, umbilical cannula, intravenous cannula, intra catheters, Ryles tubes, Levin tubes, infant feeding tubes, rectal catheter, Romo Vac sets, Peritoneal dialysis transfusion sets, peritoneal catheter, Colostomy kits, AIDS test kits, infant mucus extractor, Sterivae cannula, blood administration sets, blood donor sets, regular fluid infusion sets, infusion sets, micro sets, plasma aspiration sets, disposable and nondisposable gloves, S.V and I.V cannula,V.A shunt, stethoscopes, sphygmomanometers, ampules, butterfly needles, microscopes, ophthalmic instruments and equipments, otoscopes, medical containers, thermometers, plastic and aluminium collapsible tubes and all kinds and varieties of disposable and nondisposable surgical instruments and kits, their parts, fittings, components and accessories used in healthcare, treatment, diagnosis, research, operation and for saving life of human beings.
- To carry on business as manufacturers, producers, processors, makers, convertors, importers, exporters, traders, buyers, sellers, retailers, wholesalers, suppliers, indenters, packers, stockists, agents, subagents, merchants, distributors, consignors, jobbers, brokers or otherwise deal in scissors, knives, blades, gloves, bandages and all kinds and classes of surgical furniture, medical equipments, diagnostic equipments and instruments, medical kits and all kinds and varieties of disposable and nondisposable surgical instruments, kits and equipments.
To manufacture, produce, process, make, repair, assemble, import, export, trade, buy, sell whether as retailers, wholesalers, suppliers, indenters, packers, preservers, stockists, agents, subagents, merchants, distributors, consignors, jobbers, brokers or otherwise deal in office equipments, apparatuses, tools, instruments, devices, systems, implements, articles, machines including accounting machines, typewriters, computers, filing cabinets, air conditioners, refrigerators, coolers, postage franking machines, ticket issuing machines, hectograph or stencil duplicating machines, addressing machines, bank note dispensers, coin sorting machines, coin counting or wrapping machines, calculating devices and all kinds of machines or equipments used in an office whether automatic, semiautomatic, manual, electrical, electronic or mechanical and parts, components and accessories used in any of the aforesaid machinery or other office equipments.
- To manufacture, buy, sell, import, export and deal in wireless transmitting and receiving equipments, including radios, television equipments, broadcasting equipments, microphones, amplifiers, loud speaker and telegraphic instruments, cordless telephones and equipments and also to manufacture parts and accessories for the said instruments, cordless telephones and articles and to maintain service stations in this connection.
- To carry on all or any of the business of designers, manufacturers, installers, maintainers, repairers of and dealers in electrical and electronic appliances and apparatus of every description, and of and in radio, television and telecommunication requisites and supplies, teletext and view data receivers, and electrical and electronic apparatus, appliances, equipment and stores of all kinds.
- To manufacture, design, fabricate, develop, assemble, produce, process, import, export, buy, sell whether as representatives, distributors, suppliers, agents or otherwise to deal in all kinds of equipments in the field of fuel conservation, efficiency and operational efficiency of engines and automotive, marine, aircraft, industrial, domestic and other applications and to undertake and carry on research and development activities in the above field.
- To market the related equipment in the field of fuel/energy saving systems and/or ancillaries, fabricated, assembled, produced and manufactured by the company and/or acquired by the company on global basis.
- To acquire, own, impart, market own as well as other technical know-how for the conservation of fuel/energy and other allied fields including import and sell related equipment and devices in the field or fuel/energy saving systems as representatives, agents or otherwise.
- To manufacture, produce, process, make, invent, convert, repair, assemble, import, export, trade, buy, sell whether as retailers or wholesalers, suppliers, indenters, packers, movers, preservers, stockists, agents, subagents, merchants, distributors, consignors, jobbers, brokers or otherwise deal in audio, video products or video heads, devices, magnetic tapes, tape recorders, VCRs, VCPs, cleaners, cassettes and all other parts, components, accessories used in any audio, visual, or audiovisual devices.
- To establish in any part of India or elsewhere, libraries for keeping and lending on hire or otherwise video cassettes, audio cassettes, books, magazines, newspapers and other publications.
- To carry on the business as estate agents, housing and land agents and property dealers and for the purpose to advertise and assist for sale or purchase, to find out or introduce purchasers and vendors of land, buildings, flats and other properties.
- To carry on the business as estate agents, housing and land agents, property dealers and estate managers and to collect rents, repair, look after and manage immovable properties of or for any persons, firms and companies, governments and states, as well as this company, to give, take, let and sublet and to carry out under taking, supervising, building, constructing, altering, improving, demolishing and repairing operations and all other works and opera tions in connection with immovable estates and properties.
- To acquire, buy, purchase, lease, develop, renovate, improve, maintain, exchange or otherwise own property, estate, land, buildings, hereditaments, flats, garages, houses, halls, godowns, shops, warehouses, office premises, mills, factories, chawls, dwelling houses, residential accommodation or other immovable properties and to turn the same to account as may be expedient and in particular by laying out and preparing land for building purposes and preparing building site by planting, paving, draining and cultivating land and by demolishing, constructing, reconstructing, altering, improving, furnishing, maintaining, administering, equipping or subdividing properties by leasing or otherwise disposing of the same and to enter into contracts and agreements with builders, tenants, occupiers, either in India or in any part of the world to purchase, sell, deal in land, estates, houses or other landed properties of any tenure whether freehold, leasehold or otherwise and to act as promoters, organizers and developers of land, estates, property, cooperative housing societies, residential housing schemes, shopping centres, commercial complex, farm houses, holiday resorts, hotels, swimming pools, amusement parks and to finance with or without security for the same and to deal with and improve such properties either as owner or as agents and to join any other person, partnership firm or company in carrying the above objects.
- To undertake construction and management of properties of any person or governmental authorities for the construction of buildings of all descriptions, roads, bridges, earthwork, sewers, tanks, drain, culverts, channel or other works or things that may be necessary or convenient for any of the objects of the company.
- To carry on the business in India and/or abroad as architects, designers, draughtsmen, decorators, surveyors, valuers, estate agents, town planners, appraisers, coordinators, civil engineers, constructional engineers, furnishers, structural engineers, estate agents and land brokers.
- To finance housing activities in any way, to let on lease any such premises or parts of them and to provide services and facilities for the occupiers or tenants of those premises.
- To manufacture, fabricate, assemble, install, maintain, buy, sell, import, export or otherwise deal in doors, windows, fixtures, fittings, tiles, sanitary ware, pipes, grills, tanks, switches, cables, wires, bricks, prefabricated and precast blocks, slabs, beams, poles, arches, cement, stones, steel, sand, lime, ropes, pulleys, bamboo, planks and plants and machinery such as mixers, crushers, rollers, cranes required for the purpose of building and construction activities.
To establish, maintain and run produce exchange houses for ready and forward transactions in woollen yarn, art silk yarn, staple yarn, cotton yarn, mercerized yarn, silk yarn, and yarn of every other description, and cloth of all kinds, cotton, wool, silk, staple jute, bullion, grains and seeds of all kinds, oils, tea, sugar, gur, rubber, needles, hosiery articles and other merchandise and articles of any description and kinds permitted to be dealt in under the laws in force, subject to such directions, registrations, regulations as may be enacted by the Central Government or any other authority from time to time and to admit members, on such terms as may be determined by the Company.
To establish, promote, maintain, run and regulate the business of stock exchange, stocks and shares, debentures and debenture stock, government securities, bonds and other securities of any description for ready and forward transactions, subject to such directions, registrations, regulations, as may be enacted by the Central Government or any other authority from time to time and to admit members, on such terms as may be determined by the Company.
- To purchase, take on lease or otherwise acquire freehold and other lands, properties, mines and mineral properties, and exploration rights, concessions, leases, claims, licences or other interests in mines, mining and offshore rights, mineral properties and water rights, either solely or jointly with others.
- To prospect, explore, develop and work claims or mines, drill and sink shafts or wells and raise, pump, dig and quarry for gold, silver, minerals, ores, diamonds and precious stones, oil, petroleum, natural gas, coal, earth, and other substances.
- To acquire by purchase, concession or lease, to take in exchange or otherwise, or to erect, construct and alter, buildings, railways, roads, shafts, furnaces, crushing and other machinery, works for smelting or otherwise treating, removing and storing metals and minerals, and/or crushing, working, manufacturing, purifying, cutting, polishing or otherwise processing precious metals, diamonds and precious stones, minerals, ores, earth and other substances.
- To carry on business as land and mine owners, miners, metallurgists, metal workers, builders and contractors, engineers, manufacturers, farmers, vehicle and equipment proprietors, traders, ship owners, ship brokers, importers and exporters, and to buy, sell and deal in property of all kinds.
- To apply for and acquire by purchase, lease, hire or licence, exchange or otherwise petroleum, mineral rights, grants, concessions, lease, licences, claims, permits, wells or other interests in petroleum and mineral rights, mines and mining rights and to prospect, explore, survey, open, work, test, develop, exercise and turn to account, any petroleum, mineral, oil or natural gas permits, licence, leases, rights, authorities, holdings, tenements, claims or concessions or other similar rights or privileges from time to time in the possession of the company or to which or in which the company has any rights or interests.
- To explore, extract, excavate, procure, produce, pump, refine, purify, store, research, prepare, promote, prospect, process, grade, split, remove, amalgamate, barter, convert, clean, commercialize, compound, distribute, discover, handle, import, export, buy, sell, market, organize, manage, protect, provide, vapourise, condense, concentrate, dilute, mix and to act as agent, broker, stockist, C & F agent, transporter, consultant, engineering, contractor, adviser, jobworker, export house or otherwise to deal in all sorts of crude & refined petroleum oils, natural gases, oleaginous & saponaceous substances, ores, coals, minerals, metals, earthy mineral oils, their products, byproducts, residues, ingredients, derivatives, formulations, blends, mixtures, goods & materials.
- To construct, carry out, maintain, improve, manage, work, control, superintend, aid in, subscribe towards, purchase or otherwise acquire or dispose of any aerodromes, heliports, roads, railway, bridges, pumps, stations, pipelines, reservoirs, storage facilities for petroleum products of all types, watercourses, aqueducts, wharves, furnace, mills, crushing works, supply works, retorts, gas absorption plants, compressors, laboratories, dwelling houses for workmen and others, refiners, factories, warehouses, offices, shops and other works which are necessary or incidental to any of the objects of the company.
- To maintain drilling machines and use the same for drilling and carry on the business of extracting, pumping, drawing, transporting and purifying and dealing in water, petroleum and other mineral oils.
- To manufacture, produce, process, assemble, mould, make, convert, design, fabricate, press, export, trade, buy, sell or otherwise deal in all kinds of arms, ammunition, fireworks and other explosive products and accessories of all kinds whether for military, internal security, sporting, mining, industrial or for any other purpose in all shapes, sizes, varieties, capacities and specifications.
- To carry on the trade or business of ammunition manufacturers and dealers and for that purpose to manufacture, purchase, process, transport and deal in cartridges, cartridge cases, detonators, fuses and other substances and articles required for or incidental to the carrying out of the above objects or any of them.
- To promote and safeguard the interest of all Export Oriented Units in India licensed under the Export Schemes already framed or to be framed from time to time by the Government of India.
- To work for the betterment of the members by providing facilities in carrying on any trade or manufacture relating to export oriented industries.
- To represent the grievances of the manufacturers collectively before concerned authorities and to assist in their solution in a peaceful and legal manner.
- To collect information and data relating the industry, disseminate and circulate the same amongst its
- To cooperate with other manufacturers, trade associations and other bodies for the advancement of trade and manufacturing interest of the members.
- To subscribe in and aid in the promotion of the aims and objects of any society or Association having objects similar to all or any of the objects of the Association
- To acquire, promote, establish and carry on business of manufacture and processing of soyabean oils, deoiled cakes, refined oils, hydrogenated oils(vanaspati), margarine, peanut butter, peanut milk, refined oil from or out of cottonseed, castor, linseed, sunflower, soyabean, ricebran, groundnut and other types of edible and non edible, essential and non essential, oil seeds and vegetable seeds of all kinds by any type of processing viz., ordinary crushing, solvent extraction, chemical or any other process and to utilize the oils & cakes and proteins to be produced therefrom.
- To carry on the business of manufacture and processing of nutrition foods, high protein soyabean meal, foods, soya flour, soya milk, textured proteins, protein concentrates, protein isolates, lecithin, glycerine, emulsifiers, oils, cattle feed, manure, fatty acids, soaps, perfumes, chemicals and other products in which such oil seeds, oils, proteins from the products aforesaid are used.
- To act as dealers, wholesalers, retailers, stockists, commission agents, representatives, selling agents, purchasing agent, distributors, brokers, exporters, importers of soyabean, ground nut, sesame seeds, all other oil seeds, edible and non edible oils, vanaspati, oil cakes, proteins and protein foods, other substances or residue or byproducts of all goods aforesaid.
- To promote, establish and run steel plants, rolling mills, steel furnaces and to carry on the business of manufacturers, processors, founders of iron and steel, tin plates, ferrous and non ferrous metals, ingots, blooms, structural engineers, mechanical engineers, sheet workers, smelters, founder and steel fabricators.
- To carry on in India or elsewhere the business of manufacturers, processors, fabricators, drawers, rollers and rerollers of ferrous and nonferrous metals, steels, alloy steels, special and stainless steels, brass, bronze, aluminium, shaftings, bars, rods, flats, squares from scrap, sponge iron, pig iron, prereduced billets, ingots including manufacturing, processing and fabricating of pipes, expanded metal, hinges, plates, sheets, strips, blooms, rounds, circles and angles and to act as exporters, importers and dealers in all such and allied merchandise.
- To engage and hire professional, clerical, manual and other staff and employees and to enter into agreements with such staff and employees with a view to allocating their services to any person, firm or company requiring them.
- To provide or procure the provision by others of any service, need or requirement of any business of any nature required by any person, firm or company in connection with any business carried on by them.
- To carry on the business of financing, money lending, bill discounting, advancing money by way of issue of credit cards or otherwise to issue and manage charge cards, debit cards and prepaid cards.
To manufacture, produce, sell, import, export and generally deal in VBelts and Fan Belts and/or any other conveyor, elevator or transmission belts and other industrial rubber products such as hoses, braided hoses, rice rubber roller, made with natural and/or synthetic rubber, their derivatives and substitutes, latex, synthetic cotton and fibers, synthetic resins, plastics in general or with any combination thereof.
- To carry on the business of manufacturers, importers, ex porters, assemblers, traders, repairers, stockists, distributors of all types of fans in all shapes, sizes, varieties, colours, specifications, descriptions and capacities of electric fans used for domestic, industrial and other business and general purposes including table fan, ceiling fan, pedestal fan, hot air fans, rotary fan, moulded fan, exhaust fan, automobile fan, railway carriage fans, fan blades, its assemblies, parts, fittings, accessories and components, regulators, coils, motors, pumps, starters and to deal in coolers of all sorts including room coolers, assembly coolers, industrial coolers, their parts and accessories.
- To carry on the business of manufacturers, producers, stockists, commission agents, importers, exporters of electrical products and other domestic appliances, their assemblies, kits, spares and accessories.
- To establish, develop and maintain and aid in the establishment and maintenance of poultry and seeds farms and ancillary operation like hatcheries, breeder houses, egg producing and distributing centres, green houses and stores and to buy or otherwise acquire chicks and develop them and to prepare them for eggs, propagation or sales and to breed, raise, improve, develop, produce, preserve, buy, sell, cherish, tin, pack, process, cut, clean, dry or otherwise to deal in all types of animal products, poultry products and allied goods including eggs, meat and edible offal of live horses, asses, mules, whinnies, swine, sheep, goats, fowls, ducks, geese, rabbits, mice, fish, turkeys, guinea fowls, pigs, birds whether fresh, chilled, frozen, salted, inbrine, dried, smoked or otherwise.
- To carry on the business of farming, agriculture, poultry, horticultural and dairy, gardening and of raising, breeding, improving, developing, producing, buying, selling, importing, preparing, preserving, dealing and trading of products of such business and in particular seed, pure breed, inbred poultry, meat, cattle and other live and dead stock, eggs, sausages, preserved meat, trees, plants, fruits, flowers and vegetables, milk and milk products.
- To cultivate land, establish and maintain dairies, cattle yards and poultry farms, piggeries, fruit, vegetable and flower gardens, grazing grounds, fish ponds, pigeon, beehives, warehouses, cold storages, freezing plants, factories for manufacture and preservation of meat, fish, fruits, honey, vegetables; canning of all kind of preserved foods and juices.
- To carry on the business of millers, grains, seeds, cake and corn merchants, manufacturers of food, feeding and fastening preparations, artificial manures and fertilisers of every description.
To carry on the business as manufacturers, producers, suppliers, dealers, stockists, exporters and importers of bolts, nuts, nails, rivets, screws, hinges, hooks and all other hardware items, machinery, machinery parts, tools, accessories and implements of all types, sizes, specifications and descriptions.
- To set up, establish, carry on business, purchase, sell, deal, import, export, store, preserve, prepare, process, manufacture, crush, refine, mix, finish, pack and repack market or to act as commission agents, brokers and consultants of various products, by products and joint products based on, related to, and/or associated with various types of oil bearing raw materials, oil bearing seeds and cakes, deoiled cakes, cattle feed, such as ricebran, sal seed, neem seed, groundnut, ground nut cake, soyabean, sunflower, etc.
- To act as dealers, wholesalers, retailers, stockists, commission agents, representatives, selling agents, purchasing agent, distributors, brokers, exporters, importers of soyabean, groundnut, sesame seeds, all other oil seeds, edible and non edible oils, vanaspati, oil cakes, proteins and protein foods, other substances or residue or by products of all goods aforesaid.
- To promote, establish and run steel plants, rolling mills, steel furnaces and to carry on the business of manufacturers, processors, founders of iron and steel, tin plates, ferrous and non ferrous metals, ingots, blooms, structural engineers, mechanical engineers, sheet workers, smelters, founder and steel fabricators.
- To carry on in India or elsewhere the business of manufacturers, processors, fabricators, drawers, rollers and rerollers of ferrous and nonferrous metals, steels, alloy steels, special and stainless steels, brass, bronze, aluminium, shaftings, bars, rods, flats, squares from scrap, sponge iron, pig iron, prereduced billets, ingots including manufacturing, processing and fabricating of pipes, expanded metal, hinges, plates, sheets, strips, blooms, rounds, circles and angles and to act as exporters, importers and dealers in all such and allied merchandise.
- To carry on business as manufacturers, producers, processors, importers, exporters, traders, buyers, sellers, retailers, wholesalers, suppliers, indenters, packers, movers, stockists, agents, subagents, merchants, distributors, consignors, jobbers, brokers or otherwise deal in all classes and kinds of ferrous and non ferrous metals, alloy steel, ferro alloy, pig iron, wrought iron, rolled steel and to carry on business as miners, smelters, engineers, iron and steel foundries in all or any of their respective branches, Metallurgical prospectors, explorers, contractors, agents and to establish workshop for the manufacture of any equipment required for any of the industries which the company can undertake and to deal in such equipments, agricultural implements and other light and heavy machineries, tool makers, brass founders, metalworkers, boilermakers, millwrights, machinist, iron and steel converters, smiths, woodworkers, builders, painters, metallurgists, water supply engineers, gas makers and to buy, sell, manufacture, export, import, repair, convert, alter, let on hire and deal in machinery, implements and rolling stocks.
- To carry on the business as manufacturers of and dealers in ferrous and nonferrous metals, pipes, rods and casting of all kind and in particular gray metal castings, automobile castings, spare parts and accessories, chilled and malleable castings, special alloy and high duty castings, steel castings, SG iron castings, gun metal, copper, brass, magnesium and aluminium castings of all kind.
- To carry on the business as manufactures, producers, processors, importers, exporters and dealers in all kinds and classes of compost, organic and inorganic manures, gas based, natural or man made fertilisers, chemicals such as urea, sulphur, insecticides, pesticides, repellents, fungicides, sprayers, dusters.
- To establish and run plants for treatment of waste, garbage, sludge for manufacture of compost through high rate mechanical, aerobic composting process and to enter into collaboration or other arrangements with Government, semi-Government, local bodies, municipal corporation and others for manufacture and distribution of the same.
- To carry on the business of manufacturers of and dealers in all kinds of agricultural chemicals and to carry on the said business in all their branches and/or undertake spraying of such chemicals through manual, mechanical and/or aerial operations.
- To manufacture, process, produce, dye, gin, press, spin, weave, crimp, texturise, card, bleach, comb, double, finish, blend, sort, garnet, stretch, dry, draw, cut, improve, buy, sell, resale, import, export, transport, store, fabricate, develop, market or otherwise to deal in all types of natural & synthetic yarns and fibres made of materials like cotton, flax, hemp, jute linen, wool, nylon, viscose, ramie, polyster, silk, artsilk, terene, jute, staple fibres, cashmilon, filaments, terecotton, monofilaments, multifilaments, acrylics, polynosic, polypropylene, polyamide, polymethane, cellulose, dropping, spun or other fibrous substances or any combination thereof and fabrics made of such yarns or articles in which fabrics of any kind is used.
- To establish and to carry on the business of ginners, spinners, weavers, dyers, balers, processors of all kinds of fibres both natural, synthetic or artificial such as cotton, jute, silk, hemp, flax, wool, hair, rayon, nylon, terylene and cultivators of all such fibres, tailors, drapers, clothiers, apparel designers and manufacturers of hides and skins, raw, semi processed and finished leather and leather articles of all kinds, rexines and other synthetic textiles made out of polyvinyl chloride, foam leather, plastics or other articles out of these products; sport goods and articles of all kinds and to deal in all types of textile making material, paints, dyes, fabric treatment materials, chemicals, tools and implements in India or elsewhere in the world.
- To manufacture, produce, process, prepare, fabricate, extrude, roll, reroll, blend, coat, insulate, manipulate, pack, repack, grade, import, export, buy, sell, resale, and to act as agent, broker, contractor, jobworker, supplier, provider, collaborator, consignor, consultant, stockist, distributor, trader, C & F agent, delcredre agent or otherwise to deal in all types, specifications, applications, descriptions & capacities of wires & cables such as super enamelled wires (bare or covered by plastic, Rubber, Cotton, Paper and PVC), conductors made of any matter or substance, copper conductors, aluminium conductors, low, medium and high tension insulators, switch gears, PVC wires, electrical wires, telephone wires, antenna wires, insulated wires, jelly filled cables, optical fibre cables, hi tension wires & ropes, communication wires and other allied goods, articles and things, their raw materials, intermediates, substances & consumables.
- To manufacture, buy, sell, exchange, supply, alter, improve, prepare for market, import or export or otherwise deal in all type and kind of spare parts and components of every type of Electric motors (including Stators, Rotors, Actuators) and Pumps meant for domestic, agriculture, industrial purposes and all types of machinery, plant or apparatus and things required or capable of being used in connection with the manufacture of the above or for the generation, accumulation, distribution, supply or employment of electricity.
- To carry on the business of the cinematograph trade and industry in all their branches and activities and particularly the business of manufacture, production, distribution, exploitation, exhibition, import and export of all kinds of cine films, talkie films, video films, telefilms, documentary films, advertising films, TV Serials and films and motion pictures of all kinds and nature for entertainment, amusement, publicity, education and instruction in all languages prevailing in the world.
- To carry on either solely or in partnership, periodically or permanently the business of running, conducting and managing as proprietors, lessees, tenants, licensees, managers and agents of cinematograph cinemas and theatres, places and halls, preview theatres, video theatres, studios, cinematographic shows and exhibitions and other entertainments and amusements and places of entertainments and amusements and in particular to provide for production, projection, representation and performance of cinematographic films, motion pictures, video films, telefilms and films and motion pictures of all kinds and nature in all its branches and performances, exhibitions and representations of one or more of them or any part thereof by means of cinematograph films, television, radio, video cassettes, video discs or any other similar contrivances and appliances by means whereof the same may be mechanically or otherwise performed, exhibited and represented and in connection therewith.
- To carry on business as distributors, buyers, sellers, merchants and dealers in cinematograph films, records, tapes and apparatus for recording or reproducing sights and sounds and all rights to produce, distribute or exhibit any performance, entertainment or event by means of films, records or such other apparatus.
- To undertake, procure, render, provide, supply, establish and maintain services, facilities, convenience, assistance, cooperation, supervision, guidance, consultation and advice in the field of commerce, industry, trade and science and in the matter of laws, revenues, taxation, finance, fiscal, organisation, management, administration, personnel, designing of accounting & costing records, marketing, distribution, publicity, insurance, banking, imports, exports, statistics, mathematics, software and hardware and other technologies including accounting and management services.
- To provide financial services, advice and facilities of every description including all those capable of being provided by stockbrokers, stock jobbers, investment and pension fund managers and advisers, promoters and managers of mutual funds and other investment media, insurance brokers, underwriters, issuing houses and financiers.
- To look after working capital, project financing and implementing management policies.
- To act as placement agencies and to act as agents for securing employment or selecting and interviewing prospective employees for any job or employment.
- To buy, sell, barter, import or otherwise deal whether as wholesalers or retailers or as exporters or importers or as principals or agents or brokers or otherwise to catch fish and procure sea foods and preserve, smoke, cure, freeze, prepare or process or otherwise to deal in all sorts of fresh, chilled, dried, salted, inbrine or frozen seafoods, fish meals, fish products, vegetables, and to manufacture or procure any substances or articles wholly or partially from fish or seafoods for human or animal consumption.
- To purchase or otherwise establish, build, own, operate, acquire, run and manage food processing factories, warehouses, sheds, and buildings for the purposes of processing, packing, preserving and canning all varieties of fish, fish products, food products, farm products, and other edible products including byproducts manufactured and/or dealt in by the Company and to deal in all kinds of machinery, appliances and materials for achieving the said objects.
- To manufacture, produce, process, repair, assemble, import, export, trade, buy, sell, supply or otherwise deal in floppy diskettes, CD-ROM, and all other parts, components, devices, accessories used in it.
- To design, invent, prepare, own, make use of, lease, sell or otherwise dispose of and generally to deal in and with computers, data processing machines, types, cards, memory equipments and materials of every kind and description useful in connection with the foregoing business.
- To carry on the business of gardening, nursery, landscaping, floriculture, planters, florists, proprietors of orchard and traders, exporters, sellers and dealers in products of plantation, horticulture, gardening and to grow, raise, produce, plant, cultivate, buy, import, export, sell, trade and deal in trees, shrubs, plants, sprouts, vines, seeds, roots, fruits, herbs and flowers.
- To purchase, sell, lease, exchange, hire or otherwise acquire, deal and use land, gardens for the purpose of growing and producing roses and other types of flowers, fruits, vegetables and other derivatives.
- To carry on any business in the field of micro-pagation, floriculture and horticulture as farmers, agriculturists, principals, contractors, consultants, brokers or otherwise and develop systems of tissue culture processes, dehydration, distillation, storage, distribution, marketing and sale of floricultural products
- To acquire, construct, set up and operate flour mills, pulverisers, grinding mills for manufacturing, pulverising, producing, cleaning, developing, finishing, crushing, extracting, grinding, grading, mixing, refining, milling wheat, gram and all kinds of grains, cereals, seeds, pulses, spices, and other edible items for manufacturing of dal, besan, maida, atta, suji, rava, starch and other allied products; and to manufacture food products, such as biscuits, flakes, dalia, starch and confectionery and other food products of all kinds and description and to set up factories or mills for the manufacture thereof.
- To carry on the business of producing, extracting, refining, storing, exporting, importing, transporting flour of all kinds and description whatsoever and to construct and run flour mills of any kind or description.
- To carry on business as manufacturers, producers, processors, importers, exporters, traders, buyers, sellers, suppliers, packers, movers, stockists, agents, subagents, merchants, distributors, consignors, jobbers, brokers or otherwise deal in all machinery used in the manufacture of flour, dal, besan, biscuits, flakes and allied products.
- To carry on business as manufacturers, producers, processors, importers, exporters, traders, buyers, sellers, retailers, wholesalers, suppliers, indenters, packers, movers, stockists, agents, subagents, merchants, distributors, consignors, jobbers, brokers or otherwise deal in wheat, paddy, and other grains, cereals, cotton, kapas, rice, seeds of all kinds and other raw materials necessary for and incidental to the above objects or any of them.
- To manufacture, assemble, repair, design, develop, fabricate, buy, sell, import, export and distribute or otherwise deal in all kinds and descriptions of fluid control products, piston valves, foot valves, ball valves, level indicators and all other types and ranges of valves and sealing products, gaskets and their components, spare parts, stores and accessories, fittings, appliances, apparatuses of all kinds.
- To manufacture, assemble, repair, buy, sell, import, export and distribute or otherwise deal in sealing products including gaskets, friction materials, brake lining, clutch facing, components for general or industrial use and for the automotive industries and in particular for motor cars, lorries, motorcycles, airplanes, bicycles and carriages, amphibious vehicles suitable for propulsion on land, sea or in the air, or in any combination thereof and vehicles of all kinds whether moved by mechanical power or not.
- To carry on the business as manufacturers, dealers, traders, exporters, importers, buyers, sellers, distributors, brokers, commission agents in coir foam, rubberised coir foam, rubber foam, artificial rubber foam, synthetic resins, elastomers and latex.
- To carry on the business of manufacturers, dealers, brokers, commission agents of coir mattresses, pillow, cushion of coir foam, rubberised coir foam, rubber foam and all kinds of foam goods.
- To acquire, promote, establish and carry on business to manufacture, process, prepare, preserve, can, refine, bottle, buy, sell and deal whether as wholesalers or retailers or as exporters or importers or as principals or agents in foods, high protein foods, protein, baby and diabetic foods, cereals, beverages, snack foods, instant foods like papad ,potato chips, banana chips, namkeens, sweets, bakery and confectionery, canned, soya bean based foods including biscuits, bread, cakes, pastries, soya milk, soya beverages; all kind of fruit syrup, fruit pulp, fruit jam, fruit concentrate, fruit pickles, tomato ketchup, chilly ketchup, meat, eggs, vegetables and foodstuff and consumable provision of every description and to manufacture, produce, distribute, grind, import, export, sell and deal in wheat flour or any other flour and its products and preparations of flour and to acquire, construct and operate flour mills, oil mills and to establish, build, manage and run grinding mills, pulverisers for milling and buying, selling and dealing in spices and to carry on the business of millers in all its branches including wheat, gram and other cereals, dal, besan, maida, atta, suji and other allied products and to manufacture any by products.
- To carry on the business of collecting, storing and preserving milk and for the purpose to establish, erect, build, manage and run dairy farms and manufacture all kinds of thing and products from milk and to carry on the business of manufacturers, buyers, sellers, importers, exporters, processors and dealers of milk, cream, butter, ghee, cheese, condensed milk, malted milk, milk powder, skimmed milk powder, wholesome milk powder, ice-cream, curd, milk foods, baby foods, sweets, toffees, chocolates and other products and to sell the same in wholesale or retail.
- To prepare, manufacture, market, trade, import, export and sell all types of bakery products and confectionery items such as breads, biscuits, sweets, cakes, pastries, cookies, wafers, candoles, lemon drops, chocolates, toffees, lozenges, tinned fruits.
- To sell, import, export, improve, prepare, manufacture, and market and to carry on the business of canners, preserves, growers of and dealers in fruits, vegetables, flowers, drinks, fluids, and other fresh and preservable products and generally to carry on the manufacturing and trading in jams, jellies, pickles, cider, chutney, marmalades, vinegars, gelatins, essences, ice creams, milk preparations, meat, sausages, porkpies, prawn and other eatables.
To manufacture, produce, pack, process, import, export, buy, sell or otherwise deal in diabetic biscuit, cake, confectionery and all kinds of diabetic foods or otherwise deal in biscuits, cakes, confectioneries and all kinds of diabetic foods whether as retailers, wholesalers, suppliers, stockists, agents, subagents, distributors, consignors, brokers or otherwise.
- To buy, sell, barter, import or otherwise deal whether as wholesalers or retailers or as exporters or importers or as principals or agents or brokers or otherwise to catch fish and procure sea foods and preserve, smoke, cure, freeze, prepare or process or otherwise to deal in all sorts of fresh, chilled, dried, salted, inbrine or frozen seafoods, fish meals, fish products, vegetables, and to manufacture or procure any substances or articles wholly or partially from fish or seafoods for human or animal consumption.
- To purchase or otherwise establish, build, own, operate, acquire, run and manage food processing factories, warehouses, sheds, and buildings for the purposes of processing, packing, preserving and canning all varieties of fish, fish products, food products, farm products, and other edible products including by products manufactured and/or dealt in by the Company and to deal in all kinds of machinery, appliances and materials for achieving the said objects.
- To acquire, promote, establish and carry on business to manufacture, process, prepare, preserve, can, refine, bottle, buy, sell and deal whether as wholesalers or retailers or as exporters or importers or as principals or agents in foods, high protein foods, protein, baby and diabetic foods, cereals, beverages, snack foods, instant foods like papad ,potato chips, banana chips, namkeens, sweets, bakery and confectionery, canned, soya bean based foods including biscuits, bread, cakes, pastries, soya milk, soya beverages; all kind of fruit syrup, fruit pulp, fruit jam, fruit concentrate, fruit pickles, tomato ketchup, chilly ketchup, meat, eggs, vegetables and foodstuff and consumable provision of every description and to manufacture, produce, distribute, grind, import, export, sell and deal in wheat flour or any other flour and its products and preparations of flour and to acquire, construct and operate flour mills, oil mills and to establish, build, manage and run grinding mills, pulverisers for milling and buying, selling and dealing in spices and to carry on the business of millers in all its branches including wheat, gram and other cereals, dal, besan, maida, atta, suji and other allied products and to manufacture any by products.
- To carry on the business of collecting, storing and preserving milk and for the purpose to establish, erect, build, manage and run dairy farms and manufacture all kinds of thing and products from milk and to carry on the business of manufacturers, buyers, sellers, importers, exporters, processors and dealers of milk, cream, butter, ghee, cheese, condensed milk, malted milk, milk powder, skimmed milk powder, wholesome milk powder, ice-cream, curd, milk foods, baby foods, sweets, toffees, chocolates and other products and to sell the same in wholesale or retail.
- To prepare, manufacture, market, trade, import, export and sell all types of bakery products and confectionery items such as breads, biscuits, sweets, cakes, pastries, cookies, wafers, candoles, lemon drops, chocolates, toffees, lozenges, tinned fruits.
- To sell, import, export, improve, prepare, manufacture, and market and to carry on the business of canners, preserves, growers of and dealers in fruits, vegetables, flowers, drinks, fluids, and other fresh and preservable products and generally to carry on the manufacturing and trading in jams, jellies, pickles, cider, chutney, marmalades, vinegars, gelatins, essences, ice creams, milk preparations, meat, sausages, porkpies, prawn and other eatables.
- To manufacture, produce, process, make, convert, import, export, trade, buy, sell, pack, repack, move, preserve whether as retailers or wholesalers, stockists, agents, subagents, merchants, distributors, consignors, jobbers, brokers or otherwise deal in frozen vegetables, fruits, dairy products, eggs, fish, chicken, meat and all varieties of food.
- To construct, build, equip, own, purchase, take on lease, rent, hire, maintain, keep and to run cold storages, storage chambers, freezers, deep freezers, godowns, warehouses, refrigerators and room coolers for storing fish, seafoods, marine products and processed fish, meat, eggs, poultry products, protein foods, milk & dairy products, cream, butter, cheese, bacons, sausages, fruits, roots, vegetables and other substances made from all or any of them and canned, tinned and processed foods of every description and to act as transporters of aforesaid foods, substances and products.
- To carry on the business of sea water foods, river water foods and to catch or arrange for the catch of all type of fish, prawns, frogs, crabs, shrimps, lobsters, and other crustaceans including all other sea water foods and fresh water foods, to freeze and preserve in cold storage, to export and to appoint agents for purchase or sell of sea water foods, river water foods and other allied products for the purpose of carrying on business in the Company’s products.
- To establish and maintain a modern cold storage and deep freezing plant capable of preserving all kinds of food stuffs, chemicals, drugs, fruits, vegetables, fish, meat and all other eatables and to give the same on hire.
- To carry on the business as manufacturers, dealers and agents in codliver oil, shark liver oil and other oils, fish meal and other manures from sea and river water foods and other allied products and to improve and encourage industries connected with processing of sea and river water foods, scanning and freezing.
- To carry on the business of research, design, build, construct, manufacture or otherwise acquire, repair and deal in all types of motorships, trawlers, ice plants, marine food process machinery, boats with or without motor, insulated boats and insulated motor vans and enter into contracts with shipping agents and other carriers for the purpose of catching and transporting of sea and fresh water foods.
- To carry on business as manufacturers, producers, traders, importers, exporters and dealers in boots, shoes and footwear of all kinds made of leather, rubber, canvas, plastic or any other synthetic or natural products, waterproof cloth or compound and to deal in leather, hides, rexine, rubber, plastic or synthetic cloth, compounds of granules, latches, buckles, leggings, gates, heels, laces, boot polishes, used in or required for footwear.
- To carry on the business of manufacturing of and dealers in boots, shoes, clogs, all kinds of footwear, rubber and plastic goods, purses, bags, boxes, belts, leather goods, lasts, laces, buckles, leggings, bootpolishes and their accessories and fitting.
- To carry on business as manufacturers, producers, processors, importers, exporters, traders, buyers, sellers, retailers, wholesalers, suppliers, indenters, packers, movers, stockists, agents, subagents, merchants, distributors, consignors, jobbers, brokers or otherwise deal in all types of leather tanning machines, leather sewing and cutting, finishing tools and implements.
- To import, export, buy, sell, barter, exchange, pledge, make advances upon or otherwise deal in all kinds of goods, produce, merchandise, raw material items, articles, products such as agri cultural, industrial, chemical or marine, stones, pieces of arts, antiques, handicrafts, machinery, equipments, capital goods and any other item capable of purchasing, selling, importing, exporting and trading and to be appointed as agents and/or distributors on com mission, allowance, retainership, incentive basis.
- To carry on business as merchants, brokers, traders, commission agents, forwarding agents, ship owners, carriers or in any other capacity in India or elsewhere and to purchase, build, hire, charter or otherwise own, hold, use and dispose of ships and vessels, aircraft and other vehicles and their appurtenances.
- To establish or acquire and carry on office, trading stations, factories, stores and depots in India or elsewhere, and to purchase, lease or otherwise acquire, carry on, develop and improve any business or real or personal property in India or elsewhere.
- To assist any company, firm, association, society in trans fer of any technology whether from India or outside and to render services pertaining to foreign collaboration, project formulation and to act as representative/agents of any domestic or foreign company for the purpose of such technology transfer.
- To apply for, acquire and hold any charters, Acts of Parliament, privileges, monopolies, licences, concessions, patents or other rights or powers from the Indian Government or any other Government or state, or any sovereign or local or other authority in India or elsewhere, and to exercise, carry on and work any powers, rights or privileges obtained, and to constitute or incorporate the company under the laws of any foreign country or state and to grant licences or concessions over and in respect of any property or rights of the company.
- To carry on the business of farming in all its branches, horticulture, floriculture, sericulture, dairies, cultivators of all kinds of food grains, seeds, fruits, proprietors of orchards and traders, exporters, dealers and sellers of the products of farming, dairy, horticulture, floriculture, sericulture and pisciculture and fishing and manufacturers of drinks, alcoholic or otherwise, including beverages produced from such products or otherwise.
- To carry on the business of cultivators, growers, manufacturers, millers, grinders, rollers, processors, canners, and preservers, dealers of food grains and other agricultural, dairy, horticulture and poultry products, fruits, vegetables, herbs, medicines, flowers, drinks, fluids, gas and other fresh and preservable products and to extract by-products and derivatives whether edibles, pharmaceutical, medicines or any other kind or nature whatsoever, food preparations of every kind and description and generally to carry on the business of manufacture of and dealers in preserved, dehydrated, canned or converted agricultural products, fruits and vegetables, provisions, foods, dairy and poultry products and articles and other derivatives of all kinds and descriptions and to set up and run machinery for
processing and preserving the same.
- To cultivate, grow, produce or deal in any agriculture, vegetable or fruit products, and to carry on all or any of business of farmers, dairymen, milk contractors, dairy farmers, dairymen, millers, surveyors, and vendors of milk products, condensed milk and powdered milk, cream, ghee, cheese, butter, poultry, fruits, vegetables, cash crops and provisions of all kinds, growers of and dealers in cornbay and straw, seedsman and nurserymen and to buy, sell, manufacture and trade in any goods usually traded in by any of the above business or any other business inclusive of staple foods and medicinal preparations from milk, vegetables and animal products.
- To manage, improve, farm, cultivate, acquire, lease, underlet, exchange, purchase, sell or otherwise deal with or dispose of agricultural land and generally to carry on the business of dairy farming, fruit farming, livestock and poultry breeders, timber growers, horticulturists, seeds merchants, processors of agricultural produce and advisers on problem relating to the administration, organisation and working of farms.
- To carry on the business of forest contractors and to grow, raise, produce, plant, cultivate, buy, import, export, sell, trade and deal in all kinds of forest produce, vegetation, timber, wood, stalk, twigs, leaves, fruits, trees, shrubs, plants, sprouts, vines, seeds, roots, fruits, herbs and flowers of all kinds and description and manufacture, process and produce sealing wax, oils, laminated sheets, paper, pulp, plywood and hardboard, newsprint and card board of different varieties.
- To carry on the business of cultivation of fruits and vegetables or produce of the soil or products of agriculture and to prepare, work out, manufacture, crush, render marketable fruits, plants, seeds, grain and produce of all kinds and to sell, dispose of or deal in fruits, seeds, grains and all other agricultural produces such as grapes, oranges, apples, mangoes, proprietors of orchards, traders, exporters, dealers, processors, preservers and seller of the products of such farming, horticulture, sericulture, seeds and cultivation and manufacturers of drinks including beverages produced from such products or otherwise.
- To carry on business as general carriers and freight forwarders, transport, cartage and haulage contractors and to provide carrier, freight, transport, courier, taxi, truck, light or heavy haulage and delivery services by land, road, railway, sea, river, canal, water or air for and in connection with any containers, packages, parcels, articles, mails, goods or bulk commodities.
- To carry passengers by air, road, rail, land, sea or water, and to operate any taxi service and to construct, equip, maintain, work, purchase, sell, export, import, lease, hire, let on hire, repair or otherwise deal in any aircraft, ship, car, bus or any kind of vehicle or mode of transport and to act as booking agents, indenting agents and travel agents.
- To carry, collect, receive, load, unload, store, consign, distribute, transfer and deliver goods, wares, merchandise, parcels, packages, baggage, freight, animals, livestock, timber, coal, oil, ores and other minerals and other property of every description by any mode of transport and for such purpose to acquire, manage and operate warehouses and bonded warehouses, act as agents for shippers and consigners, and to issue warehouse warrants and receipts and bills of lading and to act as clearing and forwarding agents.
- To manufacture, produce, process, make, convert, import, export, trade, buy, sell, pack, repack, move, preserve whether as retailers or wholesalers, stockists, agents, subagents, merchants, distributors, consignors, jobbers, brokers or otherwise deal in frozen vegetables, fruits, dairy products, eggs, fish, chicken, meat and all varieties of food.
- To construct, build, equip, own, purchase, take on lease, rent, hire, maintain, keep and to run cold storages, storage chambers, freezers, deep freezers, godowns, warehouses, refrigerators and room coolers for storing fish, seafoods, marine products and processed fish, meat, eggs, poultry products, protein foods, milk & dairy products, cream, butter, cheese, bacons, sausages, fruits, roots, vegetables and other substances made from all or any of them and canned, tinned and processed foods of every description and to act as transporters of aforesaid foods, substances and products.
- To carry on the business of agriculture, cultivation and farming, sericulture, horticulture, tissue culture and gardens in all their branches and to raise, plant, cultivate, grow, produce, buy, sell, import, export or otherwise trade or deal in and with crops, trees, plants including garden plants, plantation crops, vines, seeds, roots, flowers, fruits, vegetables, grains, oils, garden produce, milk and dairy products of every description, all kinds of farm products and byproducts of the soil weather in manufactured form or otherwise.
- To carry on business in India and abroad of cultivation, manufacturing, preserving, packing, canning, drying, freezing, extracting, bottling, preparing, trading, marketing, importing, exporting, improving, producing, processing, preparing, buying, selling, dealing in vegetables, fruits, mushrooms and various other agricultural products alongwith all seeds in all forms, whether in raw state, fresh, dehydrated, frozen, dried, processed or in any other form.
- To manufacture, design, fabricate, develop, assemble, produce, process, import, export, buy, sell whether as representatives, distributors, suppliers, agents or otherwise to deal in all kinds of equipments in the field of fuel conservation, efficiency and operational efficiency of engines and automotive, marine, aircraft, industrial, domestic and other applications and to undertake and carry on research and development activities in the above field.
- To market the related equipment in the field of fuel/energy saving systems and/or ancillaries, fabricated, assembled, produced and manufactured by the company and/or acquired by the company on global basis.
- To acquire, own, impart, market own as well as other technical know-how for the conservation of fuel/energy and other allied fields including import and sell related equipment and devices in the field or fuel/energy saving systems as representatives, agents or otherwise.
- To manufacture, produce, process, convert, commercialize, control, compound, develop, distribute, derive, excavate, grade, release, manipulate, prepare, promote, reclaim, supply, import, export, buy, sell, turn to account and to act as agent, broker, consultant, collaborator, jobworker or otherwise to deal in all kinds of fuel and other oils, petroleum of every kind and the business of refiners of such oils and oil accessories required for petroleum and the manufacture of lubricating oils and accessories required for the equipments and operation of the oil wells and refineries and to deal in the byproducts of petroleum and lubricating oils.
- To carry on business as manufacturers, producers, processors, makers, refiners, importers, exporters, traders, buyers, sellers or otherwise deal in petroleum and petroleum products including wax, paraffin, soap, paint, varnish, lubricants, oil cloth, candles, glycerine, etc.
- To manufacture, design, fabricate, develop, assemble, produce, process, import, export, buy, sell whether as representatives, distributors, suppliers, agents or otherwise to deal in all kinds of equipments in the field of fuel conservation, efficiency and operational efficiency of engines and automotive, marine, aircraft, industrial, domestic and other applications and to undertake and carry on research and development activities in the above field.
- To market the related equipment in the field of fuel/energy saving systems and/or ancillaries, fabricated, assembled, produced and manufactured by the company and/or acquired by the company on global basis.
- To acquire, own, impart, market own as well as other technical know-how for the conservation of fuel/energy and other allied fields including import and sell related equipment and devices in the field or fuel/energy saving systems as representatives, agents or otherwise.
- To carry on the business of conducting chits (auction and other chits), daily, weekly, monthly and at such interval as the company may decide from time to time and to canvass and admit subscribers for Auction Chit Schemes or other Benefit schemes (not amounting to lotteries), subject to the provisions of Prize Chits and Money Circulation Schemes (Banning) Act, 1978.
- To lend money either with or without security upon such terms and conditions as the company may think fit to subscribers of the chits and to guarantee the performance of the contract by any such person, subject to the provisions of Prize Chits and Money Circulation Schemes (Banning) Act, 1978.
- To carry on the business of conducting chits (auction and other chits), daily, weekly, monthly and at such interval as the company may decide from time to time and to canvass and admit subscribers for Auction Chit Schemes or other Benefit schemes (not amounting to lotteries), subject to the provisions of Prize Chits and Money Circulation Schemes (Banning) Act, 1978.
- To lend money either with or without security upon such terms and conditions as the company may think fit to subscribers of the chits and to guarantee the performance of the contract by any such person, subject to the provisions of Prize Chits and Money Circulation Schemes (Banning) Act, 1978.
- To establish, promote, form, organise, sponsor, operate, supervise, manage and carry on business as administrator(s) or manag ers of investment funds, mutual funds (both local as well as off shore), growth funds, income or capital funds, taxable or tax exempt funds, provident funds, pension funds, superannuation funds, charitable funds, trusts funds, of person or bodies of persons whether incorporated or not, as part of mutual fund business for investment in equity and other securities, to contribute to the development of capital market and for providing facility for par ticipation by subscribers, holders of units in the mutual funds and in the profits or, income arising from the acquisition, holding, management and disposal of the securities and other properties whatsoever and for that purpose to promote, establish, manage and carry on various schemes as may be approved by Securities & Ex change Board of India (SEBI) and all concerned authorities and conducive to the management of the company concerning shares, stocks, debentures, debenture stocks, bonds, units, obligations, secured debts, promissory notes, participation certificate, po licies, money market investment securities, policies of the Central and State Government, company, corporation, municipal, local or other body or authority or obligations of other securities or investments of any kind or description whether in India or in any foreign country.
- To act as financial consultants, management consultants and to provide advice, service, consultancy in various fields, general administrative, secretarial, commercial, financial, legal, econom ic, labour, industrial, public relations, scientific, technical, direct and indirect taxation and other levies, statistical, accoun tancy, quality control and data processing.
- To manufacture, produce, process, make, convert, import, export, trade, buy, sell whether as retailers or wholesalers, suppliers, indenters, packers, repackers, preservers, stockists, agents, merchants, distributors, consignors, jobbers, brokers or otherwise deal in furs and skins of all kinds, raw hides, feather.
- To carry on the business of manufacturing furriers, robe makers, haberdashers and dealers in all kinds of trimmings, ribbons, braid, threads, cottons, buttons and fasteners.
- To carry on the business of fur and skin dressers, tanners, renovators, dyers and cleaners.
- To carry on the business as manufacturers, producers, processors, repairers, assemblers, buyers, sellers, dealers, importers, exporters of all types of industrial and domestic furniture, fit tings, made from wood, brass, fibre glass, plastic or any other alloys, handicrafts, wooden products, plywood, teak wood and teak boards, linoleums, furnishing fabrics, carpets, rugs and other floor coverings, hand made home furnishings and carpets, household requisites of all kinds and all materials and other things capable of being used therewith or in the maintenance and repair of house hold equipments.
- To enter into hire purchase, credit sale and consumer credit agreements with the purchasers of any such articles and good, and to assign, factor or pledge such agreements, or the payments due or rights accruing under them, for cash or otherwise.
- To manufacture, produce, process, make, convert, import, export, trade, buy, sell whether as retailers or wholesalers, suppliers, indenters, packers, re packers, preservers, stockists, agents, merchants, distributors, consignors, jobbers, brokers or otherwise deal in furs and skins of all kinds, raw hides, feather.
- To carry on the business of manufacturing furriers, robe makers, haberdashers and dealers in all kinds of trimmings, ribbons, braid, threads, cottons, buttons and fasteners.
- To carry on the business of fur and skin dressers, tanners, renovators, dyers and cleaners.
- To carry on all or any of the business of importers and exporters, buyers, sellers, stockists, suppliers, agents and distributors, wholesale and retail dealers, repairers, hirers, stores of and workers in motor cars, motor buses, omnibuses, motor lorries, station wagons, motor trucks, motor cycles, scooters, jeeps, trolleys, trailers, buses, motor vans, vehicles, commercial vehicles, velocipades, whether propelled or assisted by means of petrol, diesel oil, powering oil, spirit, gas, vapour, electricity, battery, solar energy, animal, manual labour or any other powers whatsoever and to own, lease, manage, carry on and run the business of garage proprietors, workshop owners and of a service station for motor vehicles of all kinds, servicing, repairing and maintenance of vehicles of every description.
- To manufacture, produce, buy, sell all kind of spare parts, components, accessories, fittings, furnishings, engines, chassis, bodies, tools and implements, in connection with the above mentioned things such as petrol, oil, lubricants and petroleum products, new and used motor vehicles, caravans, trailers, tyres and tubes, batteries, spare parts, accessories, radios, cassette players, rubber and electrical goods and to carry on the business of body builders of motor vehicles and trucks.
- To carry on all or any of the business of carriers of passengers, goods and merchandise by sea, air, rail, road or other means of transport, manage and maintain steam ships, aircraft, automobiles, trucks, taxis, buses, lorries, vehicles and conveyance of all kind and to act as shipping, chartering, forwarding, clearing and transport agents and as warehousemen, wharfingers, freight contractors, brokers and general traders and to establish, undertake, maintain and provide all services and facilities connected therewith.
- To undertake the safe keeping, cleaning, repairing, painting, furnishing, body building, refuelling and servicing of motor vehicles of all kinds.
- To operate motor transport of all kinds, including the leasing, hiring or letting out of cars, trucks, tractors, and breakdown vehicles..
- To carry on the business of manufacturers, producers, designers, finishers, dyers, showroom owners, agents, importers and exporters, wholesale and retail dealers of and in men’s, women’s and children’s clothing and wearing apparels of every kind, nature and description in all shapes, sizes, varieties, specifications, descriptions, applications, fashions; sportswear, party wears, fashion wears, daily wear, wearing apparels, underwears, purses, belts, wallets and other allied goods including shirts, bushshirts, pajama suits, underwear suits, foundation garments for ladies dresses, brassieres, maternity belts, knee caps, coats, panties, nighties and so on made from cotton, silk, synthetics, jute, velvet, wool, leather, rexine and other natural, synthetic and/or fibrous substances or with any combination thereof and to participate in local, national and international trade fairs, fashion shows, exhibitions, seminars and other sales promotion schemes.
- To carry on the business of manufacturers, importers and exporters, wholesale and retail dealers of and in hosiery goods for men, women and children including vests, underwears, socks, stockings, sweaters, laces and so on and of all or anything which is used in hosiery goods.
- To carry all or any of the business of dealers and manufacturers of carpets, durries, furnishing fabrics, mats, rugs, blankets, shawls, tweeds, linens, flannels and all other articles of woollen and worsted material and of all articles similar to the foregoing or any of them or connected therewith.
- To spin, comb, prepare, weave, blend, process, dye, print, bleach, manufacture, buy, sell, import, export and deal in yarns & textiles, linen; cloth fabric of all kinds and description , natural, artificial and synthetic, duly textiled, felted, netted, knitted, woven or looped either on own account or on behalf of others.
To manufacture, assemble, convert, commercialize, design, develop, display, establish, handle, let on hire, install, maintain, operate, produce, promote, process, overhaul, renovate, recondition, remodel, service, supervise, supply, import, export, buy, sell or otherwise to deal in all shapes, sizes, varieties, capacities, specifications, descriptions and use of gas cylinders, hospital gas cylinders, defence gas cylinders including welded low carbon steel gas cylinders for low pressure liquefiable gases or for ammonia, chlorine, methyle bromide and other similar gases; seamless manganese steel cylinders for permanent and high pressure liquefiable gases; seamless carbon dioxide cylinders for fire fighting purpose on ship board; non refillable liquefied petroleum gas containers, low carbon cylinders for storage and transportation of liquefiable gases, their parts, fittings, accessories & components.
To manufacture, assemble, repair, buy, sell, import, export and distribute or otherwise deal in Sealing Products, including gaskets, friction materials, brake linking, clutch facing, components for general industrial use and for the Automotive Industries and in particular for Motor cars, Lorries, Motorcycles, Airplanes, Bicycles and carriages, amphibious vehicles suitable for propulsion on land, sea or in the air, or in any combination thereof and vehicles of all kinds whether moved by mechanical power or not.
- To carry on business as manufacturers, processors, convertors, producers, mixers, compressors, importers, suppliers, stockists, distributors, sellers, buyers or otherwise to deal in all kinds of industrial and medical gases and gaseous substances, or any compounds thereof, their products and byproducts without prejudice to the generality in the aforesaid, oxygen, nitrogen, liquid oxygen, dissolved acetylene, compressed air, argon, ammonia, freon, carbon dioxide, helium, methane, chlorine, dry ice, nitrous oxide, special gases and gas mixtures, carbonic acid, hydrogen or any compound thereof by any process required or used in industries, agriculture, laboratories, clinics, hospitals, refrigeration, aviation, transport vehicles, aircraft, space rockets, communication, power plants, domestic or public lighting, cooling or cooking purpose, water works, defence, of welfare establishments, horticulture, forest or plants protection and for other allied purpose.
- To manufacture and deal in metals, substances and materials of all kinds ( including glass) which may be usefully or conveniently employed in the manufacture of receivers for compressed or liquefied or other gases and all machinery, appliances, tools, articles and things used or capable of being used for closing or in the manufacture of appliances for closing such receivers or for closing or stopping bottles or for liberating the gases or other contents of any such receivers or the tools required for or used in the manufacture of any such articles or things or for any of the purposes aforesaid
To carry on the business as manufacturers, importers, exporters, assemblers and distributors of and dealers in all kinds of electrical and electronic equipments, appliances and instruments including transformers, microphones, transmitters, amplifiers, electric switches and switch gears, components, lamps, motors, fans and electrical goods, plastic and light material products, equipments and accessories of all kinds, and all article and things used in manufacture, construction, erection, repair, maintenance and working of the above in any way.
To carry on business of developing, designing, manufacturing and otherwise dealing in gears of all types including and in particular spiral bevel, straight bevel, spur and helical and celical and worm gears, gear boxes, winches, speed driver reduction gear boxes and power take offs.
To manufacture, produce, process, make, convert, import, export, trade, buy or act as suppliers, indenters, packers, repackers, movers, stockists, agents, subagents, merchants, distributors, consignors, jobbers, brokers or otherwise deal in gelatine, soft gelatine capsules, hard gelatine capsules, bulk drugs and formulations and all other products required for dealing in gelatine.
To manufacture, produce, process, prepare, commercialize, cut, polish, set, design, display, exchange, examine, finish, grind, grade, assort, import, export, buy, sell, resale, market or otherwise to deal in all shapes, sizes, varieties, description, specifications, applications & designs of rough, raw, cut, uncut, polished or processed, natural & man made, precious, semiprecious & natural diamonds, ruby, pearls, gemstones, blue sapphires, coral, topaz, opal, zircon, tourmaline, jade, spinel ruby, aquamarine, tourquaise, peridot, agate, garnet, corundum, amethyst, malachite, citrine, alexendrite, smoky quartz, lapis lazuli, rock crystal, onyx, jasper, bismuth, jet, diopside, tiger eye, spinal, sardonex, amber and their ornaments, jewelleries, articles, goods, or things, made in the combination of gold, silver, platinum, or other metals, and alloys thereof; watches, clocks, cutlery, presents and gifts, cups, medals, shields, curios, art and antiques, dressing bags, hand bags and for the purpose to act as goldsmith, silversmith, jewellers, gem merchants, electroplaters, polishers, purifiers.
- To carry on the business as manufacturers, producers, growers, fabricators, processors, refiners, stockists, agents, importers, exporters, traders, wholesalers, distributors, concessionaires or dealers of drugs, medicines, pharmaceuticals, chemicals, spirits, mixtures, tonics, powders, tablets, pills, capsules, injections, oils, compounds, tincture, triturations, globules, creams, scents, scalp lotions, toilet goods and all kinds of pharmaceutical cosmetics and medical preparations used in Homeopathic, Allopathic, Ayurvedic, Unani, Biochemical, nature cure or any other medicinal system or branch of medicine or as beauty aid or personal hygiene, juices, squash, sharbat, nourishment foods and concentrates, bandages, cotton, gauze, crutches and various types of anatomical, orthopedic or surgical instruments, implements, books, journals and publications and all sorts of storage or packing materials connected with or required for and one or more of the above mentioned items and products.
- To manufacture, produce, design, refine, process, formulate, develop drug intermediates, bulk drugs, and fermentation enzyme products, alcohol, fructose, acids, alkalies and starches, and to buy, sell, alter, convert, recondition, improve, let on hire, prepare for market, import-export, or otherwise deal in, with or without foreign collaboration, in India or elsewhere in the world, drugs, drug intermediates, medicines and pharmaceuticals, heavy and fine chemicals, hospital requisites, toilet requisites, proprietary medicines, vaccines, biological contraceptives, medicated surgical dressings, dental goods of all description, diagnostic agents and chemicals, oils and tinctures, extracts, aromatic chemicals and synthetic, herbal and natural perfumes, soaps, toiletries, cosmetics, hair dyes, essential items for every day use in domestic hygiene and other purposes.
- To carry on the business of chemists, druggists, dry salters and dealers in pharmaceutical, medicinal, chemical, industrial and other preparations and articles, compounds, cements, oils, phenyl, drugs, herbs, surgical apparatus and materials and manufacturers of patent and other medicines, indigenous drugs, pharmaceutical, medicinal, industrial and other preparations and makers of all kind of surgical apparatus and materials of hospital requisites and appliances.
- To carry on the business of manufacture and sale of patent and nonpatent medicines, drugs, mixtures, formulations, capsules, tablets, pills, powders, pharmaceuticals, chemicals, medical and medicinal products, preparations and materials, sterilised injections, needles, syringes, vaccines, immunogenes, phylacogens, chemical and surgical dressings and generally to carry on the business of manufacturers, buyers and sellers of and dealers in all kinds of medicines and medical preparations and drugs whatsoever and obtain patents of them.
- To manufacture, buy , sell, import, export, acquire, process, store, distribute, exchange and otherwise deal in medicines, vitamins, tonics, hair oil, and tooth pastes and brushes and goods used in hospitals, nursing homes, clinics, laboratories and other health units.
- To purchase, lease, hire, construct, provide, operate, equip and maintain land, buildings, theatres, cinemas, studios, concert halls, stadiums, tracks, arenas, golf and putting courses, bowling greens, tennis, squash and paddling pools, marinas, landing stages, jetties, coach and car parks, chairs, machines, and all other structures, apparatus, equipment and articles which may appear necessary or convenient for the carrying on of any such business.
- To carry on the business of proprietors and operators of amusement parks, and as promoters, organisers and managers of all kinds of entertainments, sports, recreations, indoor and outdoor amusements, including funfairs, circuses, amusement arcades, exhibitions, sideshows and games, competitions, tournaments, concerts, cinema and television performance, stage and variety shows, dancing, skating, aquatic and equestrian events, and pyrotechnic, aerial and other displays and to enter into agreements with, grant lease and licences to, and engage and employ showmen, artists, entertainers, performers, sportsmen and other persons for the purpose.
- To carry on, either directly or providing facilities for others, the business of restaurant, milk bar and cafe proprietors, licensed victualers, wine, beer and spirit merchants (wholesale and retail), manufacturers and vendors of alcoholic or non-alcoholic drinks, groceries and provisions and of refreshment caterers, suppliers and contractors.
- To carry on, either directly or providing facilities for others, the business of manufacturers and vendors, whether wholesale or retail of all kinds of confectionery, ice cream, tobacco and cigarettes, toys, scent and perfumery goods, fancy goods, photographic materials, fancy jewellery, stationery, newspapers, periodicals and other publications, textiles and other soft goods, and any articles for sale in automatic vending machines, or for use in any game playing or amusement machines.
- To carry on the business of electrical, mechanical and civil engineers, founders, metal workers, machinists, suppliers of electricity for the purpose of light, heat, motive power, or otherwise and manufacturers of and dealers in apparatuses and things required for or capable of being used in connection with the generation, distribution, supply, accumulation, employment of electricity, atomic power and gas generation, and manufacturers of various small scale items, electrical appliances, machinery and other materials capable of being used in any of the above activities.
- To carry on the business of engineers, founders, metal workers, machinists and manufacturers and to enter into any contract in relation to, and to erect, construct, alter, repair, demolish and restore (either alone or jointly with, or as subcontractors for, any other companies or persons) works of all descriptions, including wharves, docks, piers, railways, waterways, roads, bridges, warehouses, factories, mills, engines, machinery, boilers, railway locomotives, carriages and wagons, ships and vessels of every description, gas works, power stations, waterworks, drainage and sewage works, and buildings and installations of every description.
- To carry on the business of Civil Engineers, Ecological Engineers, Hydraulic Engineers, Marine Engineers, Chemical Engineers, Mining Engineers, Aeronautical Engineers, Textile Engineers, Automotive Engineers, Energy Engineers, Metallurgy Engineers, Telecommunication Engineers, Electronic Engineers and all other works connected with the same and to carry out the business of electrical, mechanical and consulting engineers, suppliers of electricity for the purpose of light, heat, motive power or otherwise, manufacturers of and dealers in machinery, apparatus, instruments, and thing required or capable or being used in connection with the generation, distribution, supply and accumulation of power, employment and use of electricity, galvanism, magnetism or otherwise.
- To carry on the business of manufacturers, producers, processors, importers, exporters, buyers, sellers and dealers in lights and components, lamps, auto lamps, electric lamps, electric tube lights, caps, filaments, lead in wires, tungsten, molybdenum, cathodes, anodes, burners, glass beads, glass shells, glass tubes, glass rods, cables, fuse boxes, starters, regulators, fuse wires, switches, pins, plugs and other allied products which may be used in connection with generation, production, accumulation, distribution, consumption, employment, display and supply of electric energy and other electrical/electronic items and products.
- To carry on the business of manufacturers, importers, exporters, assemblers and distributors of and dealers in all kinds of electrical and electronic equipments, appliances and instruments including radios, radiograms. T.V., Stereo, transistors, videos, tape recorders, loud speakers, transformers, microphones, transmitters, amplifiers, receivers, public address equipments, and gramophone apparatus, domestic and commercial refrigerators, coolers, freezers of all kinds, humidifying, dehumidifying, ventilating, and cooling plants, room coolers and air conditioners of all kinds, bare and rubber insulated wires, copper weld, and aluminium wires, electric switches and switch gears, components, lamps, motors, fans and electrical goods, plastic and light material products, equipments and accessories of all kinds, cold storage equipments and all article and things used in manufacture, construction, erection and manufacture and working thereof in any way and to repair the same and to manufacture and deal in accessories of all kinds.
- To carry on the business of manufacturers, repairers, assemblers, dealers, buyers, sellers, importers and exporters of all types of electrical gadgets, accessories, electronic calculators, computers, teleprinters, flashlights, batteries, black & white and colour televisions, video and audio cassettes, electronic toys, cinematographic films, lighting sets, sound reproducing machines, electromedical instruments, optical equipments, boosters, electronic cameras, electronic microscopes, voltmeters, wireless systems, electronic and electrical equipment and their accessories and any other commercial or industrial electronics and electrical products, equipment and appliances and components and consumer articles, products and commodities.
- To carry on the business as manufacturers, processors, designers, buyers, sellers, exporters, importers and otherwise dealers in all kinds of packing cases, cartons, drums, crates, cans and containers of aluminium and other materials, card board containers, corrugated containers, wooden boxes, plastic containers, polythene containers, bottles, hollow wares etc., whether made of plastic or any manmade fibre, leather, wood, plywood, thermocole, particle board, corrugated paper, craft paper, glass or of other material, including high and low density polythene, polypropylene, plastic, P.V.C. chemicals, metals and other manmade fibrous material used in manufacture of all or any of the above products and raw materials used therefore.
- To carry on the business as manufacturers of and dealer in products, articles of packaging, made from paper, board, pulp of all kinds, cellulose films, polyethylene, plastic films and metal foils and films of all kinds and other flexible or laminated materials, bags, pouches, envelopes, sheets, rolls and all kinds of flexible packings and manufacturing, fabricating, printing, treating, waxing and laminating all kinds of packing materials.
- To carry on the business of manufacturers, buyers, sellers, importers, exporters and dealers in all kinds of packing materials, containers, receptacles, boxes, cartons, cases, drums, cages, tins, bins, jars, tubes, crates, packing cases, cans, bottles, vials and fittings thereof of every kind and to manufacture and deal in paper, plastic, bakelite, celluloid, glass, wood, plywood, hardboard, strawboard and boards of all other description and any other materials whether chemically treated or not, used for the manufacture of any of the aforesaid articles.
- To carry on all or any of the business as manufacturers of and exporters, importers, buyers, sellers, transporters and dealers in drums, barrels, cans, crown, corks, boxes, tubes including collapsible tubes, containers and vessels, made of or capable of being manufactured from tin plates, stainless steel or other metal sheet, plastic, aluminium, cardboards, glass, fibrous materials and paper of all or any kinds and descriptions whatsoever and to carry the business as manufacturers, designers and decorators of and embossers, painters,
- To carry on the business of builders, contractors, constructors, developers, purchasers, sellers, property brokers, designers, architects, decorators or otherwise deal in houses, land, buildings , flats, apartments, offices, godowns, shops, farm houses, holiday resorts, shopping cum residential complexes, sheds or any other property
- To carry on business of builders and contractors for con struction or demolition work of any kind and electrical., heating and constructional engineers .To purchase or otherwise acquire, sell or deal in all types of movable or immovable properties, lands, houses, offices, work shops, buildings and premises for development, investment or for resale.
- To purchase or otherwise acquire and to manufacture and deal in bricks, stone and other building materials of any kind, and all implements, machinery, vehicles, scaffolding and other equipments and articles used by builders and contractors.
- To manufacture, import, export, and deal in all kinds of natural and synthetic rubber, reclaimed rubber, polymers, latex, plastics, P.V.C and articles manufactured from them either wholly or partially.
- To promote, establish, acquire and run or otherwise carry on the business of plastic or rubber industry or business of manufacture of materials for use in such industries or business such as wax, paper, bakelite, plywood, celluloid products, chemicals of all sorts and other articles or similar things or allied products or processes.
- To carry on the business of India rubber, or synthetic rubber, manufacturers and makers of and dealers in articles of any description and/or prepared with India rubber or synthetic rubber, elastic or adhesive substances, natural or synthetic rubber; elastomers, adhesives, compounds, latexes or formulations including materials; and containers, packages, goods, parts, accessories, machineries and other materials and items made partly or fully of rubber & plastics and used in or required for industries, transport vehicles, railways, aircraft, spacecraft and rockets, household, decorative, furnishing, scientific, commercial, electrical, medical, agricultural or plantation purpose or for extraction, transport or distribution of mineral, mineral oils, water and chemicals.
- To manufacture, produce, refine, process, formulate, buy, sell, export, import or otherwise deal in all types of heavy and light chemicals, chemical elements and compounds, laboratory and scientific chemicals, pharmaceutical chemicals, agricultural chemi cals , hexamine, fertilisers, petro-chemicals, industrial chemicals or any mixtures, derivatives, articles and compounds thereof, alkalies, acids, gases, and compounds, dyes, cosmetics, drugs, pharmaceutical and medical preparations.
- To carry on business as manufacturers, producers, refiners, processors, converters, dealers, traders, importers, exporters, retailers, stockists, buyers or sellers of para nitrochloro ben zene, dinitro chloro benzene, paracetamol, aluminium sulphate., manganese sulphate, acids, rubber chemicals, dystuffs, fertilisers, organic or inorganic and/or mixed chemicals including fine and heavy chemicals, synthetic resins, plastics or P.V.C. materials and such products, machineries and parts required for use in or based, partly or fully, on one or more aforementioned materials or pro ducts .
- To produce, manufacture, use or otherwise acquire, sell, distribute, deal in and dispose of chemical products of every nature and description and compounds, intermediates, derivatives and by-products thereof and products to be made therefrom including specifically but without limiting the generality of the foregoing, calcium cyanamide, vat, solubillsed vat, naphthols, all type of floatation reagents, wetting agents, insecticides and funiagents, plastics and resins, dyestuffs, explosives, catalytic agents, foods, direct colours, basic and rapid fast colours, pigment, drugs, biological, pharmaceuticals, serums, vitamin products, hormones, sutures, drugs, essence, cordial, minerals and other water, cellulose and oil paints, pigments and varnishes, derived from phosphate, mines, limestones, quarries, bauxite mines, petroleum, natural gas and other natural deposits useful or suit able in the manufacture of chemicals and chemical products.
- To manufacture and deal in all chemical products such as coaltar products and their intermediates, dyes, drugs, medicines and pharmaceuticals, petroleum and its products, its derivatives, all type of heavy chemicals such as sulphuric and other acids, caustic soda, soda ash, etc., all type of textile chemicals and sizing and finishing materials, cement and allied products, photo graphic chemicals, soap, glycerine and allied products, all indus trial and pharmaceutical, organic and inorganic chemicals, fertilisers, pesticides manures, fungicides, deodorants, biochemical and allied products, fats, waxes and their products, hides, skins and leather.
- To carry on the business as manufacturers, fabricators, designers, developers, buyers, sellers, dealers, hirers, repairers, job workers, cleaners, storers, suppliers of automobiles, motor cars, lorries, vans, tractors, trucks, buses, minibuses, jeeps, three wheelers, motor cycles, scooters, mopeds and other vehicles of every description, specifications, systems, models, shapes, sizes, dimensions, capacities for transporting passengers, goods and animals or special vehicles like break down lorries, crane lorries, forklift trucks, other trucks fitted with lifting or handling equipment, fire fighting vehicles, concrete mixer lorries, road sweeper lorries, spraying lorries suitable for propulsion on land, sea or in the air or in any combination thereof whether propelled or assisted by any form of power including petrol, spirit, steam, gas, oil, electricity, battery, animals, solar energy, atomic energy, wind energy or other form of power; and of engines, chassis, bodies and other components, parts and accessories and all machinery, implements, appliances, lubricants, solutions, enamels and all things capable of being used for, in, or in connection with manufacture, maintenance and working of automobiles.
- To carry on business of garage keepers, showroom owners for motors and vehicles and suppliers of and dealers in petrol, diesel, gas, electricity and other motive power for use in vehicles.
- To carry on all or any of the business of designers, manufacturers, installers, maintainers, repairers of and dealers in electrical and electronic appliances and apparatus of every description, and of and in radio, television and telecommunication requisites and supplies, teletext and view data receivers, and electrical and electronic apparatus, appliances, equipment and stores of all kinds.
- To manufacture, buy, sell, exchange, alter, improve, prepare for market, import, export and deal in communication electronics, digital electronics, power electronics, automatic electronics, industrial electronics, medical electronics and other kinds whether used (presently or at a later date) by civil and/or defence establishments.
- To carry on the business as manufacturers of and dealers in all or any type of electronic components, their raw materials and equipments, audio products, electronic calculators, digital products, microprocessor based systems, mini computers, communication equipments and process control equipments, instrumentation and industrial and professional grade electronics.
- To manufacture, produce, process, make, assemble, repair, convert, import, export, trade, buy, sell whether as retailers, wholesalers, suppliers, indenters, packers, movers, preservers, stockists, agents, sub agents, merchants, distributors, consignors, jobbers, brokers or otherwise deal in all kinds of single or multi-fuel diesel generating sets with or without break system and all kinds of spare parts, components and accessories used in any diesel generating sets.
- To manufacture, buy, sell, assemble, exchange, supply, alter, improve, prepare for market, import or export or otherwise deal in every type and kind of electrical motors and in particular fractional horse power electrical motors and power driven pumps meant for domestic, agricultural or industrial purposes.
- To manufacture, produce, process, make, assemble, repair, convert, import, export, trade, buy, sell whether as retailers, wholesalers, suppliers, indenters, packers, movers, preservers, stockists, agents, subagents, merchants, distributors, consignors, jobbers, brokers or otherwise deal in all kinds of single or multi-fuel diesel generating sets with or without break system and all kinds of spare parts, components and accessories used in any diesel generating sets.
- To manufacture, buy, sell, assemble, exchange, supply, alter, improve, prepare for market, import or export or otherwise deal in every type and kind of electrical motors and in particular fractional horse power electrical motors and power driven pumps meant for domestic, agricultural or industrial purposes.
- To manufacture, process, design, fabricate, develop, buy, sell, import, export and otherwise deal in all kinds of glass, scientific glasses, tryhid glasses, float glasses, fibre glasses, glassware, glass goods, mirrors, looking glass, laboratory wares, sheet and plate glass, woods glass used in laboratories, buildings, automobiles, railways, hospitals, domestic, industrial, commercial or other purposes, bangles, Glass tubes, glass bottles, glass equipments, jewelleries, false pearls, phials and all kinds of glass articles and to carry on the business of glass embossers.
- To carry on the business of manufacturers of and dealers in glass products including sheet and plate glass, optical glass, fibre glass and its products including glass laboratory ware, apparatuses, appliances and receptacles of all kinds.
- To carry on business of import and export of glass of all kinds, manufacturers of glass articles, glass bevels, glass embossers, glass tablets, bottles, casks and receptacles of all kinds.
- To carry on the business of vialling, bottling repacking, processing of injectables, capsules, syrups, tablets and ointments.
- To manufacture, buy, sell, import, export, alter, improve, manipulate, prepare for market and otherwise deal in laminated safety glass, curved or flat, toughened glass, curved or flat, sheet and plate glass, bevelled and unbevelled silvered sheet and plant glass, insulating units, glass-wool, fibre glass, glass bricks, welding glass, coloured glass, signal glass, decorating glass, icy flowered glass of all types, acrylic plastic sheets, glass doors and fitting and all other articles and things associated with or auxiliary to the business of such manufacture.
- To manufacture, prepare, import, export, buy, sell and otherwise deal in all kinds of glass, glassware, glass goods, mirrors, looking glass, scientific glass-wares, sheet and plate glass, bangles, false pearls, bottles, phials and all kinds of articles of glass and to carry on the business of glass leveller, patent solverer, glass embosser, ecclesiastical lead worker, glass tablet and show case manufacturer
- To manufacture, process, design, fabricate, develop, buy, sell, import, export and otherwise deal in all kinds of glass, scientific glasses, tryhid glasses, float glasses, fibre glasses, glassware, glass goods, mirrors, looking glass, laboratory wares, sheet and plate glass, woods glass used in laboratories, buildings, automobiles, railways, hospitals, domestic, industrial, commercial or other purposes, bangles, Glass tubes, glass bottles, glass equipments, jewelleries, false pearls, phials and all kinds of glass articles and to carry on the business of glass embossers.
- To carry on the business of manufacturers of and dealers in glass products including sheet and plate glass, optical glass, fibre glass and its products including glass laboratory ware, apparatuses, appliances and receptacles of all kinds.
- To carry on business of import and export of glass of all kinds, manufacturers of glass articles, glass bevels, glass embossers, glass tablets, bottles, casks and receptacles of all kinds.
- To carry on the business of vialling, bottling repacking, processing of injectables, capsules, syrups, tablets and ointments.
To manufacture, fabricate, forge, cast, produce, design, develop, assemble, repair, pack, repack, import, export, buy, sell, recondition, hire or otherwise deal in all kinds and types of glass, scientific glasses, tryhid glasses, float glasses, fibre glasses, mirrors etc. used in laboratories, buildings, automobiles, railways, hospitals, domestic, industrial, commercial or other purposes and to produce and deal in glass products including sheet and plate glass, optical glass, glass wools, glass tubes, glass articles, glass bottles, glass equipments, glass laboratory ware, fibre glass and its products.
To buy, sell, import, export and carry on the business of goldsmiths, silversmiths, jewellers, gem and diamond dealers, gold and silver platers, electroplaters and to manufacture, repair, alter, supply and to deal in gold and silver jewellery of all kinds, clocks, watches, cutlery, bullion, gold ornaments, silver utensils, diamonds, historical coins, cups, medals, shields, precious stones, paintings, manuscripts, curios, antiques and objects of arts, presents and gifts made partly or wholly of gold, silver, platinum or other precious metals and alloys thereof together with precious, semi precious, imitation, synthetic, natural or other varieties of stones and material subject to the provisions of the Gold Control Act.
- To carry on the business of manufacturing, processing, preparing, producing, bleaching, dyeing, pressing, converting, cleaning, commercializing, cutting, stitching, packing, designing, developing, exporting, importing, finishing, weaving, knitting, spinning, grading, marketing, buying, selling or otherwise to deal in all sorts of hosiery cloth, yarn, garments, apparel, fabrics and goods, such as vests, underwear, socks, brassieres, shirts, T-shirts, sweaters, handkerchiefs, mufflers, pullovers, shawls, sports wears, child wears, swimming shirts/suits, jerkins, belts, ribbons, laces, tapes, mantles, towels, bed sheets, wrappers and other allied materials of whatsoever nature whether made fully or partly in combination with cotton, synthetic, hosiery, leather, rexine or other dress materials whether as agent, stockist, distributor, supplier, representative, consultant, collaborator, export house, consignor or otherwise.
- To carry on the business of knitters, processors, manufacturers, dealers, importers, exporters, spinners, weavers, finishers, printers and dyers of all kinds of cotton/man made fibres, cotton yarn/man made fibre yarns of all kinds, man made fibre cords of all kind and fabrics of cotton, wool, silk, rayon, nylon, terene, terelene, and other natural synthetics and also the business of manufacturing, ginning, preparing, combing, spinning, weaving, purchasing, selling, distributing, importing, exporting and dealing in yarns, man made fibres and textiles.
To manufacture, produce, process, make, convert, import, export, trade, buy, sell whether as retailers or wholesalers, suppliers, indenters, packers, repackers, movers, stockiest, agents, subagents, merchants, distributors, consignors, jobbers, brokers or otherwise deal in articles and equipments for general physical exercise, all kinds of sports goods, games, toys, gymnastics, athletics, sports nets, shuttle cocks, hockey sticks, protective equipments for sports like pads, gloves, shoes, etc., soft leather goods, dumbbells and chest expanders, cricket and hockey balls, foot balls, volley balls, basket balls and their covers, badminton rackets, bats, and all other kinds, classes and varieties of sports goods and equipments whether made of wood, special wood, leather, plastic, rubber, canvas or any other materials.
- To establish and carry on the business of preparing , mining, cutting, polishing, processing, treating, exporting, importing, buying, selling or otherwise dealing in all types of marble, granite, lime stone, sand stone, slabs, tiles and other building material and colour stones of every description and types, including setting, processing, trading or dealing into waste and byproducts arising from the mining or processing of marbles and colour stones.
- To purchase, acquire, take on lease and work, any mines and process, treat or deal in the material including byproducts of mining and establish factory for processing, finishing, treating or conversion of the same into industrial and saleable material.
- To engage in the process of prototype setting, composing, desktop publishing and other modes of typesetting and to engage in the process of colour scanning used for printing of all kinds of books, periodicals, magazines, leaflets, advertisement materials, packaging materials, etc.
- To engage in the business of printing and publishing of all kinds including Books, Periodicals, Magazines, Leaflets, Advertisement materials, Packaging Materials etc., through Letterpress, Offset, Litho press and other modes of printing machines.
- To produce, process, make or otherwise deal in all sorts of designs, drawings, art works, blue prints, flow charts, micro filming of drawings and the like.
- To buy, store, sell or supply, deal in, export or import, tranship and transport all kinds of materials used in printing business whether in wholesale or in retail.
- To establish, promote, form, organise, sponsor, operate, supervise, manage and carry on business as administrator(s) or manag ers of investment funds, mutual funds (both local as well as off shore), growth funds, income or capital funds, taxable or tax exempt funds, provident funds, pension funds, superannuation funds, charitable funds, trusts funds, of person or bodies of persons whether incorporated or not, as part of mutual fund business for investment in equity and other securities, to contribute to the development of capital market and for providing facility for par ticipation by subscribers, holders of units in the mutual funds and in the profits or, income arising from the acquisition, holding, management and disposal of the securities and other properties whatsoever and for that purpose to promote, establish, manage and carry on various schemes as may be approved by Securities & Ex change Board of India (SEBI) and all concerned authorities and conducive to the management of the company concerning shares, stocks, debentures, debenture stocks, bonds, units, obligations, secured debts, promissory notes, participation certificate, po licies, money market investment securities, policies of the Central and State Government, company, corporation, municipal, local or other body or authority or obligations of other securities or investments of any kind or description whether in India or in any foreign country.
- To act as financial consultants, management consultants and to provide advice, service, consultancy in various fields, general administrative, secretarial, commercial, financial, legal, econom ic, labour, industrial, public relations, scientific, technical, direct and indirect taxation and other levies, statistical, accoun tancy, quality control and data processing.
- To guarantee the payment of money, unsecured or secured payable under or in respect of promissory notes, bonds, debentures, stocks, contracts, mortgages, charges, obligations and other instruments and securities of any Company or of any authority, Central, State, Municipal, Local or otherwise or of any person whomsoever, whether incorporated or not and to transact all kinds of guarantee business including the guaranteeing of the fidelity of individuals in situations of trust or confidence.
- To indemnify principals and employers, and to make compensation for injury, ill health or damage occurring to or caused by their agents and employees.
To manufacture, produce, process, acquire, undertake, convert, commercialize, compound, mix, grade, manipulate, develop, distribute, derive, prepare, supply, export, buy, sell, turn to account and to act as agent, broker, consultant, transporter, jobworker or otherwise to deal in all types of gypsum including phosphogypsum, anhydrite gypsum, polymerised gypsum, their byproducts, derivatives, compounds, mixtures and products such as partition wall panels, ceiling tiles, fibrous boards, artificial marble, agglomerated stones, special plasters, plaster boards, plaster of Paris, cement, other building materials, goods, articles and things.
To carry on the business of beauticians, manicurists, bridal makeup, hairdressers, hair dyers, makers and suppliers of all kinds of wigs, and to run health care centres, beauty parlours, massage centres, yoga centres, gymnasiums, swimming pools and to conduct classes, seminars, demonstration, education and training programmes for betterment of body & beauty care or make up, and to deal in cosmetics of every description and kinds including lipsticks, nail polishes, creams, lotions, ointments, perfumes, foundations, soaps, fashion wear and beauty aids of every kind and description.
- To manufacture, fabricate, forge, cast, produce, design, develop, assemble, repair, pack, repack, import, export, buy, sell, recondition, hire or otherwise deal in all kinds and types of, in all its branches in automatic, semi automatic, manual and other types of tools, machine tools, tackles, instruments, apparatuses, systems & equipments, including lathes, turret lathes, capstan lathes, engine lathes, drills, drilling machines, shaping machines, planning machines, milling machines, grinding machines, slotting machines, broaching machines, boring machines, hobbing machines, coning machines, lapping machines, punching machines and other allied goods, whether used for special operations or for general operations, and whether operated on human, electrical, magnetic, electromagnetic, chemical, electro chemical, photo chemical, solar, tidal wind, nuclear, thermal, thermonuclear or other form of energy and their parts, products, assemblies, sub assemblies, components, instruments, raw materials, display units, control devices, peripheral devices, elements gadgets, circuits, micro circuits, used in machine tools including hollows, bars, slices, rounds, wafers, sheets, clips, micro clips, powders, fluids, gases, solids which may be polished, processed, coated, fused, diffused, or otherwise treated.
- To manufacture, fabricate, forge, cast, produce, design, develop, assemble, repair, pack, repack, import, export, buy, sell, recondition, hire or otherwise deal in all kinds and types of hand tools such as hammers, spanners, wrenches, pliers, water pump pliers, allenkeys, screw drivers, wrench pipes, chisels, sledge hammers, pick axes, nuts/bolts, clippers, wire cutters, hacksaw blades, socket sets, bench vices, automatic machinable materials, dies, tools, jigs, fixtures, hardware of all kinds, electronic and mechanical instruments, goods and equipment and allied products and to set up forging plant, foundries.s
To engage in the business of production, manufacturing, buying, selling, exchanging, importing, exporting and dealing either in wholesale or in retail in handicrafts made of metal, wood, cement, stone, paper, cloth, lace, leather, and other materials or with any combination thereof such as handicrafts of paper; Handicrafts of aluminium, copper, brass, bronze, bell metal, German silver, silver or any alloy thereof, real and imitation; zari, zariwoven, embroidered products and zari embroidered pieces and beads embroidered products; Handicrafts of marble; leather goods and articles such as hand bags, pouches, bangle boxes, belts, travel goods, carpets, rugs and druggets made of wool, silk etc., wood articles; goods and articles of stones, plaster of Paris such as statues, monuments, photo frames, models of historical places, model temples etc., hand made paintings, drawings and pastels, original engravings, prints and lithographs, collections of zoological, botanical, mineralogical and anatomical, historical, archaeological, paleontological, ethnographical or numismatic inters, handloom materials, antiques, art goods, men’s, women’s and children’s apparels and wearing and decorative apparels of every kinds, nature and description, and also to carry on the business of all kinds of ivory and metal works.
- To engage in the business of production, manufacturing, buying, selling, exchanging, importing, exporting and dealing either in wholesale or in retail, in handicrafts, handloom materials, antiques, art goods, men’s, women’s and children’s apparels and wearing and decorative apparels of every kind, nature and description, ivory and metal works, cotton piece goods, textiles, raw silk and jute goods, wool and products of any description.
- To manufacture, design, develop, engineer, process, sell, exchange, alter, improve, manipulate, prepare, market, import, export or otherwise deal in any and all kinds of readymade garments, jackets, jerseys, shirts, gloves made of cotton, synthetic fibre and leather for industrial and domestic consumption and all other exportable novelties.
- To manufacture, produce, process, make, assemble, design, convert, repair, import, export, trade, buy, sell, whether as retailers or wholesalers, suppliers, packers, stockists, merchants, distributors, consignors, brokers or otherwise deal in all types of iron and steel products, Mill store, Hardware, Ferrous and NonFerrous Metal products, Electrical goods and Components, Machinery, Machinery parts, tools, appliances, accessories and implements such as hacksaw blades, cutting blades, shearing blades, building stores, hardware, electrically driven tools, pipes and tubes, sluice, valves, variable speed gears and drives, hydraulic transmission gears, conveyors of all descriptions and types, ropeways, wire ropes, drawing machines, all hydraulic presses, tool room and precision tools, air conditioning and refrigeration equipment and humidifiers, blowers, water coolers, iron and steel sections or structurals and such other goods, materials and merchandise incidental thereto or connected therewith.
- To manufacture, buy, sell, alter, repair, improve, manipulate, treat, prepare for market and deal in all kinds of plants, machinery, appliances, tools, utensils, commodities, substances, materials, articles and things connected therewith.
- To establish, develop and maintain and aid in the establishment and maintenance of poultry and seeds farms and ancillary operation like hatcheries, breeder houses, egg producing and distributing centers, green houses and stores and to buy or otherwise acquire chicks and develop them and to prepare them for eggs, propagation or sales and to breed, raise, improve, develop, produce, preserve, buy, sell, cherish, tin, pack, process, cut, clean, dry or otherwise to deal in all types of animal products, poultry products and allied goods including eggs, meat and edible offal of live horses, asses, mules, whinnies, swine, sheep, goats, fowls, ducks, geese, rabbits, mice, fish, turkeys, guinea fowls, pigs, birds whether fresh, chilled, frozen, salted, inbrine, dried, smoked or otherwise.
- To carry on the business of farming, agriculture, poultry, horticultural and dairy, gardening and of raising, breeding, improving, developing, producing, buying, selling, importing, preparing, preserving, dealing and trading of products of such business and in particular seed, pure breed, inbred poultry, meat, cattle and other live and dead stock, eggs, sausages, preserved meat, trees, plants, fruits, flowers and vegetables, milk and milk products.
- To cultivate land, establish and maintain dairies, cattle yards and poultry farms, piggeries, fruit, vegetable and flower gardens, grazing grounds, fish ponds, pigeon, beehives, warehouses, cold storages, freezing plants, factories for manufacture and preservation of meat, fish, fruits, honey, vegetables; canning of all kind of preserved foods and juices.
- To carry on the business of millers, grains, seeds, cake and corn merchants, manufacturers of food, feeding and fastening preparations, artificial manures and fertilisers of every description.
To manufacture, produce, process, make, invent, convert, import, export, trade, buy, sell, pack, move or otherwise deal in all types of cosmetics, nonprescribed drugs, health care products, food preservatives and additives, fast foods, artificial flavourings, artificial dyes and colouring agents, beauty and skin care products, birth control medicines and devices whether as retailers, wholesalers, suppliers, stockists, agents, subagents, distributors, consignors, brokers or otherwise.
- To acquire, establish, run, manage, construct, build, take on hire or lease, maintain, organise, promote, provide, acquire, develop, erect, and to handle, hospital, health centres, dispensaries, operation theatres, yoga centres, immunization centres, massage houses, beauty saloons, clinics, maternity & family planning units, gymnasiums, swimming pools, poly clinics, natural cure centres, sona & steam bath, nursing homes, pathological laboratories, eye banks, blood banks, kidney banks, sports clubs, diagnostic centres, medical & other research centres and similar establishment on membership basis or otherwise for the treatment of persons suffering from illness or mental defect or for the betterment of the society at large.
- To run chemist shop and to carry on, manufacture, produce, export, import, buy, sell, fabricate, discover, develop, design, process, investigate, store, formulate, install, repair, maintain, recondition, turn to account, exchange, sponsor, distribute or otherwise to deal in all sorts of medicines, pharmaceuticals, chemicals, injections, drugs, formulations, apparatus, instruments, accessories, natural & artificial human body parts and other allied goods & articles.
- To establish, provide, maintain and run research centres, laboratories, experimental workshops and to carry out medical research by engaging in the research and development of all fields of medical science, and in therapies of medical treatment
To establish, manage, administer, construct, build, develop, purchase, operate and maintain, take on lease, own and run health clubs, health resorts, holiday homes, nursing homes, nursing home-cum-hotels, nursing home-cum-guest houses, guest houses, catering houses, hotels, motels, inner restaurants, hospitals, clinics, polyclinics, dispensaries and medical centres, child welfare and family planning centres, physiotherapy centres, health clinics, pathological laboratories for medical or other kinds of care in India and elsewhere.
- To manufacture, produce, distribute, sell, make, research, import, export and to deal in drugs, pharmaceuticals, medical preparations, proprietory food products, flavours, essences, beverages, pan masala, gulkand, processed and fresh packed cereals, chemicals, cosmetics and their intermediates including phytochemicals, orals, medicated oils, proteins, aromatic chemicals, sprays, syrups, tablets, capsules, soft gelatine capsules, aerosol sprays, perfumes, herbal pesticides, insecticides, hormones, seeds, seed treatment, biological, mineral products, manures, fertilisers.
- To act and carry on the business of distribution, selling agents, manufacturers’ representatives, general brokers and farming of vegetables, fruits, medicinal products, cereals, ayurvedic, allopathic, unani drugs, patent and proprietory preparations for human as well as animal use and packing materials such as containers, bottles, tins, stripes, wooden cases, plastic and glass bottles required for packing the products of the Company.
- To carry on the business of purchasing and letting on lease or hire and to acquire, to provide on lease or on hire purchase basis all types of industrial and office plants, equipments, machinery, vehicles, buildings and real estate required for manufacturing, processing, transportation, trading, commercial and service business or for any other purposes.
- To carry on business of leasing and hire purchase on easy payment instalments basis, renting and giving or rent plant and machinery of all kinds, household and office furniture, domestic or business appliances, computers, tabulators, addressing machines and other sophisticated office machinery, motorcars, taxicabs, automobiles, tram cars, motor lorries, tractors, trawlers, earthmoving machinery, wagons, bicycles, coaches, garages, and all other vehicles, agricultural implements, and machinery, airships, aeroplanes and helicopters, tools, plants, implements, apparatus and accessories, furniture, telephones, telex, teleprinters, televisions, refrigerators and other items of industrial and domestic use.
- To carry on the business in India or elsewhere of sale of goods, articles or commodities of every kind by way of letting on hire or selling on hire purchase or deferred payment or credit sale system on such terms and conditions as may be decided by the company from time to time, motors, cars, trucks, scooters, motorcycle and other vehicles of every kind and description, handling equipments and devices, plant, machinery, tools, jigs and fixtures, office equipments and appliances, domestic appliances such as televisions, radios, transistors, electronic equipments of all kinds, fans, heaters, coolers, air conditioners, refrigerators and other electrical appliances, telephones and intercom systems and other items that may be considered necessary by the Company.
- To carry on business and to act as bankers, financiers, factors or in any other capacity in any part of the world, and to import, export, buy, sell, barter, exchange, pledge, make advances upon or otherwise deal in goods, produce and merchandise.
- To establish, construct, erect, build, organise, manage, undertake, promote, develop, own, acquire, purchase, improve, equip, provide, maintain, operate, take on lease, own and run diagnostic centres, scan centres, nursing homes, hospitals, clinics, polyclinics, dispensaries, chemist shops, blood banks, eye banks, kidney banks, maternity homes, child welfare and family planning centres, clinical & pathological testing laboratories, consulting chambers, X-Ray & ECG clinics, sonography centres, physiotherapy centres, polio clinics, dialysis centres, research laboratories in India or abroad.
- To act as consultants and advisers providing technical know-how, technical services and allied service for the establishment, operation and improvement of Nursing Homes, Hospitals, Clinics, Medical Institutions, Medical Centres, diagnostic Centres and Laboratories in India and abroad.
To carry on the business of buying, selling, importing, exporting and breeding of horses, ponnies and other racing animals and to train horses of all varieties, to maintain lists of the most celebrated and prizewinning horses or other animals of all noted breeds, their pedigree and chief characteristics and to publish or furnish information in this behalf and to participate in horse racing and other competitions either alone or in combination with or through others.
- To carry on the business of farming in all its branches, horticulture, floriculture, sericulture, dairies, cultivators of all kinds of food grains, seeds, fruits, proprietors of orchards and traders, exporters, dealers and sellers of the products of farming, dairy, horticulture, floriculture, sericulture and pisciculture and fishing and manufacturers of drinks, alcoholic or otherwise, including beverages produced from such products or otherwise.
- To carry on the business of cultivators, growers, manufacturers, millers, grinders, rollers, processors, canners, and preservers, dealers of food grains and other agricultural, dairy, horticulture and poultry products, fruits, vegetables, herbs, medicines, flowers, drinks, fluids, gas and other fresh and preservable products and to extract by products and derivatives whether edibles, pharmaceutical, medicines or any other kind or nature whatsoever, food preparations of every kind and description and generally to carry on the business of manufacture of and dealers in preserved, dehydrated, canned or converted agricultural products, fruits and vegetables, provisions, foods, dairy and poultry products and articles and other derivatives of all kinds and descriptions and to set up and run machinery for processing and preserving the same.
- To cultivate, grow, produce or deal in any agriculture, vegetable or fruit products, and to carry on all or any of business of farmers, dairymen, milk contractors, dairy farmers, dairymen, millers, surveyors, and vendors of milk products, condensed milk and powdered milk, cream, ghee, cheese, butter, poultry, fruits, vegetables, cash crops and provisions of all kinds, growers of and dealers in cornbay and straw, seedsman and nurserymen and to buy, sell, manufacture and trade in any goods usually traded in by any of the above business or any other business inclusive of staple foods and medicinal preparations from milk, vegetables and animal products.
- To manage, improve, farm, cultivate, acquire, lease, underlet, exchange, purchase, sell or otherwise deal with or dispose of agricultural land and generally to carry on the business of dairy farming, fruit farming, livestock and poultry breeders, timber growers, horticulturists, seeds merchants, processors of agricultural produce and advisers on problem relating to the administration, organization and working of farms.
- To carry on the business of forest contractors and to grow, raise, produce, plant, cultivate, buy, import, export, sell, trade and deal in all kinds of forest produce, vegetation, timber, wood, stalk, twigs, leaves, fruits, trees, shrubs, plants, sprouts, vines, seeds, roots, fruits, herbs and flowers of all kinds and description and manufacture, process and produce sealing wax, oils, laminated sheets, paper, pulp, plywood and hardboard, newsprint and card board of different varieties.
- To carry on the business of cultivation of fruits and vegetables or produce of the soil or products of agriculture and to prepare, work out, manufacture, crush, render marketable fruits, plants, seeds, grain and produce of all kinds and to sell, dispose of or deal in fruits, seeds, grains and all other agricultural produces such as grapes, oranges, apples, mangoes, proprietors of orchards, traders, exporters, dealers, processors, preservers and seller of the products of such farming, horticulture, sericulture, seeds and cultivation and manufacturers of drinks including beverages produced from such products or otherwise.
- To carry out medical research by engaging in the research and development of all fields of medical science, and in all therapies of medical treatment, so as to afford medical relief in a better way.
- To provide research facilities for carrying on research, basic and applied in all systems and disciplines of medical and surgical knowledge, keeping in view the sociomedical and socioeconomic needs of the afflicted community.
- To fund, establish or takeover and/or otherwise conduct research institutions in all discipline of medical and surgical knowledge.
- To encourage and develop biological and pharmacological standardization of indigenous medicinal plants.
- To encourage the discovery of new medical and/or surgical management of disease and afflictions and investigate and make known the nature and merits of investigations and findings and research in the said field and to acquire any patent and licences or other protective devices relating to the results of any discovery, investigations, findings or researches and to acquire any process upon such terms so as to manufacture and distribute for charitable purpose any product developed, discovered or improved.
- To provide, encourage, initiate or promote facilities of the discovery, improvement or development of new methods of diagnosis, understanding and prevention and treatment of disease.
- To conduct and to carry experiments and medical research.
- To establish, acquire, undertake, promote, run, manage, own, lease, convert, build, handle, operate, renovate, construct, maintain, improve, exchange, furnish, recondition, hire, let on hire, develop, organise, hotels, motels, restaurants, conference centres, holiday homes, cafes, taverns, rest houses, tea and coffee houses, beer houses, bars, flight carriers, boarding and lodging houses, refreshment rooms, night clubs, cabarets, swimming pools, Turkish baths, lodges, apartments, housekeeper, cottage or grocers, poulterers, green grocers, licensed victualler, discotheque, banquet halls, dressing rooms, laundries, hair dresser shops, stores, libraries, writing and news paper rooms, places of amusement, recreations, art galleries, sports, entertainment, health clubs, travelling agencies, motorcabs, theatrical and opera box offices, cinemas.
- To equip, furnish and maintain any property for the purpose of letting it to visitors or guests, whether in single rooms, suites, collages or otherwise.
- To prepare, produce, process, buy, sell, import, export, service, wholesale, retail, pack, repack or otherwise to deal in all kinds of food and food products, vegetarian foods, non vegetarian foods, meat, fish, fruits, beverages, wine, beer, spirits, waters, cigarettes, tobaccos, soft drinks, ice creams, juices, cosmetics, clothes, provisions, spices and other allied goods, materials, substances, consumables & preparations connected thereto.
- To carry on the business as producers, distributors, importers, exporters, exhibitors and financiers of cinematographic films and to manufacture, own, acquire, provide, secure, arrange or deal in films and photographic, sound recording, musical, lighting appliances, instruments, equipments and machines; to construct, establish, own, hire or otherwise acquire and to manage, let on rent, fee, monetary gain or otherwise studios, laboratories, theatres, buildings, halls, open air theatres, bars, restaurants and other building or works required for the purposes of production, distribution or exhibition of the films, operas, stage plays, dances, burlesques, vaudeville, revues, ballets, pantomimes, spectacular pieces, promenade, concerts, circus or other performances and entertainment.
- To carry on the business of production, distribution or exhibition of films and motion pictures including the running of theatres, cinemas, studios and cinematographic shows and exhibitions.
- To establish and carry on the business as producers, exhibitors, distributors, screeners, importers, exporters, financiers, repairers, buyers, sellers or otherwise dealers in photographic goods, including cinematographic instruments, cameras, talking and silent machines and other equipments, slide projectors, film projectors, sound recording and reproducing equipments, process films or educational, recreational and entertainment films, value like slides, documentaries, feature films, short films, news reel films and advertisement films.
- To carry on the business as proprietors and managers of theatres (cinemas, picture places and concert halls) and to provide for the production, presentation and performance (whether by mechanical means or otherwise) of operas, stage plays, burlesques, vaudevilles, revue, ballets, pantomimes, spectacular pieces and other concerts, musical and dramatic performance and entertainments.
To carry on the business of providing long term finance to any person or persons, company or corporation, society or association enabling such borrower to construct, purchase, renovate, reconstruct, repair, remodel, furnish houses, row houses, bungalows, low cost houses, flats, apartments, multistory buildings, chawls, residential complexes, towns, shops, colonies, commercial complexes and other similar structures upon such security and such terms and conditions as the Company may deem fit on any system of instalment payment basis, rent, hire purchase basis or by outright sale and also to provide long term finance to persons engaged in the business of construction of houses, structures, buildings in India or flats in India for residential purposes to be sold by them by way of hire purchase or on deferred payment or other similar basis upon such terms and conditions as the Company may think fit and proper and to acquire and purchase land and buildings and other immovable and movable properties and to develop, construct, build all types of structures, buildings and houses.
To manufacture, produce, process, develop, design, assemble, repair, import, export, buy, sell, brand, hire, let on hire, lease, pack, repack, recondition, service, supply or otherwise deal in all models, shapes, sizes, capacities and varieties of domestic and household appliances, heating, cooking and electrical appliances, devices, gadgets such as stoves, pressure cookers, ovens, cooking ranges, hot plates, other cooking utensils of all types, containers, buckets, refrigerators, dryers, heaters, geysers, irons, mixers, filters, ceiling fans, table fans, exhaust fans, vacuum cleaners, washing machines, air conditioners, tube light fittings, radio, television, Stereo, videos, tape recorders, electronic motor and other similar products, their consumable, parts, accessories, components, fittings whether as wholesalers, retailers, agents, subagents, distributors or otherwise.
- To purchase, prepare, breed, rear, sell, import, export, improve, deal and trade in all kinds of animals, cattle and live stock such as cow, ox, bull, buffaloes, fish, horses, asses, donkeys, mules, pigs, sheep, goats, birds, bee, poultry, live and dead stocks of every description and to process, pack, preserve, distribute or otherwise deal in milk, cream, butter, honey, egg, pork, prawn and other commodities, goods or things, products, wastes, by products, residuals of animal origin.
- To undertake and carry on poultry farms, fishery, piggery and dairy farming and for the purpose to prepare stables, dens, sheds, kennels, nests, burrows, dwelling places and grazing pastures, veterinary hospitals for keeping and rearing animals, livestock for safe custody and for improving their breed by cross breeding or otherwise deal in all kinds and classes of animal products including meat, ham, pork, steak, beef, chicken, oils, fats, skins, nails, teeth, hair, hooves, horns, etc.
- To manufacture, produce, process, make, buy, sell, import, export or otherwise deal in all types of ice and ice-creams.
- To set up, install, purchase, manufacture or otherwise acquire plant, machinery, equipment and related facilities for the manufacture of ice and ice-creams.
- To set up, open, manage, construct, hire, ice cream parlours and provision of cold drinks, milk bars and other aerated drinks.
- To import, export, buy, sell, barter, exchange, pledge, make advances upon or otherwise deal in all kinds of goods, produce, merchandise, raw material items, articles, products such as agricultural, industrial, chemical or marine, stones, pieces of arts, antiques, handicrafts, machinery, equipments, capital goods and any other item capable of purchasing, selling, importing, exporting and trading and to be appointed as agents and/or distributors on commission, allowance, retainership, incentive basis.
- To carry on business as merchants, brokers, traders, commission agents, forwarding agents, ship owners, carriers or in any other capacity in India or elsewhere and to purchase, build, hire, charter or otherwise own, hold, use and dispose of ships and vessels, aircraft and other vehicles and their appurtenances.
- To establish or acquire and carry on office, trading stations, factories, stores and depots in India or elsewhere, and to purchase, lease or otherwise acquire, carry on, develop and improve any business or real or personal property in India or elsewhere.
- To assist any company, firm, association, society in transfer of any technology whether from India or outside and to render services pertaining to foreign collaboration, project formulation and to act as representative/agents of any domestic or foreign company for the purpose of such technology transfer.
- To apply for, acquire and hold any charters, Acts of Parliament, privileges, monopolies, licences, concessions, patents or other rights or powers from the Indian Government or any other Government or state, or any sovereign or local or other authority in India or elsewhere, and to exercise, carry on and work any powers, rights or privileges obtained, and to constitute or incorporate the company under the laws of any foreign country or state and to grant licences or concessions over and in respect of any property or rights of the company.
- To carry on in India or elsewhere the business as importers and exporters of goods or merchandise or to render services of any description and to act as shippers, underwriters, commission agents, advertising agents, forwarding and clearing agents, travelling agents, transport agents and brokers on commission, allowance, retainership or incentive basis.
- To import, export, buy, sell, barter, exchange, pledge, make advances upon or otherwise deal in all kinds of goods, produce, merchandise, raw material items, articles, products such as agricultural, industrial, chemical or marine, stones, pieces of arts, antiques, handicrafts, machinery, equipments, capital goods and any other item capable of purchasing, selling, importing, exporting and trading and to be appointed as agents and/or distributors on commission, allowance, retainership, incentive basis.
- To carry on the business of buyers, sellers, brokers and agents of R.E.P. licences, import entitlements, quotas, certificates and other rights and to act as an export house.
- The Objects Incidental or Ancillary to the Attainment of Main Objects:-
- To purchase, lease or take on lease, hire, construct, develop, let out, exchange, sale, work of deal in land, building, flats and to manufacture, assemble, export, import and deal in products and by products, raw materials required in connection therewith in which the company is authorised to carry on business.
- To acquire or otherwise undertake the whole or any part of the business, assets and liabilities of any person or company.
- To promote, form or acquire any Company and to transfer to any such company any property of this Company.
- To undertake, carry out, promote and sponsor rural development including any programme for promoting the social and economic welfare of or the uplift of the public in any rural area and the Directors may, in order to implement any of the above mentioned objects or purposes, transfer or divest the ownership of any property of the Company without consideration, or at such fair or concessional value as the Directors may think fit to or in favour of any public institution or Trusts of Funds or any society registered under the Societies Registration Act,1956 as the Directors may approve.
- To apply for purchase or otherwise acquire any patents, trade names, trade marks, brevet deinvention, licences, concessions, protections, rights to their use or any secret or other information as to any invention which may seem capable of being used for any of the purpose of the company or the acquisition of which may seem calculated directly or indirectly to the benefit of the Company and to use, exercise, develop, grant licences in respect of or otherwise turn to account the property rights or information so acquired and to assist, encourage and spend money in making experiments,improvements of all inventions, patents and rights etc. which the Company may acquire propose to acquire.
- To amalgate with any Company.
- To enter into partnership or into any arrangement for share profits, union of interests, cartels, co-operation, joint ventures, reciprocals concession or to lend money or to guarantee the contracts of or otherwise assist any such person or company.
- To invest and deal with the surplus money of the Company in such manner as may from time to time be determined by the directors.
- To Sale, let, exchange or otherwise deal with the undertaking of the company or any part thereof for such consideration as the Company any think fit and in particular for shares, debentures or securities or any other company having object altogether or in part similar to those of the Company.
- Subject to the provisions of the Companies Act and the rules framed thereunder and directives issued by the RBI to receive deposit on interest or otherwise lend money on mortgage of immovable property or in hypothecation or pledge of movable property or without any security to such person and on having dealing with the Company, but not amounting to any Banking business as defined under the Banking regulation Act, 1949.
- To purchase or otherwise acquire any patents, brevets, deinvention, licences, concession, copyrights, exhibition rights, trade marks and the likes of conferring any exclusive or limited right to use any invention, process or article which may seem capable of being used for any of the purpose of the company or the acquisition of which may seem calculated directly or indirectly to benefit this company and to use, exercise, develop or grant, licence in respect or otherwise turn to account the property so acquired.
- To established and support or aid in the establishment and support of Association, Institution, Provident funds, trusts and conveniences calculated to assist the company in the conduct of its business or to benefit employees or ex-employees of the Company or the dependents or connections of such persons and to grant pensions and allowances and to make payments towards insurance and to subscribe, donate or guarantee money for charitable, religious or benevolent or any other objects beneficial to the Company or public or for any exhibition or useful objects or for any other purpose which the directors may consider reasonable, but not intended to serve any political cause or purpose.
- To make, draw, accept, hold, endorse, issue and otherwise negotiate all kinds of negotiable or transferable securities and instruments including promissory notes, drafts, hundies, bills of exchange, bills of lading, debentures and securities, issued by the State or Central Government in India or to any foreign Government and to carry on the business of stock brokers but not to do the business of Banking within the meaning of Banking Regulation Act, 1949.
- To guarantee the performance contracts by members or persons having dealing with the Company for the purpose of the business of Company and to guarantee the payment of money, unsecured by or payable under or in respect of bonds, debentures, debenture stocks, contracts, mortgages, charges, obligations and other securities of any company or of any authority, Central, State, Municipal, Local or otherwise, or of any person whomsoever whether incorporated or not and generally to transect all kinds of guarantee business, to guarantee the issue of or the payment of interest on the shares, debentures, debenture stocks or other securities or obligations or any company or association and to pay or provide for brokerage, commission and under writing in respect of any such issue and to transect all kinds of trust and agency business in which the company is authorized to carry on relating to the business.
- To borrow or raise or secure the payment of money in such manner as the Company shall think fit and by the issue of debenture perpetual or otherwise charges upon all or any of the company’s property, stock-in-trade and other movable or immovable assets and book debts and claim-in action both present and future including its uncalled capital if any and to apply the same or any part thereof for all or any purpose of the company and to purchase, redeem or pay off any such securities.
- To remunerate any person or company for services rendered or to be rendered in or about the formation for promotion of the company or the conduct of its business or for otherwise assisting or rendering services directly or indirectly to the company.
- To establish agencies or branch for the purchase and seal and manufacture goods of all description in India or elsewhere and to undertake the supervision of any company or companies having objects altogether or in part similar to those of this company.
- To manage, let, mortgage, sell, underlet or otherwise turn to account or dispose of or deal with all or any part of the real or immovable and personal movable property and rights of the company whenever and however acquired.
- To open branches, sub-office, deposits and multiple shops in any state of India or outside India and to appoint agents, stockiest, distributors, sub distributors and brokers to procure orders, market or sell the products of the company or the goods of any other firms or company in which this company may be dealing.
- To provide for the welfare of employees (including Director and Ex Directors) of the company and the wives and families or the dependents of such persons by building or contributing to the building of dwelling houses or quarters, to grant money, pensions, gratuities, allowances, bonuses, profits sharing bonuses or benefits or any other payments, by creating and from time to time subscribing or contributing to provident fund institutions funds profits sharing or other schemes or trusts and by providing or subscribing ,contributing towards place of instruction and recreation, hospitals and dispensaries medical and other attendance or assistance as the company shall thinks fit.
- To acquire from any person, firm or body corporate or unincorporated, whether in India or elsewhere technical information, know-how process, engineering, manufacturing and operating data, plans, layouts and blue prints useful for the design, erection and operation of plant, machinery or apparatus required for attaining the main objects of the company and to acquire any grant of licence and other rights and benefits in connections therewith.
- To do other thing ancillary to main business that may seem to the company capable of being conveniently carried on in connection with the main objects or calculated directly or indirectly to enhance the value of or render profitable any of the Company’s property or rights of which it may be advisable to undertake with a view to improving, developing, rendering valuable or turning to account any property real, or personal, belonging to the Company or in which the company may be interested and to do all or any of the above things, either as principals, agents, trustees, contractors or otherwise and either alone or in conjunction with other and either by though agents, sub-contractors trustees or otherwise.
- To establish, provide, maintain and conduct research and other laboratories, training colleges, schools and others institutions for the training, education and instruction of students and others who may desire to avail themselves or the same and to provide for the delivery and holding of lectures, demonstration, exhibitions, classes, meetings and conferences in connection therewith.
- To aid peculiarly or otherwise any association, body or movement having for an objects the solution, settlement or surmounting of industrial or labour problems or troubles or the promotion of industry or trade.
- To enter into any arrangement and to take, all necessary or proper steps with Governments or with other authorities supreme, national, local, municipal or otherwise of any place in which the Company may have interest and to carry on any negotiations or operations for the purpose directly or indirectly carrying out the objects of the Company or effecting any modifications in the constitutions of the company or furthering the interests of its members and to oppose any such steps taken by any other company, firm or person which may be considered likely directly or indirectly, to prejudice the interests of the Company or its members and to promote or assist the promotion, whether directly or indirectly, of any legislation which may appear to be in the interests of the company and to oppose and resist, whether directly or indirectly, any legislation which may seem disadvantageous to the Company and to obtain from any such Government authority of any company by lawful mean any charters, contractors, decrees, rights, grants, loans, privileges or concessions which the company think fit and desirable to obtain and to carry out, exercise any company with any such arrangements, charters decrees, rights privileges or concessions.
- To adopt such means of making known the products of the Company as may seem expedient and in particular by advertising in the press or any other media by purchase, exhibition or reproduction of works of art of interest, by publication of books, pictures and periodicals and by granting prizes, rewards and donations or in such other manner as the Company may deem desirable.
- To undertake and execute any trust the undertaking of which may seem to the Company desirable and either gratuitously, or otherwise and vest any real or personnel property rights or interests acquired by or belonging to the Company and with or without any declared trust in favour of the Company.
- Subject to the provisions of the Companies Act, 1956, to subscribe or guarantee money for any national, charitable, benevolent, public, general or useful object or for any exhibition subject to the compliances of Central and State laws.
- Subject to the provisions of any law for the time being in force distribution among the members in specie any property of the Company and proceeds of sale or disposal of any property of the Company in the event of winding up.
- To buy, repair, alter, improves, exchange, let out on hire, import, export and deal in all factories, works, plant, machinery, tools, utensils, appliances, apparatus, products, materials, substances, articles and things capable of being used any business, which this company may competent to carry on or which may seem capable of being profitable to deal with in connection therewith and to experiment with, render marketable and deal in all products or residual and by-products incidental to or obtained in any of the business carried on by the Company and to do all such other things as may be deemed incidental or conductive to the attainment of the main objects of the Company or any of them.
- To subscribe, purchase, acquire, hold, sell, underwrite, invest, sell dispose and otherwise deal in shares, stocks, debentures, debenture stock, Government securities bonds, units of any Company or other authority supreme, Municipal or local.
- To carry on the business of ginning, pressing, spinning, combing, cleaning, preparing, packing, weaving, manufacturing, bleaching, dyeing, colouring, printing and importing, exporting, selling, buying and otherwise dealing in cotton, yarns, linen, cloths, fabrics, jute, wool, silk, flax, hemp and other staples, fibre materials, whether synthetic, artificial or natural, textile substitutes for all or any of them and to treat and utilise any waste arising from any such manufacture, production or process whether carried on by the company or otherwise.
- To purchase or otherwise acquire lands, or to accept leases or assignments of leases and on such lands or any of them to build or erect mills, buildings, gins, presses, factories, machine houses, godowns, ware houses, out houses, works, wells, tanks and other buildings, structures and erections and works of any kind whatsoever and to purchase, erect and set up engines, boilers, machinery plants and other fixtures and things of any kind whatsoever suitable, useful or necessary for a spinning and weaving mill and businesses and works incidental thereat or connected therewith or falling within any of the objects of the company.
- To carry on the business as adviser and /or consultants on matter and problems relating to the industries, administration, management, organisation, accountancy, costing, financial, marketing, import, export, commercial or economic activities, labour, statistical organisation, methods, quality control and data processing, technical “knowhow” operation, manufacture, production, storage, distribution, sale and purchase of goods, property and other activities of and in relation to any business, trade, commerce, industry, mine, agriculture, housing or real estate and upon the means, methods and procedure for the establishment, construction, development, improvement and expansion of business, trade, commerce and industry.
- To render industrial, technical, management, engineering and other types of skilled services to all types of industry, in India or abroad and to draw, create, make or in other way deal in designs, plans and/or specifications of all types of engineering goods, works, plants, factories, buildings, allied construction works for remuneration receivable in lump sum or on commission basis or on royalty basis or any other way found suitable and to act as manufacturers of machinery, tool makers, builders, founderers, metal workers, boiler makers and other allied products.
- To manufacture, produce, process, make, prepare, sell, purchase, trade, distribute, market, import, export and to deal in industrial emulsifiers including lecithin and its derivatives and organic, inorganic and aromatic chemicals, natural products required/used in agricultural, chemical, pharmaceutical, food processing, electronics and perfumery industries and to give know-how for the above items.
- To carry on the business of distributors, indenters, selling agents, manufacturers’ representatives, commission agents, clearing & forwarding agents, general brokers, sellers, purchasers, advertising agents, promoters, and organisers of sale and marketing of industrial emulsifiers including lecithin and its derivatives and organic, inorganic chemicals, natural products, required/used in agricultural, chemical, pharmaceutical, food processing, perfumery and electronics industries.
To engineer, develop, design, assemble, manufacture, produce, import, export, buy, sell or otherwise deal in industrial, mining, agricultural and other machines and all types of tools, plants, equipments, instruments, appliances and hardware of all kinds, general fittings, components and accessories of all description made of metal alloys, glass, synthetic and other fibrous materials, chemical and PVC compounds, plastic or any material.
- To manufacture, produce, process, convert, commercialize, control, compound, develop, distribute, derive, excavate, grade, release, manipulate, prepare, promote, reclaim, supply, import, export, buy, sell, turn to account and to act as agent, broker, consultant, collaborator, jobworker or otherwise to deal in all specifications, descriptions, characteristics and applications of petroleum and industrial oils including mineral oils, furnace oils, high speed diesel oils, liquid paraffin & white oils, solvent oils, transformer oils, lubricating oils, light oils, mineral, turpentine oils, vaporising oils, hydrocarbon oils, mineral coal oils, household oils, base mineral oils, petroleum oils, brake oils, engine oils, gear oils, bituminous mineral oils, creosote oils, anthracene oils, their residues, derivatives, compounds, products, byproducts, mixtures, blends and other allied materials.
- To carry on business as manufacturers, producers, processors, makers, refiners, importers, exporters, traders, buyers, sellers or otherwise deal in petroleum and petroleum products including wax, paraffin, soap, paint, varnish, lubricants, oil cloth, candles, glycerine, etc.
- The objects for which the Company is established are:
(i) To encourage a friendly feeling and unanimity among business men and professionals involving their common good.
(ii) To promote and protect the general mercantile and industrial interest of India.
(iii) To consider all questions connected with agriculture, trade, commerce and manufacture; to obtain the removal of grievances affecting businessmen or mercantile interest in general; and to promote or oppose legislative and other measures as circumstances may require.
(iv) To collect and disseminate data, statistics and information relating to agricultural activities, trade, commerce and industry.
(v) To undertake and arrange for the settlement by arbitration of trade disputes.
(vi) To communicate with officials on problems raised by members, to obtain their views on them and disseminate the same among all concerned.
(vii) To organise periodical meetings, seminars and symposia with Government officials and to seek clarification and solution to the problems confronting the interests of the members.
(viii) To organise Trade and Industrial Missions comprising of members, specialists and entrepreneurs both in India and abroad, to arrange meetings with the Foreign Trade and Industrial teams visiting India.
(ix) To formulate expert opinion on topical subjects and to submit wherever necessary recommendations to the concerned authorities and to render advice to the members.
(x) To render expert advice on different problems and solutions thereto in connection with taxation, excise and customs, company law, industrial licensing and import-export to members.
(xi) To render advice on all aspects of export documentation, including letters of credit and mode of payment to intending business houses, to issue certificates of origin, and to certify commercial invoices.
(xii) To offer expert advice and render assistance to members on all matters, including labour and industrial relations, to prepare applications, replies and to appear on behalf of the members before any authority.
(xiii) To encourage, assist, guide and render specialised services to small scale industries, including availability of raw materials, plant and equipments, technical know-how, cost of installation and production, legal procedure, arrangement of funds, market for the sale of produced goods, etc.
(xiv) To act as an Information Centre, to collect literature, books, periodicals, magazines and other publications from all over the world, to disseminate factual information on all matters concerning business and industry, to establish and run a modern library for reference, assistance, and advantage of the members.
(xv) To publish books and brochures on subjects of topical interest and proceedings of seminars and conferences organised by the Chambers.
(xvi) To act as a Centre for extending common facilities to the members.
(xvii) To encourage, aid, assist, organise or undertake and contribute to the execution of Community Development and Social Welfare Programme, including rural development, urban growth, technical education, environmental quality etc.
(xviii) To create public opinion, encourage and activate social responsibilities of business enterprises and to establish just and equitable principles in trade, commerce and industry.
(xix) To act as a centre of studies and research on subjects of interest to members.
(xx) To organise exhibitions and/or take up mass communication projects by means of news, letters, circulars, notices, newspapers, magazines, periodicals, cinemas, television, radio, etc.
(xxi) To establish effective communication for supporting or opposing the policies of the government in the interest of its members.
(xxii) To impart training and guidance to young persons with a view to enabling them for employment in association members.
(xxiii) To arrange facilities for books, guides, data and information, to conduct courses and to hold examinations in professional as well as vocational disciplines.
(xxiv) To enter into agreements with other Chambers of Commerce and other bodies for the advancement of trade and manufacture and the protection of traders and manufacturers and to subscribe to and promote the aims and objects of any society or association having similar objects to all or any of the objects of the association and to encourage and support any society, association or movement for the improvement of commercial law.
(xxv) To borrow or raise monies required for the purpose of this company.
(xxvi) To acquire, purchase, build or take on lease or hire any movable or immovable property or rights; and to sell, mortgage or otherwise dispose of all or any part of such property and rights.
(xxvii) To invest the monies of the company not immediately required in such securities as may from time to time be determined.
(xxviii) To establish or support or aid in the establishment and support of associations, institutions, funds and trusts calculated to benefit employees or ex-employees of the Company or their dependents and grant them pensions and other allowances.
(xxix) To draw, make, accept, discount, execute and issue bills of exchange, promissory notes, bills of lading, warrants, debentures and other negotiable and transferable instruments and securities.
(xxx) To subscribe to local and national charities and to grant donations for public purpose.
(xxxi) And generally to do all other acts, deeds and things necessary or incidental to or for the
attainment of the above objects.
- The income and property of the Company whensoever derived shall be applied solely towards the promotion of the objects of the Company as set forth in this Memorandum of Association, and no portion by way of dividend or bonus or otherwise, shall be paid to the persons who at any time, are or have been members of the Company, or to any of them or to any person claiming through any of them; provided that nothing herein contained shall prevent the payment in good faith or remuneration to any officer or servants of the Company to any member thereof or to any other person in return for any services actually rendered to for and on behalf of the company or interest on money borrowed by or for the purposes of the Company, from any person, whether a member of the company or otherwise.
- To buy, sell, import, export or otherwise deal in all plants and machinery, implements, accessories, tools, materials, substances, goods or things of any description used in all types of operations of farming, horticulture, agriculture including tractors, power tillers, sprayers, dusters, mist blowers, threshers and all types of modern agricultural implements, fertilisers and all types of plants, goods, pesticides, insecticides, fungicides, any types of plant protection chemicals, fishing boats, craft and trawlers, fishing nets, gadgets, cold storages, deep freeze equipment and all types of equipment required for forestry, animal husbandry, poultry, farming, pisciculture, sericulture, agricultural; equipments for processing and preserving forest produce, agricultural produce, and all other foods, materials including materials of animal origin, and such other allied articles.
- To carry on business as manufacturers, producers, processors, growers, fermentators, distillers, refiners, makers, inventors, convertors, importers, exporters, traders, buyers, sellers, retailers, wholesalers, suppliers, indenters, bottlers, packers, movers, preservers, stockiest, agents, merchants, distributors, consignors, jobbers, brokers or otherwise deal in all kinds of fertilizers, manures, plant and animal foods, pesticides, insecticides, fungicides and all types of chemicals used in apiculture, pisciculture, sericulture, horticulture, poultry farming and animal husbandry.
- To plant, cultivate, produce and raise, purchase or sell or otherwise handle or deal in grass, timber, wood, bamboo, straw, cotton, jute, flax, hemp, sugarcane, leather, asbestos, rags, waste paper, gunnies, water hyacinth, jute sticks or other fibres, fibrous substances or other things as may furnish materials for pulp and for paper or board manufacture in any of its branches or to develop forest resources, promoting forest resource based industries and arranging marketing of forest products, agricultural plantation and horticultural products, medicinal and aromatic plants.
1.To work in the area of IT and more particularly in the area of – Communications and Networking, Data Formats, Desktop Publishing, computer Education and training, Hardware, Internet, Multimedia, Programming Languages, Security, Software, Technical Support,
2.To undertake and provide Internet related services, systems, technology, information and software development services and products, including hardware’s, to any person through agents, franchise, by any available means, in India or abroad including value added services such as interactive, Television, Internet, E-Mail, V-Sat, Telephony, Video Shopping, Entertainment, Infotainment, Teleshopping, E-Commerce, Games, Data Transmission, Computer networking, Video conferencing etc. and to establish links via. Satellite uplink and downlink through available reception systems.
- To own, acquire, purchase, possess, hold and deal in agriculture land, farms, plots, fields, sites, estates, gardens, groves and all description of vacant or non-vacant lands and enter into, manage, undertake, carry on, engaged in the business of Real Estate Development, Land Development, Area Estate and Site Development and to carry on the Business as Planners, Builders, Real Estate Developers, Architects and Civil Engineers, Contractors, Real Estate Brokers, Agents, Brick Makers and to build/construct, own, operate, maintain, manage, control and administer, Earth Works, farmhouses, Parks, Gardens, Rowhouses, Duplex Apartments, Commercial, Residential or Industrial building Complexes, Retail Stores, Shopping Centres, Market Yards and deal in, manage and carry on all types of business and profession related to land dealings, buildings, farms, estates, properties, areas and sites and to act and undertake and carry on business as stockists, manufacturers, representatives, suppliers, dealers, agents, distributors, marketeers, importers and exporters of all types of building and construction machineries, equipments, materials and related products.
- To conceive, plan, survey, design, study and evaluate all steps, processes, techniques and methods for setting up of all types of Infrastructure Projects, facilities or works and to finance, build, construct, install, erect, undertake, lay down, commission, establish, own, operate, manage, control and administer, lease, transfer, all Infrastructure Projects, facilities or works including Industrial/Agricultural Parks, Gardens, Roads, Bridges, Flyovers, Highways, Roadways, structures and facilities, Railway Stations, Platforms, Railway Yards, Rail Tracks including gauge conversions thereof, Railway Electrification, Tramways, Buildings, Wells, Water Courses, Dams, Canals, Reservoirs, Urban and Rural Water Supply System, Sewerage and Underground drainage systems, Airstrips, Airports, Seaports, Berths, Jetties, Quays, Docks and Marine structures of all types, Rapid Transport and Telecommunication System of all types, Transportation Systems, Irrigation Projects, Water Ways, Water Supply and distribution systems, Chemical Plants, Fertilizer Plants, Distillery Plants, LPG and all types of Petroleum Products, Handling and Storage Plants and Terminals, Handling Equipments of various types, Pumping Stations, Light Rail Transport systems for cities, Mass Housing Projects, Industrial Plants of all types, Industrial and Technology parks and civil projects, Environmental based projects and Equipments, Gas pipeline projects and other pipeline projects, Oil Exploration projects, Onshore/off shore projects, Airport facilities, Electronics Hardware Technology Park Complexes, Schools, Colleges and other educational or vocational Institutions, Public halls, Museums, Libraries, Garages, Hospitals, Health Centres, Community Centres, Hotels, Holiday Homes and/or Beach Resorts and to render all services in connection thereto as planners, Designers, Consultants, Constructors, Builders, Developers, Architects, Engineers, Storage Services, Erectors, Installers, Commissioning Agents and to act and to carry on the business as Manufacturers, Suppliers, Dealers, Representatives, Stockists, Dealers, Assigners of patents & Trade Marks, Franchisers, Distributors of all types of plants, Machinery, Equipments, Tools, Raw materials, Intermediaries and other related products and consumables in connection with the aforesaid activities, Industries and Projects.
- To carry on business as road construction contractors and pavement makers and repairers, manufacturers and dealers in lime, cement, mortar, concrete, stone, bricks and building materials of all kinds and as builders and contractors for the execution of all types of road construction, airway strips and for the purpose to enter into any contract, agreement, memorandum of understanding, joint venture agreement or such other mode of contracts with Government, semi-government, municipal/local authorities, Body corporate, persons or any other Authorities.
- To carry on the business of processors, refiners, manufacturers, buyers, sellers, distributors, agents, subagents and dealers in all kinds of printing and writing inks, ball pen and fountain pen inks, dyeing inks, ink reducers, duplicating inks, stamp pad inks, drawing colour, dry, wet, oil, wax and fabric colours, sign pens, ball pens, and other pens, pencils, drawing material and dealers in chemicals, acids, alkalies, direct and indirect colours, reagents, derivatives, bleaching agents, intermediates, catalysts and all such substances used in the process of manufacture of inks, colours and other substances for domestic, study and industrial use.
- To carry on the business as manufacturers of chemicals, distillers, dyemakers and to manufacture and to deal in all kinds of dyestuffs and chemical auxiliaries.
- To manufacture, produce, refine, process, formulate, buy, sell, export, import or otherwise deal in all types of heavy and light chemicals, chemical elements and compounds, laboratory and scientific chemicals, pharmaceutical chemicals, agricultural chemicals, hexamine, fertilisers, petrochemicals, industrial chemicals or any mixtures, derivatives, articles and compounds thereof, alkalies, acids, gases, and compounds, dyes, cosmetics, drugs, pharmaceutical and medical preparations.
- To carry on business as manufacturers, producers, refiners, processors, converters, dealers, traders, importers, exporters, retailers, stockists, buyers or sellers of para nitrochloro benzene, dinitro chloro benzene, paracetamol, aluminium sulphate, manganese sulphate, acids, rubber chemicals, dystuff, fertilisers, organic or inorganic and/or mixed chemicals including fine and heavy chemicals, synthetic
resins, plastics or P.V.C. materials and such products, machineries and parts required for use in or based, partly or fully, on one or more aforementioned materials or products.
- To produce, manufacture, use or otherwise acquire, sell, distribute, deal in and dispose of chemical products of every nature and description and compounds, intermediates, derivatives and by products thereof and products to be made therefrom including specifically but without limiting the generality of the foregoing,calcium cyanamide, vat, solubilised vat, naphthols, all type of floatation reagents, wetting agents, insecticides and fumiagents, plastics and resins, dyestuffs, explosives, catalytic agents, foods, direct colours, basic and rapid fast colours, pigment, drugs, biological, pharmaceuticals, serums, vitamin products, hormones, sutures, drugs, essence, cordial, minerals and other water, cellulose and oil paints, pigments and varnishes, derived from phosphate, mines, limestones, quarries, bauxite mines, petroleum, natural gas and other natural deposits useful or suitable in the manufacture of chemicals and chemical products.
- To manufacture and deal in all chemical products such as coaltar products and their intermediates, dyes, drugs, medicines and pharmaceuticals, petroleum and its products, its derivatives, all type of heavy chemicals such as sulphuric and other acids, caustic soda, soda ash, etc., all type of textile chemicals and sizing and finishing materials, cement and allied products, photographic chemicals, soap, glycerine and allied products, all industrial and pharmaceutical, organic and inorganic chemicals, fertilisers, pesticides, manures, fungicides, deodorants, biochemical and allied products, fats, waxes and their products, hides, skins and leather.
To carry on the business as manufacturers, producers, processors, converters, developers, distributors, packers, repackers, suppliers, importers, exporters, buyers, sellers and to act as agent, broker, consultants, jobworker or otherwise to deal in all kinds and descriptions of pesticides, insecticides, fungicides, sprays, paste, agro chemicals and biological products including white phosphorous, mercuric chloride, ethylene diamine, butene diol, methyle chloroformate, cumene, monomethylchloro acetoacetamide, chloromethyl butyle ether, dimethylamine, parachlorobenzyl cyanide, and other allied goods, chemicals, materials & substances, and all components, parts, fittings, tools, implements, accessories and all material and things used in developing pesticides and allied technical grade materials.
- To manufacture, produce, process, make, invent, convert, import, export, trade, buy, sell whether as retailers or wholesalers, suppliers, indenters, packers, movers, stockiest, agents, subagents, merchants, distributors, consignors, jobbers, brokers or otherwise deal in guitars, pianos, harmoniums, electronic key boards, drums, xylophones, cymbals and musical instruments of all types and descriptions whether automatic or semiautomatic, their parts, accessories and components, whether hand operated, battery operated or electrically operated.
- To manufacture, produce, process, make, invent, convert, import, export, trade, buy, sell whether as retailers or wholesalers, suppliers, indenters, packers, movers, stockiest, agents, subagents, merchants, distributors, consignors, jobbers, brokers or otherwise deal in records, cassettes, and other reproduction instruments of all types and descriptions, and for playing the same either by the means of wireless, stereos or otherwise and to install all plant, equipment, machinery and build factories, workshops for the aforesaid purpose.
- To manufacture, fabricate, forge, cast, produce, design, develop, assemble, repair, pack, repack, import, export, buy, sell, recondition, hire or otherwise deal in all kinds and types of scientific instruments, accessories, testing instruments, process and control instruments, electrical and electronic instruments, nautical, aeronautical and survey instruments, optical and ophthalmic instruments, general laboratory, medical and surgical instruments, apparatuses, scientific laboratory glassware, photographical equipments, apparatuses, appliances, equipments, devices, contrivances, their accessories and components.
- To carry on the business as manufacturers, assemblers, fabricators of engineering, scientific, mechanical, electrical, hydraulic, pneumatic, electronic, thermal, sonic, ultrasonic, optical, surgical and surveying equipments and instruments of all kinds and descriptions for use in the radar equipment, computers, electronic accounting and business machines, electronic communication equipment, electronic control instrument and basis components, such as valves, transistors, condensers, coils, magnetic materials and microwave components, radiographs, photographic dictaphones, television sets, record players, taperecorders, amplifiers and all sort of electrical and wireless sets, automobile parts, such as micrometers, dial indicators, ammeters, voltmeters, ohmmeters, wattmeters, power factor meters, frequency meters, watt hour meters, insulation testers, gauge counters, scientillometers, pressure and vacuum gauges, Gasmeters, oscilloscopes, stroboscopes, thermostats, temperature controllers, pyrometers, mining dials and other allied instruments, apparatuses, appliances and accessories of all kinds for indicating, controlling, measuring and timing pressure, humidity, flow, depth, density, movement, temperature and electrical current and resistance and for other purposes.
To manufacture, process, produce, assemble, alter, improve, buy, sell, resale, acquire, import, export, barter, transport, store, forward, distribute, dispose of, develop, handle, market, supply, work and to act as agent, broker, representative, consultant, collaborator, stockists, jobworkers or otherwise to deal in all shapes, sizes, varieties, capacities and kinds of insulators such as porcelain insulators, L.T. & H.T. electrical insulating materials and insulators for indoor and outdoor applications, apparatuses, insulators and other similar goods, articles and things made of porcelain, ceramics, clay, glass, plastics & other materials or compounds thereof.
- To carry on business of insurance brokers and agents in respect of all classes of insurance business including marine, fire, life, accident, burglary, workmen’s compensation, indemnity and motors and as insurance advisers, consultants, assessors, valuers, surveyors and mortgage brokers and to provide hire purchase and consumer credit finance and to act as factors.
- To carry on business as actuaries, insurance brokers, insurance agents and underwriting agents in any branch or aspect and to effect and transact, whether as principal, agent, manager, broker or otherwise, all kinds of insurance, reinsurance, assurance, endowment, annuity, guarantee, brokerage and indemnity in any branches or classes of insurance business comprising life and pension schemes.
- To lend and advance money upon or without security, including upon security of any policy, security or contract issued, made, entered into or assumed by the company, and to apply the funds of the company in buying up, redeeming, cancelling, extinguishing or obtaining the surrender of or release from any such policy, security or contract.
- To organise, run, maintain, operate, promote and carry on the business of interior decorators, consultants, designers, repairers, furnishers, furniture and carpet designers and manufacturers, operators of fashion centres, fashion show, boutique and to make, acquire, deal in any way in handicrafts, objects of art, precious stones, jewellery, whether artificial or otherwise and articles whether in precious material or precious stones or otherwise and to manufacture and deal in any products as are dealt in by boutiques, fashion shows and interior decorators.
- To manufacture, produce, process, make, design, develop, convert, import, export, trade, buy, sell or otherwise deal in household and kindred furnishing and furnishers, cleaners and service in all other auxiliary fields.
- To let on hire or sell on hire purchase system, furniture and other household furnishings and to decorate and furnish houses, bungalows, shops and other buildings.
- To manufacture, produce, process, make, assemble, design, develop, erect, fabricate, convert, import, export, trade, buy, sell, pack, repack, whether as retailers or wholesalers, stockists, agents, subagents, merchants, distributors, consignors, jobbers, brokers or otherwise deal in all types of internal combustion engines including oil and petrol engines, gas turbines, steam turbines, boilers, locomotive, road rollers, automobiles, trucks, tractors, agricultural implements and pumps, and all types of internal combustion engines used in plant and machineries belonging to industries, public utilities, defence, transport, agricultural, power and to deal in machinery, implements, fittings, accessories, components and hardware of all kinds.
- To carry on the business of founders, mechanical engineers, machine tool makers, brass founders, metal workers, iron and steel convertors, smiths, wood workers and metallurgists.
- To develop, design, acquire, adopt, deal, host and install website on internet or electronic sites, platform, for mar¬keting and trading of goods, raw materials, merchandise, articles, machineries, plant, apparatus, appliances, equip¬ment and commodities of every kind, class and description and to supply and provide services of all kind and to act as sellers, buyers, importers, exporters, retailers, whole-sellers, suppliers, indenters, consigners, jobbers, brokers, stockiest, agents, sub-agents, merchants, distributors, consult-ants for E Commerce and E Business.
- To establish, set up, organize, maintain, support, and host Auctions, Chatting, Individual Web Sites, Instant Messaging services, Internet Applications, Internet Business applications, Mobile Internet applications and services, running & managing/maintaining servers, Web Browsers, Web Design development, Web Site Promotion, Webmasters.
- To act as agents for the investment, loan, payment, transmission and collection of money, and for the purchase, sale, improvement, development and management of property including business concerns and undertakings.
- To invest the funds of the company, from time to time in such manner and in such assets, properties, securities, shares, bullion or investments or otherwise as may from time to time be determined by the company and to sell such investments and to execute all assignments, transfers, receipts and documents that may be necessary in that behalf.
- To invest in, acquire, hold, undertake, sell or otherwise deal in shares, stocks, debentures, debenture stock, bonds, negotiable instruments, securities of any company, government, public authority.
- To promote, establish and run steel plants, rolling mills, steel furnaces and to carry on the business of manufacturers, processors, founders of iron and steel, tin plates, ferrous and non ferrous metals, ingots, blooms, structural engineers, mechanical engineers, sheet workers, smelters, founder and steel fabricators.
- To carry on in India or elsewhere the business of manufacturers, processors, fabricators, drawers, rollers and rerollers of ferrous and nonferrous metals, steels, alloy steels, special and stainless steels, brass, bronze, aluminium, shaftings, bars, rods, flats, squares from scrap, sponge iron, pig iron, prereduced billets, ingots including manufacturing, processing and fabricating of pipes, expanded metal, hinges, plates, sheets, strips, blooms, rounds, circles and angles and to act as exporters, importers and dealers in all such and allied merchandise.
To carry on the business whether wholesale or retail of ironmongers, dealers in building materials, timber, household utensils, hardware, china, glass, household fittings, tools, electrical appliances, wiring and other materials, plumbing and central heating materials and tools, paints, cleaning materials, polishes, ladders, gardening tools, equipments and garden furniture, and such other goods as may conveniently be sold with the above goods or are capable of being used with them or in their maintenance, repair or manufacture.
- To engineer, develop, design, assemble, manufacture, produce, import, export, buy, sell, operate, run, repair, lease, hire or let on lease or hire and otherwise deal in all kinds of heavy vehicles and machines for agricultural and reclamation drainage, irrigation, waterworks, engineering, forest cleaning, pumping, and other purpose; spraying machines, vehicles and equipments, whether mobile or otherwise; tubewells, pumps, engines, motors and irrigation machinery; transportation equipment for movement of its products or stores, machines or persons and as general purpose freight carriers.
- To engineer, develop, design, assemble, manufacture, produce, import, export, buy, sell, operate, run, repair, lease, hire or let on lease or hire and otherwise deal in all kinds of earth moving and agricultural machines, petrol and diesel engines, tools, plants, tractors, equipments, spares, appliances, implements, accessories, mobile or other forest cleaning, thrashing, harvesting, sowing, ploughing, digging and all other types of machinery used in agricultural operations.
- To carry on the business in all its branches of managing public issues, merchant banking and general financing and to act as broker, agent, subagent, underwriter, lead manager, comanager, consultant, adviser, share transfer agent, registrar of shares, advertising & publicity agent, printer, portfolio manager, merchant banker, odd lot dealer or other intermediaries and to issue, undertake, buy, sell, exchange, adjust, subscribe, acquire, undertake, hold, invest or otherwise deal in all kinds of shares, securities, stocks, bonds, fully convertible debentures, funds, contracts, obligations, title deeds, warrants, premium notes and other similar instruments and any other property on deposit or for safe custody or otherwise, collecting and transmitting money and securities and managing property as may be prevailing from time to time.
- To act as financial consultants, management consultants and to provide advice, service, consultancy in various fields, general administrative, secretarial, commercial, financial, legal, economic, labour, industrial, public relations, scientific, technical, direct and indirect taxation and other levies, statistical, accountancy, quality control and data processing.
- To manufacture, produce, process, make, convert, design, import, export, trade, buy, sell whether as retailers, wholesalers, suppliers, indenters, packers, movers, preservers, stockists, agents, subagents, merchants, distributors, consignors, jobbers, brokers or otherwise deal in prefabricated construction material, prefabricated housing material, prestressed concrete structures and products, reinforced concrete structures and all kinds of prefabricated material, structures and/or products for all or any purpose.
- To manufacture, fabricate, assemble, install, maintain, buy, sell, import, export or otherwise deal in doors, windows, fixtures, fittings, tiles, sanitary ware, pipes, grills, tanks, switches, cables, wires, bricks, prefabricated and precast blocks, slabs, beams, poles, arches, cement, stones, steel, sand, lime, ropes, pulleys, bamboo, planks and plants and machinery such as mixers, crushers, rollers, cranes required for the purpose of building and construction activities.
To buy, sell, import, export and carry on the business of goldsmiths, silversmiths, jewellers, gem and diamond dealers, gold and silver platers, electroplaters and to manufacture, repair, alter, supply and to deal in gold and silver jewellery of all kinds, clocks, watches, cutlery, bullion, gold ornaments, silver utensils, diamonds, historical coins, cups, medals, shields, precious stones, paintings, manuscripts, curios, antiques and objects of arts, presents and gifts made partly or wholly of gold, silver, platinum or other precious metals and alloys thereof together with precious, semi precious, imitation, synthetic, natural or other varieties of stones and material subject to the provisions of the Gold Control Act.
- To manufacture, fabricate, forge, cast, produce, design, develop, assemble, repair, pack, repack, import, export, buy, sell, recondition, hire or otherwise deal in all kinds and types of, in all its branches in automatic, semi automatic, manual and other types of tools, machine tools, tackles, instruments, apparatuses, systems & equipments, including lathes, turret lathes, capstan lathes, engine lathes, drills, drilling machines, shaping machines, planning machines, milling machines, grinding machines, slotting machines, broaching machines, boring machines, hobbing machines, coning machines, lapping machines, punching machines and other allied goods, whether used for special operations or for general operations, and whether operated on human, electrical, magnetic, electromagnetic, chemical, electro chemical, photo chemical, solar, tidal wind, nuclear, thermal, thermonuclear or other form of energy and their parts, products, assemblies, sub assemblies, components, instruments, raw materials, display units, control devices, peripheral devices, elements gadgets, circuits, micro circuits, used in machine tools including hollows, bars, slices, rounds, wafers, sheets, clips, micro clips, powders, fluids, gases, solids which may be polished, processed, coated, fused, diffused, or otherwise treated.
To manufacture, fabricate, forge, cast, produce, design, develop, assemble, repair, pack, repack, import, export, buy, sell, recondition, hire or otherwise deal in all kinds and types of hand tools such as hammers, spanners, wrenches, pliers, water pump pliers, allenkeys, screw drivers, wrench pipes, chisels, sledge hammers, pick axes, nuts/bolts, clippers, wire cutters, hacksaw blades, socket sets, bench vices, automatic machinable materials, dies, tools, jigs, fixtures, hardware of all kinds, electronic and mechanical instruments, goods and equipment and allied products and to set up forging plant, foundries.
To amalgamate or enter into partnership or into any arrangement for sharing of profits, union of interests, cooperation, joint venture, reciprocal concession, or otherwise, with any person(s), body (ies) corporate or company (ies) carrying on or engaged in or about to carry on or engage in any business or transaction which the company is authorised to carry on or engaged in or any business or transaction capable of being conducted so as directly or indirectly to benefit the company.
To carry on the business as a joint venture between _____________, a company incorporated under the laws of India and having its Registered Office at _____________ , India and ________________, a company incorporated under the laws of _________ and having its Registered Office at __________________ vide the Memorandum of Understanding dated ________________.
- To manufacture, design, develop, assemble, mould, fabricate, import, export, buy, sell, pack, repack or otherwise deal in all kinds and varieties of utensils, cutleries, crockery and kitchenware.
- To manufacture, produce, process, develop, design, assemble, repair, import, export, buy, sell, brand, hire, let on hire, lease, pack, repack, recondition, service, supply or otherwise deal in all models, shapes, sizes, capacities and varieties of domestic and household appliances, heating, cooking and electrical appliances, devices, gadgets such as stoves, pressure cookers, ovens, cooking ranges, hot plates, other cooking utensils of all types, containers, buckets, refrigerators, dryers, heaters, geysers, irons, mixers, filters, ceiling fans, table fans, exhaust fans, vacuum cleaners, air conditioners, tube light fittings and other similar products, their consumable, parts, accessories, components, fittings whether as wholesalers, retailers, agents, subagents, distributors or otherwise
To manufacture, assemble, repair, buy, sell, import, export and distribute or otherwise deal in Sealing Products, including gaskets, friction materials, brake linking, clutch facing, components for general industrial use and for the Automotive Industries and in particular for Motor cars, Lorries, Motorcycles, Airplanes, Bicycles and carriages, amphibious vehicles suitable for propulsion on land, sea or in the air, or in any combination thereof and vehicles of all kinds whether moved by mechanical power or not.
- To carry on the business of manufacturing, processing, preparing, producing, bleaching, dyeing, pressing, converting, cleaning, commercializing, cutting, stitching, packing, designing, developing, exporting, importing, finishing, weaving, knitting, spinning, grading, marketing, buying, selling or otherwise to deal in all sorts of hosiery cloth, yarn, garments, apparel, fabrics and goods, such as vests, underwear, socks, brassieres, shirts, T-shirts, sweaters, handkerchiefs, mufflers, pullovers, shawls, sports wears, child wears, swimming shirts/suits, jerkins, belts, ribbons, laces, tapes, mantles, towels, bed sheets, wrappers and other allied materials of whatsoever nature whether made fully or partly in combination with cotton, synthetic, hosiery, leather, rexine or other dress materials whether as agent, stockist, distributor, supplier, representative, consultant, collaborator, export house, consignor or otherwise.
- To carry on the business of knitters, processors, manufacturers, dealers, importers, exporters, spinners, weavers, finishers, printers and dyers of all kinds of cotton/man made fibres, cotton yarn/man made fibre yarns of all kinds, man made fibre cords of all kind and fabrics of cotton, wool, silk, rayon, nylon, terene, terelene, and other natural synthetics and also the business of manufacturing, ginning, preparing, combing, spinning, weaving, purchasing, selling, distributing, importing, exporting and dealing in yarns, man made fibres and textiles.
- To acquire, promote, establish, maintain, conduct and run testing laboratory, research laboratory, experimental workshops, scientific laboratory, pathology laboratory, medical examination centres, diagnostic centres, investigation centres and other organisations for examination, analysis, investigations, test, experiment & research on behalf of government, semi government, local authorities, private bodies and general public for all kinds of materials, including pharmaceuticals, drugs, chemicals, medical, metallurgical, electronic, cement, electrical, agricultural, edibles, and other items of industrial, domestic or commercial use.
- To buy, sell, import, export, consign, store, clean, recondition & develop or otherwise to deal in all types of intermediates, chemicals, instruments, equipments, apparatuses, accessories, fittings, goods, articles or things which are required for the attainment of the above objects.
- To provide cargo inspection, survey, sampling facility for export material and insurance purposes.
- To provide ISI, ISO9000, Food and Drug administration, Agmark, NPL testing and consultancy facilities.
- To carry on the business of manufacturing, processing, developing, printing of colour films and colour photos of various sizes and shapes and to manufacture photo colour films, colour photo paper, colour film processors, printer and papers processors, cutters for photographic processing and printing.
- To carry on the business of importers, exporters, stockists and selling agents, commission agents or agency of any company dealing in graphic, photographic and allied goods like colour films, colour rolls, colour photo paper, chemicals, cameras, enlargers, printers, film processors, paper processor and all other allied items.
- To acquire, promote, establish, maintain, conduct and run testing laboratory, research laboratory, experimental workshops, scientific laboratory, pathology laboratory, medical examination centres, diagnostic centres, investigation centres and other organisations for examination, analysis, investigations, test, experiment & research on behalf of government, semi government, local authorities, private bodies and general public for all kinds of materials, including pharmaceuticals, drugs, chemicals, medical, agricultural, edibles, and other items of industrial, domestic or commercial use.
- To work and act as analyser, examiners of pharmaceuticals, medicines and drugs manufactured by the manufacturers and others including government, semi government bodies and also to carry on the profession of analyst, pathologists and examiners of materials.
- To manufacture, produce, process, prepare, fabricate, assemble, design, develop, research and to act as agent, broker, franchiser, vendor, jobworker, supplier, contractor, subcontractor, brander, stockist, distributor, consultant, consignor or otherwise to deal in all shapes, sizes, varieties, capacities, descriptions, specifications, applications, uses & wattage of electric lamps such as fluorescent lamps, incandescent lamps, vacuum lamps, gas filled lamps, general lighting services lamps, high wattage lamps, photo flood lamps, automobile and vehicle lamps, train lamps, locomotive headlight lamps, miniature lamps, telephone dial lamps, projector lamps, halogen lamps, gas discharge lamps, mercury vapour lamps, sodium vapour lamps, metal halide lamps, flash bulbs, neon lamps and all other special purpose lamps used for industrial, commercial, domestic, public utilities, government and business purposes.
- To manufacture, produce, process, prepare, fabricate, assemble, design, develop, research and to act as agent, broker, franchiser, vendor, jobworker, supplier, contractor, brander, stockist, distributor, consultant, consignor, or otherwise to deal in all types of components, parts, accessories, raw materials, fixtures, fittings, luminaries, consumables, systems, substitutes and allied items for all kinds of lamps & tubes such as glass shells, glass tubes, filaments, cathodes, mercury and sodium arc burners, lead in wires, caps, phosphorous and other chemicals, wires, gases, rods, plates, sheets, packing materials, plants, equipments, instruments, apparatuses, machineries, and other goods, articles or things whether made of ferrous or nonferrous materials or any substance.
To establish, own, maintain, carry on all or any of the business usually carried on by dry cleaners, dyers, launderers, washermen, steam, electrical and general laundry and to wash, clean, purify, scour, bleach, wring, dry, iron, colour, dye, disinfect, renovate, dress, sterilise, press, block, polish, glaze, finish and prepare for use all articles of wearing apparel, costumes, garments, household, domestic and other linen and cotton and woollen goods and clothing and fabrics of all kinds including fur, leather, water proofs, felts, velour, panama and straw hats etc., and all sorts of furnishing materials including curtains, covers, carpets, rugs, etc. and to buy, sell, hire, manufacture, repair, let on hire, alter, improve, treat and deal in all apparatus, materials, chemicals, and articles of all kinds which are capable of being used for any such purposes, and for that purpose to set up dry cleaning and washing plants, dryers, steam presses and household washing machines.
To manufacture, produce, fabricate, develop, assemble, import, export, trade, buy, sell, supply and to act as indenters, agents, subagents, jobbers, brokers, repairers, cleaners or otherwise deal in all kinds and classes of machineries, component parts, replacement parts, spare parts, assemblies, accessories, tools, implements, fittings inclusive of all types of axles, leaf springs, propellers, shafts and universal joints, ornamentation and decorative parts for motors, vehicles, trucks, tractors, motorcycles, cars, cycles, scooters, buses, omnibuses, submarines, aeroplanes, balloons, aircraft, spacecraft and vehicles and products of all descriptions whether propelled or used by means of petrol, spirit, steam, oil, vapour, gas, coal, electricity, petroleum, atoms or any motive or mechanical power whether used for defence or transporting goods, passengers and animals.
- To fabricate, prepare, process, coat, transport, refine, recover, improve, recycle, reclaim, utilise, extract, finish, import, export, buy, sell, market, install, survey, estimate and carry on business as manufactures, importers, exporters and dealers in all types of leather and all articles made of leather including footwear, boots, shoes, sports goods, travel goods and gloves, aprons, garments, wallets, purses, belts, saddles, saddlery and all kinds of products made wholly or partly of leather and their raw materials, components, ingredients, leather board, blended leathers, imitation leather, PVC leathers, foam leathers, plastics, PVC clothes, synthetic leathers, oil cloth, linoleum and tarpaulins, textile, jute, rubber, P.U., PVC, leather cloth, polyurethane, thermoplastics, rubber chemicals and all other raw materials, plant, machinery, lasts, moulds, equipments for manufacturing footwear components, leather goods, rubber goods, plastic goods and accessories thereof.
- To carry on the business of manufacturers and repairers of and wholesale and retail dealers in all types of footwear and accessories of footwear (such as heels, soles, buckles, straps, booteries, laces) and hand gloves and other products of leather, rubber, textiles ( of natural or man made fibre), polyvinyl chloride compound or in combination of leather and to carry on the business as leather merchants, leather dressers, tanners, dealers in hides, skins and other materials, manufacturers of and dealers in rubber goods.
- To manufacture, fabricate, produce, prepare, process, coat, transport, refine, recover, improve, recycle, utilise, extract and finish, import, export buy, sell, market, install, survey, estimate and deal in saddlery, harness, luggage and travel goods, leather goods and sports goods such as leather jackets, shoes, chappals, purse, briefcase, suitcase, vanity bag, upholstery and all kinds of leather products.
- To carry on the business of money lending, making loans, whether secured or unsecured, negotiating loans and to draw, accept, endorse and discount bills of exchange, promissory notes and other securities to any person, firm, company or others provided the company shall not carry on the business of banking, as defined under the Banking Regulations Act, 1949 and the grant of such loans do not tantamount to carrying on banking business.
- To carry on business of money lenders, financiers, financial agents, brokers, stock and other securities brokers, underwriters, to procure money on loan or deposit with or without interest or under any scheme and/or to issue shares, debentures, stocks, bonds, securities, obligations, to invest money and/ or to give guarantee for loans or otherwise with or without interest to any person, firms, institutions, companies, organisations either on security of movable or immovable properties or personal securities, to grant loans under any scheme, to draw, accept, endorse, acquire, sell, purchase any negotiable or transferable instruments, and to give consultancy, advice for investment and financing.
- To manufacture, produce, process, make, invent, convert, repair, assemble, import, export, trade, buy, sell whether as retailers or wholesalers, suppliers, indenters, packers, movers, preservers, stockists, agents, subagents, merchants, distributors, consignors, jobbers, brokers or otherwise deal in audio, video products or video heads, devices, magnetic tapes, tape recorders, VCRs, VCPs, cleaners, cassettes and all other parts, components, accessories used in any audio, visual, or audiovisual devices.
- To establish in any part of India or elsewhere, libraries for keeping and lending on hire or otherwise video cassettes, audio cassettes, books, magazines, newspapers and other publications.
To establish, encourage, own, promote, provide, maintain, organize, undertake, manage, build, construct, equip, modernize, develop, operate, conduct and to run libraries, reference library, mobile libraries, reading rooms, book banks and other similar places for lending books, magazines, newspapers and other publications, video cassettes, audio cassettes, micro films, photographs, encyclopedias, news cuttings and other publications on membership, periodical fees or on free of cost basis to members, organisations, institutions, or to the public at large.
- To grant assurance of all kinds payable upon the happening of all or any of the following events, namely, the death or marriage, or birth or failure of issue, or the attainment of a given age by any person or persons, or the expiration of any fixed or ascertainable period, or the occurrence of any contingency or event which would or might be taken to affect the interest (whether in possession, vested, contingent, expectant, prospective, or otherwise) of any person or persons in any property, or the loss or recovery of contractual or testamentary capacity in any person or persons.
- To grant annuities, immediate or deferred, payable for any fixed or other period, or contingent as to their commencement or determination upon the happening of all or any of the events above mentioned.
- Generally to transact the business of a life assurance company, including the sale and purchase or repurchase of annuities and reversionary interests, and life or other interests of uncertain duration or commencement, and endowments for children, and all other business relating to or commonly transacted by life assurance companies.
To carry on business as manufacturers, producers, processors, makers, importers, exporters, traders, buyers, sellers, indenters, packers, movers, retailers, wholesalers, suppliers, stockists, agents, subagents, distributors, brokers or otherwise deal in artificial limbs, eyes, legs, hands, arms or any other limbs, other parts of human body or of any animal and providers of all requisites for hospitals, patients and invalids such as crutches, chairs, stretchers, carriages, ambulances.
- To carry on business as brewers, distillers, refiners, bottlers, preservers, coopers, dehydrators, manufacturers and merchants of and dealers in beer, ale, bitter, cider, cognac, whisky, martini, champagne, brandy, porter, vermouth, sherry, gin, rum, stoutwines, ginger wines, spirits, sweet spirits, alcohol, alcohol anhydrous, fizz, aerated waters, white wine, vegetarian and non-vegetarian wines and beverages, mineral waters, squashes, syrups, health foods, soft drinks, confectionery wine, cashew apple wines, alcoholic beverages, vinegar, acetic acid, carbonic acid gas, cordials, glucose, nectar, delicious beverages, synthetic beverages, tonic and vitamin beverages, sweetened and flavoured drinks and punch, fermented extracts from oats, barley, rice, wheat, maize, ragee, tapioca, cereals, potatoes and any other starch yielding materials, fermented juice of grapes, apples, vegetables, herbs, fruits, sugarcane juice, molasses, sugar, lime, honey, lemon juice, plant juices and liquors of every description, including Indian made foreign liquors and country liquors and all products and byproducts thereof, whether intoxicating or not, and of malt, hops, grain, meal, yeast, mustard, condiments of all kinds, cocoa, coffee and all or any other commodities, materials and things which may be conveniently used or manufactured in conjunction with any of the above or any similar business or manufactures.
- To acquire, construct and establish factory, works, stores, warehouse, godowns, distributing centres, shops, refreshment rooms, restaurants, depots for the sale of drinks, liquors, beverages and all other products of the Company and to export or import such products.
- To purchase, prepare, breed, rear, sell, import, export, improve, deal and trade in all kinds of animals, cattle and live stock such as cow, ox, bull, buffaloes, fish, horses, asses, donkeys, mules, pigs, sheep, goats, birds, bee, poultry, live and dead stocks of every description and to process, pack, preserve, distribute or otherwise deal in milk, cream, butter, honey, egg, pork, prawn and other commodities, goods or things, products, wastes, by products, residuals of animal origin.
- To undertake and carry on poultry farms, fishery, piggery and dairy farming and for the purpose to prepare stables, dens, sheds, kennels, nests, burrows, dwelling places and grazing pastures, veterinary hospitals for keeping and rearing animals, livestock for safe custody and for improving their breed by cross breeding or otherwise deal in all kinds and classes of animal products including meat, ham, pork, steak, beef, chicken, oils, fats, skins, nails, teeth, hair, hooves, horns, etc.
- To establish, organize, manage, run, charter, conduct, contract, develop, handle, own, operate and to do business as fleet carriers, transporters, in all its branches on land, air, water, & space, for transporting goods, articles, or things on all routes and lines on National and International level subject to law in force through all sorts of carriers like trucks, lorries, trawlers, dumpers, coaches, tankers, tractors, haulers, jeeps, trailers, motor buses, omnibuses, motor taxies, railways, tramways, aircrafts, hovercrafts, rockers, space shuttles, ships, vessels, boats, barges and so on whether propelled by petrol, diesel, electricity, steam oil, atomic power or any other form of power.
- To carry on the business as agents, distributors, merchants, importers, exporters, traders, contractors, warehousemen and to establish, maintain, operate and/or run agency lines in goods, stores, consumable items, durable merchandise, chattels and effects of every kind and description in any place in the world and without limiting the generality of the above, to carry on business as Selling Agents, Buying Agents, Factors, Mukadams, Carriers, Jath Merchants, Landing Clearing and Forwarding Agents, Commission Agents, Insurance Agents, Distributors and Stockiest, Brokers and/ or in any other capacity.
- To carry on the business of clearing and forwarding agents, courier and cargo handlers, handling and haulage contractors, warehousemen, common carriers by land, rail, water and air, container agents, to handle goods and passengers within the country and outside and to carry on the business of tour and travel operators and to act as customs agents, wharfingers, landing agents, stevedores and longshoremen.
- To act as surveyors, loss assessors and claim settling agents for and on account of India and foreign underwriters for all branches/ disciplines of General Insurance viz, fire, marine (cargo and hull), motor and miscellaneous engineering and to undertake valuation of movable and immovable properties at any place within or outside India.
- To act as architects, consultants, engineers, fabricators, designers, developers, decorators for buildings commercial, residential or industrial and any other type of structures and to provide civil, architectural and interior decoration services.
- To undertake steamer & ship surveys on behalf of the ship owners and/ or shipping agents within India and outside India and also to undertake quality surveys, weighments, sampling, standardisation, preshipment inspection & cargo superintendence services in India and abroad.
- To undertake market research and surveys for specific industries and to act as risk management consultants and Insurance consultants for industrial houses, business concerns and clients of the Company.
- To produce, process, manufacture, treat, distill, refine, treat, extract, mix, store, pack, repack, export, import and deal in lubricants, greases, lubricating and other oils, petroleum products, compositions and lubricants of every description, things which can be profitably manufactured, and to utilise and deal in all or any of the byproducts of such manufactures.
- To manufacture and market lubricating devices, agents, oils (both mineral and synthetic ), materials, compounds, compositions, greases, speciality oils, additives and related chemicals for automotive, industrial, household, defence, power and other purposes.
To carry on the business of manufacturers of and dealers in all kinds of plastics, various compositions, thermosetting resins, thermoplastics and moulding compositions in the form of lumps, powders, pipes, films, tubes, fibres, laminates, granules, sheets, blocks, chips, flakes, bars including prefabricated sections and shapes, cellulosic plastics and other thermosetting and thermoplastic materials, rubber and plastic tubes and tyres and moulded goods of all kinds and for all purposes, transmission belts and conveyors and similar industrial articles, pipes, tubes, hoses, rubber containers, electric products, shoe products and parts thereof, ethical rubber products and parts, toys, insulating materials and all other blown, moulded, formed, extruded, calendered and dipped goods and articles.
- To manufacture, fabricate, forge, cast, produce, design, develop, assemble, repair, pack, repack, import, export, buy, sell, recondition, hire or otherwise deal in all kinds and types of, in all its branches in automatic, semi automatic, manual and other types of tools, machine tools, tackles, instruments, apparatuses, systems & equipments, including lathes, turret lathes, capstan lathes, engine lathes, drills, drilling machines, shaping machines, planning machines, milling machines, grinding machines, slotting machines, broaching machines, boring machines, hobbing machines, coning machines, lapping machines, punching machines and other allied goods, whether used for special operations or for general operations, and whether operated on human, electrical, magnetic, electromagnetic, chemical, electro chemical, photo chemical, solar, tidal wind, nuclear, thermal, thermonuclear or other form of energy and their parts, products, assemblies, sub assemblies, components, instruments, raw materials, display units, control devices, peripheral devices, elements gadgets, circuits, micro circuits, used in machine tools including hollows, bars, slices, rounds, wafers, sheets, clips, micro clips, powders, fluids, gases, solids which may be polished, processed, coated, fused, diffused, or otherwise treated.
- To manufacture, fabricate, forge, cast, produce, design, develop, assemble, repair, pack, repack, import, export, buy, sell, recondition, hire or otherwise deal in all kinds and types of hand tools such as hammers, spanners, wrenches, pliers, water pump pliers, allenkeys, screw drivers, wrench pipes, chisels, sledge hammers, pick axes, nuts/bolts, clippers, wire cutters, hacksaw blades, socket sets, bench vices, automatic machinable materials, dies, tools, jigs, fixtures, hardware of all kinds, electronic and mechanical instruments, goods and equipment and allied products and to set up forging plant, foundries.
To carry on the business of manufacturers and dealers in machinery and plant of every description and kind and in particular machine tools and implements, and to manufacture, produce, repair, alter, convert, recondition, prepare for sale, buy, sell, hire, import, export, let on hire, trade and deal in machine tools and implements, machinery, plant equipments, articles, apparatus, appliances, components, parts, accessories, fittings and things in any stage or degree of manufacture, process or refinement.
- To manufacture, import, export, buy, sell, let on hire, exchange, alter, improve, prepare for market and/or otherwise deal in or distribute all kinds of plants, machineries, machine parts, tools, apparatus, chemicals, raw materials and substances necessary or convenient for any purpose including industrial, agricultural or domestic purposes.
- To carry on the business as manufacturers, importers, suppliers, exporters, buyers, sellers and dealer in automobile, electric and mechanical engineering equipments, plant and machinery, tools, gadgets, devices, instruments, spares and components, fittings, apparatuses, accessories, mill stores, hardware stores and all other allied items and to develop, acquire, supply plans, drawings, estimates, projects reports and know-how for industries, business, companies, services, and public bodies and Government.
To buy, sell, resale, alter, import, export, improve, assemble, distribute, let on lease or hire or otherwise deal in machinery operated by the use of electricity, steam, motive power or mechanical force or otherwise; wires, cables, conductors, insulators of all types, capacities, voltages, designs of high and low tension machines at hydrothermal, diesel or electric stations, generators, transformers and electric appliances.
To engineer, develop, design, assemble, manufacture, produce, import, export, buy, sell, operate, run, repair, lease, hire or let on lease or hire and otherwise deal in all kinds of earth moving and agricultural machines, petrol and diesel engines, tools, plants, tractors, equipments, spares, appliances, implements, accessories, mobile or other forest cleaning, thrashing, harvesting, sowing, ploughing, digging and all other types of machinery used in agricultural operations; heavy vehicles and machines for agricultural and reclamation drainage, irrigation, waterworks, engineering, forest cleaning, pumping, and other purpose; spraying machines, vehicles and equipments, whether mobile or otherwise; tubewells, pumps, engines, motors and irrigation machinery.
- To manufacture, import, export, buy, sell, let on hire, exchange, alter, improve, prepare for market and/or otherwise deal in or distribute all kinds of plants, machineries, machine parts, tools, apparatus, chemicals, raw materials and substances necessary or convenient for any purpose including industrial, agricultural or domestic purposes.
- To carry on the business as manufacturers, importers, suppliers, exporters, buyers, sellers and dealer in automobile, electric and mechanical engineering equipments, plant and machinery, tools, gadgets, devices, instruments, spares and components, fittings, apparatuses, accessories, mill stores, hardware stores and all other allied items and to develop, acquire, supply plans, drawings, estimates, projects reports and know-how for industries, business, companies, services, and public bodies and Government.
To engineer, develop, design, assemble, manufacture, produce, import, export, buy, sell or otherwise deal in industrial, mining, agricultural and other machines and all types of tools, plants, equipments, instruments, appliances and hardware of all kinds, general fittings, components and accessories of all description made of metal alloys, glass, synthetic and other fibrous materials, chemical and PVC compounds, plastic or any material.
To carry on the business as importers, exporters, buyers, sellers, manufacturers, repairers or otherwise dealers as principals or agents in all types of automatic & semiautomatic plants, machineries, instruments, equipments, apparatuses, components, systems, devices, implements of Paper Mills, Board Mills, Card Board/Hard Board Mills, Corrugated Board Mills, as well as their spare parts, components and accessories or any other type of machinery.
- To manufacture, buy, sell, import and export or otherwise deal in all types of earthmoving machinery and its parts and to deal in all substances, apparatus and things capable of being used in any such business.
- To engineer, develop, design, assemble, manufacture, produce, import, export, buy, sell, operate, run, repair, lease, hire or let on lease or hire and otherwise deal in all kinds of earth moving and agricultural machines, petrol and diesel engines, tools, plants, tractors, equipments, spares, appliances, implements, accessories, mobile or other forest cleaning, thrashing, harvesting, sowing, ploughing, digging and all other types of machinery used in agricultural operation.
- To work, erect, install, develop, maintain, equip, repair, alter, extend, purchase, sell, exchange or otherwise deal in plant and machinery, spinning mills, weaving mills or any other factory for pressing, ginning, preparing, combing, carding, scouring, or mixing, processing, spinning, weaving, twisting, throwing, bleaching, mercerizing, printing, dyeing or finishing rayon, staple fibres, man made or natural staple fibre, yarn, raw silk yarn, waste silk, nylon, manmade synthetic fibres, cotton, flax, jute, hemp, wool, hessian, linen or any other textiles or fabrics and materials of any description and kind.
- To carry on the business as manufacturers of and dealers in all kinds of plant and machinery, equipment and accessories required for the textile industry.
- To manufacture, import, export, buy, sell, let on hire, exchange, alter, improve, prepare for market and/or otherwise deal in or distribute all kinds of plants, machineries, machine parts, tools, apparatus, chemicals, raw materials and substances necessary or convenient for any purpose including industrial, agricultural or domestic purposes.
- To carry on the business as manufacturers, importers, suppliers, exporters, buyers, sellers and dealer in automobile, electric and mechanical engineering equipments, plant and machinery, tools, gadgets, devices, instruments, spares and components, fittings, apparatuses, accessories, mill stores, hardware stores and all other allied items and to develop, acquire, supply plans, drawings, estimates, projects reports and know-how for industries, business, companies, services, and public bodies and Government.
- To establish and run magnesite kilns, refractories material kilns and to manufacture all kinds of refractories material.
- To crush, win, get, quarry, smelt, calcine, refine, dress, amalgamate and prepare for market, ore, metal and mineral substances of all kinds and to deal and sell iron, stone, brick, earth, mica, lead, tin, copper, graphite, asbestos, dolomite, soapstone and other material and mineral substances.
- To buy, take on lease or under a licence concession, grant or otherwise acquire magnesite mines, mining rights in any land or other place and any interest therein and to explore, work, export, develop, turn to account magnesite and its byproducts.
To manufacture, buy, sell, import, export or otherwise deal in magnets, magnet products, magnetic devices, tools and implements and magnetic remote control devices for industrial, commercial, domestic purposes, magnetic head assemblies for disk drives used in mini/micro computer systems, Winchester heads, magnetic cords, ceramic pads and allied items used by computer manufacturers and/or by manufacturers of computer peripherals.
To carry on by postal sales and otherwise the business of general merchants, factors and dealers, and to carry on business as manufacturers, producers, processors, makers, inventors, convertors, importers, exporters, traders, buyers, sellers, suppliers, indenters, packers, movers, stockists, agents, sub agents, mer chants, distributors, consignors, jobbers, brokers, concessionaires or otherwise deal in all commodities of all kinds.
- To carry on all or any of the business of manufacturers, maltsters, brewers, distillers, fermenters, buyers, sellers, importers, exporters and dealers in brewer malt, distillery malt, malt syrups, malt beverages, malt powder, malted milk for infants, malt liquor, maltdust, extract and essences, malt flour, malt rose, malt tea, starch, beer, ale, bitter, cider, cognac, whisky, soyabean, mushroom, brandy, porter, vermouth, sherry, gin, rum, stout, wines, spirits, alcohol, beverages, drugs and chemicals, chemical products, pharmaceutical preparations, aerated and mineral water and similar other preparation.
- To carry on the business of buyers, sellers, importers, exporters and dealers in barley, maize, potatoes and other types of agricultural produce and to manufacture malt and malt products and to act as maltsters, brewers, distillers and for that purpose to set up plants and other facilities thereof.
- To establish, promote, form, organise, sponsor, operate, supervise, manage and carry on business as administrators or managers of investment funds, mutual funds (both local as well as offshore), growth funds, income or capital funds, taxable or tax exempt funds, provident funds, pension funds, superannuation funds, charitable funds, trusts funds, of person or bodies of persons whether incorporated or not, as part of mutual fund business for investment in equity and other securities, to contribute to the development of capital market and for providing facility for participation by subscribers, holders of units in the mutual funds and in the profits or income arising from the acquisition, holding, management and disposal of the securities and other properties whatsoever and for that purpose to promote, establish, manage and carry on various schemes as may be approved by Securities & Exchange Board of India (SEBI) and all concerned authorities and conducive to the management of the company concerning shares, stocks, debentures, debenture stocks, bonds, units, obligations, securitised debts, promissory notes, participation certificate, policies, money market investment securities, policies of the Central and State Government, company, corporation, municipal, local or other body or authority or obligations of other securities or investments of any kind or description whether in India or in any foreign country.
- To act as financial consultants, management consultants and to provide advice, service, consultancy in various fields, general administrative, secretarial, commercial, financial, legal, economic, labour, industrial, public relations, scientific, technical, direct and indirect taxation and other levies, statistical, accountancy, quality control and data processing.
- To receive money on deposit at interest or otherwise for fixed periods and to lend money on any terms as may be thought fit and particularly to customers or other persons or corporations having dealing with company provided that the company shall not carry on any business of banking as defined by the Banking Regulations Act, 1949, or any statutory modification thereof.
- To carry on the business of fund managers, asset managers or as an investment trust company and to underwrite, sub underwrite, invest in, acquire and hold, sell, buy or otherwise deal in shares, debenture, debenturestock, bonds, units, obligations and security issued or guaranteed by Indian or Foreign Governments, state, Dominions, Sovereigns, Municipalities or Public Authorities or Bodies and Shares, stocks, debentures, debenturestocks, bonds, obligations and securities issued and guaranteed by the company, corporation, firm or persons whether incorporated or established in India or elsewhere.
- To act as financial consultants, management consultants and provide advice, service, consultancy in various fields, general administrative, secretarial, commercial, financial, legal, economic, labour, industrial, public relations, scientific, technical, direct and indirect taxation and other levies, statistical, accountancy, quality control and data processing.
- To carry on the business in all its branches of managing public issues, merchant banking and general financing and to act as broker, agent, subagent, underwriter, lead manager, comanager, consultant, adviser, share transfer agent, registrar of shares, advertising & publicity agent, printer, portfolio manager, merchant banker, odd lot dealer or other intermediaries and to issue, undertake, buy, sell, exchange, adjust, subscribe, acquire, undertake, hold, invest or otherwise deal in all kinds of shares, securities, stocks, bonds, fully convertible debentures, funds, contracts, obligations, title deeds, warrants, premium notes and other similar instruments and any other property on deposit or for safe custody or otherwise, collecting and transmitting money and securities and managing property as may be prevailing from time to time.
- To act as financial consultants, management consultants and to provide advice, service, consultancy in various fields, general administrative, secretarial, commercial, financial, legal, economic, labour, industrial, public relations, scientific, technical, direct and indirect taxation and other levies, statistical, accountancy, quality control and data processing.
- To carry on business as manufacturers, producers, designers, importers, exporters, traders, buyers, sellers, indenters, agents, subagents, repairers, cleaners or otherwise deal in and operate all types of aeroplanes, seaplanes, flying boats, hovercraft, helicopters, and other craft or conveyances appropriate for the carriage of passengers, freight and mails by air and all or any parts, equipments, engines, machinery and plant relating thereto and to carry out and conduct any tests, experiments, research or development necessary or expedient for such purpose.
- To carry on the business of chartering aircraft, helicopters and allied air vehicles in scheduled and unscheduled manner to institutions, concerns, body corporates, associations (incorporated or unincorporated), Governments, public and local bodies and authorities, societies and trusts and persons in India and outside and to undertake and operate air service and air taxi operations subject to the permission and control of appropriate Government and their agencies as may be required.
- To purchase, take on lease, hire, take licences of, or otherwise acquire or sell, let out, or otherwise give any exclusive or other right or interest in aerodromes, landing grounds, airports, helipads, land and sea planes bases, hangers, machine shops, engineering shops, sheds for servicing, maintaining, and landing all kinds of aircraft in any part of the world and to obtain and hold from any state, sovereign, government, or semi governmental authority, any licences, authorities or rights necessary or convenient for such purpose.
- To manufacture, deal in, recondition and service aircraft and other apparatuses of every description capable of being flown or navigated in the air, whether powered or not and to deal in their components, parts, accessories, fittings, equipments, instruments, systems, devices, consumables and other allied products thereof.
- To carry on the business of travel agents, tour operators, general carriers, forwarding agents, packers and movers, air transporters, aerial surveyors.
- To carry on the business of advisers on problems relating to the administration and organisation of industry and business and to advise ways, means and methods for extending, developing and importing all types of business or industries and all systems and processes relating to the production, storage, distribution, marketing and sale of goods and or relating to the rendering of the services.
- To seek for and secure openings for the employment of capital prospects, enquire, examine and take up the supervision or control of the business corporation of any person, firm, body corporate, association or other undertaking and for such purpose to appoint and remunerate any officer of the company, accountants, consultants or other experts.
- To engage in research in all problems relating to industrial and business management and distribution, personnel, marketing and selling and to collect, prepare and distribute information and statistics relating to any type of business or industry or technology.
- To act as agents or managers in carrying on any business concerns and undertakings and to employ experts to investigate and examine into the condition of management, prospects and value of any business or undertaking and generally of any assets or right of any kind.
- To carry on the business of advisers on problems relating to the administration and organisation of industry and business and to advise ways, means and methods for extending, developing and importing all types of business or industries and all systems and processes relating to the production, storage, distribution, marketing and sale of goods and or relating to the rendering of the services.
- To seek for and secure openings for the employment of capital prospects, enquire, examine and take up the supervision or control of the business corporation of any person, firm, body corporate, association or other undertaking and for such purpose to appoint and remunerate any officer of the company, accountants, consultants or other experts.
- To engage in research in all problems relating to industrial and business management and distribution, personnel, marketing and selling and to collect, prepare and distribute information and statistics relating to any type of business or industry or technology.
- To act as agents or managers in carrying on any business concerns and undertakings and to employ experts to investigate and examine into the condition of management, prospects and value of any business or undertaking and generally of any assets or right of any kind.
To carry on business as manufacturers, producers, processors, makers, inventors, designers, convertors, repairers, assemblers, cleaners, importers, exporters, traders, buyers, sellers, retailers, wholesalers, suppliers, indenters, packers, movers, preservers, stockists, agents, subagents, merchants, distributors, consignors, brokers or otherwise deal in goods, raw materials, merchandise, articles, machinery, plant, apparatuses, appliances, equipments and commodities of every kind, class and description and to supply and provide services of all kind.
- To carry on the business as manufactures, producers, processors, importers, exporters and dealers in all kinds and classes of compost, organic and inorganic manures, gas based, natural or man made fertilisers, chemicals such as urea, sulphur, insecticides, pesticides, repellents, fungicides, sprayers, dusters.
- To establish and run plants for treatment of waste, garbage, sludge for manufacture of compost through high rate mechanical aerobic composting process and to enter into collaboration or other arrangements with Government, semi Government, local bodies, Municipal Corporation and others for manufacture and distribution of the same.
- To carry on the business of manufacturers of and dealers in all kinds of agricultural chemicals and to carry on the said business in all their branches and/or undertake spraying of such chemicals through manual, mechanical and/or aerial operations.
- To establish and carry on the business of preparing , mining, cutting, polishing, processing, treating, exporting, importing, buying, selling or otherwise dealing in all types of marble, granite, lime stone, sand stone, slabs, tiles and other building material and colour stones of every description and types, including setting, processing, trading or dealing into waste and byproducts arising from the mining or processing of marbles and colour stones.
- To purchase, acquire, take on lease and work, any mines and process, treat or deal in the material including byproducts of mining and establish factory for processing, finishing, treating or conversion of the same into industrial and saleable material.
- To carry on the business in prawn culture either by developing ponds or by catching prawn in sea waters.
- To buy, sell, barter, import or otherwise deal whether as wholesalers or retailers or as exporters or importers or as principals or agents or brokers or otherwise to catch fish and procure sea foods and preserve, smoke, cure, freeze, prepare or process or otherwise to deal in all sorts of fresh, chilled, dried, salted, inbrine or frozen sea foods, fish meals, fish products, vegetables, and to manufacture or procure any substances or articles wholly or partially from fish or sea foods for human or animal consumption.
- To carry on the business of keepers, warehousemen and transporters of fish, sea foods, processed fish and sea foods, vegetables, fruits, meat, eggs, poultry and foods of every description.
- To purchase, sell, lease, exchange, hire or otherwise acquire, deal, operate, equip and use trawlers, vessels, plants, apparatuses, equipments and articles for catching, procuring, processing, preserving, packing, bottling, canning and extracting fish, fish products, sea foods of all kinds.
- To manufacture, purchase and otherwise deal in all kinds of fishing, farming, gardening and canning equipments, implements, tools, stores, accessories, requisites, chemicals, feeds, manures, preservatives, protective and things required for the purpose of fishing, farming and canning business
- To carry on the business of sea water foods, river water foods and to catch or arrange for the catch of all type of fish, prawns, frogs, crabs, shrimps, lobsters, and other crustaceans including all other sea water foods and fresh water foods, to freeze and preserve in cold storage, to export and to appoint agents for purchase or sell of sea water foods, river water foods and other allied products for the purpose of carrying on business in the Company’s products.
- To establish and maintain a modern cold storage and deep freezing plant capable of preserving all kinds of food stuffs, chemicals, drugs, fruits, vegetables, fish, meat and all other eatables and to give the same on hire.
- To carry on the business as manufacturers, dealers and agents in codliver oil, shark liver oil and other oils, fish meal and other manures from sea and river water foods and other allied products and to improve and encourage industries connected with processing of sea and river water foods, scanning and freezing.
- To carry on the business of research, design, build, construct, manufacture or otherwise acquire, repair and deal in all types of motorships, trawlers, ice plants, marine food process machinery, boats with or without motor, insulated boats and insulated motor vans and enter into contracts with shipping agents and other carriers for the purpose of catching and transporting of sea and fresh water foods.
- To carry on in India or elsewhere the business of managing public issues of shares & securities in all its branches and to act as adviser, broker, sub broker, remiser, market maker, representative, investor, underwriter, sub underwriter, merchant banker, manager to issue, co-manager to issue, portfolio managers, consultants, share transfer agents, registrars of shares, advertising & publicity agents, printers or other intermediaries of capital market.
- To sell, purchase, exchange, subscribe, acquire, undertake and hold all types of shares, securities, stocks and bonds, including equity shares, preference shares, cumulative convertible preference shares, fully convertible debentures, partly convertible debentures, nonconvertible debentures, debenture stock, warrants, premium notes and other similar instruments whether issued in India or in any foreign country.
- To apply for and acquire membership of Stock Exchanges, Securities & Exchange Board of India (SEBI), Over The Counter Exchange of India (OTCEI), National Stock Exchange (NSE) and any other similar authority, body or institution as may be established from time to time by public, government, financial institutions or any other person or group of persons in India or abroad.
- To carry on the business of manufacturers of and dealers in all kinds and descriptions of matches, match lights or other lighting appliances or apparatus whether composed of or made in part or in whole of or from any combustible or noncombustible substances, materials or thing whatsoever.
- To buy, sell, import, export, manipulate, treat, manufacture and deal in all kinds and descriptions of machinery, plant, implements, tools and property and all chemicals, industrial and other preparations and articles and all other substances, apparatuses, materials and things capable of being used in any such business as aforesaid either by wholesale or retail.
- To manufacture, import, export, buy, sell, let on hire or otherwise deal either as principals or agents, in all kinds of sewing, interlocking, cutting, stitching and button holding machines, and tailoring material like buttons, zip, fasteners, lining materials, buckles, cuttings, touch buttons, needles, safety pins and other similar and analogous items, tools and machineries.
- To carry on in India or elsewhere the business of designing, manufacturing, selling, importing or exporting all types of sheets, rods for manufacturing of all types of buttons, zip fasteners, plastic coated fabrics, elastic, laces, tapes and labels.
- To manufacture, process, produce, dye, gin, press, spin, weave, crimp, texturise, card, bleach, comb, double, finish, blend, sort, garnet, stretch, dry, draw, cut, improve, buy, sell, resale, import, export, transport, store, fabricate, develop, market or otherwise to deal in all types of natural & synthetic yarns and fibres made of materials like cotton, flax, hemp, jute linen, wool, nylon, viscose, ramie, polyster, silk, artsilk, terene, jute, staple fibres, cashmilon, filaments, terecotton, monofilaments, multifilaments, acrylics, polynosic, polypropylene, polyamide, polymethane, cellulose, dropping, spun or other fibrous substances or any combination thereof and fabrics made of such yarns or articles in which fabrics of any kind is used.
- To establish and to carry on the business of ginners, spinners, weavers, dyers, balers, processors of all kinds of fibres both natural, synthetic or artificial such as cotton, jute, silk, hemp, flax, wool, hair, rayon, nylon, terylene and cultivators of all such fibres, tailors, drapers, clothiers, apparel designers and manufacturers of hides and skins, raw, semi processed and finished leather and leather articles of all kinds, rexines and other synthetic textiles made out of polyvinyl chloride, foam leather, plastics or other articles out of these products; sport goods and articles of all kinds and to deal in all types of textile making material, paints, dyes, fabric treatment materials, chemicals, tools and implements in India or elsewhere in the world.
- To produce, manufacture, treat, process, prepare, refine, import, export, purchase, sell and generally to deal in, and to act as brokers, agents, stockist, distributors and suppliers of all types and kinds of cement (whether ordinary, white, coloured, portland, pozzolana, blast, furnace, slag, rapid hardening, silica or otherwise), lime and limestone, clinker and/or by roducts thereof, as well as cement products such as pipes, poles, slabs, asbestos sheets, blocks, tiles, gardenwares, plaster of Paris, lime, pipes, building materials and otherwise and articles, things, compounds and preparations connected with the aforesaid products and in connection therewith; to take on lease, acquire, erect, construct, establish, work, operate or/and maintain cement factories, quarries, mines, workshops and other works.
- To manufacture, process, prepare and generally to deal in cement oriented products, cement poles, cement pipes and cement benches and prestressed concrete building section, bridge section, walls, drain covers, and fire clay and fire bricks of all kinds, stoneware, bricks, tiles, earthenware, glassware, glass, crockery, sanitary wares, china and terracotta, refractories and ceramic wares of all kinds and other allied goods.
- To manufacture, process, trade or deal in and undertake manufacturing of bricks, tiles, cement pipes, cement poles, lime, building materials, requisites and other materials used in construction or any substitute thereof.
- To carry on the business as manufacturers, processors, designers, buyers, sellers, exporters, importers and otherwise dealers in all kinds of packing cases, cartons, drums, crates, cans and containers of aluminium and other materials, card board containers, corrugated containers, wooden boxes, plastic containers, polythene containers, bottles, hollow wares etc., whether made of plastic or any manmade fibre, leather, wood, plywood, thermocole, particle board, corrugated paper, craft paper, glass or of other material, including high and low density polythene, polypropylene, plastic, P.V.C. chemicals, metals and other manmade fibrous material used in manufacture of all or any of the above products and raw materials used therefore.
- To carry on the business as manufacturers of and dealer in products, articles of packaging, made from paper, board, pulp of all kinds, cellulose films, polyethylene, plastic films and metal foils and films of all kinds and other flexible or laminated materials, bags, pouches, envelopes, sheets, rolls and all kinds of flexible packings and manufacturing, fabricating, printing, treating, waxing and laminating all kinds of packing materials.
- To carry on the business of manufacturers, buyers, sellers, importers, exporters and dealers in all kinds of packing materials, containers, receptacles, boxes, cartons, cases, drums, cages, tins, bins, jars, tubes, crates, packing cases, cans, bottles, vials and fittings thereof of every kind and to manufacture and deal in paper, plastic, bakelite, celluloid, glass, wood, plywood, hardboard, strawboard and boards of all other description and any other materials whether chemically treated or not, used for the manufacture of any of the aforesaid articles.
- To carry on all or any of the business as manufacturers of and exporters, importers, buyers, sellers, transporters and dealers in drums, barrels, cans, crown, corks, boxes, tubes including collapsible tubes, containers and vessels, made of or capable of being manufactured from tin plates, stainless steel or other metal sheet, plastic, aluminium, cardboards, glass, fibrous materials and paper of all or any kinds and descriptions whatsoever and to carry the business as manufacturers, designers and decorators of and embossers, painters, printers, lithographers and draughtsmen, engravers, photographers, electrotypes, photographic printers, photo lithographers, publishers and card box makers.
- To undertake and carry on poultry farms, fishery, piggery and dairy farming and for the purpose to prepare stables, dens, sheds, kennels, nests, burrows, dwelling places and grazing pastures, veterinary hospitals for keeping and rearing animals, livestock for safe custody and for improving their breed by cross breeding or otherwise deal in all kinds and classes of animal products including meat, ham, pork, steak, beef, chicken, oils, fats, skins, nails, teeth, hair, hooves, horns, etc.
- To purchase, prepare, breed, rear, sell, import, export, improve, deal and trade in all kinds of animals, cattle and live stock such as cow, ox, bull, buffaloes, fish, horses, asses, donkeys, mules, pigs, sheep, goats, birds, bee, poultry, live and dead stocks of every description and to process, pack, preserve, distribute or otherwise deal in milk, cream, butter, honey, egg, pork, prawn and other commodities, goods or things, products, wastes, byproducts, residuals of animal origin.
- To manufacture, produce, prepare, assemble, heat, grade, mould, cast, buy, sell, resale, import, export, store, forward, distribute, dispose of, develop, handle, manipulate, market, supply or otherwise to deal in all types, description, diameters, capacities, applications and uses of mechanical appliances, goods, merchandise, articles, machinery, equipments, devices capable of being run and consume electricity or capable of generating and distributing electricity or power of any type whatsoever such as ceiling fans, rotators, transformers, air conditioners, diesel engines.
- To carry on business of manufacturers, producers, processors, exporters, buyers, sellers, traders, distributors, fabricators, assemblers, fitters, installers, repairers, agents and dealers in electrical, electronics and mechanical engineering items including motors, pumps, generator sets, and all types of electrical, mechanical, electromechanical & electronic items, and spare parts, accessories used for industrial, domestic and agricultural purposes.
- To carry on the business of mechanical engineers, structural engineers, machinists, fitters, contractors, founders, wire drawers, metal workers, boiler makers, tube makers, metallurgists, saddlers, galvanizers, enamellers, electroplaters, painters, electrical engineers, water work engineers, manufacturers of and suppliers of atomic power and gas generators.
- To carry on the business of mechanical engineers, mechanists, fitters, millwrights, founders, wire drawers, pipe & tube makers, metallurgists, saddlers, galvanizers, jappaners, enamellers, electroplaters and painters, steel converters, furnace makers, smelters, refiners, steel plate makers, boiler makers, annealers, welders, smiths, woodworkers, water supply engineers.
To carry on business as manufacturers, producers, processors, makers, inventors, convertors, importers, exporters, traders, buyers, sellers, retailers, wholesalers, suppliers, indenters, packers, movers, stockists, agents, merchants, distributors, consignors, jobbers, brokers or otherwise deal in automobile parts, accessories, ancillaries, stores and spares, industrial, mining, agriculture and other machines and all types of tools, plants, equipments, instruments, appliances and hardware of all kind, general fitting and accessories of all description made of metal alloy, glass, synthetic and other fibrous substances, chemicals and PVC compounds, plastics and other materials or any combination thereof.
To manufacture, produce, process, make, invent, convert, import, export, trade, buy, sell or otherwise deal whether as retailer, wholesaler, supplier, indenter, packer, mover, preserver, stockist, agent, subagent, merchant, distributor, consignor, jobber, broker or otherwise in mechanical seals, welded metallic bellows, gland packing, fitting, gadgets, tools, parts, equipments and all other types of engineering goods.
- To carry on business as manufacturers, producers, processors, makers, inventors, convertors, importers, exporters, traders, buyers, sellers, indenters, packers, movers, merchants or otherwise deal in medical and surgical instruments, equipments, apparatuses, machineries, tools including medical kits, disposable and nondisposable syringes, disposable and nondisposable needles, urine collecting bags, urobags, poly masks, oxygen gas, netalon catheter, Foley’s catheters, endotracheal tubes, tracheotomy tubes (plain/cuffed), nasal oxygen catheters, resuscitation tubes, suction catheters, epidural cannula, umbilical cannula, intravenous cannula, intra catheters, Ryles tubes, Levin tubes, infant feeding tubes, rectal catheter, Romo Vac sets, Peritoneal dialysis transfusion sets, peritoneal catheter, Colostomy kits, AIDS test kits, infant mucus extractor, Sterivae cannula, blood administration sets, blood donor sets, regular fluid infusion sets, infusion sets, micro sets, plasma aspiration sets, disposable and nondisposable gloves, S.V and I.V cannula,V.A shunt, stethoscopes, sphygmomanometers, ampules, butterfly needles, microscopes, ophthalmic instruments and equipments, otoscopes, medical containers, thermometers, plastic and aluminium collapsible tubes and all kinds and varieties of disposable and nondisposable surgical instruments and kits, their parts, fittings, components and accessories used in healthcare, treatment, diagnosis, research, operation and for saving life of human beings.
- To carry on business as manufacturers, producers, processors, makers, convertors, importers, exporters, traders, buyers, sellers, retailers, wholesalers, suppliers, indenters, packers, stockists, agents, subagents, merchants, distributors, consignors, jobbers, brokers or otherwise deal in scissors, knives, blades, gloves, bandages and all kinds and classes of surgical furniture, medical equipments, diagnostic equipments and instruments, medical kits and all kinds and varieties of disposable and nondisposable surgical instruments, kits and equipments.
- To establish, provide, maintain and run research centres, laboratories, experimental workshops and to carry out medical research by engaging in the research and development of all fields of medical science, and in therapies of medical treatment.
- To provide research facilities for carrying on research, basic and applied, in all systems and discipline or medical and surgical knowledge, keeping in view the sociomedical and socioneeds of the afflicted community.
- To encourage and discover new medical and/or surgical management of diseases and affections and to investigate and make known the nature and merits of investigations and finding and research in the said field and to acquire any patent and licence or other protective devices relating to the result of any discovery, investigations, finding or researches and to acquire any process upon such terms as may seem expedient and to improve the same and to undertake the manufacture of any product developed, discovered or improved and/or to give licences thereof.
- To own establish, run, manage, and maintain, hospital, research centers, diagnostic centers, blood bank service center, immunization center, medical and other research center, nursing homes, health center, rehabilitation center, clinics, polyclinics, laboratories and to apply or provide utility article and service to penitents, attendants and others and to provide aids to medical personnel for research and development and to act and work as consultant in medical profession in India and abroad.
- To carry on business of rendering various services relating to treatment of ailments including and in particular to run nursing home, hospital, operation theater, pathological laboratories, x-rays clinics and research center.
- To carry on business as manufacturers, producers, growers, fabricator, processors, refiner, stockists, agents, importers, exporters, traders, whole sellers, distributors, concessionaires or dealer of drugs, medicines, chemical, spirits, mixtures, tonics, pigments, powders, tablets, pills, capsules, injection, oils, compounds, mother tincture preparations, globules, creams, scents, soaps, lotion, toilet goods and all kinds of pharmaceutical, cosmetic and medical preparation required or used in homeopathic, allopathic, ayurvedic, unani, biochemic or any other medicinal system or branch of medicine or as beauty aid or personal hygiene, juices, squash, sharbat, nourishment foods and concentrates, bandages, cotton, gauge, crutches and various types of anatomical, orthopedic or surgical instrument, implements or stores and books, journals and publications and all sorts of storage or packing material connected with or required for any or mire of the above mentioned item and products.
- To promote Tourism and Entertainment in the State/Union Territory of ____________ in accordance with the policies and action plans of the ____________ Administration, as laid down from time to time, in order to enable ____________ to be known nationally and internationally in these fields.
- To carry out and to facilitate such activities as are commensurate with the promotion of Tourism and Entertainment in ______________ .
- To promote tourist/visitor arrivals in _____________ , in accordance with the national level plans for promotion of tourism and __________ Administration’s policies, through all possible means. To promote specifically Medical Tourism, Heritage Tourism, Adventure Tourism, Sports Tourism, Cinematic Tourism and all other forms of Tourism in ____________ and the region.
- To organize, support, manage, promote and publicize all such events and activities that entertain the general public through both modern and traditional activities/events in a manner that is wholesome and reflective of Indian and foreign culture, while keeping in view the sensibilities of the society and the laws of the land.
- To organize, promote and support such events and activities which provide to the people of _________ and of the region, exposure to cross-cultural entertainment, including but not restricted to music and dance performances, films, opera, concerts, theatre etc. by local, national and international individuals or groups.
- To prepare and distribute souvenirs and literature including pamphlets, brochures and CDs etc. on a mass scale and to use all other possible means of promoting tourism and entertainment in ____________ i.e. through the media and by other means.
- To create, manage and update online databases, logs and websites and IT enabled means to carry out its objects.
- To participate in events in Chandigarh, other parts of India and abroad, in order to further these aims, independently or in collaboration with ____________ Administration, wherever necessary.
- To collaborate with and to work in conjunction with other societies, academies, departments and institutions functioning under __________ Administration or other governments, and also with private organizations.
To purchase, sell, manufacture, produce, grow, import, export, pack, repack, refine, acquire, process, store, distribute, exchange or otherwise deal in all types of Ayurvedic medicines, drugs, medicines, vitamins, tonics, herbal products, ointments, chemicals, spirits, mixtures, powders, tablets, pills, capsules, injections, balms, oils, compounds, extracts, tincture, mouth washes, cosmetics, toiletries, soaps, detergents, shampoo, creams, scents, perfumes and perfumery products including deodorisers, perfumed bath salts, flavours, sprays, scalp lotions, hair oil, hairdyes and tooth pastes and brushes and goods used in hospitals, nursing homes, clinics, laboratories and other health units and all kinds of pharmaceutical cosmetics, preparations used in Homeopathic, Allopathic, Ayurvedic, Unani, Biochemical, nature cure or any other medicinal system or branch of medicine or as beauty aid or personal hygiene; juices, squash, sharbat, nourishment foods and concentrates, bandages, cotton, crutches connected with or required for any one or more of the above mentioned items and products.
- To carry on the business in all its branches of managing public issues, merchant banking and general financing and to act as broker, agent, subagent, underwriter, lead manager, comanager, consultant, adviser, share transfer agent, registrar of shares, advertising & publicity agent, printer, portfolio manager, merchant banker, odd lot dealer or other intermediaries and to issue, undertake, buy, sell, exchange, adjust, subscribe, acquire, undertake, hold, invest or otherwise deal in all kinds of shares, securities, stocks, bonds, fully convertible debentures, funds, contracts, obligations, title deeds, warrants, premium notes and other similar instruments and any other property on deposit or for safe custody or otherwise, collecting and transmitting money and securities and managing property as may be prevailing from time to time.
- To act as financial consultants, management consultants and to provide advice, service, consultancy in various fields, general administrative, secretarial, commercial, financial, legal, economic, labour, industrial, public relations, scientific, technical, direct and indirect taxation and other levies, statistical, accountancy, quality control and data processing.
- To carry on the business of manufacturers, importers, exporters, melters, refiners of and dealers in metals like Platinum, Palladium, Rhodium, Iridium, Ruthenium, Osmium, Gold, Silver and nonferrous metals in their virgin and their alloy form with any other metal; and chemicals and products made out of such metals and alloys for industrial and domestic purposes.
- To manufacture, produce, process, prepare, commercialize, cut, polish, set, design, exchange, finish, assort, import, export, buy, sell, market or otherwise to deal in all varieties of rough, raw, cut, polished or processed, natural & man made, precious, semiprecious & natural stones such as diamonds, ruby, pearls and their ornaments, jewelleries, articles, or things, made in the combination of gold, silver, platinum, or other metals, and alloys thereof; watches, clocks, cutlery, gifts, cups, medals, shields, curios, art and antiques and for the purpose to act as goldsmith, silversmith, jewellers, gem merchants, electroplaters, polishers, purifiers.
- To carry on business as manufacturers, producers, processors, importers, exporters, traders, buyers, sellers, retailers, wholesalers, suppliers, indenters, packers, movers, stockists, agents, subagents, merchants, distributors, consignors, jobbers, brokers or otherwise deal in all classes and kinds of ferrous and non ferrous metals, alloy steel, ferro alloy, pig iron, wrought iron, rolled steel and to carry on business as miners, smelters, engineers, iron and steel foundries in all or any of their respective branches, Metallurgical prospectors, explorers, contractors, agents and to establish workshop for the manufacture of any equipment required for any of the industries which the company can undertake and to deal in such equipments, agricultural implements and other light and heavy machineries, tool makers, brass founders, metalworkers, boilermakers, millwrights, machinist, iron and steel converters, smiths, woodworkers, builders, painters, metallurgists, water supply engineers, gas makers and to buy, sell, manufacture, export, import, repair, convert, alter, let on hire and deal in machinery, implements and rolling stocks.
- To carry on the business as manufacturers of and dealers in ferrous and nonferrous metals, pipes, rods and casting of all kind and in particular gray metal castings, automobile castings, spare parts and accessories, chilled and malleable castings, special alloy and high duty castings, steel castings, SG iron castings, gun metal, copper, brass, magnesium and aluminium castings of all kind.
- To carry on the business of collecting, storing and preserving milk and for that purpose to establish, erect, build, manage and run dairy farms, and manufacture all kinds of things and products from milk, such as butter, cheese, sweets, toffees, chocolates and other products and to sell the same in wholesale or retail.
- To carry on the business as manufacturers, producers, processors, packers, repackers, suppliers and dealers in all types of milk, cow milk, buffalo milk, shegoat milk, cream, butter, ghee, cheese, yogurt, paneer, condensed milk, malted milk, milk powder, skimmed milk powder, wholesome milk powder, ice cream, milk foods, baby foods, infant foods, sweets, chocolates, confectioneries, milk products and preparations, derivatives, byproducts, residues of all kinds.
- To keep, nurse, breed, raise or otherwise to deal and traffic in all sorts of poultry animals & livestock.
- To manufacture, produce, process, buy, sell and deal in soyamilk, soyamilk products and preparations, soyabean based foods including spray dried milk, powders, cheese, curd, icecream, baby foods, protein foods and other preparations of soya cereals and lentils including biscuits, breads, cakes, pastries, nuts, toffees and chocolates, soya beverages and other allied products and preparations of every kind, nature and description.
- To manufacture, produce, process, make, assemble, design, convert, repair, import, export, trade, buy, sell, whether as retailers or wholesalers, suppliers, packers, stockists, merchants, distributors, consignors, brokers or otherwise deal in all types of iron and steel products, Mill store, Hardware, Ferrous and Non Ferrous Metal products, Electrical goods and Components, Machinery, Machinery parts, tools, appliances, accessories and implements such as hacksaw blades, cutting blades, shearing blades, building stores, hardware, electrically driven tools, pipes and tubes, sluice, valves, variable speed gears and drives, hydraulic transmission gears, conveyors of all descriptions and types, ropeways, wire ropes, drawing machines, all hydraulic presses, tool room and precision tools, air conditioning and refrigeration equipment and humidifiers, blowers, water coolers, iron and steel sections or structurals and such other goods, materials and merchandise incidental thereto or connected therewith.
- To manufacture, buy, sell, alter, repair, improve, manipulate, treat, prepare for market and deal in all kinds of plants, machinery, appliances, tools, utensils, commodities, substances, materials, articles and things connected therewith.
- To carry on business as manufacturers, producers, processors, makers, inventors, convertors, importers, exporters, traders, buyers, sellers, retailers, wholesalers, suppliers, indenters, bottlers, packers, movers, preservers, stockists, agents, subagents, merchants, distributors, consignors, jobbers, brokers or otherwise deal in mineral and aerated water and other liquids of every description.
- To carry on business as manufacturers and dealers in plant, machines, machinery, vessels, siphons, filters, bottles, apparatuses, appliances and containers of all kinds for manufacturing, treating, preserving, aerating, bottling and discharging any such liquids.
- To carry on the business of money lending, making loans, whether secured or unsecured, negotiating loans and to draw, accept, endorse and discount bills of exchange, promissory notes and other securities to any person, firm, company or others provided the company shall not carry on the business of banking, as defined under the Banking Regulations Act, 1949 and the grant of such loans do not tantamount to carrying on banking business.
- To carry on business of money lenders, financiers, financial agents, brokers, stock and other securities brokers, underwriters, to procure money on loan or deposit with or without interest or under any scheme and/or to issue shares, debentures, stocks, bonds, securities, obligations, to invest money and/ or to give guarantee for loans or otherwise with or without interest to any person, firms, institutions, companies, organisations either on security of movable or immovable properties or personal securities, to grant loans under any scheme, to draw, accept, endorse, acquire, sell, purchase any negotiable or transferable instruments, and to give consultancy, advice for investment and financing.
- To carry on the business as manufacturers, fabricators, designers, developers, buyers, sellers, dealers, hirers, repairers, job workers, cleaners, stores, suppliers of automobiles, motor cars, lorries, vans, tractors, trucks, buses, minibuses, jeeps, three wheelers, motor cycles, scooters, mopeds and other vehicles of every description, specifications, systems, models, shapes, sizes, dimensions, capacities for transporting passengers, goods and animals or special vehicles like break down lorries, crane lorries, forklift trucks, other trucks fitted with lifting or handling equipment, fire fighting vehicles, concrete mixer lorries, road sweeper lorries, spraying lorries suitable for propulsion on land, sea or in the air or in any combination thereof whether propelled or assisted by any form of power including petrol, spirit, steam, gas, oil, electricity, battery, animals, solar energy, atomic energy, wind energy or other form of power; and of engines, chassis, bodies and other components, parts and accessories and all machinery, implements, appliances, lubricants, solutions, enamels and all things capable of being used for, in, or in connection with manufacture, maintenance and working of automobiles.
- To carry on business of garage keepers, showroom owners for motors and vehicles and suppliers of and dealers in petrol, diesel, gas, electricity and other motive power for use in vehicles.
To carry on the business of manufacturers of and dealers in all kinds of plastics, various compositions, thermosetting resins, thermoplastics and moulding compositions in the form of lumps, powders, pipes, films, tubes, fibres, laminates, granules, sheets, blocks, chips, flakes, bars including prefabricated sections and shapes, cellulosic plastics and other thermosetting and thermoplastic materials, rubber and plastic tubes and tyres and moulded goods of all kinds and for all purposes, transmission belts and conveyors and similar industrial articles, pipes, tubes, hoses, rubber containers, electric products, shoe products and parts thereof, ethical rubber products and parts, toys, insulating materials and all other blown, moulded, formed, extruded, calendered and dipped goods and articles.
To establish and carry on the business as manufacturers, producers, assemblers, importers, exporters, commission agents, brokers, stockists, dealers and repairers of all kinds of machinery, machine tools, hand tools, jigs and fixtures, moulds and dies, gauges, appliances and equipments for processing plastics, metals, alloy, rubber, wood, cloth, paper board, leather, chemicals, minerals or any other materials or any combination thereof and parts and components or assemblies or sub assemblies thereof for all purposes including industrial, agricultural and domestic purposes.
To carry on the business of manufacturers of and dealers in all kinds of plastics, various compositions, thermosetting resins, thermoplastics and moulding compositions in the form of lumps, powders, pipes, films, tubes, fibres, laminates, granules, sheets, blocks, chips, flakes, bars including prefabricated sections and shapes, cellulosic plastics and other thermosetting and thermoplastic materials, rubber and plastic tubes and tyres and moulded goods of all kinds and for all purposes, transmission belts and conveyors and similar industrial articles, pipes, tubes, hoses, rubber containers, electric products, shoe products and parts thereof, ethical rubber products and parts, toys, insulating materials and all other blown, moulded, formed, extruded, calendered and dipped goods and articles.
- To carry on business as general carriers and freight forwarders, transport, cartage and haulage contractors and to provide carrier, freight, transport, courier, taxi, truck, light or heavy haulage and delivery services by land, road, railway, sea, river, canal, water or air for and in connection with any containers, packages, parcels, articles, mails, goods or bulk commodities.
- To carry passengers by air, road, rail, land, sea or water, and to operate any taxi service and to construct, equip, maintain, work, purchase, sell, export, import, lease, hire, let on hire, repair or otherwise deal in any aircraft, ship, car, bus or any kind of vehicle or mode of transport and to act as booking agents, indenting agents and travel agents.
- To carry, collect, receive, load, unload, store, consign, distribute, transfer and deliver goods, wares, merchandise, parcels, packages, baggage, freight, animals, livestock, timber, coal, oil, ores and other minerals and other property of every description by any mode of transport and for such purpose to acquire, manage and operate warehouses and bonded warehouses, act as agents for shippers and consigners, and to issue warehouse warrants and receipts and bills of lading and to act as clearing and forwarding agents.
- To manufacture, buy, sell, import and export or otherwise deal in all types of earthmoving machinery and its parts and to deal in all substances, apparatus and things capable of being used in any such business.
- To engineer, develop, design, assemble, manufacture, produce, import, export, buy, sell, operate, run, repair, lease, hire or let on lease or hire and otherwise deal in all kinds of earth moving and agricultural machines, petrol and diesel engines, tools, plants, tractors, equipments, spares, appliances, implements, accessories, mobile or other forest cleaning, thrashing, harvesting, sowing, ploughing, digging and all other types of machinery used in agricultural operation.
- To carry on in India or elsewhere in the world, the business of publishing, copying, commissioning, duplicating, mixing, processing, producing, programming, recording, transferring, issue of software programmes on academic, commercial, cultural, educational and technical matters and purposes; to be issued on cinematographic films, floppy disks, diskettes, compact disks, computer or video tapes or cassettes, cartridges, spools, records or other format, any form of printed matter and/or any other reproducing device/s to be acquired, manufactured or processed for the purposes; to organize live shows of music and recording of the show thereof.
- To undertake and provide Internet related services, systems, technology, information and software development services and products, including hardware’s, to any person through agents, franchise, by any available means, in India or abroad including value added services such as interactive, Television, Internet, E-Mail, V-Sat, Telephony, Video Shopping, Entertainment, Infotainment, Teleshopping, E-Commerce, Games, Data Transmission, Computer networking, Video conferencing etc. and to establish links via. Satellite uplink and downlink through available reception systems.
- To carry on business in India and abroad of cultivation, manufacturing, preserving, packing, canning, drying, freezing, extracting, bottling, preparing, trading, marketing, importing, exporting, improving, producing, processing, preparing, buying, selling, dealing in vegetables, fruits, mushrooms and various other agricultural products along with all seeds in all forms, whether in raw state, fresh, dehydrated, frozen, dried, processed or in any other form.
- To carry on the business of agriculture, cultivation and farming, sericulture, horticulture, tissue culture and gardens in all their branches and to raise, plant, cultivate, grow, produce, buy, sell, import, export or otherwise trade or deal in and with crops, trees, plants including garden plants, plantation crops, vines, seeds, roots, flowers, fruits, vegetables, grains, oils, garden produce, milk and dairy products of every description, all kinds of farm products and byproducts of the soil weather in manufactured form or otherwise.
- To manufacture, produce, process, make, invent, convert, import, export, trade, buy, sell whether as retailers or wholesalers, suppliers, indenters, packers, movers, stockiest, agents, subagents, merchants, distributors, consignors, jobbers, brokers or otherwise deal in guitars, pianos, harmoniums, electronic key boards, drums, xylophones, cymbals and musical instruments of all types and descriptions whether automatic or semiautomatic, their parts, accessories and components, whether hand operated, battery operated or electrically operated.
- To manufacture, produce, process, make, invent, convert, import, export, trade, buy, sell whether as retailers or wholesalers, suppliers, indenters, packers, movers, stockiest, agents, subagents, merchants, distributors, consignors, jobbers, brokers or otherwise deal in records, cassettes, and other reproduction instruments of all types and descriptions, and for playing the same either by the means of wireless, stereos or otherwise and to install all plant, equipment, machinery and build factories, workshops for the aforesaid purpose.
- To establish, promote, form, organise, sponsor, operate, supervise, manage and carry on business as administrator(s) or manag ers of investment funds, mutual funds (both local as well as off shore), growth funds, income or capital funds, taxable or tax exempt funds, provident funds, pension funds, superannuation funds, charitable funds, trusts funds, of person or bodies of persons whether incorporated or not, as part of mutual fund business for investment in equity and other securities, to contribute to the development of capital market and for providing facility for par ticipation by subscribers, holders of units in the mutual funds and in the profits or, income arising from the acquisition, holding, management and disposal of the securities and other properties whatsoever and for that purpose to promote, establish, manage and carry on various schemes as may be approved by Securities & Ex change Board of India (SEBI) and all concerned authorities and conducive to the management of the company concerning shares, stocks, debentures, debenture stocks, bonds, units, obligations, secured debts, promissory notes, participation certificate, po licies, money market investment securities, policies of the Central and State Government, company, corporation, municipal, local or other body or authority or obligations of other securities or investments of any kind or description whether in India or in any foreign country.
- To act as financial consultants, management consultants and to provide advice, service, consultancy in various fields, general administrative, secretarial, commercial, financial, legal, econom ic, labour, industrial, public relations, scientific, technical, direct and indirect taxation and other levies, statistical, accoun tancy, quality control and data processing.
- To manufacture, process, produce, fabricate, make, prepare, sell, purchase, trade, distribute, market, import, export and to deal in surgical needles, injectable needles and cannulae used/ required in surgical equipments, operation theatre equipments, instruments, consumables, disposable products, diagnostic equipments, scanners or in agricultural, industrial, chemical, transport industries.
- To carry on the business of distributors, indenters, selling and buying agents, manufacturers, representatives, commission agents, clearing and forwarding agents, general brokers, sellers, purchasers, traders, advertising agents, promoters and organisers of sales and marketing of surgical needles, injectable, needles and cannulae used/ required in surgical equipments, operation theatre equipments, instruments, consumables, disposable products, diagnostic equipments, scanners or in agricultural, industrial, chemical, transport industries.
- To deal in all classes of apparatus, instruments, fixtures, devices and contrivances and more particularly electronic data processing equipments, products and services used in computer networking and security systems including minicomputers and microcomputers products, mainframes and super computers, computer software and programs, electronic and mechanical computer peripheral equipment and terminals (including intelligent terminals), speech processing equipments, office and factory automation equipment and services and parts and assemblies and sub-assemblies related to the above.
- To develop, design, acquire, adopt, deal, host and install Cryptography, Hardware, Networking, Viruses protection systems and services in the above areas..
- To acquire, establish, print, publish, manage, and circulate or otherwise deal in morning, noon, evening, daily, weekly, fortnightly newspaper or newspapers or other publications, periodicals, magazines, journals, newsletters and generally to carry on the business of newspapers proprietors and general printers and publishers and advertising agents.
- To carry on in India or in any part of the world, business of publishers, printers, photocopiers, owners, proprietors, importers, exporters, copyright owners, dealers, distributors, stockists and agents of daily, biweekly, weekly, occasional, special, morning, evening news papers, weekly, fortnightly, monthly magazines, journals, books, periodicals, stationery, registers, pamphlets, posters, diaries and other literary work and to undertake publishing work of any kind of government, semi government departments, local bodies, authorities, corporations, companies and other organisations, firms, persons and to work as publicity/advertising agents.
- To act as and to undertake the duties of trustees, executors, administrators, attorneys, custodians, nominees, executor of wills and trustee of wills and settlements and to act as trustee of deeds or documents, trustee for charitable and other institutions or for any person, corporation, association, scheme, unit, government, state, local authority or other body and generally to undertake and execute trusts of all kinds with or without remuneration and to undertake the office of trustee, receiver, committee manager, attorney, representative, delegate, substitute, treasurer and any other offices or situations of trust or confidence or of a fiduciary nature.
- To undertake and execute any trust or discretion and the distribution amongst the beneficiaries, pensioners or other persons entitled to it of any income, capital or annuity and whether in money or in specie in furtherance of any discretion, obligation or permission.
To manufacture, produce, process, make, invent, convert, import, export, trade, buy, sell, pack, move or otherwise deal in all types of cosmetics, non-prescribed drugs, health care products, food preservatives and additives, fast foods, artificial flavourings, artificial dyes and colouring agents, beauty and skin care products, birth control medicines and devices whether as retailers, wholesalers, suppliers, stockists, agents, subagents, distributors, consignors, brokers or otherwise.
- To carry on the business of gardening, nursery, landscaping, floriculture, planters, florists, proprietors of orchard and traders, exporters, sellers and dealers in products of plantation, horticulture, gardening and to grow, raise, produce, plant, cultivate, buy, import, export, sell, trade and deal in trees, shrubs, plants, sprouts, vines, seeds, roots, fruits, herbs and flowers.
- To purchase, sell, lease, exchange, hire or otherwise acquire, deal and use land, gardens for the purpose of growing and producing roses and other types of flowers, fruits, vegetables and other derivatives.
- To carry on any business in the field of micropagation, floriculture and horticulture as farmers, agriculturists, principals, contractors, consultants, brokers or otherwise and develop systems of tissue culture processes, dehydration, distillation, storage, distribution, marketing and sale of floricultural products.
- To establish, construct, erect, build, organise, manage, undertake, promote, develop, own, acquire, purchase, improve, equip, provide, maintain, operate, take on lease, own and run diagnostic centres, scan centres, nursing homes, hospitals, clinics, polyclinics, dispensaries, chemist shops, blood banks, eye banks, kidney banks, maternity homes, child welfare and family planning centres, clinical & pathological testing laboratories, consulting chambers, X-Ray & ECG clinics, sonography centres, physiotherapy centres, polio clinics, dialysis centres, research laboratories in India or abroad.
- To act as consultants and advisers providing technical know-how, technical services and allied service for the establishment, operation and improvement of Nursing Homes, Hospitals, Clinics, Medical Institutions, Medical Centres, diagnostic Centres and Laboratories in India and abroad.
To carry on the business as manufacturers, producers, suppliers, dealers, stockists, exporters and importers of bolts, nuts, nails, rivets, screws, hinges, hooks and all other hardware items, machinery, machinery parts, tools, accessories and implements of all types, sizes, specifications and descriptions.
- To publish any kind of information on Internet, a global computer network or otherwise, compiled and updated by the Company or any other person, for commercial purposes or otherwise, set up and/or give or take on lease/hire appropriate systems and technology to render these services to any person, including inviting subscriptions, advertisements from any persons, through agents, franchise, by any available means in India or abroad.
- To undertake and provide Internet related services, systems, technology, information and software development services and products, including hardware’s, to any person through agents, franchise, by any available means, in India or abroad including value added services such as interactive, Television, Internet, E-Mail, V-Sat, Telephony, Video Shopping, Entertainment, Infotainment, Teleshopping, E-Commerce, Games, Data Transmission, Computer networking, Video conferencing etc. and to establish links via. Satellite uplink and downlink through available reception systems.
- To manufacture all kinds of electrical conductors and insulated wires for power generator, transmission and distribution, to manufacture, deal, trade, export and import machines and plants, equipments and accessories for manufacture of electrical conductors and transformers, insulated wire and electrical equipment and to do all kinds of business, all varieties of electrical conductors, and transformers, insulated wire and electrical equipment and to all kinds of business, all varieties of electrical conductors, cables insulated wires and other equipments and to carry on in India or elsewhere the business of mechanical engineers, iron masters and manufacturers, processors, fabricators, drawers, rollers and refoller of steel and non-ferrous metals, shaftings, bars, flats, squares from scrap billets and ingots.
- To manufacture, produce, buy, sell, import, export, stock, deal in machine tools, grinding machines, automatic latches, drilling machines, planning machines, planogrinders, machineries of every description, precision tools, cutting and small tolls electric motors, electrical equipments, cables, wires, switch gears, flame and drip proof motors, electric fans, regulators of all types, electric kilowatt hour meters magnets, industrial jewels, meters, voltmeters, and other types of measuring instruments, electrical, non-electrical, die-castings, screws, nuts and bolts, transformers of all types, circuit breakers hoists, elevators, gears, trolleys, and coaches, winches, aircompressors, welders, refrigerators, domestic washing machines, television and radio receivers and transmitters, micro wave components, radar equipments, valves, resistors, electronic instruments, conductors, materials, transistors and allied items, sewing machines, watches and clocks, tape recorders, household appliances and component part thereof.
- To carry on the business as forwarding agents, representatives of manufacturers, sale and marketing organisors, underwriters, and insurance agents and to carry on the business or trade of stores suppliers, consultants, company promoters, landed proprietors, builders, contractors, and supplier of goods to government and other public and private bodies, shroffs, department store operators, publishers, guarantee brokers, carried by land and water, charter parties newspaper owners, wharfingers, warehousemen, marine, fire and other insurers, maccadums and brokers and for this purpose to appoint and remunerate any Directors, accountants, experts or agents.
- To provide technical know-how in India and abroad which is likely to assist in the manufacture of the goods or the processing of materials or in the installation or erection of plant or machinery for such manufacture processing including providing technological design, installation and erection information and to render engineering, technical management and various types of skilled and other services to all types of business and industry or other organisation.
- To grow, cultivate, produce, buy, sell, manufacture, treat, blend, render marketable and transport whether in bulk or in packeted or concentrated forms tea, coffee, cocoa or any other beverages, all varieties of food and products, plantation crops, orchard crops, cereals, vegetables, spices, essential oils, aromatic substances, rubber, forestry products and other produce of the soil, whether of spontaneous growth or not.
- To carry on business as manufacturers, producers, dealers, processors, importers, exporters, stockists, agents, brokers, traders, retailers, of all kinds of paper including writing, printing, rapping and tissues, newsprint, paper for packing including corrugated and craft paper, synthetic papers, all kinds of boards including paper and straw board and all kinds of pulp whether mechanical or chemical including dissolving pulp.
- To produce, manufacture, refine, prepare, process, import, export, purchase, sell and generally deal in cement, portland cement, white/coloured cement, alumina, cement pipes, fittings, sheets, asbestos cement pipes and their fitting, asbestos cement sheets, any other types of reinforced pipe fittings, sheets, boards, tanks, reinforced structural parts, blocks, tanks, bricks, stones, blocks marble, granite slabs, stone slabs of all type, cement titles, ceramic tiles, tiles of any other variety made out of any natural or synthetic material or wood or metal or any material and all other type of building materials used in construction.
- To manufacture, process, import, export an deal in natural and synthetic resins, plastics, rubber, moulding powders, adhesives, paints, chemicals, nylon, polythene, poly-proplene, poly urethene, laminating materials, colours, varnishes, enamels and spirit in all its branches, raw materials for any of these products, and any materials produced out of these products.
- To manufacture, produce, refine, prepare, purchase stores, sell and to trade and deal petroleum and all kinds of mineral oils and all products and by-products thereof, including wax, paraffin, soap, paints, lubricants, illuminant and butter substitute, oil cloth, candles, glycerine, stearing and in connection therewith to acquire, construct, repair, operate and use oil and other refineries, buildings, mills, factories, oil well derrick, distilleries, ghanies, rotaries, expellers, mechanical or hydraulic press.
- To carry on business as timber merchants, saw-mill proprietors and timbers growers and to buy, sell, grow, prepare for market, manipulate, import, export, and deal in timber and wood of all kinds and to manufacture and deal in veneer products, for tea chests, packing cases and commercial boards, decorative veneer, laminated boards, composite boards, pressed boards, hard boards, chip boards, bent wood, moulded wood and articles of all kind made of timber wood.
- To deal in, purchase, sell, import, export or supply and to act as export house, principals, dealers, agents, subagents, manufacturers, representatives, for leather and leather goods, gloves, wallets, bags, zippers, oil components, fibers, fibrous goods, garments, metalware, electronic items, spare parts, appliances, machinery equipments, jewellery, handicrafts, ivory, antiques and art of objects.
- To carry on the business as manufacturers of, dealers in hires, repairers, cleaners, runners, characters, stores, and warehouses of earthmoving and agricultural machines, motorcycles, cars, motors, scooters, cycles, tractors, trucks, three wheelers, bicycles, ships and carriage, lifts forklifts and handling equipments, launches, boats, vans, aeroplanes, helicopters, hydroplanes, hovercrafts and other conveyance of all descriptions.
- To cultivate, plant, bring, buy, sell, spare, convert, process, treat or manipulate in any manner of all kinds of tobacco, jute, hemp, tea, lac, coffee, rubber, vanaspati oil, sugar cane, sugar beets, dal, oilseeds, vegetable products, foodgrains, plants and all other products of the soil.
- To search, win, get, quarry, reduct, smelt, calcine, refine, dress, amalgamate, manipulate, and prepare for market ferrous and non-ferrous metal, ore, quartz, metal and mineral substance of all kinds including oil and to carry on any other prospecting, mining, and metallurgical operations and to work mines or quarries, and to search frame, getwork, process, clacine, raise, crush, smelt, manufacture, make merchantable, sell or otherwise deal in iron, coal, coat tar, stone, cement, lime, lime stone, chalk, clay, bauxite, soapstone, ores, metals, minerals oil, precious and other stones, deposites, products and all other kinds of by-products thereof and carry on the business of mining in all its branches.
- To carry on business as manufacturers, exporters, importers, dealers, stockiest, agents, distributors of batteries, cells, torches, toys, personal aide and such items and goods which may be useful, skin or otherwise connected with anyone or more of the aforesaid items of products.
- To carry on business of manufacturing, producing, processing, treating, making taking on hire or otherwise acquiring blending, formulating, packaging, selling, retailing, importing, exporting, buying, fabricating, assembling, servicing, repairing, maintaining, of all types of grades, kinds, sizes and descriptions of photographic-films, papers, chemicals, reagents, substances, equipments, instruments, accessories, machineries, raw materials, and things, tools, apparatus, products, suppliers for audiovisual communication films and products, image and document production and copying and information gathering recording, handling, storing, retrieval products to carry on business by making or providing applications for such equipments, apparatus, accessories, products, machineries, supplies and by providing services and processes relating to photography, audio-visual communication, image and document production and copying and information gathering, recording, handling, storing and retrieval.
- To manufacture, prepare, import, export, buy, sell and otherwise deal in all kinds of glass, glassware, mirrors, looking glass, scientific glass sheet and plate glass, bangles, flase pears, bottles and all kinds of articles prepared of glass and carry on the business or glass patent solvers, glass embosser, acclesisatical lead worker, glass tabler, show card and show case manufacturers.
- To carry on the business as refrigerating engineers, cold storage depots and to engage in cold storage trade, and to do the business of sanitary engineers and dealers of all varieties of sanitary–ware and exploiting solar or other energy in commercial or domestic use.
- To carry on the business as manufacturers, producers, dealers, traders, importers, exporters, stockists, distributors, or agents or GLS lamps, electric bulbs, lamps or tubes required or used for lighting or for industrial, domestic, electronics, transport vehicles of commercial purpose and glass shells, fittings, tubes, filaments, tungsten and molybdenum wires, caps and other materials, machineries, accessories and spares required or used for manufacture of bulbs, lamps or tubes.
- To acquire or set up and run hospitals, clinics, nursing homes, maternity and family planning units or pathological laboratories.
- To carry on business as producers, manufacturers, processors, converters, refiners, makers, bottlers, stockists, dealers, importers, exporters, traders, retailers, agents, buyers or sellers, of oxygen, acetylene, amonia, nitrogen hydrogen, coal gas, natural gas, helium and other types and kinds of gases mineral oil, motor and aviation spirit, diesel oil, kerosene, diverse hydrocarbon oils and their blends including synthetic fuels and lubricating oils required for or used in industries, agriculture, clinics, hospitals, refrigeration , aviation, transport vehicles space rockets and crafts, communication, object and media reactors, power plants, domestic, or public lighting, heating , cooling, purposes, lighters, plants, producing water, chemicals, or fuels, pesticides, defense or warfare, establishments, horticulture, forest or plant protection and growth and other allied purpose and to service, repair, manufacture, market or deal in machinery, plants spares , cylinders, containers, gadgets, appliance, and accessories for working on using or producing any of such gases, oils and products.
- To carry on business as exporters, importers, manufacturers, producers, processors, printers, bleachers, combers, spinners, weavers, dyers, finishers, dealers, merchants, agents, in the various kinds and forms of yarn and fabrics of silk, cotton, wool, flax, jute, hemp, mohair, linen, rayon, nylon, terelyne and natural synthetics and other allied Textiles of any description and kid and to carry on the business as drapers and dealers of furnishing fabrics, and also in connected materials like starch, sizing materials and dye stuff.
- To carry on and undertake the business of hirepurchase, leasing and to finance lease operations of all kinds, purchasing, selling, hiring, or letting or hire all kinds of plant, machinery, equipment and vehicles and to assist in financing all and every kind and description of hire purchase or deferred payment or similar transactions and to subsidies, finance or assist in subsiding or financing the sale and maintenance of any goods, article or commodities of all and every kind and description upon any terms whatsoever and to purchase or otherwise deal in all forms of immovable and movable property including land and building, plant and machinery, equipments, ships, aircrafts, automobiles, computers, electronics data processors, tabulators, air conditioners, medical equipment, domestic equipment / appliances and all consumer, commercial and industrial items and to lease or otherwise deal with them in any manner whatsoever including resale thereof, regardless of whether the property purchased and leased to be new and / or used from India or from any part of the world and to provide leasing advisory / counseling services. The company shall not carry on any business which is prohibited under the banking Regulation Act, 1949 and Prize Chit and money circulation Scheme (Banning) Act, 1978.
- To produce, manufacture, refine, prepare, import, export, purchase, sell, treat and generally to deal in all kinds of glass and glassware, ceramics, sanitaryware, ceramic ware, industrial ware, porous or coarse earthware, stoneware, china, terracotta, porcelain products, bricks, fire bricks, fire clay, insulation bricks, tiles, pottery, pipes, insulators, refractories of all description and / or by-products thereof and building material in general, and in connection therewith, either as principle or agents, either solely or in partnership with others, to take on lease or acquire, erect, construct, establish, operate and maintain, ceramics, pottery industries, factories, quarries, mines, collieries, workshops and other works.
- To carry on all or any of the business of buyers, sellers, suppliers, traders, merchants, importers, exporters, indentors, brokers, agents, assemblers, packers, stockists, distributors, and dealers of and in all kinds of agricultural produces, food articles, forest’s products, beverages, edible and non- edible oils and facts, soap silicate, perfume, chemicals, and detergents of all kinds, commercial, natural and manmade fibres, textiles of all kinds, all types of yarn, jute and jute products.
- To design, erect, fabricate, process, hire out, buy, sell, prepare, process, manufacture, assemble, fabricate, cast fit, press, machine, treat, weld harden, temper, annal domestic, electrical and industrial appliances, fans, motors, equipments, plants, machineries, moulds, accessories, components, spare parts, tools and implements.
- To manufacture, produce, export, import, buy, sell and deal in vanaspati oil, foodgrains, seeds and their articles, produce and merchandise of all kinds and description either ready or for forward delivery.
- To purchase, manufacture, produce, refine, prepare, import, export, sell and to deal in sugar, sugarbeets, sugar-cane, molasses, syrups, jaggery, melada and all products or by-products, thereof and food products and in connection therewith to acquire, construct and operate sugar or other refineries, buildings, mills, factories and other works.
- To carry on the trade, industry, business, occupation and profession of architects, engineers, builders. Contractors, electricals, sanitary and plumbing engineers, and contractors, flooring contractors, and general builders, furnishers, decorators, and contractors in all its branches.
- To carry on the business as manufacturers and dealers in hardware, iron and structural goods of all kinds and in particular, T-irons, beams, angles, washers, railings, collapsible gates, stairs, columns, metal doors and windows and other building material including all kinds of ferrous and non-ferrous metal products, machinery spares and parts and stores of any description required for building constructions.
- To carry on business as manufacturers of and dealers in any manner and all types of raw materials and products of plastics, thermoplastics, nylon, polythene laminating materials, laminated paper and board.
- To carry on business as general, commercial, colorcrafts and process printers, painters, lithographers, engravers, diemakers, publishers of newspaper, books, magazines, art and musical productions, plan and chart printers, press and advertising agents, contractors, ink, dye, colour and chemicals manufacturers, manufactures of metal and other signs, manufacturers and dealers of containers and components and machinery manufacturers, and dealers in printing machinery, types and all printers, supplies, book binders and stationers and dealers in all kinds of supplies and equipment for mercantile and other uses.
- To carry on the business as importers, exporters, manufacturers and distributors of agents for and dealers in salt and salt based chemicals, Petro-chemicals organic, inorganic and organametallic chemicals including rubber chemicals, leather chemical, synthetic chemicals, industrial explosives and chemical products of every nature and descriptions
- To act as consultants and to provide management, financial, technical, engineering, industrial, administrative, advisory, commercial, accountancy, quality control, legal, taxation, electronic data processing, computer and other consultancy services, to undertake and execute design engineering and technical work for projects, to prepare and implement project and feasibility report and to take up contracts and jobs on Turnkeys basis or otherwise. To act as brokers, negotiators with bank, financial institution and others for arranging loans and underwriting of shares and debentures and to undertake and carry out promotion and formation of companies, firms, associations, trust and run and manage them for others and on own account and to assist in selection, recruitment and hiring or personnel.
- To acquire landed properties, buildings, multistoreyed buildings, group housing scheme, bungalows, quarters, offices, flats, chawls, warehouse, godowns, shops, stalls, markets, supermarkets, houses, structures, undertakings, roads, bridges, forests, estates and land by way of purchase take on lease or otherwise own, hold, occupy, manage control, construct, alter, develop, pull down, improve, repair, renovate, decorate, work, build, plan, lay out and to sell, let out, transfer, mortgage, charge, assign, hire sub-lease, or otherwise dispose of the same as may be expedient specially under ownership flats scheme or some other schemes.
- To carry on the business of consultants and advisor and to provide and tender all types of services rendered by consulting engineers, technicians and experts and to undertake techno-economical survey, economic feasibility reports, projects reports and design and developments of new products to assist in selection of technology process, know-how to carry out laboratory test and trials and provide Turnkey engineering services.
- To manufacture, import, assemble, develop, invent otherwise deal in Audio / Video systems, electronic typewriters, computers, computers software, floppy diskettes, printers ribbon, paper, magnetic tapes, cassettes and other allied, materials, computer data processing machine, computer printers, computer publication systems computer peripherals, accessories and their services.
- To establish provide, perform systems, engineering services, related technical and consultancy services, import technical know-how in the field of computers develop technical expertise for providing technological and technical know-how.
- To manufacture, import, assemble, develop, invent and otherwise deal in all kinds of electrical and
electronics systems, equipments, appliances, components and accessories thereof, suitable for commercial, industrial medical, scientific and consumer purpose.
- To carry on the business of planters, Growers and cultivation or rubber, coffee and all other plantation activities.
- To arrange for imparting education and / or training to the trainees in the workshops, factories, mills or other organisations in any part of India in such line or lines and / or branch or branches and / or industry or industries and / or where trainees may have full scope for the purpose of extending their technical and managerial skill and gaining practical knowledge in particular in branches or industries on such terms and conditions as the Association may deem fit and proper and to lend or make available the services to such technicians and experts who will be trained by the association and / or others to such factories, establishments, mill workshop who are or will be in need of services in the discretion of the Association may think fir and proper.
- To manage, administer own and to carry on the business of running hotels, motels, holiday camps, guest houses, restaurants, canteens, caterers, cafes, taverns, pubs, bars, beerhouses, refreshment room, and lodging or apartments, housekeepers, night clubs, casinos, discotheques, swimming pools, health clubs, baths, dressing rooms, licensed victuallers, wine beer and spirit merchants, exporters, importers and manufacturers of areated, mineral and artificial waters and other drinks, purveyors, caterers for public amusement generally.
- To carry on business as tourist agents and contractors and to facilitate travelling and to provide for tourists and travellers, or promote the provisions of conveniences of all kinds in the way of through tickets, circular tickets, slipping cars or berths, reserved places, hotel and boarding and/ or lodging accommodation and guides, safe deposits, enquiry bureau, libraries, resting rooms, baggage transport and otherwise and to charter steamships and aeroplanes for fixed periods or for particular voyages and flights and to organise religious, educational sightseeing and business tours and for the purpose of charter ships, trains, aeroplanes, minibuses, motor buses, motor lorries, motor cars, wagons carts and carriages of every description, to book and reserve accommodation and rooms in hotels, restaurants and boarding and or lodgging houses and to take on hire houses or unfurnished.
- To lend money and negotiate loans and to draw, accept endorse, discount, buy sell and deal in Bills of Exchange, promissory Notes, Bonds, Debentures, Hundies, Coupons, and other negotiable instruments and Securities and or issue on commission, subscribe for purchase, take, acquire and hold, sell, exchange and deal in any other Company and to carry on in all their respective branches the business of hire-purchase, housing general finance investment Trust, legal and life insurance trust.
- To purchase or otherwise acquire, maintain, sell and give on lease all kinds of plant, machinery, motor vehicles, marine engines, marine boars, trawlers, launches, ships, vessels, barges, hotel equipments, medical equipments, air-conditioners, air-conditioning plants, equipments, office equipments, computers, photo copying machines, cold storages, ice-cream manufacturing machinery, furniture and fixtures, televisions, electronic equipments, lifts aircrafts, helicopters, household equipments and appliances or any other equipments or assets that the Company may think fit.
To manufacture, produce, process, make, repair, assemble, import, export, trade, buy, sell whether as retailers, wholesalers, suppliers, indenters, packers, preservers, stockists, agents, subagents, merchants, distributors, consignors, jobbers, brokers or otherwise deal in office equipments, apparatuses, tools, instruments, devices, systems, implements, articles, machines including accounting machines, typewriters, computers, filing cabinets, air conditioners, refrigerators, coolers, postage franking machines, ticket issuing machines, hectograph or stencil duplicating machines, addressing machines, bank note dispensers, coin sorting machines, coin counting or wrapping machines, calculating devices and all kinds of machines or equipments used in an office whether automatic, semiautomatic, manual, electrical, electronic or mechanical and parts, components and accessories used in any of the aforesaid machinery or other office equipments.
To carry on business as secretaries, business and office managers, messengers, switchboard operators, couriers, forwarding agents and commercial agents, to provide telephone answering service for subscribers and others, and to provide service in connection with the reception and transmission of messages, documents and information by telephone, telex, air and surface mail, radio or any other means.
- To apply for and acquire by purchase, lease, hire or licence, exchange or otherwise petroleum, mineral rights, grants, concessions, lease, licences, claims, permits, wells or other interests in petroleum and mineral rights, mines and mining rights and to prospect, explore, survey, open, work, test, develop, exercise and turn to account, any petroleum, mineral, oil or natural gas permits, licence, leases, rights, authorities, holdings, tenements, claims or concessions or other similar rights or privileges from time to time in the possession of the company or to which or in which the company has any rights or interests.
- To explore, extract, excavate, procure, produce, pump, refine, purify, store, research, prepare, promote, prospect, process, grade, split, remove, amalgamate, barter, convert, clean, commercialize, compound, distribute, discover, handle, import, export, buy, sell, market, organize, manage, protect, provide, vapourise, condense, concentrate, dilute, mix and to act as agent, broker, stockist, C & F agent, transporter, consultant, engineering, contractor, adviser, jobworker, export house or otherwise to deal in all sorts of crude & refined petroleum oils, natural gases, oleaginous & saponaceous substances, ores, coals, minerals, metals, earthy mineral oils, their products, byproducts, residues, ingredients, derivatives, formulations, blends, mixtures, goods & materials.
- To construct, carry out, maintain, improve, manage, work, control, superintend, aid in, subscribe towards, purchase or otherwise acquire or dispose of any aerodromes, heliports, roads, railway, bridges, pumps, stations, pipelines, reservoirs, storage facilities for petroleum products of all types, watercourses, aqueducts, wharves, furnace, mills, crushing works, supply works, retorts, gas absorption plants, compressors, laboratories, dwelling houses for workmen and others, refiners, factories, warehouses, offices, shops and other works which are necessary or incidental to any of the objects of the company.
- To maintain drilling machines and use the same for drilling and carry on the business of extracting, pumping, drawing, transporting and purifying and dealing in water, petroleum and other mineral oils.
- To establish, extract, build, construct, own, maintain and run oil mills, hydrogenating and oxygenating plants, and to produce, process, prepare, crush, refine, blend, filter, deodorize, clean ,recover, mix, convert, purify, grade, compound, derive, excavate and extract all kinds of vegetable oils, crude oils, refined oils, deodorized oils, hydrogenated oils, rice bran oil, deoiled cakes, cattle and poultry feed.
- To extract oil from oil cakes, soyabeen and rice bran.
- To buy, sell, manufacture, refine, prepare and deal in oils, oleaginous and saponaceous products and byproducts or ingredients thereof.
- To carry on the business of manufacture, purchase, sell and deal in proteins and protein food.
- To act as dealers, wholesalers, retailers, stockists, commission agents, representatives, selling agents, purchasing agent, distributors, brokers, exporters, importers of soyabean, ground nut, sesame seeds, all other oil seeds, edible and non edible oils, vanaspati, oil cakes, proteins and protein foods, other substances or residue or byproducts of all goods aforesaid.
- To manufacture, import, export, purchase, sell, deal, store, preserve, process, prepare, manufacture, refine, mix, finish, pack, repack and market or to act as commission agents of various products related to or associated with various types of oils, both edible and non edible, originating from renewable, marine or any other resources such as splitting of fats, fatty acids, fatty alcohol, soaps, detergents, margarine, distillations, vanaspati and other hydrogenated oil products, industrial hardoils, esters, ammonias, detergent oil, essential oils and other allied fluids, wax and grease, glycerine and glycerine based or other allied products.
- To set up, establish, carry on business, purchase, sell, deal, import, export, store, preserve, prepare, process, manufacture, crush, refine, mix, finish, pack and repack, market or to act as commission agents, brokers, and consultants of the various products, byproducts and joint products based on, related to, and/or associated with various types of oil bearing raw materials and oil bearing seeds and cakes, deoiled cakes, cattle feed, edible such as rice bran, sal seed, neem seed, groundnut, ground nut cake, soyabean, sunflower etc. either by solvent extraction process or any other convenient and economic process, either existing or that might be devised in future.
- To set up, establish, and to carry on the culture of various types of seeds and other materials likely to produce oil by undertaking all the necessary incidental and allied operations on the land owned or otherwise belonging to the company and also to provide for development and improvement thereof, by research or by acquiring technology either existing or that might be devised in future from any sources.
- To manufacture, produce, process, convert, commercialize, control, compound, develop, distribute, derive, excavate, grade, release, manipulate, prepare, promote, reclaim, supply, import, export, buy, sell, turn to account and to act as agent, broker, consultant, collaborator, jobworker or otherwise to deal in all specifications, descriptions, characteristics and applications of petroleum and industrial oils including mineral oils, furnace oils, high speed diesel oils, liquid paraffin & white oils, solvent oils, transformer oils, lubricating oils, light oils, mineral, turpentine oils, vaporising oils, hydrocarbon oils, mineral coal oils, household oils, base mineral oils, petroleum oils, brake oils, engine oils, gear oils, bituminous mineral oils, creosote oils, anthracene oils, their residues, derivatives, compounds, products, byproducts, mixtures, blends and other allied materials.
- To carry on business as manufacturers, producers, processors, makers, refiners, importers, exporters, traders, buyers, sellers or otherwise deal in petroleum and petroleum products including wax, paraffin, soap, paint, varnish, lubricants, oil cloth, candles, glycerine, etc.
- To carry on all or any of the business of manufacturers, producers, processors, packers, refiners, exporters, buyers, sellers, agents, merchants and dealers in all kinds of vegetable oil seeds including cotton seeds, groundnut, soyabean, neem, sarsoon, tarameera, mahua, coffee, rice bran, sesame seeds, all other oil seeds, edible and non edible oils, vanaspati, oil cakes, proteins and protein foods, other substances or residue or by products of all goods aforesaid and their various products like vegetable oil (refined, semi refined or crude), oil cakes, deoiled cakes and hydrogenated oils, cotton lints, hulls, husk, cattle and poultry feed and farm manures.
- To carry on the business of extraction of oil by mechanical, electrical and/or chemical means, from all kinds or types of commodities, viz., rice bran and all kinds of oil bearing seeds and nuts and deal in crude oil, refined oil, perfumed and all other types of oils and extracting by products thereof.
- To establish, extract, build, construct, own, maintain and run oil mills, hydrogenating and oxygenating plants, and to produce, process, prepare, crush, refine, blend, filter, deodorize, clean ,recover, mix, convert, purify, grade, compound, derive, excavate and extract all kinds of vegetable oils, crude oils, refined oils, deodorized oils, hydrogenated oils, rice bran oil, deoiled cakes, cattle and poultry feed.
- To extract oil from oil cakes, soyabeen and rice bran.
- To buy, sell, manufacture, refine, prepare and deal in oils, oleaginous and saponaceous products and by products or ingredients thereof.
- To carry on the business of manufacture, purchase, sell and deal in proteins and protein food.
- To act as dealers, wholesalers, retailers, stockists, commission agents, representatives, selling agents, purchasing agent, distributors, brokers, exporters, importers of soyabean, ground nut, sesame seeds, all other oil seeds, edible and non edible oils, vanaspati, oil cakes, proteins and protein foods, other substances or residue or by products of all goods aforesaid.
- To manufacture, produce, process, convert, commercialize, control, compound, develop, distribute, derive, excavate, grade, release, manipulate, prepare, promote, reclaim, supply, import, export, buy, sell, turn to account and to act as agent, broker, consultant, collaborator, jobworker or otherwise to deal in all kinds of fuel and other oils, petroleum of every kind and the business of refiners of such oils and oil accessories required for petroleum and the manufacture of lubricating oils and accessories required for the equipments and operation of the oil wells and refineries and to deal in the byproducts of petroleum and lubricating oils.
- To carry on business as manufacturers, producers, processors, makers, refiners, importers, exporters, traders, buyers, sellers or otherwise deal in petroleum and petroleum products including wax, paraffin, soap, paint, varnish, lubricants, oil cloth, candles, glycerine, etc.
- To establish, extract, build, construct, own, maintain and run oil mills, hydrogenating and oxygenating plants, and to produce, process, prepare, crush, refine, blend, filter, deodorize, clean ,recover, mix, convert, purify, grade, compound, derive, excavate and extract all kinds of vegetable oils, crude oils, refined oils, deodorized oils, hydrogenated oils, rice bran oil, deoiled cakes, cattle and poultry feed.
- To extract oil from oil cakes, soyabeen and rice bran.
- To buy, sell, manufacture, refine, prepare and deal in oils, oleaginous and saponaceous products and byproducts or ingredients thereof.
- To carry on the business of manufacture, purchase, sell and deal in proteins and protein food.
- To act as dealers, wholesalers, retailers, stockists, commission agents, representatives, selling agents, purchasing agent, distributors, brokers, exporters, importers of soyabean, ground nut, sesame seeds, all other oil seeds, edible and non edible oils, vanaspati, oil cakes, proteins and protein foods, other substances or residue or byproducts of all goods aforesaid.
- To apply for and acquire by purchase, lease, hire or licence, exchange or otherwise petroleum, mineral rights, grants, concessions, lease, licences, claims, permits, wells or other interests in petroleum and mineral rights, mines and mining rights and to prospect, explore, survey, open, work, test, develop, exercise and turn to account, any petroleum, mineral, oil or natural gas permits, licence, leases, rights, authorities, holdings, tenements, claims or concessions or other similar rights or privileges from time to time in the possession of the company or to which or in which the company has any rights or interests.
- To explore, extract, excavate, procure, produce, pump, refine, purify, store, research, prepare, promote, prospect, process, grade, split, remove, amalgamate, barter, convert, clean, commercialize, compound, distribute, discover, handle, import, export, buy, sell, market, organize, manage, protect, provide, vapourise, condense, concentrate, dilute, mix and to act as agent, broker, stockist, C & F agent, transporter, consultant, engineering, contractor, adviser, jobworker, export house or otherwise to deal in all sorts of crude & refined petroleum oils, natural gases, oleaginous & saponaceous substances, ores, coals, minerals, metals, earthy mineral oils, their products, byproducts, residues, ingredients, derivatives, formulations, blends, mixtures, goods & materials.
- To construct, carry out, maintain, improve, manage, work, control, superintend, aid in, subscribe towards, purchase or otherwise acquire or dispose of any aerodromes, heliports, roads, railway, bridges, pumps, stations, pipelines, reservoirs, storage facilities for petroleum products of all types, watercourses, aqueducts, wharves, furnace, mills, crushing works, supply works, retorts, gas absorption plants, compressors, laboratories, dwelling houses for workmen and others, refiners, factories, warehouses, offices, shops and other works which are necessary or incidental to any of the objects of the company.
- To maintain drilling machines and use the same for drilling and carry on the business of extracting, pumping, drawing, transporting and purifying and dealing in water, petroleum and other mineral oils.
- To establish, set up, organize, maintain, support, and host online education portals, , Individual Web Sites, Instant Messaging services, Internet Applications, Internet Business applications, Mobile Internet applications and services, running & managing/maintaining servers, Web Browsers, Web Design development, Web Site Promotion, Webmasters.
- To undertake and provide teaching and training through Internet and related services, systems, technology, information and software development services and products, including hardware’s, to any person through agents, franchise, by any available means, in India or abroad including value added services such as interactive, Television, Internet, E-Mail, V-Sat, Telephony, Video Shopping, Entertainment, Infotainment, Teleshopping, E-Commerce, Games, Data Transmission, Computer networking, Video conferencing etc. and to establish links via. Satellite uplink and downlink through available reception systems.
- To carry on business as manufacturers, producers, designers, importers, exporters, traders, buyers, sellers, indenters, agents, subagents, repairers, cleaners or otherwise deal in and operate all types of aeroplanes, seaplanes, flying boats, hovercraft, helicopters, and other craft or conveyances appropriate for the carriage of passengers, freight and mails by air and all or any parts, equipments, engines, machinery and plant relating thereto and to carry out and conduct any tests, experiments, research or development necessary or expedient for such purpose.
- To carry on the business of chartering aircraft, helicopters and allied air vehicles in scheduled and unscheduled manner to institutions, concerns, body corporates, associations (incorporated or unincorporated), Governments, public and local bodies and authorities, societies and trusts and persons in India and outside and to undertake and operate air service and air taxi operations subject to the permission and control of appropriate Government and their agencies as may be required.
- To purchase, take on lease, hire, take licences of, or otherwise acquire or sell, let out, or otherwise give any exclusive or other right or interest in aerodromes, landing grounds, airports, helipads, land and sea planes bases, hangers, machine shops, engineering shops, sheds for servicing, maintaining, and landing all kinds of aircraft in any part of the world and to obtain and hold from any state, sovereign, government, or semi governmental authority, any licences, authorities or rights necessary or convenient for such purpose.
- To manufacture, deal in, recondition and service aircraft and other apparatuses of every description capable of being flown or navigated in the air, whether powered or not and to deal in their components, parts, accessories, fittings, equipments, instruments, systems, devices, consumables and other allied products thereof.
- To carry on the business of travel agents, tour operators, general carriers, forwarding agents, packers and movers, air transporters, aerial surveyors.
- To carry on the business of farming in all its branches, horticulture, floriculture, sericulture, dairies, cultivators of all kinds of food grains, seeds, fruits, proprietors of orchards and traders, exporters, dealers and sellers of the products of farming, dairy, horticulture, floriculture, sericulture and pisciculture and fishing and manufacturers of drinks, alcoholic or otherwise, including beverages produced from such products or otherwise.
- To carry on the business of cultivators, growers, manufacturers, millers, grinders, rollers, processors, canners, and preservers, dealers of food grains and other agricultural, dairy, horticulture and poultry products, fruits, vegetables, herbs, medicines, flowers, drinks, fluids, gas and other fresh and preservable products and to extract by products and derivatives whether edibles, pharmaceutical, medicines or any other kind or nature whatsoever, food preparations of every kind and description and generally to carry on the business of manufacture of and dealers in preserved, dehydrated, canned or converted agricultural products, fruits and vegetables, provisions, foods, dairy and poultry products and articles and other derivatives of all kinds and descriptions and to set up and run machinery for processing and preserving the same.
- To cultivate, grow, produce or deal in any agriculture, vegetable or fruit products, and to carry on all or any of business of farmers, dairymen, milk contractors, dairy farmers, dairymen, millers, surveyors, and vendors of milk products, condensed milk and powdered milk, cream, ghee, cheese, butter, poultry, fruits, vegetables, cash crops and provisions of all kinds, growers of and dealers in cornbay and straw, seedsman and nurserymen and to buy, sell, manufacture and trade in any goods usually traded in by any of the above business or any other business inclusive of staple foods and medicinal preparations from milk, vegetables and animal products.
- To manage, improve, farm, cultivate, acquire, lease, underlet, exchange, purchase, sell or otherwise deal with or dispose of agricultural land and generally to carry on the business of dairy farming, fruit farming, livestock and poultry breeders, timber growers, horticulturists, seeds merchants, processors of agricultural produce and advisers on problem relating to the administration, organization and working of farms.
- To carry on the business of forest contractors and to grow, raise, produce, plant, cultivate, buy, import, export, sell, trade and deal in all kinds of forest produce, vegetation, timber, wood, stalk, twigs, leaves, fruits, trees, shrubs, plants, sprouts, vines, seeds, roots, fruits, herbs and flowers of all kinds and description and manufacture, process and produce sealing wax, oils, laminated sheets, paper, pulp, plywood and hardboard, newsprint and card board of different varieties.
- To carry on the business of cultivation of fruits and vegetables or produce of the soil or products of agriculture and to prepare, work out, manufacture, crush, render marketable fruits, plants, seeds, grain and produce of all kinds and to sell, dispose of or deal in fruits, seeds, grains and all other agricultural produces such as grapes, oranges, apples, mangoes, proprietors of orchards, traders, exporters, dealers, processors, preservers and seller of the products of such farming, horticulture, sericulture, seeds and cultivation and manufacturers of drinks including beverages produced from such products or otherwise.
To carry on by postal sales and otherwise the business of general merchants, factors and dealers, and to carry on business as manufacturers, producers, processors, makers, inventors, convertors, importers, exporters, traders, buyers, sellers, suppliers, indenters, packers, movers, stockists, agents, sub agents, mer chants, distributors, consignors, jobbers, brokers, concessionaires or otherwise deal in all commodities of all kinds.
- To carry on the business of manufacturing, processing, preparing, formulating, exporting and importing, buying and selling and dealing in organic chemicals such as fats, organic acids, poly oils etc., from oil seeds of any description or any of them and all its by products, and products to be made therefrom.
- To extract oil from oil cake and oil seeds and carry out process of refinement and conversion of oil, to manufacture all types of soaps and all sorts of by products, including manufacture of steric acid and glycerine.
- To purchase, sell, import and export, or carry on the business of manufacture of all kinds of chemicals and compounds and preparations therefrom, dye stuffs, and bleaching materials, glue, resin, cellulose, spirits, turpentine, soap, salt, oil, caustic soda, clay and other materials used in the manufacture or treatment of pulp, paper and board.
- To take on lease or otherwise acquire any lands, forests, timber land and estates of every description and any right in, over or connected with the land, to develop the resources of the Company, in particular by clearing, draining, fencing, planting, cultivating, building, improving, farming, irrigating, gazing and by promoting immigration and emigration and the establishment of villages and settlements.
- To publish any kind of information on Internet, a global computer network or otherwise, compiled and updated by the Company or any other person, for commercial purposes or otherwise, set up and/or give or take on lease/hire appropriate systems and technology to render these services to any person, including inviting subscriptions, advertisements from any persons, through agents, franchise, by any available means in India or abroad.
- To undertake and provide Internet related services, systems, technology, information and software development services and products, including hardware’s, to any person through agents, franchise, by any available means, in India or abroad including value added services such as interactive, Television, Internet, E-Mail, V-Sat, Telephony, Video Shopping, Entertainment, Infotainment, Teleshopping, E-Commerce, Games, Data Transmission, Computer networking, Video conferencing etc. and to establish links via. Satellite uplink and downlink through available reception systems.
- To manufacture all kinds of electrical conductors and insulated wires for power generator, transmission and distribution, to manufacture, deal, trade, export and import machines and plants, equipments and accessories for manufacture of electrical conductors and transformers, insulated wire and electrical equipment and to do all kinds of business, all varieties of electrical conductors, and transformers, insulated wire and electrical equipment and to all kinds of business, all varieties of electrical conductors, cables insulated wires and other equipments and to carry on in India or elsewhere the business of mechanical engineers, iron masters and manufacturers, processors, fabricators, drawers, rollers and refoller of steel and non-ferrous metals, shaftings, bars, flats, squares from scrap billets and ingots.
- To manufacture, produce, buy, sell, import, export, stock, deal in machine tools, grinding machines, automatic latches, drilling machines, planning machines, planogrinders, machineries of every description, precision tools, cutting and small tolls electric motors, electrical equipments, cables, wires, switch gears, flame and drip proof motors, electric fans, regulators of all types, electric kilowatt hour meters magnets, industrial jewels, meters, voltmeters, and other types of measuring instruments, electrical, non-electrical, die-castings, screws, nuts and bolts, transformers of all types, circuit breakers hoists, elevators, gears, trolleys, and coaches, winches, aircompressors, welders, refrigerators, domestic washing machines, television and radio receivers and transmitters, micro wave components, radar equipments, valves, resistors, electronic instruments, conductors, materials, transistors and allied items, sewing machines, watches and clocks, tape recorders, household appliances and component part thereof.
- To carry on the business as forwarding agents, representatives of manufacturers, sale and marketing organisors, underwriters, and insurance agents and to carry on the business or trade of stores suppliers, consultants, company promoters, landed proprietors, builders, contractors, and supplier of goods to government and other public and private bodies, shroffs, department store operators, publishers, guarantee brokers, carried by land and water, charter parties newspaper owners, wharfingers, warehousemen, marine, fire and other insurers, maccadums and brokers and for this purpose to appoint and remunerate any Directors, accountants, experts or agents.
- To provide technical know-how in India and abroad which is likely to assist in the manufacture of the goods or the processing of materials or in the installation or erection of plant or machinery for such manufacture processing including providing technological design, installation and erection information and to render engineering, technical management and various types of skilled and other services to all types of business and industry or other organisation.
- To grow, cultivate, produce, buy, sell, manufacture, treat, blend, render marketable and transport whether in bulk or in packeted or concentrated forms tea, coffee, cocoa or any other beverages, all varieties of food and products, plantation crops, orchard crops, cereals, vegetables, spices, essential oils, aromatic substances, rubber, forestry products and other produce of the soil, whether of spontaneous growth or not.
- To carry on business as manufacturers, producers, dealers, processors, importers, exporters, stockists, agents, brokers, traders, retailers, of all kinds of paper including writing, printing, rapping and tissues, newsprint, paper for packing including corrugated and craft paper, synthetic papers, all kinds of boards including paper and straw board and all kinds of pulp whether mechanical or chemical including dissolving pulp.
- To produce, manufacture, refine, prepare, process, import, export, purchase, sell and generally deal in cement, portland cement, white/coloured cement, alumina, cement pipes, fittings, sheets, asbestos cement pipes and their fitting, asbestos cement sheets, any other types of reinforced pipe fittings, sheets, boards, tanks, reinforced structural parts, blocks, tanks, bricks, stones, blocks marble, granite slabs, stone slabs of all type, cement titles, ceramic tiles, tiles of any other variety made out of any natural or synthetic material or wood or metal or any material and all other type of building materials used in construction.
- To manufacture, process, import, export an deal in natural and synthetic resins, plastics, rubber, moulding powders, adhesives, paints, chemicals, nylon, polythene, poly-proplene, poly urethene, laminating materials, colours, varnishes, enamels and spirit in all its branches, raw materials for any of these products, and any materials produced out of these products.
- To manufacture, produce, refine, prepare, purchase stores, sell and to trade and deal petroleum and all kinds of mineral oils and all products and by-products thereof, including wax, paraffin, soap, paints, lubricants, illuminant and butter substitute, oil cloth, candles, glycerine, stearing and in connection therewith to acquire, construct, repair, operate and use oil and other refineries, buildings, mills, factories, oil well derrick, distilleries, ghanies, rotaries, expellers, mechanical or hydraulic press.
- To carry on business as timber merchants, saw-mill proprietors and timbers growers and to buy, sell, grow, prepare for market, manipulate, import, export, and deal in timber and wood of all kinds and to manufacture and deal in veneer products, for tea chests, packing cases and commercial boards, decorative veneer, laminated boards, composite boards, pressed boards, hard boards, chip boards, bent wood, moulded wood and articles of all kind made of timber wood.
- To deal in, purchase, sell, import, export or supply and to act as export house, principals, dealers, agents, subagents, manufacturers, representatives, for leather and leather goods, gloves, wallets, bags, zippers, oil components, fibers, fibrous goods, garments, metalware, electronic items, spare parts, appliances, machinery equipments, jewellery, handicrafts, ivory, antiques and art of objects.
- To carry on the business as manufacturers of, dealers in hires, repairers, cleaners, runners, characters, stores, and warehouses of earthmoving and agricultural machines, motorcycles, cars, motors, scooters, cycles, tractors, trucks, three wheelers, bicycles, ships and carriage, lifts forklifts and handling equipments, launches, boats, vans, aeroplanes, helicopters, hydroplanes, hovercrafts and other conveyance of all descriptions.
- To cultivate, plant, bring, buy, sell, spare, convert, process, treat or manipulate in any manner of all kinds of tobacco, jute, hemp, tea, lac, coffee, rubber, vanaspati oil, sugar cane, sugar beets, dal, oilseeds, vegetable products, foodgrains, plants and all other products of the soil.
- To search, win, get, quarry, reduct, smelt, calcine, refine, dress, amalgamate, manipulate, and prepare for market ferrous and non-ferrous metal, ore, quartz, metal and mineral substance of all kinds including oil and to carry on any other prospecting, mining, and metallurgical operations and to work mines or quarries, and to search frame, getwork, process, clacine, raise, crush, smelt, manufacture, make merchantable, sell or otherwise deal in iron, coal, coat tar, stone, cement, lime, lime stone, chalk, clay, bauxite, soapstone, ores, metals, minerals oil, precious and other stones, deposites, products and all other kinds of by-products thereof and carry on the business of mining in all its branches.
- To carry on business as manufacturers, exporters, importers, dealers, stockiest, agents, distributors of batteries, cells, torches, toys, personal aide and such items and goods which may be useful, skin or otherwise connected with anyone or more of the aforesaid items of products.
- To carry on business of manufacturing, producing, processing, treating, making taking on hire or otherwise acquiring blending, formulating, packaging, selling, retailing, importing, exporting, buying, fabricating, assembling, servicing, repairing, maintaining, of all types of grades, kinds, sizes and descriptions of photographic-films, papers, chemicals, reagents, substances, equipments, instruments, accessories, machineries, raw materials, and things, tools, apparatus, products, suppliers for audiovisual communication films and products, image and document production and copying and information gathering recording, handling, storing, retrieval products to carry on business by making or providing applications for such equipments, apparatus, accessories, products, machineries, supplies and by providing services and processes relating to photography, audio-visual communication, image and document production and copying and information gathering, recording, handling, storing and retrieval.
- To manufacture, prepare, import, export, buy, sell and otherwise deal in all kinds of glass, glassware, mirrors, looking glass, scientific glass sheet and plate glass, bangles, flase pears, bottles and all kinds of articles prepared of glass and carry on the business or glass patent solvers, glass embosser, acclesisatical lead worker, glass tabler, show card and show case manufacturers.
- To carry on the business as refrigerating engineers, cold storage depots and to engage in cold storage trade, and to do the business of sanitary engineers and dealers of all varieties of sanitary–ware and exploiting solar or other energy in commercial or domestic use.
- To carry on the business as manufacturers, producers, dealers, traders, importers, exporters, stockists, distributors, or agents or GLS lamps, electric bulbs, lamps or tubes required or used for lighting or for industrial, domestic, electronics, transport vehicles of commercial purpose and glass shells, fittings, tubes, filaments, tungsten and molybdenum wires, caps and other materials, machineries, accessories and spares required or used for manufacture of bulbs, lamps or tubes.
- To acquire or set up and run hospitals, clinics, nursing homes, maternity and family planning units or pathological laboratories.
- To carry on business as producers, manufacturers, processors, converters, refiners, makers, bottlers, stockists, dealers, importers, exporters, traders, retailers, agents, buyers or sellers, of oxygen, acetylene, amonia, nitrogen hydrogen, coal gas, natural gas, helium and other types and kinds of gases mineral oil, motor and aviation spirit, diesel oil, kerosene, diverse hydrocarbon oils and their blends including synthetic fuels and lubricating oils required for or used in industries, agriculture, clinics, hospitals, refrigeration , aviation, transport vehicles space rockets and crafts, communication, object and media reactors, power plants, domestic, or public lighting, heating , cooling, purposes, lighters, plants, producing water, chemicals, or fuels, pesticides, defense or warfare, establishments, horticulture, forest or plant protection and growth and other allied purpose and to service, repair, manufacture, market or deal in machinery, plants spares , cylinders, containers, gadgets, appliance, and accessories for working on using or producing any of such gases, oils and products.
- To carry on business as exporters, importers, manufacturers, producers, processors, printers, bleachers, combers, spinners, weavers, dyers, finishers, dealers, merchants, agents, in the various kinds and forms of yarn and fabrics of silk, cotton, wool, flax, jute, hemp, mohair, linen, rayon, nylon, terelyne and natural synthetics and other allied Textiles of any description and kid and to carry on the business as drapers and dealers of furnishing fabrics, and also in connected materials like starch, sizing materials and dye stuff.
- To carry on and undertake the business of hirepurchase, leasing and to finance lease operations of all kinds, purchasing, selling, hiring, or letting or hire all kinds of plant, machinery, equipment and vehicles and to assist in financing all and every kind and description of hire purchase or deferred payment or similar transactions and to subsidies, finance or assist in subsiding or financing the sale and maintenance of any goods, article or commodities of all and every kind and description upon any terms whatsoever and to purchase or otherwise deal in all forms of immovable and movable property including land and building, plant and machinery, equipments, ships, aircrafts, automobiles, computers, electronics data processors, tabulators, air conditioners, medical equipment, domestic equipment / appliances and all consumer, commercial and industrial items and to lease or otherwise deal with them in any manner whatsoever including resale thereof, regardless of whether the property purchased and leased to be new and / or used from India or from any part of the world and to provide leasing advisory / counseling services. The company shall not carry on any business which is prohibited under the banking Regulation Act, 1949 and Prize Chit and money circulation Scheme (Banning) Act, 1978.
- To produce, manufacture, refine, prepare, import, export, purchase, sell, treat and generally to deal in all kinds of glass and glassware, ceramics, sanitaryware, ceramic ware, industrial ware, porous or coarse earthware, stoneware, china, terracotta, porcelain products, bricks, fire bricks, fire clay, insulation bricks, tiles, pottery, pipes, insulators, refractories of all description and / or by-products thereof and building material in general, and in connection therewith, either as principle or agents, either solely or in partnership with others, to take on lease or acquire, erect, construct, establish, operate and maintain, ceramics, pottery industries, factories, quarries, mines, collieries, workshops and other works.
- To carry on all or any of the business of buyers, sellers, suppliers, traders, merchants, importers, exporters, indentors, brokers, agents, assemblers, packers, stockists, distributors, and dealers of and in all kinds of agricultural produces, food articles, forest’s products, beverages, edible and non- edible oils and facts, soap silicate, perfume, chemicals, and detergents of all kinds, commercial, natural and manmade fibres, textiles of all kinds, all types of yarn, jute and jute products.
- To design, erect, fabricate, process, hire out, buy, sell, prepare, process, manufacture, assemble, fabricate, cast fit, press, machine, treat, weld harden, temper, annal domestic, electrical and industrial appliances, fans, motors, equipments, plants, machineries, moulds, accessories, components, spare parts, tools and implements.
- To manufacture, produce, export, import, buy, sell and deal in vanaspati oil, foodgrains, seeds and their articles, produce and merchandise of all kinds and description either ready or for forward delivery.
- To purchase, manufacture, produce, refine, prepare, import, export, sell and to deal in sugar, sugarbeets, sugar-cane, molasses, syrups, jaggery, melada and all products or by-products, thereof and food products and in connection therewith to acquire, construct and operate sugar or other refineries, buildings, mills, factories and other works.
- To carry on the trade, industry, business, occupation and profession of architects, engineers, builders. Contractors, electricals, sanitary and plumbing engineers, and contractors, flooring contractors, and general builders, furnishers, decorators, and contractors in all its branches.
- To carry on the business as manufacturers and dealers in hardware, iron and structural goods of all kinds and in particular, T-irons, beams, angles, washers, railings, collapsible gates, stairs, columns, metal doors and windows and other building material including all kinds of ferrous and non-ferrous metal products, machinery spares and parts and stores of any description required for building constructions.
- To carry on business as manufacturers of and dealers in any manner and all types of raw materials and products of plastics, thermoplastics, nylon, polythene laminating materials, laminated paper and board.
- To carry on business as general, commercial, colorcrafts and process printers, painters, lithographers, engravers, diemakers, publishers of newspaper, books, magazines, art and musical productions, plan and chart printers, press and advertising agents, contractors, ink, dye, colour and chemicals manufacturers, manufactures of metal and other signs, manufacturers and dealers of containers and components and machinery manufacturers, and dealers in printing machinery, types and all printers, supplies, book binders and stationers and dealers in all kinds of supplies and equipment for mercantile and other uses.
- To carry on the business as importers, exporters, manufacturers and distributors of agents for and dealers in salt and salt based chemicals, Petro-chemicals organic, inorganic and organametallic chemicals including rubber chemicals, leather chemical, synthetic chemicals, industrial explosives and chemical products of every nature and descriptions
- To act as consultants and to provide management, financial, technical, engineering, industrial, administrative, advisory, commercial, accountancy, quality control, legal, taxation, electronic data processing, computer and other consultancy services, to undertake and execute design engineering and technical work for projects, to prepare and implement project and feasibility report and to take up contracts and jobs on Turnkeys basis or otherwise. To act as brokers, negotiators with bank, financial institution and others for arranging loans and underwriting of shares and debentures and to undertake and carry out promotion and formation of companies, firms, associations, trust and run and manage them for others and on own account and to assist in selection, recruitment and hiring or personnel.
- To acquire landed properties, buildings, multistoreyed buildings, group housing scheme, bungalows, quarters, offices, flats, chawls, warehouse, godowns, shops, stalls, markets, supermarkets, houses, structures, undertakings, roads, bridges, forests, estates and land by way of purchase take on lease or otherwise own, hold, occupy, manage control, construct, alter, develop, pull down, improve, repair, renovate, decorate, work, build, plan, lay out and to sell, let out, transfer, mortgage, charge, assign, hire sub-lease, or otherwise dispose of the same as may be expedient specially under ownership flats scheme or some other schemes.
- To carry on the business of consultants and advisor and to provide and tender all types of services rendered by consulting engineers, technicians and experts and to undertake techno-economical survey, economic feasibility reports, projects reports and design and developments of new products to assist in selection of technology process, know-how to carry out laboratory test and trials and provide Turnkey engineering services.
- To manufacture, import, assemble, develop, invent otherwise deal in Audio / Video systems, electronic typewriters, computers, computers software, floppy diskettes, printers ribbon, paper, magnetic tapes, cassettes and other allied, materials, computer data processing machine, computer printers, computer publication systems computer peripherals, accessories and their services.
- To establish provide, perform systems, engineering services, related technical and consultancy services, import technical know-how in the field of computers develop technical expertise for providing technological and technical know-how.
- To manufacture, import, assemble, develop, invent and otherwise deal in all kinds of electrical and
electronics systems, equipments, appliances, components and accessories thereof, suitable for commercial, industrial medical, scientific and consumer purpose.
- To carry on the business of planters, Growers and cultivation or rubber, coffee and all other plantation activities.
- To arrange for imparting education and / or training to the trainees in the workshops, factories, mills or other organisations in any part of India in such line or lines and / or branch or branches and / or industry or industries and / or where trainees may have full scope for the purpose of extending their technical and managerial skill and gaining practical knowledge in particular in branches or industries on such terms and conditions as the Association may deem fit and proper and to lend or make available the services to such technicians and experts who will be trained by the association and / or others to such factories, establishments, mill workshop who are or will be in need of services in the discretion of the Association may think fir and proper.
- To manage, administer own and to carry on the business of running hotels, motels, holiday camps, guest houses, restaurants, canteens, caterers, cafes, taverns, pubs, bars, beerhouses, refreshment room, and lodging or apartments, housekeepers, night clubs, casinos, discotheques, swimming pools, health clubs, baths, dressing rooms, licensed victuallers, wine beer and spirit merchants, exporters, importers and manufacturers of areated, mineral and artificial waters and other drinks, purveyors, caterers for public amusement generally.
- To carry on business as tourist agents and contractors and to facilitate travelling and to provide for tourists and travellers, or promote the provisions of conveniences of all kinds in the way of through tickets, circular tickets, slipping cars or berths, reserved places, hotel and boarding and/ or lodging accommodation and guides, safe deposits, enquiry bureau, libraries, resting rooms, baggage transport and otherwise and to charter steamships and aeroplanes for fixed periods or for particular voyages and flights and to organise religious, educational sightseeing and business tours and for the purpose of charter ships, trains, aeroplanes, minibuses, motor buses, motor lorries, motor cars, wagons carts and carriages of every description, to book and reserve accommodation and rooms in hotels, restaurants and boarding and or lodgging houses and to take on hire houses or unfurnished.
- To lend money and negotiate loans and to draw, accept endorse, discount, buy sell and deal in Bills of Exchange, promissory Notes, Bonds, Debentures, Hundies, Coupons, and other negotiable instruments and Securities and or issue on commission, subscribe for purchase, take, acquire and hold, sell, exchange and deal in any other Company and to carry on in all their respective branches the business of hire-purchase, housing general finance investment Trust, legal and life insurance trust.
- To purchase or otherwise acquire, maintain, sell and give on lease all kinds of plant, machinery, motor vehicles, marine engines, marine boars, trawlers, launches, ships, vessels, barges, hotel equipments, medical equipments, air-conditioners, air-conditioning plants, equipments, office equipments, computers, photo copying machines, cold storages, ice-cream manufacturing machinery, furniture and fixtures, televisions, electronic equipments, lifts aircrafts, helicopters, household equipments and appliances or any other equipments or assets that the Company may think fit.
- To manufacture, produce, process, convert, commercialize, control, compound, develop, distribute, derive, excavate, grade, release, manipulate, prepare, promote, reclaim, supply, import, export, buy, sell, turn to account and to act as agent, broker, consultant, collaborator, jobworker or otherwise to deal in all kinds of fuel and other oils, petroleum of every kind and the business of refiners of such oils and oil accessories required for petroleum and the manufacture of lubricating oils and accessories required for the equipments and operation of the oil wells and refineries and to deal in the byproducts of petroleum and lubricating oils.
- To carry on business as manufacturers, producers, processors, makers, refiners, importers, exporters, traders, buyers, sellers or otherwise deal in petroleum and petroleum products including wax, paraffin, soap, paint, varnish, lubricants, oil cloth, candles, glycerine, etc.
To carry on the business in India and elsewhere in the world, of producing, manufacturing, processing, developing, marketing, importing, exporting, selling or otherwise dealing in zinc oxide, lead oxide, tin oxide, antimony oxide and metallic oxides including sulphates, chlorides, litharges and their by products, iron ore, coal, bauxite, magnesite, copper,brass and other zinc minerals,metallic ores and substances, aluminium hydroxide, magnesia, salts and combinations thereof, chemical products and all classes of oxides and other products connected therewith.
- To carry on the business as manufacturers, processors, designers, buyers, sellers, exporters, importers and otherwise dealers in all kinds of packing cases, cartons, drums, crates, cans and containers of aluminium and other materials, card board containers, corrugated containers, wooden boxes, plastic containers, polythene containers, bottles, hollow wares etc., whether made of plastic or any manmade fibre, leather, wood, plywood, thermocole, particle board, corrugated paper, craft paper, glass or of other material, including high and low density polythene, polypropylene, plastic, P.V.C. chemicals, metals and other manmade fibrous material used in manufacture of all or any of the above products and raw materials used therefore.
- To carry on the business as manufacturers of and dealer in products, articles of packaging, made from paper, board, pulp of all kinds, cellulose films, polyethylene, plastic films and metal foils and films of all kinds and other flexible or laminated materials, bags, pouches, envelopes, sheets, rolls and all kinds of flexible packings and manufacturing, fabricating, printing, treating, waxing and laminating all kinds of packing materials.
- To carry on the business of manufacturers, buyers, sellers, importers, exporters and dealers in all kinds of packing materials, containers, receptacles, boxes, cartons, cases, drums, cages, tins, bins, jars, tubes, crates, packing cases, cans, bottles, vials and fittings thereof of every kind and to manufacture and deal in paper, plastic, bakelite, celluloid, glass, wood, plywood, hardboard, strawboard and boards of all other description and any other materials whether chemically treated or not, used for the manufacture of any of the aforesaid articles.
- To carry on all or any of the business as manufacturers of and exporters, importers, buyers, sellers, transporters and dealers in drums, barrels, cans, crown, corks, boxes, tubes including collapsible tubes, containers and vessels, made of or capable of being manufactured from tin plates, stainless steel or other metal sheet, plastic, aluminium, cardboards, glass, fibrous materials and paper of all or any kinds and descriptions whatsoever and to carry the business as manufacturers, designers and decorators of and embossers, painters, printers, lithographers and draughtsmen, engravers, photographers, electrotypes, photographic printers, photo lithographers, publishers and card box makers.
To manufacture, produce, pack, repack, buy, sell, export, import, produce and deal in paints and varnishes of all kinds, colours, distemper, spirit, thinner, turpentine, oxides, zinc, primers and to deal in oils, fats, resins, dyes, chemicals and other raw materials necessary for the manufacture of paints and to manufacture and sell all kinds of finishing and coating materials, industrial finishing materials, lithographic varnishes, insulating varnishes, paints, enamels, polishers and lacquers, printing inks and accessory compounds, synthetic resins and oils, stains and colouring, inorganic and organic pigments, dyeing agents and putties.
- To carry on the business of manufacturers, buyers, sellers, importers, exporters of and dealers in all kinds and classes of paper, board and pulp including writing paper, printing paper, news printing paper, absorbent paper, wrapping paper, tissue paper, cover paper, blotting paper, filter paper, antique paper, ivory finish paper, coated paper, art paper, bank or bond paper, badami, brown or buff paper, bible paper, cartridge paper, cloth lined paper, azurelaid paper, creamlaid wove paper, glassing, waxed paper, greaseproof paper, gummed paper, handmade paper, parchment paper, drawing paper, craft paper, manila paper, envelop paper, tracing paper, vellum paper, water proof paper, carbon paper, sensitised paper, chemically treated paper, carbon paper, litmus paper, photographic paper, glass paper, emery paper, pasteboard, cardboard, straw board, pulp board, leather board, mill board, corrugated board, box board, cartons, paper bags, paper boxes, post cards, visiting cards, all other kinds of paper whatsoever, soda pulp, mechanical pulp, sulphite pulp, and all kinds of articles in the manufacture of which in any form, paper, board, or pulp is used, and also to deal in or manufacture any other articles or things of a character similar or analogous to the foregoing or any of them or connected therewith.
- To plant, cultivate, produce and raise, purchase or sell or otherwise handle or deal in grass, timber, wood, bamboo, straw, cotton, jute, flax, hemp, sugarcane, leather, asbestos, rags, waste paper, gunnies, water hyacinth, jute sticks or other fibres, fibrous substances or other things as may furnish materials for pulp and for paper or board manufacture in any of its branches or as may be proper or necessary in connection with the above objects or any of them.
- To carry on the business of manufacturers, buyers, sellers, importers, exporters of and dealers in all kinds and classes of paper, board and pulp including writing paper, printing paper, news printing paper, absorbent paper, wrapping paper, tissue paper, cover paper, blotting paper, filter paper, antique paper, ivory finish paper, coated paper, art paper, bank or bond paper, badami, brown or buff paper, bible paper, cartridge paper, cloth lined paper, azurelaid paper, creamlaid wove paper, glassing, waxed paper, greaseproof paper, gummed paper, handmade paper, parchment paper, drawing paper, craft paper, manila paper, envelop paper, tracing paper, vellum paper, water proof paper, carbon paper, sensitised paper, chemically treated paper, carbon paper, litmus paper, photographic paper, glass paper, emery paper, pasteboard, cardboard, straw board, pulp board, leather board, mill board, corrugated board, box board, cartons, paper bags, paper boxes, post cards, visiting cards, all other kinds of paper whatsoever, soda pulp, mechanical pulp, sulphite pulp, and all kinds of articles in the manufacture of which in any form, paper, board, or pulp is used, and also to deal in or manufacture any other articles or things of a character similar or analogous to the foregoing or any of them or connected therewith.
- To plant, cultivate, produce and raise, purchase or sell or otherwise handle or deal in grass, timber, wood, bamboo, straw, cotton, jute, flax, hemp, sugarcane, leather, asbestos, rags, waste paper, gunnies, water hyacinth, jute sticks or other fibres, fibrous substances or other things as may furnish materials for pulp and for paper or board manufacture in any of its branches or as may be proper or necessary in connection with the above objects or any of them.
To carry on the business as importers, exporters, buyers, sellers, manufacturers, repairers or otherwise dealers as principals or agents in all types of automatic & semiautomatic plants, machineries, instruments, equipments, apparatuses, components, systems, devices, implements of Paper Mills, Board Mills, Card Board/Hard Board Mills, Corrugated Board Mills, as well as their spare parts, components and accessories or any other type of machinery.
- To carry on the business of manufacturers, buyers, sellers, importers, exporters of and dealers in all kinds and classes of paper, board and pulp including writing paper, printing paper, news printing paper, absorbent paper, wrapping paper, tissue paper, cover paper, blotting paper, filter paper, antique paper, ivory finish paper, coated paper, art paper, bank or bond paper, badami, brown or buff paper, bible paper, cartridge paper, cloth lined paper, azurelaid paper, creamlaid wove paper, glassing, waxed paper, greaseproof paper, gummed paper, handmade paper, parchment paper, drawing paper, craft paper, manila paper, envelop paper, tracing paper, vellum paper, water proof paper, carbon paper, sensitised paper, chemically treated paper, carbon paper, litmus paper, photographic paper, glass paper, emery paper, pasteboard, cardboard, straw board, pulp board, leather board, mill board, corrugated board, box board, cartons, paper bags, paper boxes, post cards, visiting cards, all other kinds of paper whatsoever, soda pulp, mechanical pulp, sulphite pulp, and all kinds of articles in the manufacture of which in any form, paper, board, or pulp is used, and also to deal in or manufacture any other articles or things of a character similar or analogous to the foregoing or any of them or connected therewith.
- To plant, cultivate, produce and raise, purchase or sell or otherwise handle or deal in grass, timber, wood, bamboo, straw, cotton, jute, flax, hemp, sugarcane, leather, asbestos, rags, waste paper, gunnies, water hyacinth, jute sticks or other fibres, fibrous substances or other things as may furnish materials for pulp and for paper or board manufacture in any of its branches or as may be proper or necessary in connection with the above objects or any of them.
- To purchase, lease, hire, construct, provide, operate, equip and maintain land, buildings, theatres, cinemas, studios, concert halls, stadiums, tracks, arenas, golf and putting courses, bowling greens, tennis, squash and paddling pools, marinas, landing stages, jetties, coach and car parks, chairs, machines, and all other structures, apparatus, equipment and articles which may appear necessary or convenient for the carrying on of any such business.
- To carry on the business of proprietors and operators of amusement parks, and as promoters, organisers and managers of all kinds of entertainments, sports, recreations, indoor and outdoor amusements, including funfairs, circuses, amusement arcades, exhibitions, sideshows and games, competitions, tournaments, concerts, cinema and television performance, stage and variety shows, dancing, skating, aquatic and equestrian events, and pyrotechnic, aerial and other displays and to enter into agreements with, grant lease and licences to, and engage and employ showmen, artists, entertainers, performers, sportsmen and other persons for the purpose.
- To carry on, either directly or providing facilities for others, the business of restaurant, milk bar and cafe proprietors, licensed victualers, wine, beer and spirit merchants (wholesale and retail), manufacturers and vendors of alcoholic or non-alcoholic drinks, groceries and provisions and of refreshment caterers, suppliers and contractors.
- To carry on, either directly or providing facilities for others, the business of manufacturers and vendors, whether wholesale or retail of all kinds of confectionery, ice cream, tobacco and cigarettes, toys, scent and perfumery goods, fancy goods, photographic materials, fancy jewellery, stationery, newspapers, periodicals and other publications, textiles and other soft goods, and any articles for sale in automatic vending machines, or for use in any game playing or amusement machines.
To carry on the business of beauticians, manicurists, bridal makeup, hairdressers, hair dyers, makers and suppliers of all kinds of wigs, and to run health care centres, beauty parlours, massage centres, yoga centres, gymnasiums, swimming pools and to conduct classes, seminars, demonstration, education and training programmes for betterment of body & beauty care or make up, and to deal in cosmetics of every description and kinds including lipsticks, nail polishes, creams, lotions, ointments, perfumes, foundations, soaps, fashion wear and beauty aids of every kind and description.
To amalgamate or enter into partnership or into any arrangement for sharing of profits, union of interests, cooperation, joint venture, reciprocal concession, or otherwise, with any person(s), body (ies) corporate or company (ies) carrying on or engaged in or about to carry on or engage in any business or transaction which the company is authorised to carry on or engaged in or any business or transaction capable of being conducted so as directly or indirectly to benefit the company.
To carry on the business as a joint venture between _____________, a company incorporated under the laws of India and having its Registered Office at _____________ , India and ________________, a company incorporated under the laws of _________ and having its Registered Office at __________________ vide the Memorandum of Understanding dated ________________.
To manufacture, produce, fabricate, develop, assemble, import, export, trade, buy, sell, supply and to act as indenters, agents, subagents, jobbers, brokers, repairers, cleaners or otherwise deal in all kinds and classes of machineries, component parts, replacement parts, spare parts, assemblies, accessories, tools, implements, fittings inclusive of all types of axles, propellers, shafts and universal joints, ornamentation and decorative parts for motors, vehicles, trucks, tractors, motorcycles, cycles, cars, scooters, buses, omnibuses, submarines, aeroplanes, balloons, aircraft, spacecraft, rockets, space shuttle of every description and vehicles and products of all descriptions whether propelled or used by means of petrol, spirit, steam, oil, vapour, gas, coal, electricity, petroleum, atoms or any motive or mechanical power whether used for defence or transporting goods, passengers and animals.
To carry on the business as manufacturers, producers, packers, importers, exporters, buyers, sellers and dealers in toothpastes and tooth powders of all kinds and description, medicated, non medicated or ayurvedic and tooth brushes of every size, shape and description whether made of plastic, wood, metal or other substances and for that purpose to set up, purchase, import or otherwise acquire plant and machinery and to act as agents of any Indian or foreign manufacturers of any such goods.
- To purchase or otherwise acquire, to sell, let or grant patent rights, concessions, licences, inventions, trade marks and designs, rights and privileges, subject to royalty or otherwise, and whether exclusive or nonexclusive or limited, or any part interest in such letters patents, concessions, licences, inventions, trade marks and designs, rights and privileges.
- To register any patent or patents for any invention or inventions, or obtain exclusive or other privileges in respect of the same in any part of the world, and to apply for, exercise, use, or otherwise deal with or turn to account any patent rights, concessions, monopolies, trade marks and designs, or other rights or privileges.
- To manufacture, produce, trade or otherwise deal in all machinery, plant, articles, appliances, and things capable of being manufactured, produced or traded in, by virtue of or in connection with any such letters patents, concessions, licences, inventions, trade marks and designs, rights or privileges as aforesaid.
- To acquire, promote, establish, maintain, conduct and run testing laboratory, research laboratory, experimental workshops, scientific laboratory, pathology laboratory, medical examination centres, diagnostic centres, investigation centres and other organisations for examination, analysis, investigations, test, experiment & research on behalf of government, semi government, local authorities, private bodies and general public for all kinds of materials, including pharmaceuticals, drugs, chemicals, medical, agricultural, edibles, and other items of industrial, domestic or commercial use.
- To work and act as analyser, examiners of pharmaceuticals, medicines and drugs manufactured by the manufacturers and others including government, semi government bodies and also to carry on the profession of analyst, pathologists and examiners of materials.
To establish at any place or places in India or elsewhere, shops, refreshment rooms and outlets for the sale of bread, biscuits, and other farinaceous goods and products, tea, coffee, cocoa, milk, aerated and mineral waters, tobacco, cigarettes, confectionery, cakes, buns and any other provisions, goods or drinks, and to carry on at such place or places or elsewhere the business of bakers, millers, tea merchants, and restaurant proprietors.
To manufacture, produce, process, make, develop, distribute, convert, import, export, trade, buy, sell whether as retailers or wholesalers, suppliers, indenters, packers, repackers, preservers, stockists, agents, subagents, merchants, consignors, jobbers, brokers, or otherwise deal in perfumes, aromatic, perfumery and flavouring substances like phenones, acetyle derivatives, anthracites alcohols, aldehydes, esters, acids, salicylates, all types of synthetic musks, and its compounds, and derivatives, and compounds or chemical or derivatives used in perfumery industries, perfumery products, including deodorisers, depilatories, toilet preparations, agarbattis, scents, sprays and other goods, all essentials oils, both natural and synthetic, and all sorts of perfumes, raw material and compounds required for the manufacture of the above products made from or with the use of any of the products thereof.
To carry on the business as manufacturers, producers, processors, converters, developers, distributors, packers, repackers, suppliers, importers, exporters, buyers, sellers and to act as agent, broker, consultants, jobworker or otherwise to deal in all kinds and descriptions of pesticides, insecticides, fungicides, sprays, paste, agro chemicals and biological products including white phosphorous, mercuric chloride, ethylene diamine, butene diol, methyl chloroformate, cumene, monomethylchloro acetoacetamide, chloromethyl butyle ether, dimethylamine, parachlorobenzyl cyanide, and other allied goods, chemicals, materials & substances, and all components, parts, fittings, tools, implements, accessories and all material and things used in developing pesticides and allied technical grade materials.
- To carry on the business as manufacturers, processors, producers, refiners, blenders,purifiers, packers, exporters, importers, buyers, sellers, factors, agents, consignors, consignees, traders and distributors of all classes, kinds, types, description and nature of petroleum and petrochemicals and derivatives thereof and related chemicals, resins, granules, their formulations, derivatives, compounds, extracts, products, mixtures, residues, by products, ingredients and intermediates thereof whether liquid, solid or gases for surface coating, combination, insulation, cold storage, paints, textiles, perfumery, pesticides, rubber and plastic and other industries and also bitumen based chemicals and its derivatives.
- To carry on the business as manufacturers, traders of petrochemicals and/or petro based products as also to act as indenting and commission agents.
- To carry on, own, lease, manage, run the business of petrol pumps, garage proprietors, workshop owners and of a service station for motor vehicles of all kinds, servicing, repairing, refueling, safe keeping, painting, furnishing, cleaning and maintenance of all kinds of motors cars, motor cycles, scooters and other vehicles of every description.
- To buy and sell petrol, oil, lubricants and petroleum products, new and used motor vehicles, trailers, tyres and tubes, spare parts, accessories and electrical goods.
- To operate motor transport of all kinds, including the leasing or hiring of cars, trucks, tractors, and breakdown vehicles.
- To carry on business as manufacturers, producers, processors, makers, inventors, convertors, importers, exporters, traders, buyers, sellers, retailers, wholesalers, suppliers, indenters, packers, movers, preservers, stockists, agents, subagents, merchants, distributors, consignors, jobbers, brokers or otherwise deal in lubricating devices, lubricants, greases, lubricating compositions, petroleum products and compositions, chemicals, chemical products, drugs, pharmaceutical products and composition and all kinds and classes of articles, materials and parts entering into any of the said products and to do all the things necessary, suitable or proper for the accomplishment of any of the said purposes.
- To carry on business as manufacturers, producers, processors, makers, refiners, importers, exporters, traders, buyers, sellers or otherwise deal in petroleum and petroleum products including wax, paraffin, soap, paint, varnish, lubricants, oil cloth, candles, glycerine, etc.
- To carry on the business as manufacturers, producers, growers, fabricators, processors, refiners, stockists, agents, importers, exporters, traders, wholesalers, distributors, concessionaires or dealers of drugs, medicines, pharmaceuticals, chemicals, spirits, mixtures, tonics, powders, tablets, pills, capsules, injections, oils, compounds, tincture, triturations, globules, creams, scents, scalp lotions, toilet goods and all kinds of pharmaceutical cosmetics and medical preparations used in Homeopathic, Allopathic, Ayurvedic, Unani, Biochemical, nature cure or any other medicinal system or branch of medicine or as beauty aid or personal hygiene, juices, squash, sharbat, nourishment foods and concentrates, bandages, cotton, gauze, crutches and various types of anatomical, orthopedic or surgical instruments, implements, books, journals and publications and all sorts of storage or packing materials connected with or required for and one or more of the above mentioned items and products.
- To manufacture, produce, design, refine, process, formulate, develop drug intermediates, bulk drugs, and fermentation enzyme products, alcohol, fructose, acids, alkalies and starches, and to buy, sell, alter, convert, recondition, improve, let on hire, prepare for market, import-export, or otherwise deal in, with or without foreign collaboration, in India or elsewhere in the world, drugs, drug intermediates, medicines and pharmaceuticals, heavy and fine chemicals, hospital requisites, toilet requisites, proprietary medicines, vaccines, biological contraceptives, medicated surgical dressings, dental goods of all description, diagnostic agents and chemicals, oils and tinctures, extracts, aromatic chemicals and synthetic, herbal and natural perfumes, soaps, toiletries, cosmetics, hair dyes, essential items for every day use in domestic hygiene and other purposes.
- To carry on the business of chemists, druggists, dry salters and dealers in pharmaceutical, medicinal, chemical, industrial and other preparations and articles, compounds, cements, oils, phenyl, drugs, herbs, surgical apparatus and materials and manufacturers of patent and other medicines, indigenous drugs, pharmaceutical, medicinal, industrial and other preparations and makers of all kind of surgical apparatus and materials of hospital requisites and appliances.
- To carry on the business of manufacture and sale of patent and nonpatent medicines, drugs, mixtures, formulations, capsules, tablets, pills, powders, pharmaceuticals, chemicals, medical and medicinal products, preparations and materials, sterilised injections, needles, syringes, vaccines, immunogenes, phylacogens, chemical and surgical dressings and generally to carry on the business of manufacturers, buyers and sellers of and dealers in all kinds of medicines and medical preparations and drugs whatsoever and obtain patents of them.
- To manufacture, buy , sell, import, export, acquire, process, store, distribute, exchange and otherwise deal in medicines, vitamins, tonics, hair oil, and tooth pastes and brushes and goods used in hospitals, nursing homes, clinics, laboratories and other health units.
To manufacture, produce,refine, process, formulate, buy, sell, export, import and deal in all types of heavy and light chemicals, chemical equipments and compounds, chemicals capable of being used in the pharmaceutical industry, agricultural chemicals, petrochemicals, industrial chemicals, minerals, methylated and rectified spirits, colours, coaltar dyes, dye intermediates, raw materials, pigment dyes, paints, synthetic paints, thinners, varnishes, synthetic resins, enamels, lacquers, distempers disinfectants, oils, wood and food preservatives, printing, marking inks, polishes of metal, wood paper, crayons, powders, electroplating, abrasives and its chemicals, greases, vaselines, creams, glue, gelantines.
- To manufacture, produce, process, make, repair, convert, import, export, trade, buy, sell, whether as retailers or wholesalers, suppliers, indenters, packers, movers, stockists, agents, subagents, merchants, distributors, consignors, jobbers, brokers or otherwise deal in cameras of all types and descriptions, films, cartridges for all types of cameras, photo albums, colour packs, photo papers, enlargers, developers and postal equipments, flash, flash bulbs, battery, lenses, and to open, establish studios or otherwise carry on business as photographers.
- To carry on the business of manufacturing, processing, developing, printing of colour films and colour photos of various sizes and shapes and to manufacture photo colour films, colour photo paper, colour film processors, printer and papers processors, cutters for photographic processing and printing.
- To carry on the business of manufacturers of and dealers in and importers of chemical products of any nature and kind whatsoever and particularly of Vat and other organic dyestuffs, pigments, writing and printing inks of all kinds, paints, distempers and intermediates.
- To carry on the business as manufacturers of chemicals, distillers, dye-makers and to manufacture and to deal in all kinds of dyestuffs, chemical auxiliaries etc.
- To manufacture and deal in high and low pressure pipes, tubes, hoses either armoured or reinforced or otherwise required for ducting and for conveyance of water and other liquids, fluids and gases for industrial, commercial, educational and household requirements all made out of plastic, synthetic rubber or natural rubber or in combination of the said materials.
- To carry on the business of manufacturers, producers, importers, exporters, buyers, sellers, fabricators and dealers of all types of pipe and tube products, fittings and byproducts made out of steel and iron or nonferrous metals and to carry on the business relating to rolling, casting, welding, extruding, stretching, reducing, forming, pressing and machining of all kinds of metals and alloys.
- To manufacture and deal in high and low pressure pipes, tubes, hoses either armoured or reinforced or otherwise, required for ducting and for conveyance of water and other liquids, fluids and gases for industrial, commercial, educational and household requirements all made out of plastic, synthetic rubber or natural rubber or in combination of the said materials.
- To carry on the business of manufacturing and/or dealing in conductors of electricity, insulated by rubber, P.V.C., Polyethylene & Fiber.
- To carry on business of manufacturers, importers, exporters, buyers, sellers of and dealers in plastic, natural and synthetic rubber, moulded goods, foams, rubber and plastic products, insulating materials and all other blown, moulded, foamed, extruded and dipped goods and all kinds of cellulose derivatives, products and by products and articles.
- To manufacture, import, export, buy, sell, let on hire, exchange, alter, improve, prepare for market and/or otherwise deal in or distribute all kinds of plants, machineries, machine parts, tools, apparatus, chemicals, raw materials and substances necessary or convenient for any purpose including industrial, agricultural or domestic purposes.
- To carry on the business as manufacturers, importers, suppliers, exporters, buyers, sellers and dealer in automobile, electric and mechanical engineering equipments, plant and machinery, tools, gadgets, devices, instruments, spares and components, fittings, apparatuses, accessories, mill stores, hardware stores and all other allied items and to develop, acquire, supply plans, drawings, estimates, projects reports and know-how for industries, business, companies, services, and public bodies and Government.
- To carry on the business of plantation of all types of trees and plants as a farm, forestry or otherwise for commercial, domestic, industrial and other purposes and to carry on the business as agriculturists, horticulturists, nursery owners, forest owners etc. by cultivation and farming on land, water or in special chambers and to plant, grow, cultivate, produce, raise, develop, purchase, sell, import, export, protect, store, commercialize or to deal in or turn to account or dispose of any kind of crops, grains, oil seeds, leaves, grass, timbers, fruits, vegetables and other produce and products, by products, wastes, residues etc.
- To plant, cultivate, produce and raise, purchase or sell or otherwise handle or deal in grass, timber, wood, bamboo, straw, cotton, jute, flax, hemp, sugarcane, leather, asbestos, rags, waste paper, gunnies, water hyacinth, jute sticks or other fibers, fibrous substances or other things as may furnish materials for pulp and for paper or board manufacture or as may be proper or necessary in connection with the above objects or any of them.
- To purchase, sell, take on lease, hire or otherwise lands and to carry on the business of plantation and cultivation of rubber, gutta-percha, timber, wood and other produce of the soil and to treat, prepare, render marketable, buy, sell and dispose of any such products either in their raw form or manufactured state.
- To carry on the business of manufacturers of and dealers in all varieties of rubber including synthetic rubber, reclaimed rubber, natural rubber, sponge rubber, rubber threads and any compounds made from rubber and derivatives and by-products of rubber, leather, hides, skins, chemicals, nylon and rayon, all descriptions of leather goods, asbestos, canvas, flooring and paving materials and other compositions and waterproof compounds.
- To manufacture, buy, sell, supply, deal in and act as agents for all kinds of rubber products including tyres, tubes, flaps, medical rubber products, rubberised cloth, rubber belts, Vbelts, Obelts, floorings, rubber tiles, heels, soles, hoses, latex, foam rubber products, gloves, balloons, toys, seats, cushions, pillows, mattresses, belts, shoes, chappals and other moulded or extruded products of commercial, household and industrial use.
- To carry on business of manufacturers, importers, exporters, buyers, sellers of and dealers in plastic, natural and synthetic rubber, moulded goods, foams, rubber and plastic products, insulating materials and all other blown, moulded, foamed, extruded and dipped goods and all kinds of cellulose derivatives, products and by products and articles.
- To carry on business as manufacturers of and dealers in all kinds of equipment, machinery and accessories required to convert rubber and plastic materials into industrial and commercial products by process methods, including dipping, moulding, vacuum moulding, extrusion, calendering, vulcanising,
foaming, coating, film blending and other processes.
- To carry on business of manufacturers, exporters, importers, sellers, buyers of and dealers in rubber, synthetic rubber, vulcanising materials, rubber tubes, tyres, films, moulded goods, foam rubber, hygienic goods made of rubber and latex, ethical rubber products, transmission belts and conveyers, rubber containers, bottles and closures and rubber lined vessels, toys and other allied goods, leather, imitation leather, leather cloth, linoleum, tarpaulins, oil cloth, dress preservers, dress linings, umbrellas, waterproof goods and all kinds of articles made therefrom including silicon and silicon products, engineering plastics, i.e., teflon, electrical transmission machines, insulators and ceramic products, aluminium foils, packaging materials.
- To carry on the business of manufacturers, producers, processors, bleachers, dyers, ginners, spinners, knitters, merchants, printers, importers, exporters, buyers, sellers of and dealers in and brokers, agents, stockists, distributors and suppliers of all kinds of yarns and fibres, whether synthetics, artificial or natural, cotton, nylon, polyester, acrylics, rayon, silk, artificial silk, linen, terene, terylene, wool, jute, staple and any other fibres, fibrous materials, fabrics and textiles, threads, tapes, ropes and other products as are prepared or manufactured from nylon, polyester, acrylics, rayon, silk, artificial silk, linen, wool, jute, staple and any other synthetics, artificial and natural fibres and to treat and utilise any wastes arising from any such manufacture, production or process.
- To carry on the business of manufacturers of and dealers in all types of rubber and plastic goods, plastic tubes and tyres and moulded goods of all kinds and for all purpose and in bottles, containers, tubes, wrapping materials, foams, rubber and plastic products, transmission belts and conveyors and similar industrial articles, pipes, tubes, hoses, rubber containers and rubber lined vessels, tanks, equipments, electric products, shoe products and parts thereof particularly industrial rolls, rollers, sheets, belting and consumer goods such as tyres, tubes and other allied products, chappals, shoes, toys, medical and surgical goods, household, kitchenware, sanitary ware, ropes, gift articles and all other kinds of products.
- To carry on the business of rubber or synthetic rubber, manufacturers and makers of and dealers in articles of any description prepared with rubber or synthetic rubber.
- To carry on the business of manufacturing, producing, processing, cultivating, growing, treating, cleaning, washing, cutting, seasoning, pressing, designing, developing, fabricating, finishing, manipulating, protecting or otherwise to deal in whether as agent, broker, contractor, supplier, importer, exporter, warehouser, stockist, distributor, jobworker, forester or otherwise of all shapes, sizes, forms, varieties, specifications, descriptions, dimensions of commercial & non commercial timbers, wood and wood products including plywood, hard board, blackboard, liminboard, bathenboard, and similar laminated wood products, wood logs, billets, twigs, slices, peels, waste & dust, split poles, piles, pickets & stakes of wood; chipwood; pulpwood in chips or particles; wooden sticks, drawn wood, match splints, wood wool and wooden tiles, wooden blocks, wooden strips, veneer sheets and sheets for plywood, blackboard and similar laminated wood products, cellular wood panels, reconstituted wood, wooden mouldings, wooden frames, wooden packing cases, boxes, crates, drums, casks, barrels, vats, tubs, buckets, household utensils of wood, wooden doors, windows & similar fittings, wooden hardware articles; wooden tools, articles, wooden handicrafts, sculptures, toys, monuments etc. And other allied items, their parts, fittings & accessories.
- To carry on the business of manufacturers of and dealers in and commission agents of furniture and fittings made from wood, metal, metal alloys, fibre glass, plastics and synthetic materials, wooden products, plywood, teak wood, teak board, block board, M D F board and to act as house furnishers, upholsterers, hirers, repairers, cleaners, warehouses of furniture, carpets, synthetic and cotton floorings, fabrics, household utensils, china and glass goods, hand made home furnishing and carpets.
To carry on in India or elsewhere the business of manufacturers, producers, assemblers, processors, repairers, importers, exporters, distributors, agents, hirers, buyers, brokers, stockists, commission agents, sellers of and dealers in all types of pollution control equipments, allied systems and instrumentation; their components, accessories, mountings and also the related resins, polyelectrolytes, treatment chemicals, filter materials, etc.
- To manufacture, produce, process, make, convert, import, export, trade, buy, sell whether as retailers, wholesalers, suppliers, indenters, packers, movers, preservers, stockists, agents, merchants, distributors, consignors, jobbers, brokers or otherwise deal in all kinds of Diglycidial ether or Bisphenol A and all grades and types of epoxy resins, synthetic resins, Novolac Epoxy Resins, Polyurethane Resins, polyurethane Formulations, Poly Carbonate Resins, high temperature epoxy compounds, insulating varnish, epoxy additives, epoxy formulations, curing agents/hardener and ancillaries of all types used for synthetic resins, petroleum chemicals, Ephichlorohydrin, BisphenolF, Synthetic wood and synthetic, natural or blended polymer and rubber products, polymer intermediates, raw materials, derivatives, mixtures, compounds, constituents, auxiliary products, by products and co products.
- To manufacture, produce, process, make, convert, import, export, trade, buy, sell whether as retailers, wholesalers, suppliers, indenters, packers, movers, preservers, stockists, agents, subagents, merchants, distributors, consignors, jobbers, brokers or otherwise deal in all kinds of PVC resins, PVC pipes, PVC cables, plastics and compounds of the different grades and other industrial chemicals.
- To manufacture, import and export, buy, sell and deal in moulding powders, adhesives and oil paints, distempers, cellular paints, colours, varnishes, enamels and other allied products.
- To receive money on deposit at interest or otherwise for fixed periods and to lend money on any terms as may be thought fit and particularly to customers or other persons or corporations having dealing with company provided that the company shall not carry on any business of banking as defined by the Banking Regulations Act, 1949, or any statutory modification thereof.
- To carry on the business of fund managers, asset managers or as an investment trust company and to underwrite, sub underwrite, invest in, acquire and hold, sell, buy or otherwise deal in shares, debenture, debenturestock, bonds, units, obligations and security issued or guaranteed by Indian or Foreign Governments, state, Dominions, Sovereigns, Municipalities or Public Authorities or Bodies and Shares, stocks, debentures, debenturestocks, bonds, obligations and securities issued and guaranteed by the company, corporation, firm or persons whether incorporated or established in India or elsewhere.
- To act as financial consultants, management consultants and provide advice, service, consultancy in various fields, general administrative, secretarial, commercial, financial, legal, economic, labour, industrial, public relations, scientific, technical, direct and indirect taxation and other levies, statistical, accountancy, quality control and data processing.
- To establish, develop and maintain and aid in the establishment and maintenance of poultry and seeds farms and ancillary operation like hatcheries, breeder houses, egg producing and distributing centres, green houses and stores and to buy or otherwise acquire chicks and develop them and to prepare them for eggs, propagation or sales and to breed, raise, improve, develop, produce, preserve, buy, sell, cherish, tin, pack, process, cut, clean, dry or otherwise to deal in all types of animal products, poultry products and allied goods including eggs, meat and edible offal of live horses, asses, mules, whinnies, swine, sheep, goats, fowls, ducks, geese, rabbits, mice, fish, turkeys, guinea fowls, pigs, birds whether fresh, chilled, frozen, salted, inbrine, dried, smoked or otherwise.
- To carry on the business of farming, agriculture, poultry, horticultural and dairy, gardening and of raising, breeding, improving, developing, producing, buying, selling, importing, preparing, preserving, dealing and trading of products of such business and in particular seed, pure breed, inbred poultry, meat, cattle and other live and dead stock, eggs, sausages, preserved meat, trees, plants, fruits, flowers and vegetables, milk and milk products.
- To cultivate land, establish and maintain dairies, cattle yards and poultry farms, piggeries, fruit, vegetable and flower gardens, grazing grounds, fish ponds, pigeon, beehives, warehouses, cold storages, freezing plants, factories for manufacture and preservation of meat, fish, fruits, honey, vegetables; canning of all kind of preserved foods and juices.
- To carry on the business of millers, grains, seeds, cake and corn merchants, manufacturers of food, feeding and fastening preparations, artificial manures and fertilisers of every description.
- To generate, accumulate, transmit, distribute, purchase, sell and supply electric power or any other energy from conventional/no conventional energy source on a commercial basis and to construct, lay down, establish, operate and maintain power/energy generating stations, including buildings, structures, works, machineries, equipments, cables, wires, lines, accumulators, lamps, and works and to undertake or to carry on the business of managing, owning, controlling, erecting, commissioning, operating, running, leasing or transferring Power plants and Plants based on conventional or non conventional energy source, thermal power plants, atomic power plants, solar energy plants, wind energy plants, mechanical, electrical, hydel, civil engineering works and similar projects.
- To carry on business as manufacturers, producers, processors, makers, convertors, assemblers, fabricators, importers, exporters, traders, buyers, sellers, retailers, wholesalers, suppliers, packers, movers, stockists, agents, sub agents, merchants, distributors, consignors, jobbers, brokers, or otherwise deal in all apparatuses and things required for or capable of being used in connection with the generation, distribution, supply, accumulation and employment of electricity and to light cities, towns, streets, docks, markets, theatres, buildings and places, both public and private, and to act as suppliers and dealers in electrical and other appliances.
- To carry on the business of manufacturers, importers, exporters, melters, refiners of and dealers in metals like Platinum, Palladium, Rhodium, Iridium, Ruthenium, Osmium, Gold, Silver and nonferrous metals in their virgin and their alloy form with any other metal; and chemicals and products made out of such metals and alloys for industrial and domestic purposes.
- To manufacture, produce, process, prepare, commercialize, cut, polish, set, design, exchange, finish, assort, import, export, buy, sell, market or otherwise to deal in all varieties of rough, raw, cut, polished or processed, natural & man made, precious, semiprecious & natural stones such as diamonds, ruby, pearls and their ornaments, jewelleries, articles, or things, made in the combination of gold, silver, platinum, or other metals, and alloys thereof; watches, clocks, cutlery, gifts, cups, medals, shields, curios, art and antiques and for the purpose to act as goldsmith, silversmith, jewellers, gem merchants, electroplaters, polishers, purifiers.
To manufacture, produce, process, prepare, commercialize, cut, polish, set, design, display, exchange, examine, finish, grind, grade, assort, import, export, buy, sell, resale, demonstrate, market or otherwise to deal in all shapes, sizes, varieties, description, specifications, applications & designs of rough, raw, cut, uncut, polished or processed, natural & man made precious, semiprecious & natural stones such as diamonds, ruby, pearls, gemstones, blue sapphires, cat’s eye stone, coral, topaz, opal, zircon, tourmaline, jade, spinel ruby, aquamarine, turquoise, peridot, agate, garnet, corundum, amethyst, malachite, citrine, alexendrite, smoky quartz, lapis lazuli, rock crystal, onyx, moon stone, jasper, blood stone, gold stone, bismuth, jet, diopside, tiger eye, sunstone, spinal, jews stone, load stone, sardonex, touch stone, amber and their ornaments, jewelleries, articles, goods, or things, made in the combination of gold, silver, platinum, or other metals, and alloys thereof; watches, clocks, cutlery, presents and gifts, cups, medals, shields, curios, art and antiques, dressing bags, hand bags and for the purpose to act as goldsmith, silversmith, jewellers, gem merchants, electroplaters, polishers, purifiers.
- To manufacture, produce, process, make, convert, design, import, export, trade, buy, sell whether as retailers, wholesalers, suppliers, indenters, packers, movers, preservers, stockists, agents, subagents, merchants, distributors, consignors, jobbers, brokers or otherwise deal in prefabricated construction material, prefabricated housing material, prestressed concrete structures and products, reinforced concrete structures and all kinds of prefabricated material, structures and/or products for all or any purpose.
- To manufacture, fabricate, assemble, install, maintain, buy, sell, import, export or otherwise deal in doors, windows, fixtures, fittings, tiles, sanitary ware, pipes, grills, tanks, switches, cables, wires, bricks, prefabricated and precast blocks, slabs, beams, poles, arches, cement, stones, steel, sand, lime, ropes, pulleys, bamboo, planks and plants and machinery such as mixers, crushers, rollers, cranes required for the purpose of building and construction activities.
- To carry on in India or in any part of the world, business of printing press owners, proprietors, printers, screen printers, offset printers, automatic and computerised printers, lithographers, electrotypers, photographic printers, photo copiers, electronic printers, commercial and job printers, pamphlets, posters, stationery printing, stereotypers, type embossers, binders, stationers and manufacturers, distributors, selling/purchasing agents, advertising agents, brokers of printing materials, casting and monotype machines, type embossing machines, box printing, automatic or computerised printing machines, monotype, cylinder printing, offset printing, screen printing machines, block making, master making, photo plates making, cutting, stitching, perforating machines and photocopy machines, binding materials, rubber rollers, typesetting wooden or iron crates and cases, inks, varnishes, driers, oils, greases, papers, leather, binding cloth, registers, books, periodicals, news papers, diaries and to undertake work of printing, binding, perforating, publishing of Government, semi Government departments/authorities, local bodies and corporations or any other organisations including companies, firms, persons and to submit tenders, quotations, rate contracts.
- To carry on in India or in any part of the world, business of publishers, printers, photocopiers, owners, proprietors, importers, exporters, copyright owners, dealers, distributors, stockists and agents of daily, biweekly, weekly, occasional, special, morning, evening news papers, weekly, fortnightly, monthly magazines, journals, books, periodicals, stationery, registers, pamphlets, posters, diaries and other literary work and to undertake publishing work of any kind of government, semi government departments, local bodies, authorities, corporations, companies and other organisations, firms, persons and to work as publicity/advertising agents through film, video shootings/shows/cinematic dramatic programmes, television shows, conferences, meetings, development works of researchers, scholars, educationalists or other persons or publishing their work, book, articles, paper, poems, commentaries, stories, novels, for fix or specific period or on contractual/remuneration basis and to obtain, purchase, giveaway copyrights of the same.
- To establish and run data processing/computer centres and to offer consultancy and data processing and other services that are normally offered by data processing/computer centres to industrial, business and other type of customers and to impart training in Electronic Data Processing, Computer Software and Hardware to customers and others.
- To carry on a general business of providing comparative information about the characteristics, interests and other attributes of individuals, communities, organisations, countries, or other social units and of articles or commodities or economic trends or whatsoever.
- To design, invent, prepare, own, make use of, lease, sell or otherwise dispose of and generally to deal in and with computers, data processing machines, types, cards, memory equipments and materials of every kind and description useful in connection with the foregoing business.
- To carry on the business of textile processing viz. bleaching, dyeing, printing, finishing and folding, fibres, yarns, fabrics and knit hosiery of all kinds whether natural, artificial or synthetic cotton, wool, silk, jute, ramie, hemp, linen, viscose, rayon, artificial silk, nylon, polyester, acrylic, polypropylene, polynosic or any other synthetic fibres, yarn or fabric and their blends.
- To comb, prepare, spin and deal in cotton, waste cotton, wool, silk, artificial silk, staple fibre, rayon, flax, hemp, jute and other fibrous substances; to weave or otherwise manufacture cloth, silk, linen, mercerized yarn and other goods and fabrics, whether textiles, felted, netted or looped and sell any such goods manufactured whether in wholesale or in retail.
To establish, maintain and run produce exchange houses for ready and forward transactions in woollen yarn, art silk yarn, staple yarn, cotton yarn, mercerized yarn, silk yarn, and yarn of every other description, and cloth of all kinds, cotton, wool, silk, staple jute, bullion, grains and seeds of all kinds, oils, tea, sugar, gur, rubber, needles, hosiery articles and other merchandise and articles of any description and kinds permitted to be dealt in under the laws in force, subject to such directions, registrations, regulations as may be enacted by the Central Government or any other authority from time to time and to admit members, on such terms as may be determined by the Company.
- To carry on the business of the cinematograph trade and industry in all their branches and activities and particularly the business of manufacture, production, distribution, exploitation, exhibition, import and export of all kinds of cine films, talkie films, video films, telefilms, documentary films, advertising films, TV Serials and films and motion pictures of all kinds and nature for entertainment, amusement, publicity, education and instruction in all languages prevailing in the world.
- To carry on either solely or in partnership, periodically or permanently the business of running, conducting and managing as proprietors, lessees, tenants, licensees, managers and agents of cinematograph cinemas and theatres, places and halls, preview theatres, video theatres, studios, cinematographic shows and exhibitions and other entertainments and amusements and places of entertainments and amusements and in particular to provide for production, projection, representation and performance of cinematographic films, motion pictures, video films, telefilms and films and motion pictures of all kinds and nature in all its branches and performances, exhibitions and representations of one or more of them or any part thereof by means of cinematograph films, television, radio, video cassettes, video discs or any other similar contrivances and appliances by means whereof the same may be mechanically or otherwise performed, exhibited and represented and in connection therewith.
- To carry on business as distributors, buyers, sellers, merchants and dealers in cinematograph films, records, tapes and apparatus for recording or reproducing sights and sounds and all rights to produce, distribute or exhibit any performance, entertainment or event by means of films, records or such other apparatus.
- To enter Into any arrangement involving supply of technical, civil, financial, administrative persons, plant, machinery and merchandise, information, knowledge and experience and as such undertake and set up any plant or project in or outside India.
- To undertake turnkey projects and/or enter into joint ven tures for sharing profits, union of interest, co-operation or reciprocal concession with -any person or persons or company or companies both within and outside India for any type of business or industry.
To promote, form & register, and aid in the promotion, formation and registration of any company, or companies subsidiary or otherwise for the purpose of acquiring all or any of the property, rights and liabilities of this Company, or for any other purpose and to transfer to any such company any property of the Company and to be interested in, or take or otherwise acquire, hold, sell or otherwise dispose of shares, stocks, debentures and other securities in any such Companies or any other company.
- To promote and safeguard the interest of all Export Oriented Units in India licensed under the Export Schemes already framed or to be framed from time to time by the Government of India.
- To work for the betterment of the members by providing facilities in carrying on any trade or manufacture relating to export oriented industries.
- To represent the grievances of the manufacturers collectively before concerned authorities and to assist in their solution in a peaceful and legal manner.
- To collect information and data relating the industry, disseminate and circulate the same amongst its
- To cooperate with other manufacturers, trade associations and other bodies for the advancement of trade and manufacturing interest of the members.
- To subscribe in and aid in the promotion of the aims and objects of any society or Association having objects similar to all or any of the objects of the Association
- To act as selling agents, sales organisers as well as consultants, agents and advisers in all the respective branches and in such capacity to give advice and information and render services to persons, firm, company or body incorporate or authority of Government which may be given or rendered while carrying in such business as aforesaid.
- To carry on all types of selling and purchasing activities, directly or indirectly (both in internal and external markets, on its own or as sales, purchase or commission agents and brokers), to act as service agents for providing services, after sales and other technical services, to carry on business as marketing and technical consultants.
- To carry out market research, launch advertisement campaign, to organise sales promotion drives, seminars, exhibitions, fairs, to commence prize winning schemes, contests and to do all such things as may be necessary for the promotion of sales product or article for and on behalf of customers.
- To act as business consultants, market research consultants, business transfer agents, valuers and estate agents, and to act as intermediaries in the introduction of sellers, purchasers, partners and employees.
- To carry on the business of supplying trained sales staff for temporary or permanent employment, and to establish and maintain an employment agency.
- To carry on the business as estate agents, housing and land agents and property dealers and for the purpose to advertise and assist for sale or purchase, to find out or introduce purchasers and vendors of land, buildings, flats and other properties.
- To carry on the business as estate agents, housing and land agents, property dealers and estate managers and to collect rents, repair, look after and manage immovable properties of or for any persons, firms and companies, governments and states, as well as this company, to give, take, let and sublet and to carry out under taking, supervising, building, constructing, altering, improving, demolishing and repairing operations and all other works and operations in connection with immovable estates and properties.
- To carry on the business as dealers, brokers, agents and building contractors and of development of land, building, properties, estates and to buy, sell, lease, letout or become tenant of land, buildings, estates or any movable or immovable property or any right, title or interest therein.
- To acquire, purchase, exchange, underwrite, guarantee, subscribe, hold, sell and deal in shares, stocks, debentures, debenture stock, bonds, obligations and securities issued, sold transferred or guaranteed by any Company or by any government in India or outside India, public body, municipal authority, local authority or otherwise whether issued in India or elsewhere and from time to time vary such holding or investments and also to act as financiers, investors and finance brokers.
- To buy, take on lease or under a licence, concession, grant or otherwise acquire mines or mining rights, in any land or other place and to explore, quarry, work, develop, process or turn to account coal, coke, rocks, stones, granites, minerals and metals.
- To quarry, mine, cut, hew, curve, saw, crush, finish, polish, set, buy, sell, prepare for market, manufacture, process, refine and deal in all kinds of stone, marble, granite, coal, dolomite, bantonite, lignite, clay, sand and other products, ores, metals, minerals, mineral oils and rocks and rock products.
- To carry on business of prospecting of mineral deposits and obtaining certificates of approval, grant licences for mining and mining leases.
- To carry on business as quarry masters, stone merchants, and to buy, excavate, wash, screen, sell and deal in stones, earth, gravel and sand.
- To establish, acquire, keep, manage and run departmental store and general provision store for the purpose of dealing in all kinds and classes of household goods, merchandise, stores, consumer goods, articles and commodities of all sorts whether wholesale or in retail or both, and to establish, equip, manage and run chain stores, offices, shops and branches for the supply of provisions and all other articles for domestic and commercial use and to carry on the business of caterers, bakers, cereal and flour merchants, importers and exporters, agents, consignors and dealers in general merchandise.
- To provide and construct refreshment rooms and to carry on the business of catering and restaurant owners.
- To undertake or arrange for the writing, printing and publication of books, magazines, journals, newspapers or pamphlets relating to trade, commerce, industry, agriculture, banking, insurance, investment, taxation, finance, economics, law and other subjects.
- To carry on in India or in any part of the world, business of publishers, printers, photocopiers, owners, proprietors, importers, exporters, copyright owners, dealers, distributors, stockists and agents of daily, biweekly, weekly, occasional, special, morning, evening news papers, weekly, fortnightly, monthly magazines, journals, books, periodicals, stationery, registers, pamphlets, posters, diaries and other literary work and to undertake publishing work of any kind of government, semi government departments, local bodies, authorities, corporations, companies and other organisations, firms, persons and to work as publicity/advertising agents
- To carry on the business of manufacturers of and dealers in paper, cardboard, containers, packing materials, printing, drawing and writing materials and requisites, pens, inks, greeting cards, diaries and stationery.
- To carry on the business of manufacturers, buyers, sellers, importers, exporters of and dealers in all kinds and classes of paper, board and pulp including writing paper, printing paper, news printing paper, absorbent paper, wrapping paper, tissue paper, cover paper, blotting paper, filter paper, antique paper, ivory finish paper, coated paper, art paper, bank or bond paper, badami, brown or buff paper, bible paper, cartridge paper, cloth lined paper, azurelaid paper, creamlaid wove paper, glassing, waxed paper, greaseproof paper, gummed paper, handmade paper, parchment paper, drawing paper, craft paper, manila paper, envelop paper, tracing paper, vellum paper, water proof paper, carbon paper, sensitised paper, chemically treated paper, carbon paper, litmus paper, photographic paper, glass paper, emery paper, pasteboard, cardboard, straw board, pulp board, leather board, mill board, corrugated board, box board, cartons, paper bags, paper boxes, post cards, visiting cards, all other kinds of paper whatsoever, soda pulp, mechanical pulp, sulphite pulp, and all kinds of articles in the manufacture of which in any form, paper, board, or pulp is used, and also to deal in or manufacture any other articles or things of a character similar or analogous to the foregoing or any of them or connected therewith.
- To plant, cultivate, produce and raise, purchase or sell or otherwise handle or deal in grass, timber, wood, bamboo, straw, cotton, jute, flax, hemp, sugarcane, leather, asbestos, rags, waste paper, gunnies, water hyacinth, jute sticks or other fibres, fibrous substances or other things as may furnish materials for pulp and for paper or board manufacture in any of its branches or as may be proper or necessary in connection with the above objects or any of them.
- To undertake the business of pulverising, grinding, milling, mixing, blending, cleaning, finishing, crushing, churning all kinds of chemicals and minerals and other materials to be used in different industries such as pesticides, insecticides, rubber, paper, textiles, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, detergents, food products and to deal in all kinds of industrial and domestic chemicals and minerals.
- To set up and run mills for milling all kinds of grains, cereals, seeds, pulses, spices and other edible items for manufacturing of rava, maida, atta, besan, suji and other allied products.
- To carry on, own, lease, manage, run the business of petrol pumps, garage proprietors, workshop owners and of a service station for motor vehicles of all kinds, servicing, repairing, refueling, safe keeping, painting, furnishing, cleaning and maintenance of all kinds of motors cars, motor cycles, scooters and other vehicles of every description.
- To buy and sell petrol, oil, lubricants and petroleum products, new and used motor vehicles, trailers, tyres and tubes, spare parts, accessories and electrical goods.
- To operate motor transport of all kinds, including the leasing or hiring of cars, trucks, tractors, and breakdown vehicles.
- To carry on the business of purchasing and letting on lease or hire and to acquire, to provide on lease or on hire purchase basis all types of industrial and office plants, equipments, machinery, vehicles, buildings and real estate required for manufacturing, processing, transportation, trading, commercial and service business or for any other purposes.
- To carry on business of leasing and hire purchase on easy payment instalments basis, renting and giving or rent plant and machinery of all kinds, household and office furniture, domestic or business appliances, computers, tabulators, addressing machines and other sophisticated office machinery, motorcars, taxicabs, automobiles, tram cars, motor lorries, tractors, trawlers, earthmoving machinery, wagons, bicycles, coaches, garages, and all other vehicles, agricultural implements, and machinery, airships, aeroplanes and helicopters, tools, plants, implements, apparatus and accessories, furniture, telephones, telex, teleprinters, televisions, refrigerators and other items of industrial and domestic use.
- To promote spiritual, physical, mental, educational development and upliftment of adults and children of all ages without any distinction of cast, creed or religion and in the interest of mankind in general.
- To aid or establish, takeover or collaborate with any institution or school or association, for physical, mental, spiritual, educational development, uplift of intelligence or its development.
- To propagate, import and adopt any audiovisual methods for solving the problems of crime, drug abuses and help in the inculcation of such behavior as would bring happiness to the family of man or generally mankind without reservation of his status, caste and religion.
- To aid or establish any institution or adopt means for imparting, promotion of any art, science or to promote selfhelp to overcome any of these evils particularly for the poor or weaker sections of the society in India or abroad.
- To establish any home, institution or society for religious workshop and knowledge or for the welfare, maintenance and development of orphans of any community or society.
- To establish any institution or society for the welfare of victims of natural calamities and/or provide food and shelter to any needy person or persons from time to time.
- To undertake the compilation, printing and publication of:
- Simple prayers for daily prayers for spiritual and psychological uplift of people generally.
- Simple booklets explaining the basic morals and values of human life and for moral upliftment.
iii. Books suitable for moral and spiritual instructions to school going children, containing simple science, stories from epics depicting the life of ideal persons, sages and other renowned personalities.
- To award prizes in competition of physical games and educational competitions and to award scholarships to the needy and to provide ways and means for the uplift of poor and needy children or individuals and to inculcate moral discipline.
- To arrange and provide such medical aid and such other assistance necessary for living to the needy persons who are otherwise incapable or handicapped or mentally or physically retarded and financially uplift any person of poor class.
- To enter any social, moral and financial assistance for betterment of life of any unmarried girl or boy, widow or widower from time to time.
- To arrange tours or provide conveyance to any person or persons to and from any such place(s) of historical or universally acclaimed religious place or places which may enlighten and defuse knowledge and/or for the avoidance or to reduce or remove the mental depression and which may encourage and boost the spiritual instinct for a better and happier life.
- To provide cooking, eating and other utensils or clothing temporarily or from time to time daily needs on special occasions of the persons or families of the persons who are, for any reasons incapable for providing these for themselves at the time of need, either free or against nominal charges.
- To accept donations, raise subscriptions from the members or other persons, to invest the funds of the company with such individuals, societies, firms or companies for providing income to the company on such terms and conditions as may deem proper and necessary for the fulfillment of the aims and objects of the company and to further its interest as enumerated above.
- To provide for all activities for improving the moral standards of the people, promoting respect for all religions, tolerance and cordial feelings between man and man irrespective of difference of caste, colour, creed or religion.
- To promote spiritual studies and open spiritual training and Yoga centres for general public and to do everything to make spiritual studies popular amongst the public.
- To start, maintain and assist in relief measures in those parts which are or become subjected to natural calamities like famine, fire, flood, earthquakes etc.
- To establish, found and maintain libraries, reading rooms for the use and convenience of general
- To award prizes, medals and the like in universities, colleges, schools, etc., to encourage students for higher and better education.
- To give monetary help to disabled or blind persons in the form of monthly allowance or gratuities.
- To open, found, establish, maintain and assist leper asylums or other institutions for helping the poor, destitute, widows and orphans of all faiths and communities.
- To give stipends, allowance or gratuities, recurring or otherwise for the maintenance etc. for such time or duration as may deem proper and necessary.
- To do any other act or thing which is ancillary to the achievement of any of the above stated objects.
- To manufacture and deal in high and low pressure pipes, tubes, hoses either armoured or reinforced or otherwise, required for ducting and for conveyance of water and other liquids, fluids and gases for industrial, commercial, educational and household requirements all made out of plastic, synthetic rubber or natural rubber or in combination of the said materials.
- To carry on the business of manufacturing and/or dealing in conductors of electricity, insulated by rubber, P.V.C., Polyethylene & Fiber.
- To carry on business of manufacturers, importers, exporters, buyers, sellers of and dealers in plastic, natural and synthetic rubber, moulded goods, foams, rubber and plastic products, insulating materials and all other blown, moulded, foamed, extruded and dipped goods and all kinds of cellulose derivatives, products and by products and articles.
- To negotiate, acquire, buy, sell, take on lease or in exchange or acquire by licence, concession or grant or otherwise, any lands and quarries, mines, mining rights which are believed to contain deposits of granites, marble, sand stones and other stones, metals and minerals; to apply for, obtain, take, lease/s from any state, central, provincial governments or other competent authorities, companies, corporate bodies, firms or private individuals; to prospect for, explore, survey, work, bore, drill, develop, excavate, exploit, derive, extract, refine, convert, exercise with or without the aid of machinery such stones, ores, metals, minerals, oils, coals and other substances whatsoever; to take lands, quarries on sublease from any state or central government, corporations, companies, corporate bodies, partnership firms, individuals, to give on sublease all or any quarries, lands to any company, firm or individual.
- To carry on the business as mining, smelting and refining company.
- To process, convert, refine, import, export, buy,sell, deal in tiles, slabs/ panels, monuments, tombstones, decorative pieces, architectural pieces, idols, construction materials, and all other products of granite, marble, sand stones, and any other stones within India or abroad.
- To carry on the business as manufacturers, dealers, importers, exporters, repairers, hirers, assemblers and distributors of colour and black & white television sets, portable sets, table sets, picture in picture set, digital set with or without cases and video cassettes and tapes, radios, tape recorders, wireless sets, loud speakers, video cassette recorders, stereo decks, stereo system, antenna, booster, remote control, discs and their parts, accessories, components, fixtures, fittings, systems, devices, implements, moulds, instruments, and allied products of all kinds for the reproduction or display of sound and visual images, electronic and electrical appliances and to carry on the business as radio, television, mechanical and electrical engineers.
- To establish, construct, erect, build, equip and install, acquire, purchase, lease, take over and exchange, rebuild, reconstruct, alter, enlarge, repair, renovate and improve, operate, manage, supervise, control, regulate and maintain, sell and otherwise dispose of television stations, radio broadcasting, transmitting and receiving stations and any other stations used for any other type or kind of visual and/or sound transmission or reception by any other contrivance or means whatsoever.
- To carry on all or any of the business of proprietors, managers and renters of cinemas, theatres, concert and dance halls, discotheques and other places of amusement and entertainment of every kind, of film producing studios, video and sound recording studios and radio and television studios.
To manufacture, produce, process, prepare, assemble, alter, build, convert, commercialize, dismantle, design, develop, erect, equip, fabricate, handle, hire, let on hire, lease, maintain, manage, modify, repair, reconstruct, renovate, recondition, remodel, import, export, job work, supply, distribute, buy, sell, trade or otherwise to deal in all descriptions, specifications, modalities, capacities, shapes, sizes, varieties and strengths of steam rail locomotives, mechanically propelled track inspection trolleys, railway & tramways passenger coaches and luggage vans, hospital coaches, prison coaches, travelling post office coaches, dinning car coaches, power generator coaches and other special purpose railway coaches; railway and tramway rolling stocks; workshops; cranes and other service vehicles; railway & tramways goods vans, goods wagons and trucks; containers & oil tankers and other allied goods, articles or things and their parts, fittings, fixtures, components, accessories, systems, devices, equipments, instruments, plants and machineries connected thereto.
To carry on business as manufacturers, producers, processors, developers, makers, converters, Importers, exporters, traders, buyers, sellers, retailers, wholesalers, suppliers, indenters, packers, movers, stockists, agents, sub-agents, merchants, distributors, consignors, jobbers, brokers, or otherwise deal in X-ray machines, photographic films, medical electronics and all kinds of parts components, spares and accessories used in X-ray machines and to carry on business as radiologists.
- To carry on the business of manufacturers, producers, designers, finishers, dyers, showroom owners, agents, importers and exporters, wholesale and retail dealers of and in men’s, women’s and children’s clothing and wearing apparels of every kind, nature and description in all shapes, sizes, varieties, specifications, descriptions, applications, fashions; sportswear, party wears, fashion wears, daily wear, wearing apparels, underwears, purses, belts, wallets and other allied goods including shirts, bushshirts, pajama suits, underwear suits, foundation garments for ladies dresses, brassieres, maternity belts, knee caps, coats, panties, nighties and so on made from cotton, silk, synthetics, jute, velvet, wool, leather, rexine and other natural, synthetic and/or fibrous substances or with any combination thereof and to participate in local, national and international trade fairs, fashion shows, exhibitions, seminars and other sales promotion schemes.
- To carry on the business of manufacturers, importers and exporters, wholesale and retail dealers of and in hosiery goods for men, women and children including vests, underwears, socks, stockings, sweaters, laces and so on and of all or anything which is used in hosiery goods.
- To carry all or any of the business of dealers and manufacturers of carpets, durries, furnishing fabrics, mats, rugs, blankets, shawls, tweeds, linens, flannels and all other articles of woollen and worsted material and of all articles similar to the foregoing or any of them or connected therewith.
- To spin, comb, prepare, weave, blend, process, dye, print, bleach, manufacture, buy, sell, import, export and deal in yarns & textiles, linen; cloth fabric of all kinds and description , natural, artificial and synthetic, duly textiled, felted, netted, knitted, woven or looped either on own account or on behalf of others.
- To acquire, buy, purchase, lease, develop, renovate, improve, maintain, exchange or otherwise own property, estate, land, buildings, hereditaments, flats, garages, houses, halls, godowns, shops, warehouses, office premises, mills, factories, chawls, dwelling houses, residential accommodation or other immovable properties and to turn the same to account as may be expedient and in particular by laying out and preparing land for building purposes and preparing building site by planting, paving, draining and cultivating land and by demolishing, constructing, reconstructing, altering, improving, furnishing, maintaining, administering, equipping or subdividing properties by leasing or otherwise disposing of the same and to enter into contracts and agreements with builders, tenants, occupiers, either in India or in any part of the world to purchase, sell, deal in land, estates, houses or other landed properties of any tenure whether freehold, leasehold or otherwise and to act as promoters, organizers and developers of land, estates, property, cooperative housing societies, residential housing schemes, shopping centres, commercial complex, farm houses, holiday resorts, hotels, swimming pools, amusement parks and to finance with or without security for the same and to deal with and improve such properties either as owner or as agents and to join any other person, partnership firm or company in carrying the above objects.
- To undertake construction and management of properties of any person or governmental authorities for the construction of buildings of all descriptions, roads, bridges, earthwork, sewers, tanks, drain,
culverts, channel or other works or things that may be necessary or convenient for any of the objects of the company.
- To carry on the business in India and/or abroad as architects, designers, draughtsmen, decorators, surveyors, valuers, estate agents, town planners, appraisers, coordinators, civil engineers, constructional engineers, furnishers, structural engineers, estate agents and land brokers.
- To finance housing activities in any way, to let on lease any such premises or parts of them and to provide services and facilities for the occupiers or tenants of those premises.
- To manufacture, fabricate, assemble, install, maintain, buy, sell, import, export or otherwise deal in doors, windows, fixtures, fittings, tiles, sanitary ware, pipes, grills, tanks, switches, cables, wires, bricks, prefabricated and precast blocks, slabs, beams, poles, arches, cement, stones, steel, sand, lime, ropes, pulleys, bamboo, planks and plants and machinery such as mixers, crushers, rollers, cranes required for the purpose of building and construction activities.
- To carry on all or any of the business of proprietors, managers and renters of cinemas, theatres, concert and dance halls, discotheques and other places of amusement and entertainment of every kind, of film producing studios, video and sound recording studios and radio and television studios.
- To carry on the business of exhibiting cinematograph films and of organising the production, management and performance of plays, operas, revue, musical and other productions, ballets, radio, television and video entertainments, sonnet lumiere and other spectacles and entertainments of every kind, and of organising, managing and holding concerts, recording sessions and dances.
- To carry on the business of producers, renters, hirers and distributors of films and videotapes.
- To purchase, hire or otherwise acquire any photographic, video and sound recording and other apparatus for use in connection with cinematograph shows and exhibitions and radio, television and video entertainment, and to manufacture films, tapes and other appliances and machines for use in connection with the mechanical or electrical representation or transmission of moving picture and sound.
- To apply for and acquire by purchase, lease, hire or licence, exchange or otherwise petroleum, mineral rights, grants, concessions, lease, licences, claims, permits, wells or other interests in petroleum and mineral rights, mines and mining rights and to prospect, explore, survey, open, work, test, develop, exercise and turn to account, any petroleum, mineral, oil or natural gas permits, licence, leases, rights, authorities, holdings, tenements, claims or concessions or other similar rights or privileges from time to time in the possession of the company or to which or in which the company has any rights or interests.
- To explore, extract, excavate, procure, produce, pump, refine, purify, store, research, prepare, promote, prospect, process, grade, split, remove, amalgamate, barter, convert, clean, commercialize, compound, distribute, discover, handle, import, export, buy, sell, market, organize, manage, protect, provide, vapourise, condense, concentrate, dilute, mix and to act as agent, broker, stockist, C & F agent, transporter, consultant, engineering, contractor, adviser, jobworker, export house or otherwise to deal in all sorts of crude & refined petroleum oils, natural gases, oleaginous & saponaceous substances, ores, coals, minerals, metals, earthy mineral oils, their products, byproducts, residues, ingredients, derivatives, formulations, blends, mixtures, goods & materials.
- To construct, carry out, maintain, improve, manage, work, control, superintend, aid in, subscribe towards, purchase or otherwise acquire or dispose of any aerodromes, heliports, roads, railway, bridges, pumps, stations, pipelines, reservoirs, storage facilities for petroleum products of all types, watercourses, aqueducts, wharves, furnace, mills, crushing works, supply works, retorts, gas absorption plants, compressors, laboratories, dwelling houses for workmen and others, refiners, factories, warehouses, offices, shops and other works which are necessary or incidental to any of the objects of the company.
- To maintain drilling machines and use the same for drilling and carry on the business of extracting, pumping, drawing, transporting and purifying and dealing in water, petroleum and other mineral oils.
- To carry on the business of restaurant keepers, refreshment room proprietors, proprietors of hotels, tea rooms, bars, snack bars and as inn and lodging house keepers, licensed victuallers, tea and coffee shop, cake shop and snackbar, caterers, refreshment contractors, bakers and pastry cooks, confectioners and general provision merchants and to carry on business as manufacturers, producers, processors, makers, convertors, importers, exporters, traders, buyers, sellers, retailers, wholesalers, suppliers, indenters, packers, movers, stockists, agents, subagents, merchants, distributors, consignors, jobbers, brokers or otherwise deal in refreshments, food, mineral waters and soft drinks, aerated waters, cordials and consumable goods of every description.
- To establish and provide all kinds of facilities and amenities for customers and others, and in particular club rooms, reading and writing rooms, games and sports accommodation, changing rooms, lockers and safe deposits, laundries, places of amusement, recreation, sports, telephones, stores and shops, agents for railway and shipping companies.
- To design, develop, invent, assemble, fabricate, manufacture, distribute, market, sell, service, repair, replace refrigeration, air conditioning plants, cold storage machinery, cooling appliances, apparatuses and machinery, freezing, dehydrating equipment, dehumidifying equipment, heating equipment, boilers, industrial furnaces, kitchen equipments, complete and parts, accessories, articles and fittings thereof, fabrication of these out of any metal and fibre reinforced plastic.
- To manufacture, produce, process or assemble and deal in air and gas treatment plants and equipments, air conditioning plants, chilling plants, refrigeration, cold storage machinery and equipment, industrial fans, steam heaters, air filters, air curtains, spray painting booths and complete systems relating to air and gas technology.
- To carry on the business of manufacturers and dealers in machinery and plant of every description and kind and in particular machine tools and implements, and to manufacture, produce, repair, alter, convert, recondition, prepare for sale, buy, sell, hire, import, export, let on hire, trade and deal in machine tools and implements, plant equipments, articles, apparatus, appliances, components, parts, accessories, fittings and things in any stage or degree of manufacture, process or refinement.
- To execute the jobs of air conditioning, cooling, refrigeration and heating of premises, vehicles, railway coaches and wagons.
- To take part in information, supervision or control of the business or operations of any company or undertaking and for that purpose to act as an Issue House, Registrar and Share Transfer Agents, Secretaries, Financial Advisers or Technical Consultants or in any other capacity and to appoint and remunerate any directors, administrators or accountants or other experts or agents.
- To act as financial consultants, management consultants and provide advice, service, consultancy in various fields, general administrative, secretarial, commercial, financial, legal, economic, labour, industrial, public relations, scientific, technical, direct and indirect taxation and other levies, statistical, accountancy, quality control and data processing.
- To carry on the business of making, selling, hiring out, buying, importing, exporting, installing, maintaining, repairing and working telephone, telegraphs, radios, television sets, recording instruments and electronic, electrical and mechanical apparatuses, equipments and fittings of all kinds and description.
- To carry on the businesses of a telephone, telegraph, cable and wireless communications company and to establish, work, manage, sell, hire, let out and maintain telephone exchange, cable communications, telegraph offices and radio and television receiving and transmitting stations and any other application of information or communication technology whether involving sounds, visual images, electrical impulses or otherwise.
- To subscribe, donate, establish, provide, maintain, conduct, subsidize, undertake, carry on and promote studies, research centres, research laboratories, experimental workshop for scientific, technical and medical researches, tests and experiments of all kinds and scientific and technical investigations and inventions by proving, subsidizing, endowing or assisting laboratories, workshops, libraries, lectures and conferences and by providing, or contributing to the remuneration of scientific or technical professors or teachers and by providing or contributing to the awards, scholarships, prizes, grants to students or otherwise and generally to encourage, promote and reward studies, researches, investigations, experiments, tests and inventions of any kind that may by considered by the company likely to assist in business which the company is authorised to carry on or otherwise useful for the company.
- To acquire or set up and run schools, colleges, training and professional institutions and music and dance centre.
- To establish experimental farms and research stations in India or elsewhere for conducting experiments, tests and research for developing better quantities and qualities of food grains and agricultural products and for developing milch strain in cattle by cross breeding or otherwise and increasing egg laying capacity in poultry and also for finding other ways and means of improving other agricultural crops, produce, seed, fodder crops and cattle feed of all kinds.
- To acquire by purchase, lease or otherwise, land for farming and to establish and run farms and carry on the business of agriculture, horticulture, dairy farming, animal husbandry, to carry out any processes connected with any one or more of such products, scientifically store farm products, and to purchase, sell or otherwise deal in articles of farm product.
- To carry out medical research by engaging in the research and development of all fields of medical science, and in all therapies of medical treatment, so as to afford medical relief in a better way.
- To provide research facilities for carrying on research, basic and applied in all systems and disciplines of medical and surgical knowledge, keeping in view the sociomedical and socioeconomic needs of the afflicted community.
- To fund, establish or takeover and/or otherwise conduct research institutions in all discipline of medical and surgical knowledge.
- To encourage and develop biological and pharmacological standardization of indigenous medicinal plants.
- To encourage the discovery of new medical and/or surgical management of disease and afflictions and investigate and make known the nature and merits of investigations and findings and research in the said field and to acquire any patent and licences or other protective devices relating to the results of any discovery, investigations, findings or researches and to acquire any process upon such terms so as to manufacture and distribute for charitable purpose any product developed, discovered or improved.
- To provide, encourage, initiate or promote facilities of the discovery, improvement or development of new methods of diagnosis, understanding and prevention and treatment of disease.
- To conduct and to carry experiments and medical research.
- To establish, provide, maintain and run research centres, laboratories, experimental workshops and to carry out medical research by engaging in the research and development of all fields of medical science, and in therapies of medical treatment.
- To provide research facilities for carrying on research, basic and applied, in all systems and discipline or medical and surgical knowledge, keeping in view the sociomedical and socioneeds of the afflicted community.
- To encourage and discover new medical and/or surgical management of diseases and affections and to investigate and make known the nature and merits of investigations and finding and research in the said field and to acquire any patent and licence or other protective devices relating to the result of any discovery, investigations, finding or researches and to acquire any process upon such terms as may seem expedient and to improve the same and to undertake the manufacture of any product developed, discovered or improved and/or to give licences thereof.
- To manufacture, buy, sell, import, export, treat, refine or otherwise deal in all types of synthetic resins, plastics, emulsions and formulations thereof including all kind of resins for surface coating and allied industries, adhesive, moulding, powder insulations and allied products.
- To manufacture, buy, sell, import, export, treat, manipulate and otherwise deal in all kinds of agricultural chemicals, insecticides, fungicides, weedicides, pesticides, colouring materials, pigments and cakes, paints, surface coating enamels, varnishes, lacquers, dyes, perfumes and flavouring chemicals, rubber chemicals, photographic chemicals, plastics and resinous materials, gums, glues and other adhesive compositions, surface active agents, tanning agents, coatings, oils, softeners, synthetic fibres and all types of drugs and chemicals and by products thereof.
- To manufacture, produce, process, make, convert, import, export, trade, buy, sell whether as retailers, wholesalers, suppliers, indenters, packers, movers, preservers, stockists, agents, merchants, distributors, consignors, jobbers, brokers or otherwise deal in all kinds of Diglycidial ether or Bisphenol A and all grades and types of epoxy resins, synthetic resins, Novolac Epoxy Resins, Polyurethane Resins, polyurethane Formulations, Poly Carbonate Resins, high temperature epoxy compounds, insulating varnish, epoxy additives, epoxy formulations, curing agents/hardener and ancillaries of all types used for synthetic resins, petroleum chemicals, Ephichlorohydrin, BisphenolF, Synthetic wood and synthetic, natural or blended polymer and rubber products, polymer intermediates, raw materials, derivatives, mixtures, compounds, constituents, auxiliary products, by products and co-products.
- To manufacture, produce, process, make, convert, import, export, trade, buy, sell whether as retailers, wholesalers, suppliers, indenters, packers, movers, preservers, stockists, agents, subagents, merchants, distributors, consignors, jobbers, brokers or otherwise deal in all kinds of PVC resins, PVC pipes, PVC cables, plastics and compounds of the different grades and other industrial chemicals.
- To manufacture, import and export, buy, sell and deal in moulding powders, adhesives and oil paints, distempers, cellular paints, colours, varnishes, enamels and other allied products.
- To manufacture, produce, process, make, convert, import, export, trade, buy, sell whether as retailers, wholesalers, suppliers, indenters, packers, movers, preservers, stockists, agents, merchants, distributors, consignors, jobbers, brokers or otherwise deal in all kinds of Diglycidial ether or Bisphenol A and all grades and types of epoxy resins, synthetic resins, Novolac Epoxy Resins, Polyurethane Resins, polyurethane Formulations, Poly Carbonate Resins, high temperature epoxy compounds, insulating varnish, epoxy additives, epoxy formulations, curing agents/hardener and ancillaries of all types used for synthetic resins, petroleum chemicals, Ephichlorohydrin, BisphenolF, Synthetic wood and synthetic, natural or blended polymer and rubber products, polymer intermediates, raw materials, derivatives, mixtures, compounds, constituents, auxiliary products, by products and co products.
- To manufacture, produce, process, make, convert, import, export, trade, buy, sell whether as retailers, wholesalers, suppliers, indenters, packers, movers, preservers, stockists, agents, subagents, merchants, distributors, consignors, jobbers, brokers or otherwise deal in all kinds of PVC resins, PVC pipes, PVC cables, plastics and compounds of the different grades and other industrial chemicals.
- To manufacture, import and export, buy, sell and deal in moulding powders, adhesives and oil paints, distempers, cellular paints, colours, varnishes, enamels and other allied products.
To establish, manage, administer, construct, build, develop, purchase, operate and maintain, take on lease, own and run health clubs, health resorts, holiday homes, nursing homes, nursing home-cum-hotels, nursing home-cum-guest houses, guest houses, catering houses, hotels, motels, inner restaurants, hospitals, clinics, polyclinics, dispensaries and medical centres, child welfare and family planning centres, physiotherapy centres, health clinics, pathological laboratories for medical or other kinds of care in India and elsewhere.
- To carry on the business of restaurant keepers, refreshment room proprietors, proprietors of hotels, tea rooms, bars, snack bars and as inn and lodging house keepers, licensed victuallers, tea and coffee shop, cake shop and snackbar, caterers, refreshment contractors, bakers and pastry cooks, confectioners and general provision merchants and to carry on business as manufacturers, producers, processors, makers, convertors, importers, exporters, traders, buyers, sellers, retailers, wholesalers, suppliers, indenters, packers, movers, stockists, agents, subagents, merchants, distributors, consignors, jobbers, brokers or otherwise deal in refreshments, food, mineral waters and soft drinks, aerated waters, cordials and consumable goods of every description.
- To establish and provide all kinds of facilities and amenities for customers and others, and in particular club rooms, reading and writing rooms, games and sports accommodation, changing rooms, lockers and safe deposits, laundries, places of amusement, recreation, sports, telephones, stores and shops, agents for railway and shipping companies.
- To acquire, construct and operate flour mills, oil mills, rice mills, oil refineries, rice husking mills and to carry on the business of millers in all its branches including wheat, gram and other cereal, dal, besan, maida, atta, suji and other allied products, and to manufacture any by products.
- To carry on business as manufacturers, producers, processors, importers, exporters, traders, buyers, sellers, retailers, wholesalers, suppliers, indenters, packers, movers, stockists, agents, subagents, merchants, distributors, consignors, jobbers, brokers or otherwise deal in wheat, paddy, and other grains, cereals, cotton, kapas, rice, seeds of all kinds and other raw materials necessary for and incidental to the above objects or any of them.
To manufacture, produce, process, make, convert, import, export, trade, buy, sell whether as retailers, wholesalers, suppliers, indenters, packers, movers, preservers, stockists, agents, subagents, merchants, distributors, consignors, jobbers, brokers or otherwise deal in ropes, hemp, fiber, cork, wire or any materials and things (whether natural, processed or synthetic) used for or in connection with the manufacture of rope by patent or other process, or for which the machinery, plant and staff of the company may conveniently be used, and in pulleys, pulley blocks, cleats and tackle of every kind.
- To purchase, sell, take on lease, hire or otherwise lands and to carry on the business of plantation and cultivation of rubber, gutta-percha, timber, wood and other produce of the soil and to treat, prepare, render marketable, buy, sell and dispose of any such products either in their raw form or manufactured state.
- To carry on the business of manufacturers of and dealers in all varieties of rubber including synthetic rubber, reclaimed rubber, natural rubber, sponge rubber, rubber threads and any compounds made from rubber and derivatives and by-products of rubber, leather, hides, skins, chemicals, nylon and rayon, all descriptions of leather goods, asbestos, canvas, flooring and paving materials and other compositions and waterproof compounds.
- To manufacture, buy, sell, supply, deal in and act as agents for all kinds of rubber products including tyres, tubes, flaps, medical rubber products, rubberised cloth, rubber belts, Vbelts, Obelts, floorings, rubber tiles, heels, soles, hoses, latex, foam rubber products, gloves, balloons, toys, seats, cushions, pillows, mattresses, belts, shoes, chappals and other moulded or extruded products of commercial, household and industrial use.
To manufacture, produce, process, reprocess, convert, design, develop, distribute, exchange, laminate, knit, coat, dye, blend, fabricate, prepare, supervise, supply, export, buy, sell, use, turn to account, collaborate, or otherwise to deal in all sizes, varieties, colours, capacities, specifications, descriptions & applications of bags, sacks, clothes, containers, pouches, packing materials, gift items, carpets, covers and other allied items made of one or more materials like HDPE, LDPE, PVC, PP, yarn, monofilament yarn, films, coextruded films, wide width films, collapsible tubes & sheets, aluminium foils, laminating materials, thermosettings, thermoplastics, tafflon plastics, esters, resins, wax coating lacquers, chemicals etc.
To carry on business as manufacturers, producers, processors, makers, convertors, importers, exporters, traders, buyers, sellers, retailers, wholesalers, suppliers, indenters, packers, movers, preservers, stockists, agents, subagents, merchants, distributors, consignors, jobbers, brokers, concessionaires or otherwise deal in armoured or reinforced safes, strong boxes and doors, safe deposit lockers, strong rooms, cash or deed boxes and all kinds of devices, made of metal or other materials for the safe custody of valuable articles.
- To manufacture, buy, sell, import, export, alter, improve, manipulate, prepare for market and otherwise deal in laminated safety glass, curved or flat, toughened glass, curved or flat, sheet and plate glass, bevelled and unbevelled silvered sheet and plant glass, insulating units, glass-wool, fibre glass, glass bricks, welding glass, coloured glass, signal glass, decorating glass, icy flowered glass of all types, acrylic plastic sheets, glass doors and fitting and all other articles and things associated with or auxiliary to the business of such manufacture.
- To manufacture, prepare, import, export, buy, sell and otherwise deal in all kinds of glass, glassware, glass goods, mirrors, looking glass, scientific glass-wares, sheet and plate glass, bangles, false pearls, bottles, phials and all kinds of articles of glass and to carry on the business of glass leveller, patent solverer, glass embosser, ecclesiastical lead worker, glass tablet and show case manufacturer
- To act as selling agents, sales organisers as well as consultants, agents and advisers in all the respective branches and in such capacity to give advice and information and render services to persons, firm, company or body incorporate or authority of Government which may be given or rendered while carrying in such business as aforesaid.
- To carry on all types of selling and purchasing activities, directly or indirectly (both in internal and external markets, on its own or as sales, purchase or commission agents and brokers), to act as service agents for providing services, after sales and other technical services, to carry on business as marketing and technical consultants.
- To carry out market research, launch advertisement campaign, to organise sales promotion drives, seminars, exhibitions, fairs, to commence prize winning schemes, contests and to do all such things as may be necessary for the promotion of sales product or article for and on behalf of customers.
- To act as business consultants, market research consultants, business transfer agents, valuers and estate agents, and to act as intermediaries in the introduction of sellers, purchasers, partners and employees.
- To carry on the business of supplying trained sales staff for temporary or permanent employment, and to establish and maintain an employment agency.
- To manufacture, produce, process, refine, pack, repack, develop, mix, formulate, supply, import, export or otherwise deal in all kinds of salts used in industry, defence, space or household and their compound, raw material, derivatives, intermediates or by products and for the purpose to purchase or acquire any estate or interest therein containing any deposits or other supplies of salt or brine or any other substance required for the purpose of the company, and to work and develop them.
- To supply brine, and to manufacture, purchase, sell, refine or otherwise deal in salt and other chemical products.
- To sink wells and shafts, and to construct, acquire and maintain factories, plant, machinery, railways, docks, reservoirs, roads, culverts and other pipes, plant and installations, and to execute all other works and things required for working, obtaining, sorting, selling, manufacturing and conveying salt, brine and other chemical products.
- To carry on the business of manufacturing, producing, compressing and processing of ceramic goods, glazed, unglazed floor and wall tiles and such other ceramic products, sanitary products including urinals, wash basins, European closets, Indian water closets and other accessories and also ceramic table-wares, ceramic-wares, earthenware, hotel-wares, pressed-wares, decorative wares, garden wares, kitchen wares, crockery, potteries, insulators, terracotta, porcelain-ware, bathroom accessories, pipes, wall tiles, floor tiles, roofing tiles, porcelain tiles, bricks, building materials, asbestos sheets, poles, blocks.
- To carry on the business of trading, wholesale and retail, in ceramic goods, glazed, unglazed floor and wall tiles and such other ceramic products like sanitary wares including urinals, washbasins, European closets, Indian water closets and other accessories and also ceramic decorative table-wares and crockery which may result in perfecting the quality of ceramic goods production, based on the continuous market survey and research so as directly or indirectly benefit the company.
- To manufacture, process, refine, compress any chemical compound including ceramic products or any other compounds which are required in the manufacture of ceramic goods, glazed, unglazed floor and wall tiles and such other ceramic products like sanitary wares, ceramic table-wares, ceramic-wares, earthen-wares, hotel-wares, pressed-wares, decorative wares, garden wares, kitchen wares, crockery, potteries, insulators, terracotta, porcelain-ware, bathroom accessories, pipes, wall tiles, floor tiles, roofing tiles, porcelain tiles, bricks, building materials, asbestos sheets, poles, blocks.
To carry on the business as manufacturers, producers, converters, processors, refiners, canners, packers, preservers, stockists, agents, buyers, sellers, indenters, importers, exporters, traders, wholesalers, retailers, distributors, consignors, brokers, jobbers, suppliers or otherwise deal in all kinds and classes of sauces, jams, jelly, fruits, vegetable, food products, honey, pickles, chutney, vinegars, ketchup, juices, squashes, syrups, edible powders, drinks, beverages, essences and all other products in which fruits and vegetables in any form is used and allied commodities.
To produce, store or otherwise deal in solar energy and to manufacture, produce, process, make, convert, import, export, trade, buy, sell whether as retailers or wholesalers, suppliers, packers, repackers, movers, stockiest, agents, subagents, merchants, distributors, consignors, jobbers, brokers or otherwise deal in all kinds of equipments, gadgets required for production, storage or based on or using solar energy such as solar cookers, solar batteries, solar powered vehicles, solar water pumps, solar grain driers, solar watches and to deal in all kinds of electrical appliances, energy saving devices for industrial, business or household applications and specialized equipments required for defence, railways, telecommunication departments, civil, aviation and banks.
- To establish, erect, operate, maintain and run saw mills and for that purpose to carry on the business of timber merchants, saw mills proprietors, forest owners and timber growers, and buy, sell, grow, prepare for market, manipulate, export, import and deal in timber and wood of all kinds and to manufacture and deal in articles of all kinds in the manufacture of which timber or wood is used.
- To carry on the business of forest contractors and to grow, raise, produce, plant, cultivate, buy, import, export, sell, trade and deal in all kinds of forest produce, vegetation, timber, wood, stalk, twigs, leaves, fruits, trees, shrubs, plants, sprouts, vines, seeds, roots, fruits, herbs and flowers of all kinds and description and manufacture, process and produce sealing wax, oils, laminated sheets, paper, pulp, plywood and hardboard, newsprint and card board of different varieties.
- To establish, promote, subsidize, encourage, provide, maintain, organise, undertake, manage, build, construct, equip, develop, recondition, operate, conduct and to run in India or abroad schools, colleges, boarding houses, ashrams, gurukuls, teaching classes for primary, secondary & higher education in the fields of commerce, arts, science, engineering, medical, pharmacy, mining, military, music, dance, acting, sports, journalism, management, social welfare and industry which can be imparted to the students regularly orally or through post and to conduct examinations and to award degrees.
- To establish, maintain and carry on an institution with or without branches to give instructions, viva voce or by post or through cinema, films or otherwise to both sexes for the purposes of teaching in the arts, science, commerce, stenography, typewriting, law, engineering, computers or pertaining to technical, vocational, commercial, business and other types of education.
- To organise debates, lectures, exhibitions, expeditions, research works, operas, dances, outdoor amusement, public meetings and classes and conferences conducted directly or indirectly to advance the cause of education whether general, professional or technical and for that purpose to establish libraries, reading rooms, laboratories, workshop and install equipments and to arrange for their maintenance and upkeep.
- To buy, sell, barter, import or otherwise deal whether as wholesalers or retailers or as exporters or importers or as principals or agents or brokers or otherwise to catch fish and procure sea foods and preserve, smoke, cure, freeze, prepare or process or otherwise to deal in all sorts of fresh, chilled, dried, salted, inbrine or frozen seafoods, fish meals, fish products, vegetables, and to manufacture or procure any substances or articles wholly or partially from fish or seafoods for human or animal consumption.
- To purchase or otherwise establish, build, own, operate, acquire, run and manage food processing factories, warehouses, sheds, and buildings for the purposes of processing, packing, preserving and canning all varieties of fish, fish products, food products, farm products, and other edible products including by products manufactured and/or dealt in by the Company and to deal in all kinds of machinery, appliances and materials for achieving the said objects.
- To carry on the business of stock brokers, sharebrokers, investment brokers, insurance brokers, underwriters and to carry out brokerage of all and every kind whatsoever.
- To negotiate, buy, sell, transfer, hypothecate, deal in and otherwise dispose of any shares, stocks, securities, certificates, debentures, whether perpetual or redeemable debentures, stocks, properties, units and bonds of any Government, local authority, Government undertaking, company or any body corporate and subject to the provisions of the Banking Regulations Act, 1949 to receive money, deposits on interest or otherwise and to negotiate and lend money with or without security to such companies, firms or persons and on such conditions as may seem expedient and to guarantee the performance of contracts by any person, companies or firms provided that the company shall not carry on the business of banking as provided in the Banking Regulations Act, 1949.
- To act as a member of National Stock Exchange, OTC Exchange of India or any other recognised Stock Exchange(s) in India or elsewhere, and to render all such services as may be provided by a stock broker and to do such things as may be incidental thereto.
- To carry on the business as cultivators, tillers, husbandry men, nurserymen, agriculturists, horticulturists, sericulturists, farmers, gardeners and producers of seeds with a view to raise crops, vegetables, plants, trees, fruits, flowers, herbs, shrubs, sprouts, bulbs, roots, creepers, garden plants, grapes, vines, sugarcane, cotton, tea, cocoa, coffee, rubber and other produce and to process, treat and refine seeds and to produce, breed and grow hybrid seeds, grains and farm produce and to grow, cultivate plant, produce, process, buy, sell, make marketable, import, export or otherwise deal in agricultural, horticultural, sericultural, botanical and garden products and farm products, grains, seeds, crops including commercial crops.
- To carry on the business as manufactures, producers, processors, importers, exporters and dealers in all kinds and classes of compost, organic and inorganic manures, gas based, natural or manmade fertilisers, chemicals such as urea, sulphur, insecticides, pesticides, repellents, fungicides, sprayers, dusters.
- To carry on all or any of the business of importers and exporters, buyers, sellers, stockists, suppliers, agents and distributors, wholesale and retail dealers, repairers, hirers, stores of and workers in motor cars, motor buses, omnibuses, motor lorries, station wagons, motor trucks, motor cycles, scooters, jeeps, trolleys, trailers, buses, motor vans, vehicles, commercial vehicles, velocipades, whether propelled or assisted by means of petrol, diesel oil, powering oil, spirit, gas, vapour, electricity, battery, solar energy, animal, manual labour or any other powers whatsoever and to own, lease, manage, carry on and run the business of garage proprietors, workshop owners and of a service station for motor vehicles of all kinds, servicing, repairing and maintenance of vehicles of every description.
- To manufacture, produce, buy, sell all kind of spare parts, components, accessories, fittings, furnishings, engines, chassis, bodies, tools and implements, in connection with the above mentioned things such as petrol, oil, lubricants and petroleum products, new and used motor vehicles, caravans, trailers, tyres and tubes, batteries, spare parts, accessories, radios, cassette players, rubber and electrical goods and to carry on the business of body builders of motor vehicles and trucks.
- To carry on all or any of the business of carriers of passengers, goods and merchandise by sea, air, rail, road or other means of transport, manage and maintain steam ships, aircraft, automobiles, trucks, taxis, buses, lorries, vehicles and conveyance of all kind and to act as shipping, chartering, forwarding, clearing and transport agents and as warehousemen, wharfingers, freight contractors, brokers and general traders and to establish, undertake, maintain and provide all services and facilities connected therewith.
- To undertake the safe keeping, cleaning, repairing, painting, furnishing, body building, refuelling and servicing of motor vehicles of all kinds.
- To operate motor transport of all kinds, including the leasing, hiring or letting out of cars, trucks, tractors, and breakdown vehicles.
- To purchase, sell, construct, maintain, repair, recondition, hire or let motors, buses or vans, cars or other vehicles appropriate for the carriage of passengers or goods, and to carry on the business of bus proprietors and carriers of passengers and goods both in public conveyances and in private vehicles as may from time be thought fit.
- To deal in components, parts, accessories, fittings, equipments, instruments, systems, devices, consumables and other allied products of all such vehicles and to repair and maintain all such vehicles and for the purpose to construct garages.
- To carry on the business of travel agents, tour operators, general carriers, forwarding agents, packers and movers.
- To work and act as analyser, examiners of pharmaceuticals, medicines and drugs manufactured by the manufacturers and others including government, semi government bodies and also to carry on the profession of analyst, pathologists and examiners of materials.
- To provide testing facilities for food items, chemicals, edible oils, agricultural raw material and products, industrial raw material and products, water, effluent water, air, gases, sludge, textile auxiliaries and finished products, cement, alloys, packing material, soap and detergent , etc. to small and big industries to have control on the quality of the products.
- To provide facilities for analysing the industrial effluents, sludges and gases which covers air, water and soil pollution and also to provide monitoring facilities for soil, water, air pollution on turn key basis for clean environment.
- To provide R and D services to various industries by running pilot studies at laboratory level.
- To provide calibration facilities of various physical instruments to industries so as to reduce the
incident of accidents and maintain the quality of the product.
- To provide testing of soil for physical and mechanical parameter which will help in deciding the quality of construction of multi-storey buildings, rivers, dams, bridges, etc.
- To provide ISI, ISO9000, Food and Drug administration, Agmark, NPL testing and consultancy facilities.
- To provide cargo inspection, survey, sampling facility for export material and insurance purposes.
- To carry on scientific and technical researches, experiments and tests of all kinds for and on behalf of government, semi government bodies and for others.
- To carry on the business as travel agents, tourist agents, package tour operators, daily passenger service operators, travelling agents and contractors, forwarding and general agents, aircraft and ship owners and charterers and to facilitate travelling by air, road and sea and to provide facilities of all kind for tourists and travellers by means of booking of tickets, circular ticket, sleeping car or berths, reserve places, lodging accommodation, guides, safe deposits, inquiry bureaus, libraries, reading rooms, baggage transport and otherwise.
- To carry on the business of booking and reserving accommodation, seats, compartment and berths on railway, steamers, motorships, boats, aeroplanes, omnibus and motor bus, package tour operators, and to issue tickets for same, to provide necessary services for passport & visa, to provide for guides, to take on hire or own taxies, motor cars, omnibus, motor bus, steamers, barges, aeroplanes and all kinds of vehicles.
- To carry on the business as travel agents, tourist and cargo carriers by road, sea or by any other mode of transport and to carry on all other allied business and activities pertaining to the travelling and tourist business.
- To establish, promote, subsidize, encourage, provide, maintain, organise, undertake, manage, build, construct, equip, develop, recondition, operate, conduct and to run in India or abroad schools, colleges, boarding houses, ashrams, gurukuls, teaching classes for primary, secondary & higher education in the fields of commerce, arts, science, engineering, medical, pharmacy, mining, military, music, dance, acting, sports, journalism, management, social welfare and industry which can be imparted to the students regularly orally or through post and to conduct examinations and to award degrees.
- To establish, maintain and carry on an institution with or without branches to give instructions, viva voce or by post or through cinema, films or otherwise to both sexes for the purposes of teaching in the arts, science, commerce, stenography, typewriting, law, engineering, computers or pertaining to technical, vocational, commercial, business and other types of education.
- To organise debates, lectures, exhibitions, expeditions, research works, operas, dances, outdoor amusement, public meetings and classes and conferences conducted directly or indirectly to advance the cause of education whether general, professional or technical and for that purpose to establish libraries, reading rooms, laboratories, workshop and install equipments and to arrange for their maintenance and upkeep.
- To establish, provide, perform systems engineering services, related technical and consultancy services, import technical know-how in the field of computers, develop technical expertise for providing technology and technical know-how in the field of computers and to manufacture, import, export, assemble, develop, invent and otherwise deal in computers, computer software, floppy diskettes, printer ribbon, paper, magnetic tapes, cassettes and other allied materials, computer data processing machines, computer peripherals, accessories and components.
- To establish facilities of providing comparative information about the characteristics, interest or other attributes of individuals, communities, organisations, countries or other social units and of any articles or commodities or economic trends or persons whatsoever; to design, invent, prepare, own, make and to take on lease, sell or otherwise dispose of and generally to deal with computers, data processing machines, tapes, memory equipments or any other equipments and materials of every kind and description useful in connection with this business, to license or otherwise authorise others to engage in the foregoing and to engage in general research and development in areas related to or involving the foregoing. .
- To carry on the business of advertising agents and publicity agents and releasers and contractors both outdoor and in newspapers, magazines, books, screens, journals, walls, buses, railway carriage, hoardings, souvenirs, catalogues, brochures, pamphlets, visiting cards, gift articles, diaries, presentation articles, audio cassettes, video cassettes or through any other media or other display devices of advertisement.
- To erect posters, distribute handbills, to announce through loudspeakers, to erect panels for display of painted bulletins whether electrically, electronically illustrated, to exhibit by means of electric signs, neon signs, electronic display boards, films, slides, video cassettes, audio cassettes or displaying through the advertising material currently in vogue.
- To carry on the business of advertising contractors and agents, designers and to purchase and sell advertising time or space on any radio station, television centre in India or abroad or any other media currently in vogue and to promote the sale or interest of its clients by organising trade fairs, exhibitions, road shows etc.
- To prepare, advise, devise, compose, design, layout, manufacture, construct, install, fabricate, paint, finish, buy, sell, print, screen print all kinds of advertising and publicity material such as slides, cassettes, pamphlets, calendars, posters, hoardings, cutouts, etc.
To carry on business as secretaries, business and office managers, messengers, switchboard operators, couriers, forwarding agents and commercial agents, to provide telephone answering service for subscribers and others, and to provide service in connection with the reception and transmission of messages, documents and information by telephone, telex, air and surface mail, radio or any other means.
- To carry on all or any of the business of importers and exporters, buyers, sellers, stockists, suppliers, agents and distributors, wholesale and retail dealers, repairers, hirers, stores of and workers in motor cars, motor buses, omnibuses, motor lorries, station wagons, motor trucks, motor cycles, scooters, jeeps, trolleys, trailers, buses, motor vans, vehicles, commercial vehicles, velocipades, whether propelled or assisted by means of petrol, diesel oil, powering oil, spirit, gas, vapour, electricity, battery, solar energy, animal, manual labour or any other powers whatsoever and to own, lease, manage, carry on and run the business of garage proprietors, workshop owners and of a service station for motor vehicles of all kinds, servicing, repairing and maintenance of vehicles of every description.
- To manufacture, produce, buy, sell all kind of spare parts, components, accessories, fittings, furnishings, engines, chassis, bodies, tools and implements, in connection with the above mentioned things such as petrol, oil, lubricants and petroleum products, new and used motor vehicles, caravans, trailers, tyres and tubes, batteries, spare parts, accessories, radios, cassette players, rubber and electrical goods and to carry on the business of body builders of motor vehicles and trucks.
- To carry on all or any of the business of carriers of passengers, goods and merchandise by sea, air, rail, road or other means of transport, manage and maintain steam ships, aircraft, automobiles, trucks, taxis, buses, lorries, vehicles and conveyance of all kind and to act as shipping, chartering, forwarding, clearing and transport agents and as warehousemen, wharfingers, freight contractors, brokers and general traders and to establish, undertake, maintain and provide all services and facilities connected therewith.
- To undertake the safe keeping, cleaning, repairing, painting, furnishing, body building, refuelling and servicing of motor vehicles of all kinds.
- To operate motor transport of all kinds, including the leasing, hiring or letting out of cars, trucks, tractors, and breakdown vehicles.
- To establish, maintain, run & operate the business of handling, carrying & delivering of articles, packages, parcels, containers, mails, goods, communication & messenger services from one place to another and from one person to another and to the place of destination and to charge such cartage, freight or fare as may be feasible or commensurate with the work or service performed in relation thereto and for that purpose to purchase or hire vehicles of all types for maintaining the service line and to insure all or any of the articles carried by the company for the delivery of the same during its transit or storage.
- To carry on the business as travel agents, tourist and cargo carriers, freight forwarders by road, railway, sea water or air or by any other mode of transport and to carry on all other allied business and activities pertaining to the travelling and tourist business.
- To carry on all or any of the business of transporters, cartage and haulage contractors, garage proprietors, owners and charterers of road vehicles, aircraft, ships, tugs, burger and boats of every description, carrier of goods and passengers by road, water or air, cartage contractors, stevedores, warfingers, cargo superintendents, packers, haulers, warehouse man, storekeepers and job master and to act as clearing and forwarding agents.
- To carry on the business of advisers on problems relating to the administration and organisation of industry and business and to advise ways, means and methods for extending, developing and importing all types of business or industries and all systems and processes relating to the production, storage, distribution, marketing and sale of goods and or relating to the rendering of the services.
- To seek for and secure openings for the employment of capital prospects, enquire, examine and take up the supervision or control of the business corporation of any person, firm, body corporate, association or other undertaking and for such purpose to appoint and remunerate any officer of the company, accountants, consultants or other experts.
- To engage in research in all problems relating to industrial and business management and distribution, personnel, marketing and selling and to collect, prepare and distribute information and statistics relating to any type of business or industry or technology.
- To act as agents or managers in carrying on any business concerns and undertakings and to employ experts to investigate and examine into the condition of management, prospects and value of any business or undertaking and generally of any assets or right of any kind.
- To undertake, procure, render, provide, supply, establish and maintain services, facilities, convenience, assistance, cooperation, supervision, guidance, consultation and advice in the field of commerce, industry, trade and science and in the matter of laws, revenues, taxation, finance, fiscal, organisation, management, administration, personnel, designing of accounting & costing records, marketing, distribution, publicity, insurance, banking, imports, exports, statistics, mathematics, software and hardware and other technologies including accounting and management services.
- To provide financial services, advice and facilities of every description including all those capable of being provided by stockbrokers, stock jobbers, investment and pension fund managers and advisers, promoters and managers of mutual funds and other investment media, insurance brokers, underwriters, issuing houses and financiers.
- To look after working capital, project financing and implementing management policies.
- To act as placement agencies and to act as agents for securing employment or selecting and interviewing prospective employees for any job or employment.
- To carry on the business of advisers and consultants on problems relating to the administration and organisation of industry and business and to advise ways and means and methods for extending, developing and importing all types of business or industries and all systems and processes relating to the production, storage, distribution, marketing and sale of goods and or relating to the rendering of the services.
- To carry on the profession of consultants, advisers, representatives, advocates, attorneys, liaisioner, agents, serviceman, middleman, arbitrator, conciliator, auctioneer, liquidator, secretary & solicitor on different subjects such as legal, commercial, industrial, manufacturing, production, engineering, personnel, marketing, advertising, publicity, sales promotion, public welfare, corporate management, business management, company law, taxation, investment, portfolio management, agriculture, animal husbandry, poultry, fisheries, power generation, energy savings, insurance, banking, loan syndication, imports & exports, researches & developments, software developments, computer applications, quality control, technical knowhow, geology & mining, medicine & surgery, merchant banking, underwriting, secretarial services, financial management, construction, transport and on other similar subjects and to make evaluations, feasibility studies, techno economic feasibility studies, project reports, forecasts, surveys & rehabilitation packages
- To engage and hire professional, clerical, manual and other staff and employees and to enter into agreements with such staff and employees with a view to allocating their services to any person, firm or company requiring them.
- To provide or procure the provision by others of any service, need or requirement of any business of any nature required by any person, firm or company in connection with any business carried on by them.
- To carry on the business of financing, money lending, bill discounting, advancing money by way of issue of credit cards or otherwise to issue and manage charge cards, debit cards and prepaid cards.
- To manufacture, produce, process, make, assemble, repair, convert, import, export, trade, buy, sell whether as retailers, wholesalers, suppliers, indenters, packers, movers, preservers, stockists, agents, subagents, merchants, distributors, consignors, jobbers, brokers or otherwise deal in all kinds of single or multi-fuel diesel generating sets with or without break system and all kinds of spare parts, components and accessories used in any diesel generating sets.
- To manufacture, buy, sell, assemble, exchange, supply, alter, improve, prepare for market, import or export or otherwise deal in every type and kind of electrical motors and in particular fractional horse power electrical motors and power driven pumps meant for domestic, agricultural or industrial purposes.
- To carry on the business of stock brokers, sharebrokers, investment brokers, insurance brokers,
underwriters and to carry out brokerage of all and every kind whatsoever.
- To negotiate, buy, sell, transfer, hypothecate, deal in and otherwise dispose of any shares, stocks, securities, certificates, debentures, whether perpetual or redeemable debentures, stocks, properties, units and bonds of any Government, local authority, Government undertaking, company or any body corporate and subject to the provisions of the Banking Regulations Act, 1949 to receive money, deposits on interest or otherwise and to negotiate and lend money with or without security to such companies, firms or persons and on such conditions as may seem expedient and to guarantee the performance of contracts by any person, companies or firms provided that the company shall not carry on the business of banking as provided in the Banking Regulations Act, 1949.
- To act as a member of National Stock Exchange, OTC Exchange of India or any other recognised Stock Exchange(s) in India or elsewhere, and to render all such services as may be provided by a stock broker and to do such things as may be incidental thereto.
- To take part in information, supervision or control of the business or operations of any company or undertaking and for that purpose to act as an Issue House, Registrar and Share Transfer Agents, Secretaries, Financial Advisers or Technical Consultants or in any other capacity and to appoint and remunerate any directors, administrators or accountants or other experts or agents.
- To act as financial consultants, management consultants and provide advice, service, consultancy in various fields, general administrative, secretarial, commercial, financial, legal, economic, labour, industrial, public relations, scientific, technical, direct and indirect taxation and other levies, statistical, accountancy, quality control and data processing.
- To build, fit and repair and lend money on ships, drilling rights and floating and submersible equipment of every description.
- To carry on the business of ship builders, ship wrights, marine and general engineers and manufacturers and repairers of engines, boilers, connected with the purpose of ship building.
- To construct and maintain for the use of the company or for letting out on hire, graving and other docks and other installations for building, repairing or docking ships and other vessels, and to aid in or contribute to the construction of any such works.
- To buy or otherwise acquire ships and hulls in any condition for the purpose of improving, reselling or otherwise turning them to account.
- To carry on the business of manufacturers and repairers of and wholesale and retail dealers in all types of footwear and accessories of footwear (such as heels, soles, buckles, straps, booteries, laces) and hand gloves and other products of leather, rubber, textiles ( of natural or man made fibre), polyvinyl chloride compound or in combination of leather.
- To prepare, process, coat, transport, refine, recover, improve, recycle, reclaim, utilise, extract and finish, import, export, buy, sell, market, install, survey, estimate and carry on business as manufacturers, dealers in all kind of footwear, components and accessories, last, moulds, boot trees, laces, buckles, rivets, eyelets, shanks, shoe horns, leggings, boot polishes, toe cap, shoe tacks, zips, thread, bindings, adhesives, colour batches, lubricant, leather, rubber and plastic goods.
- To fabricate, prepare, process, coat, transport, refine, recover, improve, recycle, reclaim, utilise,
extract, finish, import, export, buy, sell, market, install, survey, estimate and carry on business as manufactures and dealers of leather, leather board, saddlery, harness, luggage and travel goods, leather goods and sports goods, textile, jute, rubber, P.U., PVC, leather cloth, polyurethane, thermoplastics, rubber chemicals and all other raw materials, plant, machinery, lasts, moulds, equipments for manufacturing footwear components, leather goods, rubber goods, plastic goods and accessories thereof.
- To deal in raw hides and skins.
To carry on business as manufacturers, producers, processors, makers, convertors, importers, exporters, traders, buyers, sellers, retailers, wholesalers, suppliers, indenters, bottlers, packers, movers, preservers, stockists, agents, merchants, distributors, consignors, jobbers, brokers or otherwise deal in full range of silicon and chemicals from ethyl, methyl, phenyl and compounds for various industrial applications and to carry out research and developments in the applications of the above chemicals in industries.
- To manufacture, produce, process, make, convert, import, export, trade, buy, sell whether as retailers or wholesalers, suppliers, indenters, packers, repackers, preservers, stockists, agents, merchants, distributors, consignors, jobbers, brokers or otherwise deal in furs and skins of all kinds, raw hides, feather.
- To carry on the business of manufacturing furriers, robe makers, haberdashers and dealers in all kinds of trimmings, ribbons, braid, threads, cottons, buttons and fasteners.
- To carry on the business of fur and skin dressers, tanners, renovators, dyers and cleaners.
- To carry on the business of restaurant keepers, refreshment room proprietors, proprietors of hotels, tea rooms, bars, snack bars and as inn and lodging house keepers, licensed victuallers, tea and coffee shop, cake shop and snackbar, caterers, refreshment contractors, bakers and pastry cooks, confectioners and general provision merchants and to carry on business as manufacturers, producers, processors, makers, convertors, importers, exporters, traders, buyers, sellers, retailers, wholesalers, suppliers, indenters, packers, movers, stockists, agents, subagents, merchants, distributors, consignors, jobbers, brokers or otherwise deal in refreshments, food, mineral waters and soft drinks, aerated waters, cordials and consumable goods of every description.
- To establish and provide all kinds of facilities and amenities for customers and others, and in particular club rooms, reading and writing rooms, games and sports accommodation, changing rooms, lockers and safe deposits, laundries, places of amusement, recreation, sports, telephones, stores and shops, agents for railway and shipping companies.
To manufacture, process, pack, repack, buy, sell, import, export or otherwise deal in all kinds of soaps such as bathing soap, soap strips, perfumed or non-perfumed soaps, glycerine soaps, in any form whether liquid or cake, detergent powders, cakes, liquids, shampoos, conditioner, non-soapy washing creams, baby soaps, medical or clinical soaps and all kinds and varieties of soaps and detergents and all types of raw material used in it, detergents, toiletries and cosmetics and to do the business of refining, preparing, buying, selling, importing, exporting or otherwise dealing in all kinds of oils, margarine, soda, caustic soda, soda ash, fats, perfumes and laundry materials and other substances and ingredients required for the manufacture of aforesaid products.
- To provide a secular, non political institution to promote and facilitate different game activities, social, recreational, cultural and intellectual activities among the members of the Club and to support such activities.
- To establish and provide recreational sports facilities and other related activities like indoor, outdoor games and sports for members in a phased manner.
- To provide temporary accommodation/catering etc. to members and their guest in a phased manner.
- To maintain a recreation room.
- To promote, encourage and support such activities among the members as are conductive to the growth of social, cultural and intellectual environment in particular.
- To give, promote or support receptions, dinners, concerts and other entertainments and to hold, promote or support sports, sport meetings, competitions, championship and matches and to offer and contribute towards prizes, medals , scholarships and awards.
- To organise, conduct classes or coaching schemes in Judo, Karate, Dancing, Music, Art and any other fine arts, health club, hobbies and sports generally.
- To establish, promote, manage or assist in the establishment, promotion or management of any other body or association either in India or outside India, whose objects are similar either in full or in part to the objects of the Club and to affiliate the Club to such institutions in India or abroad.
- To perform acts of charity and render service to those in need, especially the poor and backward in community, irrespective of caste, creed, race or religion.
- Generally to engage in such other activities as are incidental or conductive or otherwise advantageous to the attainment of the above objects or any of them.
- To organise and manage indoor and outdoor games like Billiards, Table Tennis, Lawn Tennis, Carom Board, Ludo, Chess, Badminton, Playing Cards so as to help physical and mental development of members and to provide healthy recreation of friendship, nationalism by organising sports, games, kavi sammelan, dances, Mushaira, Drama and magic show.
- To carry on the business of manufacturers, producers, boilers of and dealers in beverages of all kinds and description, soft drinks, aerated, mineral & artificial waters and other beverages, fruit juices, syrups, tea, coffee, beer, wine, whisky, rum, gin, vodka or other alcoholic or non-alcoholic drinks; cocktails and for that purpose to set up, install, purchase, import, or otherwise acquire all plant, machinery and related equipments.
- To carry on the business of bottling of soft drinks, aerated, mineral & artificial waters and other beverages, fruit juices, cocktails under franchise agreement of well known producers or otherwise and for that purpose to buy, sell, manufacture, import and deal in all types of bottles, stoppers, corks including tinplate crown corks, crates and containers, whether of glass, plastic, wood or any other material.
- To carry on the business of restaurant, cafe, tavern, hotel, motel, beerhouse, refreshment room and
lodging house keepers, licensed victuallers, wine, beer and spirit merchants, brewers, maltsters, distillers, importers and exporters thereof, purveyors, caterers for public amusements, coach, car, carriage and motorcar proprietors, farmers, dairy men, ice merchants, importers and brokers of foods, live and dead stock and foreign produce of the similar type of products as required for hotel industry.
- To carry on business as Bakers, Confectioners and Manufacturers of and dealers in confectionery, bakery and dairy products.
- To carry on general business of providing information, to design, invent, prepare, own, make, use, lease, sell or otherwise dispose of and generally to deal in and with software development, computers or any other equipment and materials of every type and description useful in forgoing business. To licence or otherwise authorise others to engage in general research and development in areas related to or involving foregoing, to provide consultancy in above and take jobs for solutions of problems relating to information and data processing.
- To manufacture, buy, sell, import, export, deal, assemble, fit, repair, convert, overhaul, alter, maintain and improve and provide training in all types of electronic and computer hardware, components, devices, equipments and appliances such as television, wireless, radio receivers, transmitters, tape recorders, broadcast, relay and reception equipments including those using electromagnetic wave intended for radio telegraphic or radio telephonic communication.
- To carry on business as developers, exporters, importers of information technology, programming, developing of computer software, course-ware in any or all of the following Programming Languages ActiveX, AppleScript, Assembly, Basic, C and C++, C#, COBOL, Delphi, Forth, Fortran, Java, JavaScript, Lisp, Object Oriented, Pascal, Perl, PHP, Python, RPG, SQL, Tcl Tk, Visual Basic, and to carry out projects in Data Formats like HTML, Virtual Reality Modelling Language (VRML), XML
- To own, manage and run computer software development and training centers and to act as consultants, advisors, developers and traders in computer programming system development, system design, system architecture, software designing, computer aided designs, data compilation and statistical analysis and to carry on the business of traders, developers, assemblers, repairs, importers, exporters of software packages, computer systems, computer peripherals, computer parts, consumables and electronic communication system, data publishing and processing system and gadgets.
To produce, store or otherwise deal in solar energy and to manufacture, produce, process, make, convert, import, export, trade, buy, sell whether as retailers or wholesalers, suppliers, packers, repackers, movers, stockists, agents, subagents, merchants, distributors, consignors, jobbers, brokers or otherwise deal in all kinds of equipments, gadgets required for production, storage or based on or using solar energy such as solar cookers, solar batteries, solar powered vehicles, solar water pumps, solar grain driers, solar watches and to deal in all kinds of electrical appliances, energy saving devices for industrial, business or household applications and specialised equipments required for defence, railways, telecommunication departments, civil, aviation and banks.
- To acquire, promote, establish and carry on business of manufacture and processing of soyabean oils, deoiled cakes, refined oils, hydrogenated oils(vanaspati), margarine, peanut butter, peanut milk, refined oil from or out of cottonseed, castor, linseed, sunflower, soyabean, ricebran, groundnut and other types of edible and non edible, essential and non essential, oil seeds and vegetable seeds of all kinds by any type of processing viz., ordinary crushing, solvent extraction, chemical or any other process and to utilize the oils & cakes and proteins to be produced therefrom.
- To carry on the business of manufacture and processing of nutrition foods, high protein soyabean meal, foods, soya flour, soya milk, textured proteins, protein concentrates, protein isolates, lecithin, glycerine, emulsifiers, oils, cattle feed, manure, fatty acids, soaps, perfumes, chemicals and other products in which such oil seeds, oils, proteins from the products aforesaid are used.
- To act as dealers, wholesalers, retailers, stockists, commission agents, representatives, selling agents, purchasing agent, distributors, brokers, exporters, importers of soyabean, ground nut, sesame seeds, all other oil seeds, edible and non edible oils, vanaspati, oil cakes, proteins and protein foods, other substances or residue or byproducts of all goods aforesaid.
- To acquire, promote, establish and carry on business of manufacture and processing of soyabean oils, deoiled cakes, refined oils, hydrogenated oils (vanaspati), margarine, peanut butter, peanut milk, refined oil from or out of cottonseed, castor, linseed, sunflower, soyabean, ricebran, groundnut and other types of edible and non edible, essential and non essential, oil seeds and vegetable seeds of all kinds by any type of processing viz., ordinary crushing, solvent extraction, chemical or any other process and to utilize the oils & cakes and proteins to be produced therefrom.
- To carry on the business of manufacture and processing of nutrition foods, high protein soyabean meal, foods, soya flour, soya milk, textured proteins, protein concentrates, protein isolates, lecithin, glycerine, emulsifiers, oils, cattle feed, manure, fatty acids, soaps, perfumes, chemicals and other products in which such oil seeds, oils, proteins from the products aforesaid are used.
- To act as dealers, wholesalers, retailers, stockists, commission agents, representatives, selling agents, purchasing agent, distributors, brokers, exporters, importers of soyabean, ground nut, sesame seeds, all other oil seeds, edible and non edible oils, vanaspati, oil cakes, proteins and protein foods, other substances or residue or by products of all goods aforesaid.
To manufacture, produce, fabricate, develop, assemble, import, export, trade, buy, sell, supply and to act as indenters, agents, subagents, jobbers, brokers, repairers, cleaners or otherwise deal in all kinds and classes of machineries, component parts, replacement parts, spare parts, assemblies, accessories, tools, implements, fittings inclusive of all types of axles, propellers, shafts and universal joints, ornamentation and decorative parts for motors, vehicles, trucks, tractors, motorcycles, cycles, cars, scooters, buses, omnibuses, submarines, aeroplanes, balloons, aircraft, spacecraft, rockets, space shuttle of every description and vehicles and products of all descriptions whether propelled or used by means of petrol, spirit, steam, oil, vapour, gas, coal, electricity, petroleum, atoms or any motive or mechanical power whether used for defence or transporting goods, passengers and animals.
- To carry on the business of import, export, purchase, sale, production, preparation, manufacture, crushing, grinding, processing and dealing in all kinds, varieties, descriptions, tastes and packs of spices used in vegetarian and non-vegetarian preparation of foods made of chilly, salt, cubes, ginger, king’s cumin, mustard, thymol, tamarind, black pepper, saffron, nutmeg, mace, cuminseed, basil, cassia, cinnamon, cloves, cardamom, dry ginger, turmeric, aniseed, asafoetida or of other similar items and compounds thereof & that of oil, spice oil, oeloresins, vegetable oil of every type, hydrogenated, dehydrated, deodorised or otherwise and oil seeds, oil cakes and other vegetable products including vegetable ghee, allied product, by products and substitute for all or any of them and to treat and utilise any waste arising from any such manufacture, production or process, whether carried on by the company or otherwise and deal in containers made of tin, plastic, steel and other substitute for packing of the above materials.
- To manufacture, import, export, establish, deal in, purchase and sell all kinds and types of spices, food and fruit products of every description like fast food, baby foods, precooked foods, canned fruits and foods, canned vegetable spices, fruit concentrates, fruit pulps, fruit jams, jellies, fruit drinks, beverages, beverages concentrates and all other types or preparation from spices and vegetable and all types of packaged and ready to serve food products.
- To provide facilities and accommodation for indoor and outdoor sports or games, changing rooms, refreshments and other amenities and to promote polo, hunting, tennis and other games, athletic sports and pastimes.
- To provide courses and grounds, reading rooms, billiards and other recreation rooms and refreshment rooms, television rooms, and such sports facilities as may be thought appropriate, and to provide accommodation for meetings and gatherings of all description, and to lay out, prepare and maintain the same and the property of the company to be used by members and other persons either gratuitously or for payment.
- To purchase, hire, make or provide and maintain all kinds of horses, livestock, furniture, implements, tools, utensils, plates, glass, linen, books, papers, periodicals, stationery, cards games and other things required or which may be conveniently used.
- To buy, prepare, make, apply, sell, deal in, take on hire or provide all kinds of apparatus, furniture, catering equipment and utensils, linen, glass, china, books, papers, periodicals, stationery and all other things required in connection with a club, any sport, game or pastime.
- To build, alter, adapt, construct, repair, maintain and equip, purchase, take on lease or in exchange, or otherwise acquire, any property, club house or other buildings movable or immovable which may be conveniently used in connection with any of the objects of the company.
- To buy, provide, make and sell meals, food, drinks, tobacco, cigars, cigarettes and other facilities.
- To provide the equipment necessary for billiards, snooker, darts and other games and sports, and for musical, dramatic, video and other social entertainments.
- To hire and employ secretaries, clerks, managers, servants and workmen, and to pay to them and to other persons in return for services rendered to the company, salaries, wages, gratuities and pensions.
- To promote or hold either alone or jointly with any association, club or persons, meeting, competitions and matches.
- To establish, promote or assist in establishing or promoting and to subscribe to, or become a member of, any other association or club whose objects are similar either in full or in part to the objects of the company.
- To invest and deal with the money of the Company not immediately required upon such securities
and in such manner as may from time to time be determined.
- To borrow or raise and give security for money by the issue of or upon bonds, debentures, bills of exchange, promissory notes or other obligations or securities of the company or by mortgage or charge upon all or part of the property of the Company.
- To do all such other lawful things as are incidental or conducive to the attainment of the above objects.
To manufacture, produce, process, make, convert, import, export, trade, buy, sell whether as retailers or wholesalers, suppliers, indenters, packers, repackers, movers, stockiest, agents, subagents, merchants, distributors, consignors, jobbers, brokers or otherwise deal in articles and equipments for general physical exercise, all kinds of sports goods, games, toys, gymnastics, athletics, sports nets, shuttle cocks, hockey sticks, protective equipments for sports like pads, gloves, shoes, etc., soft leather goods, dumbbells and chest expanders, cricket and hockey balls, foot balls, volley balls, basket balls and their covers, badminton rackets, bats, and all other kinds, classes and varieties of sports goods and equipments whether made of wood, special wood, leather, plastic, rubber, canvas or any other materials.
- To carry on the business of manufacturers and dealers in all kinds of die castings, forging, forged equipments, ferrous and non ferrous and processors of iron, steel, aluminium, gunmetal & alloy and other metal founderers, producers, manufacturers of industrial, chemical, agricultural plants, implements & equipments, electrostatic machines, apparatus, instruments and appliances including electropainting equipments, paint testing equipments of precipitators, material separators, recoverers of components thereof, machineries, toolmakers, metal workers, mechanics, smiths, woodworkers, painters, metallurgists, gas makers and to take up project work on turn key or in part fabrication and commissioning of the plants and machineries complete as a whole or in parts.
- To give or acquire know-how, technical and technological projects, information, specifications, data, methods of analysis to or from any body, organisation or agency in India or abroad, to carry on the business of consultants, mechanical, electrical, electronic, civil, chemical, water supply, sanitation, water, air, atmosphere, pollution, engineers, marketing management & cost control consultants.
- To carry on the business of aerial spraying on farms, grovelands, cultivations, products through helicopter, aeroplanes and other modes and to carry on other allied business of insecticides, eradication of diseases, virus and insects.
- To undertake the business of distribution and application of chemicals, fertilizers and pesticides, aerial or otherwise and to maintain and run vehicles, aeroplanes, helicopters, equipments for spraying and to run the said aeroplanes for hire and as passengers carrying craft also.
To manufacture, produce, fabricate, develop, assemble, import, export, trade, buy, sell, supply and to act as indenters, agents, subagents, jobbers, brokers, repairers, cleaners or otherwise deal in all kinds and classes of machineries, component parts, replacement parts, spare parts, assemblies, accessories, tools, implements, fittings inclusive of all types of axles, leaf springs, propellers, shafts and universal joints, ornamentation and decorative parts for motors, vehicles, trucks, tractors, motorcycles, cars, cycles, scooters, buses, omnibuses, submarines, aeroplanes, balloons, aircraft, spacecraft and vehicles and products of all descriptions whether propelled or used by means of petrol, spirit, steam, oil, vapour, gas, coal, electricity, petroleum, atoms or any motive or mechanical power whether used for defence or transporting goods, passengers and animals.
- To manufacture, buy, sell, import, export or otherwise deal in springs, spring wires, spring plates and spring strips of every description for automobiles, railways or machinery, weighing equipments and for all other industrial applications and for any other purpose whatsoever from all kinds of ferrous and nonferrous metals and their components.
- To carry on all or any of the business of inventing, developing, designing, processing and to purchase, sell, import, export or otherwise deal in all kinds of springs made out of coils, leaf, and to manufacture coils, and other materials required for manufacturing of springs and parts thereof.
- To purchase, lease, hire, construct, provide, operate, equip and maintain land, buildings, theatres, cinemas, studios, concert halls, stadiums, tracks, arenas, golf and putting courses, bowling greens, tennis, squash and paddling pools, marinas, landing stages, jetties, coach and car parks, chairs, machines, and all other structures, apparatus, equipment and articles which may appear necessary or convenient for the carrying on of any such business.
- To carry on the business of proprietors and operators of amusement parks, and as promoters, organisers and managers of all kinds of entertainments, sports, recreations, indoor and outdoor amusements, including funfairs, circuses, amusement arcades, exhibitions, sideshows and games, competitions, tournaments, concerts, cinema and television performance, stage and variety shows, dancing, skating, aquatic and equestrian events, and pyrotechnic, aerial and other displays and to enter into agreements with, grant lease and licences to, and engage and employ showmen, artists, entertainers, performers, sportsmen and other persons for the purpose.
- To acquire, construct, set up and operate flour mills, pulverisers, grinding mills for manufacturing, pulverising, producing, cleaning, developing, finishing, crushing, extracting, grinding, grading, mixing, refining, milling wheat, gram and all kinds of grains, cereals, seeds, pulses, spices, and other edible items for manufacturing of dal, besan, maida, atta, suji, rava, starch and other allied products; and to manufacture food products, such as biscuits, flakes, dalia, starch and confectionery and other food products of all kinds and description and to set up factories or mills for the manufacture thereof.
- To carry on the business of producing, extracting, refining, storing, exporting, importing, transporting flour of all kinds and description whatsoever and to construct and run flour mills of any kind or description.
- To carry on business as manufacturers, producers, processors, importers, exporters, traders, buyers, sellers, suppliers, packers, stockists, agents, subagents, merchants, distributors, consignors, jobbers, brokers or otherwise deal in all machinery used in the manufacture of flour, dal, besan, biscuit, flakes and allied products.
- To carry on all or any of the business of importers and exporters, buyers, sellers, stockists, suppliers, agents and distributors, wholesale and retail dealers, repairers, hirers, stores of and workers in motor cars, motor buses, omnibuses, motor lorries, station wagons, motor trucks, motor cycles, scooters, jeeps, trolleys, trailers, buses, motor vans, vehicles, commercial vehicles, velocipades, whether propelled or assisted by means of petrol, diesel oil, powering oil, spirit, gas, vapour, electricity, battery, solar energy, animal, manual labour or any other powers whatsoever and to own, lease, manage, carry on and run the business of garage proprietors, workshop owners and of a service station for motor vehicles of all kinds, servicing, repairing and maintenance of vehicles of every description.
- To manufacture, produce, buy, sell all kind of spare parts, components, accessories, fittings, furnishings, engines, chassis, bodies, tools and implements, in connection with the above mentioned things such as petrol, oil, lubricants and petroleum products, new and used motor vehicles, caravans, trailers, tyres and tubes, batteries, spare parts, accessories, radios, cassette players, rubber and electrical goods and to carry on the business of body builders of motor vehicles and trucks.
- To carry on all or any of the business of carriers of passengers, goods and merchandise by sea, air, rail, road or other means of transport, manage and maintain steam ships, aircraft, automobiles, trucks, taxis, buses, lorries, vehicles and conveyance of all kind and to act as shipping, chartering, forwarding, clearing and transport agents and as warehousemen, wharfingers, freight contractors, brokers and general traders and to establish, undertake, maintain and provide all services and facilities connected therewith.
- To undertake the safe keeping, cleaning, repairing, painting, furnishing, body building, refuelling and servicing of motor vehicles of all kinds.
- To operate motor transport of all kinds, including the leasing, hiring or letting out of cars, trucks, tractors, and breakdown vehicles.
- To promote, establish and run steel plants, rolling mills, steel furnaces and to carry on the business of manufacturers, processors, founders of iron and steel, tin plates, ferrous and non ferrous metals, ingots, blooms, structural engineers, mechanical engineers, sheet workers, smelters, founder and steel fabricators.
- To carry on in India or elsewhere the business of manufacturers, processors, fabricators, drawers, rollers and rerollers of ferrous and nonferrous metals, steels, alloy steels, special and stainless steels, brass, bronze, aluminium, shaftings, bars, rods, flats, squares from scrap, sponge iron, pig iron, prereduced billets, ingots including manufacturing, processing and fabricating of pipes, expanded metal, hinges, plates, sheets, strips, blooms, rounds, circles and angles and to act as exporters, importers and dealers in all such and allied merchandise
- To carry on the business of stock brokers, sharebrokers, investment brokers, insurance brokers,
underwriters and to carry out brokerage of all and every kind whatsoever.
- To negotiate, buy, sell, transfer, hypothecate, deal in and otherwise dispose of any shares, stocks, securities, certificates, debentures, whether perpetual or redeemable debentures, stocks, properties, units and bonds of any Government, local authority, Government undertaking, company or any body corporate and subject to the provisions of the Banking Regulations Act, 1949 to receive money, deposits on interest or otherwise and to negotiate and lend money with or without security to such companies, firms or persons and on such conditions as may seem expedient and to guarantee the performance of contracts by any person, companies or firms provided that the company shall not carry on the business of banking as provided in the Banking Regulations Act, 1949.
- To act as a member of National Stock Exchange, OTC Exchange of India or any other recognised Stock Exchange(s) in India or elsewhere, and to render all such services as may be provided by a stock broker and to do such things as may be incidental thereto.
To establish, promote, maintain, run and regulate the business of stock exchange, stocks and shares, debentures and debenture stock, government securities, bonds and other securities of any description for ready and forward transactions, subject to such directions, registrations, regulations, as may be enacted by the Central Government or any other authority from time to time and to admit members, on such terms as may be determined by the Company.
To manufacture, produce, process, prepare, commercialize, cut, polish, set, design, display, exchange, examine, finish, grind, grade, assort, import, export, buy, sell, resale, demonstrate, market or otherwise to deal in all shapes, sizes, varieties, description, specifications, applications & designs of rough, raw, cut, uncut, polished or processed, natural & man made precious, semiprecious & natural stones such as diamonds, ruby, pearls, gemstones, blue sapphires, cat’s eye stone, coral, topaz, opal, zircon, tourmaline, jade, spinel ruby, aquamarine, turquoise, peridot, agate, garnet, corundum, amethyst, malachite, citrine, alexendrite, smoky quartz, lapis lazuli, rock crystal, onyx, moon stone, jasper, blood stone, gold stone, bismuth, jet, diopside, tiger eye, sunstone, spinal, jews stone, load stone, sardonex, touch stone, amber and their ornaments, jewelleries, articles, goods, or things, made in the combination of gold, silver, platinum, or other metals, and alloys thereof; watches, clocks, cutlery, presents and gifts, cups, medals, shields, curios, art and antiques, dressing bags, hand bags and for the purpose to act as goldsmith, silversmith, jewellers, gem merchants, electroplaters, polishers, purifiers.
- To construct, build, equip, own, purchase, take on lease, rent, hire, maintain, keep and to run cold storages, storage chambers, freezers, deep freezers, godowns, warehouses, refrigerators and room coolers for storing fish, seafood, marine products and processed fish, meat, eggs, poultry products, protein foods, milk & dairy products, cream, butter, cheese, bacons, sausages, fruits, roots, vegetables and other substances made from all or any of them and canned, tinned and processed foods of every description and to act as transporters of aforesaid foods, substances and products.
- To establish cold storage plants and to carry on the business of ice manufacturers, cold storage keepers, provision merchants and fruits vendors and to maintain cold storage plants and chambers for the preservation of fruits, vegetables and consumable articles of all kinds and to deal in the same.
- To carry on the business as manufacturers, producers, processors, repairers, assemblers, buyers, sellers, dealers, importers, exporters of all types of industrial and domestic furniture, fit tings, made from wood, brass, fibre glass, plastic or any other alloys, handicrafts, wooden products, plywood, teak wood and teak boards, linoleums, furnishing fabrics, carpets, rugs and other floor coverings, hand made home furnishings and carpets, household requisites of all kinds and all materials and other things capable of being used therewith or in the maintenance and repair of house hold equipments.
- To enter into hire purchase, credit sale and consumer credit agreements with the purchasers of any such articles and good, and to assign, factor or pledge such agreements, or the payments due or rights accruing under them, for cash or otherwise.
- To establish, acquire, keep, manage and run departmental store and general provision store for the purpose of dealing in all kinds and classes of household goods, merchandise, stores, consumer goods, articles and commodities of all sorts whether wholesale or in retail or both, and to establish, equip, manage and run chain stores, offices, shops and branches for the supply of provisions and all other articles for domestic and commercial use and to carry on the business of caterers, bakers, cereal and flour merchants, importers and exporters, agents, consignors and dealers in general merchandise.
- To provide and construct refreshment rooms and to carry on the business of catering and restaurant owners.
- To manufacture, produce, process, make, assemble, design, convert, repair, import, export, trade, buy, sell, whether as retailers or wholesalers, suppliers, packers, stockists, merchants, distributors, consignors, brokers or otherwise deal in all types of iron and steel products, Mill store, Hardware, Ferrous and Non Ferrous Metal products, Electrical goods and Components, Machinery, Machinery parts, tools, appliances, accessories and implements such as hacksaw blades, cutting blades, shearing blades, building stores, hardware, electrically driven tools, pipes and tubes, sluice, valves, variable speed gears and drives, hydraulic transmission gears, conveyors of all descriptions and types, ropeways, wire ropes, drawing machines, all hydraulic presses, tool room and precision tools, air conditioning and refrigeration equipment and humidifiers, blowers, water coolers, iron and steel sections or structurals and such other goods, materials and merchandise incidental thereto or connected therewith.
- To manufacture, buy, sell, alter, repair, improve, manipulate, treat, prepare for market and deal in all kinds of plants, machinery, appliances, tools, utensils, commodities, substances, materials, articles and things connected therewith.
- To establish, acquire, keep, manage and run departmental store and general provision store for the purpose of dealing in all kinds and classes of household goods, merchandise, stores, consumer goods, articles and commodities of all sorts whether wholesale or in retail or both, and to establish, equip, manage and run chain stores, offices, shops and branches for the supply of provisions and all other articles for domestic and commercial use and to carry on the business of caterers, bakers, cereal and flour merchants, importers and exporters, agents, consignors and dealers in general merchandise.
- To provide and construct refreshment rooms and to carry on the business of catering and restaurant owners.
- To carry on the business of manufacturing, processing, developing, printing of colour films and colour photos of various sizes and shapes and to manufacture photo colour films, colour photo paper, colour film processors, printer and papers processors, cutters for photographic processing and printing.
- To carry on the business of importers, exporters, stockists and selling agents, commission agents or agency of any company dealing in graphic, photographic and allied goods like colour films, colour rolls, colour photo paper, chemicals, cameras, enlargers, printers, film processors, paper processor and all other allied items.
- To carry on the business as producers, distributors, importers, exporters, exhibitors and financiers of cinematographic films and to manufacture, own, acquire, provide, secure, arrange or deal in films and photographic, sound recording, musical, lighting, appliances, instruments, equipments and machines; to construct, establish, own, hire or otherwise acquire and to manage, let on rent, fee or otherwise studios, laboratories, theatres, buildings, halls, open air theatres, bars, restaurants and other building or works required for the purposes of production, distribution or exhibition of the films, operas, stage plays, dances, burlesques, vaudeville, revues, ballets, pantomimes, promenade, concerts or other performances and entertainment.
To promote, form & register, and aid in the promotion, formation and registration of any company, or companies subsidiary or otherwise for the purpose of acquiring all or any of the property, rights and liabilities of this Company, or for any other purpose and to transfer to any such company any property of the Company and to be interested in, or take or otherwise acquire, hold, sell or otherwise dispose of shares, stocks, debentures and other securities in any such Companies or any other company.
- To establish, erect, build, operate, manage and run factories for manufacture of sugar and byproducts and allied products from Beetroot, Sugarcane, Gur, Molasses and other substance or produce or chemicals whatsoever.
- To purchase, produce, grow, raise, preserve, purify, boil, refine, import, export, prepare, sell and deal
in sugar, sugar candy, sugarcane, gur, khandsari, molasses based products, bagasse based products, jaggery, syrups, alcohol, aerated waters, essences, glucose, sucrose, fructose, lactose, maltose, confectioneries, chocolates and other by products and food products, fertilisers, paper pulp, paper and to maintain refineries, foundries, factories, workshops, distilleries and other works.
- To plant, grow, improve, experiment, produce, finance, promote the cultivation of sugarcane, sugarbeet, maize and other crops and herbs and produce for the purpose of the company.
- To undertake manufacture of suitcases, holdalls, handbags, saddlery, harness, garments, purse, and other articles of household or commercial use made out of leather, rubber, canvas, plastic and other similar materials.
- To manufacture, fabricate, produce, prepare, process, coat, transport, refine, recover, improve, recycle, utilize, extract and finish, import, export buy, sell, market, install, survey, estimate and deal in luggage and travel goods, leather goods and sports goods such as leather jackets, shoes, chappals, purse, briefcase, suitcase, vanity bag, upholstery and all kinds of leather products.
To carry on the business as manufacturers, processors, producers, growers, importers, exporters, buyers, sellers, suppliers, stockists, agents, merchants, distributors of and dealer in ammonium sulphate, nitrate (double salt), ammonium chloride, superphosphate, urea and other types of ammonium nitrate, calcium ammonium nitrate ( nitriline stone), organic or inorganic or mixed fertilisers of synthetic or natural origin containing nitrogen, phosphorus or other compounds, soda ash, insecticides, preservatives, pesticides and D.D.T..
- To generate, accumulate, transmit, distribute, purchase, sell and supply electric power or any other energy from conventional/no conventional energy source on a commercial basis and to construct, lay down, establish, operate and maintain power/energy generating stations, including buildings, structures, works, machineries, equipments, cables, wires, lines, accumulators, lamps, and works and to undertake or to carry on the business of managing, owning, controlling, erecting, commissioning, operating, running, leasing or transferring Power plants and Plants based on conventional or non conventional energy source, thermal power plants, atomic power plants, solar energy plants, wind energy plants, mechanical, electrical, hydel, civil engineering works and similar projects.
- To carry on business as manufacturers, producers, processors, makers, convertors, assemblers, fabricators, importers, exporters, traders, buyers, sellers, retailers, wholesalers, suppliers, packers, movers, stockists, agents, sub agents, merchants, distributors, consignors, jobbers, brokers, or otherwise deal in all apparatuses and things required for or capable of being used in connection with the generation, distribution, supply, accumulation and employment of electricity and to light cities, towns, streets, docks, markets, theatres, buildings and places, both public and private, and to act as suppliers and dealers in electrical and other appliances.
- To carry on business as manufacturers, producers, processors, makers, inventors, convertors, importers, exporters, traders, buyers, sellers, indenters, packers, movers, merchants or otherwise deal in medical and surgical instruments, equipments, apparatuses, machineries, tools including medical kits, disposable and nondisposable syringes, disposable and nondisposable needles, urine collecting bags, urobags, poly masks, oxygen gas, netalon catheter, Foley’s catheters, endotracheal tubes, tracheotomy tubes (plain/cuffed), nasal oxygen catheters, resuscitation tubes, suction catheters, epidural cannula, umbilical cannula, intravenous cannula, intra catheters, Ryles tubes, Levin tubes, infant feeding tubes, rectal catheter, Romo Vac sets, Peritoneal dialysis transfusion sets, peritoneal catheter, Colostomy kits, AIDS test kits, infant mucus extractor, Sterivae cannula, blood administration sets, blood donor sets, regular fluid infusion sets, infusion sets, micro sets, plasma aspiration sets, disposable and nondisposable gloves, S.V and I.V cannula,V.A shunt, stethoscopes, sphygmomanometers, ampules, butterfly needles, microscopes, ophthalmic instruments and equipments, otoscopes, medical containers, thermometers, plastic and aluminium collapsible tubes and all kinds and varieties of disposable and nondisposable surgical instruments and kits, their parts, fittings, components and accessories used in healthcare, treatment, diagnosis, research, operation and for saving life of human beings.
- To carry on business as manufacturers, producers, processors, makers, convertors, importers, exporters, traders, buyers, sellers, retailers, wholesalers, suppliers, indenters, packers, stockists, agents, subagents, merchants, distributors, consignors, jobbers, brokers or otherwise deal in scissors, knives, blades, gloves, bandages and all kinds and classes of surgical furniture, medical equipments, diagnostic equipments and instruments, medical kits and all kinds and varieties of disposable and nondisposable surgical instruments, kits and equipments.
- To act as surveyors, loss assessors and claim settling agents for and on account of India and foreign underwriters for all branches/ disciplines of General Insurance viz, fire, marine (cargo and hull), motor and miscellaneous engineering and to undertake valuation of movable and immovable properties at any place within or outside India.
- To act as architects, consultants, engineers, fabricators, designers, developers, decorators for buildings commercial, residential or industrial and any other type of structures and to provide civil, architectural and interior decoration services.
- To undertake steamer & ship surveys on behalf of the ship owners and/ or shipping agents within India and outside India and also to undertake quality surveys, weighments, sampling, standardisation, preshipment inspection & cargo superintendence services in India and abroad.
- To undertake market research and surveys for specific industries and to act as risk management consultants and Insurance consultants for industrial houses, business concerns and clients of the Company.
- To carry on the business of collecting, storing and preserving milk and for that purpose to establish, erect, build, manage and run dairy farms, and manufacture all kinds of things and products from milk, such as butter, cheese, sweets, toffees, chocolates and other products and to sell the same in wholesale or retail.
- To carry on the business as manufacturers, producers, processors, packers, repackers, suppliers and dealers in all types of milk, cow milk, buffalo milk, shegoat milk, cream, butter, ghee, cheese, yogurt, paneer, condensed milk, malted milk, milk powder, skimmed milk powder, wholesome milk powder, ice cream, milk foods, baby foods, infant foods, sweets, chocolates, confectioneries, milk products and preparations, derivatives, by products, residues of all kinds.
- To keep, nurse, breed, raise or otherwise to deal and traffic in all sorts of poultry animals & livestock.
- To manufacture, produce, process, buy, sell and deal in soyamilk, soyamilk products and preparations, soyabean based foods including spray dried milk, powders, cheese, curd, icecream, baby foods, protein foods and other preparations of soya cereals and lentils including biscuits, breads, cakes, pastries, nuts, toffees and chocolates, soya beverages and other allied products and preparations of every kind, nature and description.
To carry on the business as manufacturers, importers, exporters, assemblers and distributors of and dealers in all kinds of electrical and electronic equipments, appliances and instruments including transformers, microphones, transmitters, amplifiers, electric switches and switch gears, components, lamps, motors, fans and electrical goods, plastic and light material products, equipments and accessories of all kinds, and all article and things used in manufacture, construction, erection, repair, maintenance and working of the above in any way.
- To manufacture, buy, sell, import, export, treat, refine or otherwise deal in all types of synthetic resins, plastics, emulsions and formulations thereof including all kind of resins for surface coating and allied industries, adhesive, moulding, powder insulations and allied products.
- To manufacture, buy, sell, import, export, treat, manipulate and otherwise deal in all kinds of agricultural chemicals, insecticides, fungicides, weedicides, pesticides, colouring materials, pigments and cakes, paints, surface coating enamels, varnishes, lacquers, dyes, perfumes and flavouring chemicals, rubber chemicals, photographic chemicals, plastics and resinous materials, gums, glues and other adhesive compositions, surface active agents, tanning agents, coatings, oils, softeners, synthetic fibres and all types of drugs and chemicals and by products thereof.
- To manufacture, process, produce, dye, gin, press, spin, weave, crimp, texturise, card, bleach, comb, double, finish, blend, sort, garnet, stretch, dry, draw, cut, improve, buy, sell, resale, import, export, transport, store, fabricate, develop, market, supply or otherwise to deal in all types of textile goods, dress materials, fabrics, cloths, yarns, such as nets, matting, hosiery, plastic cloths, water proof fabrics, imitation leather and rubber cloths, tents, durries, newar, ropes, rugs, furnishing cloths, tapestries, curtain cloths, blankets, carpets, gloves, laces, terry fabrics, velvet, georgette, gabardine, pashminas, floor cloths, tweed, patta, canvas, khaddar, denim, stone wash, suitings, shirtings, sarees and other similar items made on powerloom, handloom or mill by man made or natural materials like cotton, flax, hemp, linen, wool, nylon, viscose, ramie, polyster, silk, artsilk, rayon, jute, staple fibres, cashmilon, filaments, terecotton, monofilaments, multifilaments, acrylics, polynosic, polypropylene, polyamide, polymethane, cellulose, dropping, spun or other fibrous substances or any combination thereof.
- To carry on the business of preparing, spinning, doubling, texturising, weaving, winding, knitting, scouring, sizing, bleaching, colouring, dyeing, printing, finishing, calendering and processing, working or manufacturing in any way of or trade in cotton, linen, wool, synthetic, nylon, polyster, silk, artificial silk, rayon, cloth, manmade, all other yarns and fibres, artificial or textile substances.
To carry on in India or elsewhere the business of manufacturers, producers, assemblers, processors, repairers, importers, exporters, distributors, agents, hirers, buyers, brokers, stockists, commission agents, sellers of and dealers in all types of pollution control equipments, allied systems and instrumentation; their components, accessories, mountings and also the related resins, polyelectrolytes, treatment chemicals, filter materials, etc.
- To engineer, develop, design, assemble, manufacture, produce, import, export, buy, sell, operate, run, repair, lease, hire or let on lease or hire and otherwise deal in all kinds of heavy vehicles and machines for agricultural and reclamation drainage, irrigation, waterworks, engineering, forest cleaning, pumping, and other purpose; spraying machines, vehicles and equipments, whether mobile or otherwise; tubewells, pumps, engines, motors and irrigation machinery; transportation equipment for movement of its products or stores, machines or persons and as general purpose freight carriers.
- To engineer, develop, design, assemble, manufacture, produce, import, export, buy, sell, operate, run, repair, lease, hire or let on lease or hire and otherwise deal in all kinds of earth moving and agricultural machines, petrol and diesel engines, tools, plants, tractors, equipments, spares, appliances, implements, accessories, mobile or other forest cleaning, thrashing, harvesting, sowing, ploughing, digging and all other types of machinery used in agricultural operations.
- To carry on the business of manufacturers and dealers in all kinds of die castings, forging, forged equipments, ferrous and non ferrous and processors of iron, steel, aluminium, gunmetal & alloy and other metal founderers, producers, manufacturers of industrial, chemical, agricultural plants, implements & equipments, electrostatic machines, apparatus, instruments and appliances including electropainting equipments, paint testing equipments of precipitators, material separators, recoverers of components thereof, machineries, toolmakers, metal workers, mechanics, smiths, woodworkers, painters, metallurgists, gas makers and to take up project work on turn key or in part fabrication and commissioning of the plants and machineries complete as a whole or in parts.
- To give or acquire know-how, technical and technological projects, information, specifications, data, methods of analysis to or from any body, organisation or agency in India or abroad, to carry on the business of consultants, mechanical, electrical, electronic, civil, chemical, water supply, sanitation, water, air, atmosphere, pollution, engineers, marketing management & cost control consultants.
To acquire and take over as a going concern with all its assets, rights in the lease hold properties and liabilities the business, being carried on under the name and style of a partnership firm engaged in the business of……………………….
To take over, purchase, acquire or to take on lease the business as a going concern of any trading firm or company engaged in the manufacture of ………………………… and allied products with all its assets and liabilities.
To acquire the goodwill of any business concern whose objects may be similar, in part or in whole, to those of the company and any land, privileges, rights, contracts, property or effects, held or used in connection therewith, and upon such purchase to undertake the liabilities of any company, association, partnership or person.
To purchase, acquire and take over as a going concern, the business carried on by partnership firm in the name and style of M/s.___________________________, together with all assets and liabilities used in connection therewith or belonging thereto for consideration either by way of allotment of shares in the Company or in cash or partly in one way and partly in other.
- To acquire, own and hold by purchase or lease slaughter houses and to set up tanneries, ranches, and sheep farms and run tanneries training and allied centres.
- To carry on business as leather merchants, leather dressers, tanners, and to manufacture, produce, process, develop, import, export, treat or otherwise deal in hides & skins including bovine cattle leather, buffalo leather, sheep, goat leather, blended leather with any other material, leather cloth and to manufacture and deal in boots and shoes, saddlery and harness and rubber goods.
- To acquire, own and hold by purchase or lease slaughter houses and to set up tanneries, ranches, and sheep farms and run tanneries training and allied centres.
- To carry on business as leather merchants, leather dressers, tanners, and to manufacture, produce, process, develop, import, export, treat or otherwise deal in hides & skins including bovine cattle leather, buffalo leather, sheep, goat leather, blended leather with any other material, leather cloth and to manufacture and deal in boots and shoes, saddlery and harness and rubber goods.
To carry on business as manufacturers, producers, processors, makers, inventors, designers, assemblers, repairers, convertors, importers, exporters, traders, buyers, sellers, retailers, wholesalers, suppliers, indenters, packers, movers, preservers, stockists, agents, subagents, merchants, distributors, consignors, jobbers, brokers, concessionaires or otherwise deal in video magnetic tapes in hubs and reels, rolls, pancakes, jumbo rolls in all forms and all kinds of video tapes and all parts, spares, components and accessories thereof.
- To carry on the business as manufacturers, producers, growers, cultivators, planters, traders, suppliers, importers, exporters, wholesalers, retailers, distributors, packers, repackers, blenders or otherwise to deal in all varieties, descriptions, characteristics of tea, coffee, chicory, cocoa and the like products in all or any of their forms including spray dried, freeze dried, chicory blend and other preparations thereof for instant consumption and otherwise in whatsoever manner, green tea, black tea, flavoured tea.
- To purchase or take on lease or otherwise acquire, establish, develop, manage and run estates, gardens, plantations and to grow, raise and cultivate tea, coffee, cinchona, rubber produce and to carry on the business of tea plantation in all branches; to carry on and work the business of cultivators, and buyers of and dealers in every kind of vegetable, kirana products, mineral or other produce of the soil, to prepare, manufacture and render marketable any such produce, and to buy, sell, dispose of, and deal in any such produce, either in its prepared, manufactured or raw state.
To establish at any place or places in India or elsewhere, shops, refreshment rooms and outlets for the sale of bread, biscuits, and other farinaceous goods and products, tea, coffee, cocoa, milk, aerated and mineral waters, tobacco, cigarettes, confectionery, cakes, buns and any other provisions, goods or drinks, and to carry on at such place or places or elsewhere the business of bakers, millers, tea merchants, and restaurant proprietors.
- To act as industrial, technical, financial, management and/or turnkey consultants and to render complete scope of respective services under each category to individuals, firms, companies etc.
- To carry on in India or elsewhere and undertake semi turnkey/turnkey projects and/or enter into joint venture for sharing profits, cooperation or reciprocal concession with any person, firm or company or companies for any type of business or industry and to engineer, develop, design, assemble, trade, manufacture, produce, import, export, buy, sell and otherwise deal in industrial, mining, environmental, agricultural and other equipments/ machines together and all types/ kinds of tools, fittings, components, accessories, mountings & appliances.
- To establish institutions for imparting technical education and for providing training in the workshops, factories, mills or other organisations in all disciplines of engineering and managerial skills and arranging for practical training in industrial establishments on such terms and conditions as the company may deem fit and proper.
- To lend or make available the services of such qualified technicians, engineers and experts trained by the institution to such other factories, establishments, mills, workshops who are or may be in need of services at the discretion of the institution and on such terms and conditions as may be thought fit and proper.
To acquire from or sell to any person, firm or body corporate whether in India or elsewhere, technical and managerial information, knowhow, processes, engineering, manufacturing, operating and commercial data, plans, layout and blueprints useful for the designing, erection and operation of any plant or process of manufacture and to acquire and grant licence, other rights and benefits in the foregoing matters and things and to render all kinds of management and consultancy services.
- To carry on business as manufacturers, producers, processors, makers, convertors, importers, exporters, traders, buyers, sellers, retailers, wholesalers, suppliers, indenters, packers, movers, preservers, stockists, agents, subagents, merchants, distributors, consignors, jobbers, brokers, concessionaires or otherwise deal in walkie-talkie sets, VSAT terminals, car telephones, modems, telephone answering machines, fax machines, attachments for telephones, ISDN terminals, video telephones, transportable telephones, and all kinds and varieties of telecom equipments.
- To carry on the business as designers, assemblers, manufacturers, traders, distributors, importers, exporters, agents, consultants, system designers and contractors for erection and commissioning on turn key basis or to deal in any other manner including storing, packing, transporting, converting, repairing, installing, training, servicing, maintenance of all types, varieties and kinds of telephone instruments, intercoms, accessories and components thereof for telecommunications, radio communication equipments, signalling and control equipments, testing equipments, instruments and accessories for repair and maintenance of all the above items.
- To carry on business as manufacturers and dealers of radios, television sets, teleprinters, telecommunication and electronic equipments, telephone equipments, walkie-talkie sets, car telephones, telephone answering machines, fax machines, video telephones, radars, computers, VSAT terminals, ISDN terminals, business machines and their components including valves, transistors, registers, condensers and coils, telephone exchange apparatus, etc., public telephone exchange systems (automatic and manual), trunk or local exchanges, private telephone system (automatic and manual), intercommunication systems and associated apparatus etc.
- To establish, construct, erect, build, equip and install, acquire, purchase, lease, take over and exchange, rebuild, reconstruct, alter, enlarge, repair, renovate and improve, operate, manage, supervise, control, regulate and maintain, sell and otherwise dispose of television stations, radio broadcasting, transmitting and receiving stations and any other stations used for any other type or kind of visual and/or sound transmission or reception by any other contrivance or means whatsoever.
- To carry on the business of making, selling, hiring out, buying, importing, exporting, installing, maintaining, repairing and working telephone, telegraphs, radios, television sets, recording instruments and electronic, electrical and mechanical apparatuses, equipments and fittings of all kinds and description.
- To carry on the businesses of a telephone, telegraph, cable and wireless communications company and to establish, work, manage, sell, hire, let out and maintain telephone exchange, cable communications, telegraph offices and radio and television receiving and transmitting stations and any other application of information or communication technology whether involving sounds, visual images, electrical impulses or otherwise.
- To carry on the business as manufacturers, dealers, importers, exporters, repairers, hirers, assemblers and distributors of colour and black & white television sets, portable sets, table sets, picture in picture set, digital set with or without cases and video cassettes and tapes, radios, tape recorders, wireless sets, loud speakers, video cassette recorders, stereo decks, stereo system, antenna, booster, remote control, discs and their parts, accessories, components, fixtures, fittings, systems, devices, implements, moulds, instruments, and allied products of all kinds for the reproduction or display of sound and visual images, electronic and electrical appliances and to carry on the business as radio, television, mechanical and electrical engineers.
- To establish, construct, erect, build, equip and install, acquire, purchase, lease, take over and exchange, rebuild, reconstruct, alter, enlarge, repair, renovate and improve, operate, manage, supervise, control, regulate and maintain, sell and otherwise dispose of television stations, radio broadcasting, transmitting and receiving stations and any other stations used for any other type or kind of visual and/or sound transmission or reception by any other contrivance or means whatsoever.
- To carry on all or any of the business of proprietors, managers and renters of cinemas, theatres, concert and dance halls, discotheques and other places of amusement and entertainment of every kind, of film producing studios, video and sound recording studios and radio and television studios.
- To work, erect, install, develop, maintain, equip, repair, alter, extend, purchase, sell, exchange or otherwise deal in plant and machinery, spinning mills, weaving mills or any other factory for pressing, ginning, preparing, combing, carding, scouring, or mixing, processing, spinning, weaving, twisting, throwing, bleaching, mercerizing, printing, dyeing or finishing rayon, staple fibres, man made or natural staple fibre, yarn, raw silk yarn, waste silk, nylon, manmade synthetic fibres, cotton, flax, jute, hemp, wool, hessian, linen or any other textiles or fabrics and materials of any description and kind.
- To carry on the business as manufacturers of and dealers in all kinds of plant and machinery, equipment and accessories required for the textile industry.
- To manufacture, process, produce, dye, gin, press, spin, weave, crimp, texturise, card, bleach, comb, double, finish, blend, sort, garnet, stretch, dry, draw, cut, improve, buy, sell, resale, import, export, transport, store, fabricate, develop, market or otherwise to deal in all types of natural & synthetic yarns and fibres made of materials like cotton, flax, hemp, jute linen, wool, nylon, viscose, ramie, polyster, silk, artsilk, terene, jute, staple fibres, cashmilon, filaments, terecotton, monofilaments, multifilaments, acrylics, polynosic, polypropylene, polyamide, polymethane, cellulose, dropping, spun or other fibrous substances or any combination thereof and fabrics made of such yarns or articles in which fabrics of any kind is used.
- To establish and to carry on the business of ginners, spinners, weavers, dyers, balers, processors of all kinds of fibres both natural, synthetic or artificial such as cotton, jute, silk, hemp, flax, wool, hair, rayon, nylon, terylene and cultivators of all such fibres, tailors, drapers, clothiers, apparel designers and manufacturers of hides and skins, raw, semi processed and finished leather and leather articles of all kinds, rexines and other synthetic textiles made out of polyvinyl chloride, foam leather, plastics or other articles out of these products; sport goods and articles of all kinds and to deal in all types of textile making material, paints, dyes, fabric treatment materials, chemicals, tools and implements in India or elsewhere in the world.
- To carry on the business of textile processing viz. bleaching, dyeing, printing, finishing and folding, fibres, yarns, fabrics and knit hosiery of all kinds whether natural, artificial or synthetic cotton, wool, silk, jute, ramie, hemp, linen, viscose, rayon, artificial silk, nylon, polyester, acrylic, polypropylene, polynosic or any other synthetic fibres, yarn or fabric and their blends.
- To comb, prepare, spin and deal in cotton, waste cotton, wool, silk, artificial silk, staple fibre, rayon, flax, hemp, jute and other fibrous substances; to weave or otherwise manufacture cloth, silk, linen, mercerized yarn and other goods and fabrics, whether textiles, felted, netted or looped and sell any such goods manufactured whether in wholesale or in retail.
- To carry on the business of manufacturing, producing, compressing and processing of ceramic goods, mainly glazed, unglazed floor and wall tiles and such other ceramic products like sanitary products including urinals, wash basins, European closets, Indian water closets and other accessories and also ceramic decorative table wares and crockery.
- To carry on the business of trading, wholesale and retail, in ceramic goods, mainly glazed, unglazed floor and wall tiles and such other ceramic products like sanitary wares including urinals, washbasins, European closets, Indian water closets and other accessories and also ceramic decorative table wares and crockery which may result in perfecting the quality of ceramic goods production, based on the continuous market survey and research so as directly or indirectly benefit the company.
- To manufacture, process, refine compress any chemical compound including ceramic products or any other compounds which are required in the manufacture of ceramic goods, mainly glazed, unglazed floor and wall tiles and such other ceramic products like sanitary wares including urinals, wash basins, European closets, Indian water closets and other accessories and also ceramic decorative table wares and crockery.
- To buy, sell, grow, prepare for market, manipulate and export timber and wood and to manufacture and deal in furniture and articles of all kinds in the manufacture of which timber or wood is predominantly used such as railway or tramway sleepers, wooden sticks for walking, whips, golf club shafts, umbrella handle, wooden tiles, wooden blocks, wooden frames, wooden packing cases, boxes, crates, drums, casks, barrels, vats, tubs, buckets, household utensils of woods, wooden doors, windows & similar fitting, wooden hardware articles, wooden tools, tool bodies, tool handles, broom and brush bodies and handles, gaskets, cigarette boxes, trays, fruit bowls, ornaments and other fancy articles, wooden handicrafts, sculptures, toys, monuments etc.
- To manufacture, produce, process, cultivate, grow, treat, cure, clean, wash, cut, turn to account, commercialize, season, design, develop, fabricate, finish, manipulate, protect, and to act as agent, broker, contractor, supplier, importer, exporter, buyer, seller, warehouser, stockist, distributor, vendor, job worker, forester or otherwise to deal in all shapes, sizes, forms, varieties, specifications, descriptions, dimensions of wood and wood products, plywood, hardwood including wood logs, billets, twigs, faggots, slices, peels, waste & dust, wood charcoal, wood paving boxes, hoop woods, split poles, piles, pickets & stakes of wood, chip wood, pulpwood in chips or particles, wooden strips & friezes for parquet, veneer sheets and sheets for plywood, blackboard and laminated wood products, inlaid wood and wood marquetry, cellular wood panels, reconstituted wood, wooden moulding.
- To carry on business as timber merchants, saw mill proprietors, forest owners, farm owners and timber growers, and to buy, sell, grow, prepare for market, manipulate, import, export and deal in commercial and non-commercial timber, teak, bamboos, plywood, fire wood and wood of all kinds and to manufacture and deal in articles of all kinds in the manufacture of which timber, plywood or other wood is used.
- To carry on the business as manufacturers, producers, processors and dealers in tobacco, tobacco crops, smoking and chewing tobacco, snuff grinders, bidies, cigarettes, cigars and other products of tobacco, match lights, matches, match boxes and pipes.
- To carry on the business of buying, stocking, selling, exporting, importing, blending, treating or otherwise dealing in raw materials, ingredients, intermediates of any description which are generally required and used in the manufacture of bidies, cigarettes, cigars etc., such as tobacco, tendu leaves, thread, wrapping paper, wrapping materials and packing materials or their residues, wastes and derivatives.
- To manufacture, fabricate, forge, cast, produce, design, develop, assemble, repair, pack, repack, import, export, buy, sell, recondition, hire or otherwise deal in all kinds and types of, in all its branches in automatic, semi automatic, manual and other types of tools, machine tools, tackles, instruments, apparatuses, systems & equipments, including lathes, turret lathes, capstan lathes, engine lathes, drills, drilling machines, shaping machines, planning machines, milling machines, grinding machines, slotting machines, broaching machines, boring machines, hobbing machines, coning machines, lapping machines, punching machines and other allied goods, whether used for special operations or for general operations, and whether operated on human, electrical, magnetic, electromagnetic, chemical, electro chemical, photo chemical, solar, tidal wind, nuclear, thermal, thermonuclear or other form of energy and their parts, products, assemblies, sub assemblies, components, instruments, raw materials, display units, control devices, peripheral devices, elements gadgets, circuits, micro circuits, used in machine tools including hollows, bars, slices, rounds, wafers, sheets, clips, micro clips, powders, fluids, gases, solids which may be polished, processed, coated, fused, diffused, or otherwise treated.
- To manufacture, fabricate, forge, cast, produce, design, develop, assemble, repair, pack, repack, import, export, buy, sell, recondition, hire or otherwise deal in all kinds and types of hand tools such as hammers, spanners, wrenches, pliers, water pump pliers, allenkeys, screw drivers, wrench pipes, chisels, sledge hammers, pick axes, nuts/bolts, clippers, wire cutters, hacksaw blades, socket sets, bench vices, automatic machinable materials, dies, tools, jigs, fixtures, hardware of all kinds, electronic and mechanical instruments, goods and equipment and allied products and to set up forging plant, foundries.
To carry on the business of manufacturers and dealers in machinery and plant of every description and kind and in particular machine tools and implements, and to manufacture, produce, repair, alter, convert, recondition, prepare for sale, buy, sell, hire, import, export, let on hire, trade and deal in machine tools and implements, machinery, plant equipments, articles, apparatus, appliances, components, parts, accessories, fittings and things in any stage or degree of manufacture, process or refinement.
- To manufacture, fabricate, forge, cast, produce, design, develop, assemble, repair, pack, repack, import, export, buy, sell, recondition, hire or otherwise deal in all kinds and types of, in all its branches in automatic, semi automatic, manual and other types of tools, machine tools, tackles, instruments, apparatuses, systems & equipments, including lathes, turret lathes, capstan lathes, engine lathes, drills, drilling machines, shaping machines, planning machines, milling machines, grinding machines, slotting machines, broaching machines, boring machines, hobbing machines, coning machines, lapping machines, punching machines and other allied goods, whether used for special operations or for general operations, and whether operated on human, electrical, magnetic, electromagnetic, chemical, electro chemical, photo chemical, solar, tidal wind, nuclear, thermal, thermonuclear or other form of energy and their parts, products, assemblies, sub assemblies, components, instruments, raw materials, display units, control devices, peripheral devices, elements gadgets, circuits, micro circuits, used in machine tools including hollows, bars, slices, rounds, wafers, sheets, clips, micro clips, powders, fluids, gases, solids which may be polished, processed, coated, fused, diffused, or otherwise treated.
To manufacture, fabricate, forge, cast, produce, design, develop, assemble, repair, pack, repack, import, export, buy, sell, recondition, hire or otherwise deal in all kinds and types of hand tools such as hammers, spanners, wrenches, pliers, water pump pliers, allenkeys, screw drivers, wrench pipes, chisels, sledge hammers, pick axes, nuts/bolts, clippers, wire cutters, hacksaw blades, socket sets, bench vices, automatic machinable materials, dies, tools, jigs, fixtures, hardware of all kinds, electronic and mechanical instruments, goods and equipment and allied products and to set up forging plant, foundries.
- To manufacture, fabricate, forge, cast, produce, design, develop, assemble, repair, pack, repack, import, export, buy, sell, recondition, hire or otherwise deal in all kinds and types of, in all its branches in automatic, semi automatic, manual and other types of tools, machine tools, tackles, instruments, apparatuses, systems & equipments, including lathes, turret lathes, capstan lathes, engine lathes, drills, drilling machines, shaping machines, planning machines, milling machines, grinding machines, slotting machines, broaching machines, boring machines, hobbing machines, coning machines, lapping machines, punching machines and other allied goods, whether used for special operations or for general operations, and whether operated on human, electrical, magnetic, electromagnetic, chemical, electro chemical, photo chemical, solar, tidal wind, nuclear, thermal, thermonuclear or other form of energy and their parts, products, assemblies, sub assemblies, components, instruments, raw materials, display units, control devices, peripheral devices, elements gadgets, circuits, micro circuits, used in machine tools including hollows, bars, slices, rounds, wafers, sheets, clips, micro clips, powders, fluids, gases, solids which may be polished, processed, coated, fused, diffused, or otherwise treated.
- To manufacture, fabricate, forge, cast, produce, design, develop, assemble, repair, pack, repack, import, export, buy, sell, recondition, hire or otherwise deal in all kinds and types of hand tools such as hammers, spanners, wrenches, pliers, water pump pliers, allenkeys, screw drivers, wrench pipes, chisels, sledge hammers, pick axes, nuts/bolts, clippers, wire cutters, hacksaw blades, socket sets, bench vices, automatic machinable materials, dies, tools, jigs, fixtures, hardware of all kinds, electronic and mechanical instruments, goods and equipment and allied products and to set up forging plant, foundries.s
To carry on the business as manufacturers, producers, packers, importers, exporters, buyers, sellers and dealers in toothpastes and tooth powders of all kinds and description, medicated, non medicated or ayurvedic and tooth brushes of every size, shape and description whether made of plastic, wood, metal or other substances and for that purpose to set up, purchase, import or otherwise acquire plant and machinery and to act as agents of any Indian or foreign manufacturers of any such goods.
- To carry on the business as travel agents, tourist agents, package tour operators, daily passenger service operators, travelling agents and contractors, forwarding and general agents, aircraft and ship owners and charterers and to facilitate travelling by air, road and sea and to provide facilities of all kind for tourists and travellers by means of booking of tickets, circular ticket, sleeping car or berths, reserve places, lodging accommodation, guides, safe deposits, inquiry bureaus, libraries, reading rooms, baggage transport and otherwise.
- To carry on the business of booking and reserving accommodation, seats, compartment and berths on railway, steamers, motorships, boats, aeroplanes, omnibus and motor bus, package tour operators, and to issue tickets for same, to provide necessary services for passport & visa, to provide for guides, to take on hire or own taxies, motor cars, omnibus, motor bus, steamers, barges, aeroplanes and all kinds of vehicles.
- To carry on the business as travel agents, tourist and cargo carriers by road, sea or by any other mode of transport and to carry on all other allied business and activities pertaining to the travelling and tourist business.
- To manufacture, design, develop, assemble, mould, fabricate, import, export, buy, sell or otherwise deal in all kinds of toys whether mechanically, electrically or electronically operated or manual, automatic, semiautomatic dolls, plastic and wooden toys, musical toys, educational games and toys, walking and talking toys, metal parts, tin, brass and aluminium accessories and fittings of all kinds or things used for the manufacture, maintenance and working thereof and to deal as wholesalers or retailers, principals or agents, distributors or stockists, consignors, brokers for such products.
- To carry on the business of manufacturers of and dealers in all kinds of toys whether made of plastic, wood, metal, glass, paper, rubber, cloth, clay, ceramic, plaster of Paris or other natural or synthetic material; whether battery, electric or sound operated and of any other description and games for educational purposes, all spare parts, accessories and fittings for all kinds of toys.
- To import, export, buy, sell, barter, exchange, pledge, make advances upon or otherwise deal in all kinds of goods, produce, merchandise, raw material items, articles, products such as agricultural, industrial, chemical or marine, stones, pieces of arts, antiques, handicrafts, machinery, equipments, capital goods and any other item capable of purchasing, selling, importing, exporting and trading and to be appointed as agents and/or distributors on commission, allowance, retainership, incentive basis.
- To carry on business as merchants, brokers, traders, commission agents, forwarding agents, ship owners, carriers or in any other capacity in India or elsewhere and to purchase, build, hire, charter or otherwise own, hold, use and dispose of ships and vessels, aircraft and other vehicles and their appurtenances.
- To establish or acquire and carry on office, trading stations, factories, stores and depots in India or elsewhere, and to purchase, lease or otherwise acquire, carry on, develop and improve any business or real or personal property in India or elsewhere.
- To assist any company, firm, association, society in trans fer of any technology whether from India or outside and to render services pertaining to foreign collaboration, project formulation and to act as representative/agents of any domestic or foreign company for the purpose of such technology transfer.
- To apply for, acquire and hold any charters, Acts of Parliament, privileges, monopolies, licences, concessions, patents or other rights or powers from the Indian Government or any other Government or state, or any sovereign or local or other authority in India or elsewhere, and to exercise, carry on and work any powers, rights or privileges obtained, and to constitute or incorporate the company under the laws of any foreign country or state and to grant licences or concessions over and in respect of any property or rights of the company.
- To promote, form, encourage, establish and run business and trade associations in India and abroad for matters relating to regional, national, intercontinental & international interest and welfare to boost, regulate and develop trade, transport, industry, science, health care, food, environment, social welfare, housing, insurance, communication, aviation, finance, entertainment, art, banking and other subjects of social, economic, commercial, defence, science and general importance and to participate, delegate, organise & sponsor seminars, workshops, meetings, festivals, training centres, classes & lectures for the attainment of above objects.
- To encourage a friendly feeling and unanimity amongst business community on all subjects connected with the common good of business.
- To collect and circulate statistics and other information relating to agriculture, trade, commerce and industry.
- To consider all questions connected with or affecting any trade, commerce and manufacture; to obtain the removal, as far as possible, of grievances affecting businessmen or mercantile interests in general; and to promote or oppose legislative and other measures as circumstances may require and to secure organised action on all subjects mentioned above.
- To manufacture, import, export, buy, sell, let on hire, exchange, alter, improve, prepare for market and/or otherwise deal in or distribute all kinds of plants, machineries, machine parts, tools, apparatus, chemicals, raw materials and substances necessary or convenient for any purpose including industrial, agricultural or domestic purposes.
- To carry on the business as manufacturers, importers, suppliers, exporters, buyers, sellers and dealer in automobile, electric and mechanical engineering equipments, plant and machinery, tools, gadgets, devices, instruments, spares and components, fittings, apparatuses, accessories, mill stores, hardware stores and all other allied items and to develop, acquire, supply plans, drawings, estimates, projects reports and know-how for industries, business, companies, services, and public bodies and Government.
- To import, export, buy, sell, barter, exchange, pledge, make advances upon or otherwise deal in all kinds of goods, produce, merchandise, raw material items, articles, products such as agri cultural, industrial, chemical or marine, stones, pieces of arts, antiques, handicrafts, machinery, equipments, capital goods and any other item capable of purchasing, selling, importing, exporting and trading and to be appointed as agents and/or distributors on com mission, allowance, retainership, incentive basis.
- To carry on business as merchants, brokers, traders, commission agents, forwarding agents, ship owners, carriers or in any other capacity in India or elsewhere and to purchase, build, hire, charter or otherwise own, hold, use and dispose of ships and vessels, aircraft and other vehicles and their appurtenances.
- To establish or acquire and carry on office, trading stations, factories, stores and depots in India or elsewhere, and to purchase, lease or otherwise acquire, carry on, develop and improve any business or real or personal property in India or elsewhere.
- To assist any company, firm, association, society in trans fer of any technology whether from India or outside and to render services pertaining to foreign collaboration, project formulation and to act as representative/agents of any domestic or foreign company for the purpose of such technology transfer.
- To apply for, acquire and hold any charters, Acts of Parliament, privileges, monopolies, licences, concessions, patents or other rights or powers from the Indian Government or any other Government or state, or any sovereign or local or other authority in India or elsewhere, and to exercise, carry on and work any powers, rights or privileges obtained, and to constitute or incorporate the company under the laws of any foreign country or state and to grant licences or concessions over and in respect of any property or rights of the company.
To develop, design, manufacture, produce, assemble, import, export or otherwise deal in transformers, voltage regulators, battery chargers, battery eliminators, voltage testing sets, voltage stabilisers, conductors, enamelled wires, cotton/paper covered conductors, switches and distribution boards and other components, parts, instruments and things required for or being used for or in connection with signalling, lighting, heating, motive power, power stations, exchanges, controlling and signalling apparatus.
- To carry on the business as travel agents, tourist agents, package tour operators, daily passenger service operators, travelling agents and contractors, forwarding and general agents, aircraft and ship owners and charterers and to facilitate travelling by air, road and sea and to provide facilities of all kind for tourists and travellers by means of booking of tickets, circular ticket, sleeping car or berths, reserve places, lodging accommodation, guides, safe deposits, inquiry bureaus, libraries, reading rooms, baggage transport and otherwise.
- To carry on the business of booking and reserving accommodation, seats, compartment and berths on railway, steamers, motor ships, boats, aeroplanes, omnibus and motor bus, package tour operators, and to issue tickets for same, to provide necessary services for passport & visa, to provide for guides, to take on hire or own taxies, motor cars, omnibus, motor bus, steamers, barges, aeroplanes and all kinds of vehicles.
- To carry on the business as travel agents, tourist and cargo carriers by road, sea or by any other mode of transport and to carry on all other allied business and activities pertaining to the travelling and tourist business.
- To carry on business as general carriers and freight forwarders, transport, cartage and haulage contractors and to provide carrier, freight, transport, courier, taxi, truck, light or heavy haulage and delivery services by land, road, railway, sea, river, canal, water or air for and in connection with any containers, packages, parcels, articles, mails, goods or bulk commodities.
- To carry passengers by air, road, rail, land, sea or water, and to operate any taxi service and to construct, equip, maintain, work, purchase, sell, export, import, lease, hire, let on hire, repair or otherwise deal in any aircraft, ship, car, bus or any kind of vehicle or mode of transport and to act as booking agents, indenting agents and travel agents.
- To carry, collect, receive, load, unload, store, consign, distribute, transfer and deliver goods, wares, merchandise, parcels, packages, baggage, freight, animals, livestock, timber, coal, oil, ores and other minerals and other property of every description by any mode of transport and for such purpose to acquire, manage and operate warehouses and bonded warehouses, act as agents for shippers and consigners, and to issue warehouse warrants and receipts and bills of lading and to act as clearing and forwarding agents.
- To carry on the business as travel agents, tourist agents, package tour operators, daily passenger service operators, travelling agents and contractors, forwarding and general agents, aircraft and ship owners and charterers and to facilitate travelling by air, road and sea and to provide facilities of all kind for tourists and travellers by means of booking of tickets, circular ticket, sleeping car or berths, reserve places, lodging accommodation, guides, safe deposits, inquiry bureaus, libraries, reading rooms, baggage transport and otherwise.
- To carry on the business of booking and reserving accommodation, seats, compartment and berths on railway, steamers, motor ships, boats, aeroplanes, omnibus and motor bus, package tour operators, and to issue tickets for same, to provide necessary services for passport & visa, to provide for guides, to take on hire or own taxies, motor cars, omnibus, motor bus, steamers, barges, aeroplanes and all kinds of vehicles.
- To carry on the business as travel agents, tourist and cargo carriers by road, sea or by any other mode of transport and to carry on all other allied business and activities pertaining to the travelling and tourist business.
- To carry on in India or elsewhere the business of fishing including deep sea fishing and to act as dealers, exporters and agents in all kinds of fish and sea foods.
- To own, purchase, charter, hire, contract, equip and maintain fishing trawlers, ships, boats, vessels, aircraft, cars, motor lorries, insulated vans and refrigerated trailers.
- To carry on business as ship owners, trawlers, deep sea fishers, marine engineers, boiler makers, ship builders, dry dock keepers, ship and boat repairers, ship agents, wreck removers, divers, stevedores , wharfingers, carriers, forwarding agents.
- To act as and to undertake the duties of trustees, executors, administrators, attorneys, custodians, nominees, executor of wills and trustee of wills and settlements and to act as trustee of deeds or documents, trustee for charitable and other institutions or for any person, corporation, association, scheme, unit, government, state, local authority or other body and generally to undertake and execute trusts of all kinds with or without remuneration and to undertake the office of trustee, receiver, committee manager, attorney, representative, delegate, substitute, treasurer and any other offices or situations of trust or confidence or of a fiduciary nature.
- To undertake and execute any trust or discretion and the distribution amongst the beneficiaries, pensioners or other persons entitled to it of any income, capital or annuity and whether in money or in specie in furtherance of any discretion, obligation or permission.
To manufacture, produce, process, prepare, press, mould, vulcanize, convert, commercialize, design, develop, draw, discover, import, export, buy, sell, manipulate, retread or otherwise to deal in all sorts and varieties of tyres & tubes in all its branches such as heavy duty tyres, solid tyres, nylon tyres, radial tyres, tubeless tyres etc, and their tubes used in different types of vehicles available on earth, air and water such as motors, buses, trucks, lorries, jeeps, vans, cars, omnis, dumpers, earthmovers, tractors, trolleys, two wheelers, three wheelers, cycles, animal drawn vehicles, aeroplanes, helicopters, supersonic jet planes, hovercraft, defence vehicles, tempos, race cars, baby cars, entertainment articles whether made of metallic or non metallic substances, natural or synthetic rubbers, reclaimed rubbers in combination with nylons, Hessian, leather, rayons & plastics, their compounds, substances, derivatives and substitutes.
- To enter Into any arrangement involving supply of technical, civil, financial, administrative persons, plant, machinery and merchandise, information, knowledge and experience and as such undertake and set up any plant or project in or outside India.
- To undertake turnkey projects and/or enter into joint ven tures for sharing profits, union of interest, co-operation or reciprocal concession with -any person or persons or company or companies both within and outside India for any type of business or industry.
To carry on business as manufacturers, producers, processors, makers, inventors, designers, assemblers, repairers, convertors, importers, exporters, traders, buyers, sellers, suppliers, indenters, packers, stockiest, agents, merchants, distributors, consignors, jobbers, brokers or otherwise deal in injection or extraction machines, scrubbing or drying machines and all kinds of industrial or domestic vacuum cleaners and all parts, spares, components and accessories thereof.
- To manufacture, assemble, repair, design, develop, fabricate, buy, sell, import, export and distribute or otherwise deal in all kinds and descriptions of fluid control products, piston valves, foot valves, ball valves, level indicators and all other types and ranges of valves and sealing products, gaskets and their components, spare parts, stores and accessories, fittings, appliances, apparatuses of all kinds.
- To manufacture, assemble, repair, buy, sell, import, export and distribute or otherwise deal in sealing products including gaskets, friction materials, brake lining, clutch facing, components for general or industrial use and for the automotive industries and in particular for motor cars, lorries, motorcycles, airplanes, bicycles and carriages, amphibious vehicles suitable for propulsion on land, sea or in the air, or in any combination thereof and vehicles of all kinds whether moved by mechanical power or not.
To carry on business as manufacturers, producers, processors, makers, convertors, importers, exporters, traders, buyers, sellers, retailers, wholesalers, suppliers, indenters, packers, movers, preservers, stockists, agents, subagents, merchants, distributors, consignors, jobbers, brokers, concessionaires or otherwise deal in armoured or reinforced safes, strong boxes and doors, safe deposit lockers, strong rooms, cash or deed boxes and all kinds of devices, made of metal or other materials for the safe custody of valuable articles.
To manufacture, produce, sell, import, export and generally deal in VBelts and Fan Belts and/or any other conveyor, elevator or transmission belts and other industrial rubber products such as hoses, braided hoses, rice rubber roller, made with natural and/or synthetic rubber, their derivatives and substitutes, latex, synthetic cotton and fibers, synthetic resins, plastics in general or with any combination thereof.
- To establish, extract, build, construct, own, maintain and run oil mills, hydrogenating and oxygenating plants, and to produce, process, prepare, crush, refine, blend, filter, deodorize, clean ,recover, mix, convert, purify, grade, compound, derive, excavate and extract all kinds of vegetable oils, crude oils, refined oils, deodorized oils, hydrogenated oils, rice bran oil, deoiled cakes, cattle and poultry feed.
- To extract oil from oil cakes, soyabeen and rice bran.
- To buy, sell, manufacture, refine, prepare and deal in oils, oleaginous and saponaceous products and by products or ingredients thereof.
- To carry on the business of manufacture, purchase, sell and deal in proteins and protein food.
- To act as dealers, wholesalers, retailers, stockists, commission agents, representatives, selling agents, purchasing agent, distributors, brokers, exporters, importers of soyabean, ground nut, sesame seeds, all other oil seeds, edible and non edible oils, vanaspati, oil cakes, proteins and protein foods, other substances or residue or by products of all goods aforesaid.
- To carry on the business of agriculture, cultivation and farming, sericulture, horticulture, tissue culture and gardens in all their branches and to raise, plant, cultivate, grow, produce, buy, sell, import, export or otherwise trade or deal in and with crops, trees, plants including garden plants, plantation crops, vines, seeds, roots, flowers, fruits, vegetables, grains, oils, garden produce, milk and dairy products of every description, all kinds of farm products and by products of the soil weather in manufactured form or otherwise.
- To carry on business in India and abroad of cultivation, manufacturing, preserving, packing, canning, drying, freezing, extracting, bottling, preparing, trading, marketing, importing, exporting, improving, producing, processing, preparing, buying, selling, dealing in vegetables, fruits, mushrooms and various other agricultural products along with all seeds in all forms, whether in raw state, fresh, dehydrated, frozen, dried, processed or in any other form.
- To carry on the business as manufacturers, fabricators, designers, developers, buyers, sellers, dealers, hirers, repairers, job workers, cleaners, stores, suppliers of automobiles, motor cars, lorries, vans, tractors, trucks, buses, minibuses, jeeps, three wheelers, motor cycles, scooters, mopeds and other vehicles of every description, specifications, systems, models, shapes, sizes, dimensions, capacities for transporting passengers, goods and animals or special vehicles like break down lorries, crane lorries, forklift trucks, other trucks fitted with lifting or handling equipment, fire fighting vehicles, concrete mixer lorries, road sweeper lorries, spraying lorries suitable for propulsion on land, sea or in the air or in any combination thereof whether propelled or assisted by any form of power including petrol, spirit, steam, gas, oil, electricity, battery, animals, solar energy, atomic energy, wind energy or other form of power; and of engines, chassis, bodies and other components, parts and accessories and all machinery, implements, appliances, lubricants, solutions, enamels and all things capable of being used for, in, or in connection with manufacture, maintenance and working of automobiles.
- To carry on business of garage keepers, showroom owners for motors and vehicles and suppliers of and dealers in petrol, diesel, gas, electricity and other motive power for use in vehicles.
To amalgamate or enter into partnership or into any arrangement for sharing of profits, union of interests, cooperation, joint venture, reciprocal concession, or otherwise, with any person(s), body (ies) corporate or company (ies) carrying on or engaged in or about to carry on or engage in any business or transaction which the company is authorised to carry on or engaged in or any business or transaction capable of being conducted so as directly or indirectly to benefit the company.
To carry on the business as a joint venture between _____________, a company incorporated under the laws of India and having its Registered Office at _____________ , India and ________________, a company incorporated under the laws of _________ and having its Registered Office at __________________ vide the Memorandum of Understanding dated ________________.
- To manufacture, produce, process, make, invent, convert, repair, assemble, import, export, trade, buy, sell whether as retailers or wholesalers, suppliers, indenters, packers, movers, preservers, stockists, agents, subagents, merchants, distributors, consignors, jobbers, brokers or otherwise deal in audio, video products or video heads, devices, magnetic tapes, tape recorders, VCRs, VCPs, cleaners, cassettes and all other parts, components, accessories used in any audio, visual, or audiovisual devices.
- To establish in any part of India or elsewhere, libraries for keeping and lending on hire or otherwise video cassettes, audio cassettes, books, magazines, newspapers and other publications.
To carry on business as manufacturers, producers, processors, makers, inventors, designers, assemblers, repairers, convertors, importers, exporters, traders, buyers, sellers, retailers, wholesalers, suppliers, indenters, packers, movers, preservers, stockists, agents, subagents, merchants, distributors, consignors, jobbers, brokers, concessionaires or otherwise deal in video magnetic tapes in hubs and reels, rolls, pancakes, jumbo rolls in all forms and all kinds of video tapes and all parts, spares, components and accessories thereof.
- To manufacture, produce, process, make, invent, convert, repair, assemble, import, export, trade, buy, sell whether as retailers or wholesalers, suppliers, indenters, packers, movers, preservers, stockists, agents, subagents, merchants, distributors, consignors, jobbers, brokers or otherwise deal in audio, video products or video heads, devices, magnetic tapes, tape recorders, VCRs, VCPs, cleaners, cassettes and all other parts, components, accessories used in any audio, visual, or audiovisual devices.
- To establish in any part of India or elsewhere, libraries for keeping and lending on hire or otherwise video cassettes, audio cassettes, books, magazines, newspapers and other publications.
- To manufacture, produce, process, make, invent, convert, repair, assemble, import, export, trade, buy, sell whether as retailers or wholesalers, suppliers, indenters, packers, movers, preservers, stockists, agents, subagents, merchants, distributors, consignors, jobbers, brokers or otherwise deal in audio, video products or video heads, devices, magnetic tapes, tape recorders, VCRs, VCPs, cleaners, cassettes and all other parts, components, accessories used in any audio, visual, or audiovisual devices.
- To establish in any part of India or elsewhere, libraries for keeping and lending on hire or otherwise video cassettes, audio cassettes, books, magazines, newspapers and other publications.
To carry on business as manufacturers, producers, processors, makers, inventors, designers, assemblers, repairers, convertors, importers, exporters, traders, buyers, sellers, retailers, wholesalers, suppliers, indenters, packers, movers, preservers, stockists, agents, subagents, merchants, distributors, consignors, jobbers, brokers, concessionaires or otherwise deal in video magnetic tapes in hubs and reels, rolls, pancakes, jumbo rolls in all forms and all kinds of video tapes and all parts, spares, components and accessories thereof.
- To manufacture, design, develop, assemble, mould, fabricate, import, export, buy, sell, pack, repack or otherwise deal in all kinds and varieties of utensils, cutleries, crockery and kitchenware.
- To manufacture, produce, process, develop, design, assemble, repair, import, export, buy, sell, brand, hire, let on hire, lease, pack, repack, recondition, service, supply or otherwise deal in all models, shapes, sizes, capacities and varieties of domestic and household appliances, heating, cooking and electrical appliances, devices, gadgets such as stoves, pressure cookers, ovens, cooking ranges, hot plates, other cooking utensils of all types, containers, buckets, refrigerators, dryers, heaters, geysers, irons, mixers, filters, ceiling fans, table fans, exhaust fans, vacuum cleaners, air conditioners, tube light fittings and other similar products, their consumable, parts, accessories, components, fittings whether as wholesalers, retailers, agents, subagents, distributors or otherwise
- To purchase, acquire, take on lease, rent, hire and to build, construct, carry out, equip, improve, work, develop, administer, manage, maintain, enlarge, pull down, remove, replace, rebuild, renovate, keep and run warehouses, godowns, cold storages and refrigeration houses for storing, keeping, preserving all kinds of foods, fruits, crops and commodities.
- To undertake the custody and warehousing of merchandise, goods and materials and to provide cold storage and other special storage facilities.
- To act as warehousemen, removers, storers, wharfingers, traders and merchants of any commodity.
To carry on the business as manufacturers, fabricators, producers, developers, designers, assemblers, importers, exporters, buyers, sellers, dealers and traders of watches, time pieces, clocks, wrist watches, wall clocks, table clocks, alarm clocks whether electronic, digital, automatic, electrical, quartz, mechanical or solar and all kinds of parts, components fittings thereof such as watch cases, watch dials, straps and watch parts of all types, size and description.
- To carry on business as brewers, distillers, manufacturers and dealers in squashes, syrups, essences, aerated waters and of malt, hopes, grains, meal, yeast and all other materials and things capable of being used in connection with any such manufacture or business.
- To carry on the business of bottling of soft drinks, aerated, mineral & artificial waters and other beverages, fruit juices, cocktails under franchise agreement of well known producers or otherwise and for that purpose to buy, sell, manufacture, import and deal in all types of bottles, stoppers, corks including tinplate crown corks, crates and containers, whether of glass, plastic, wood or any other material.
- To carry on business as bakers, confectioners and manufacturers of and dealers in confectionery, bakery and dairy products.
- To carry on business as manufacturers, producers, processors, makers, inventors, convertors, importers, exporters, traders, buyers, sellers, retailers, wholesalers, suppliers, indenters, bottlers, packers, movers, preservers, stockists, agents, subagents, merchants, distributors, consignors, jobbers, brokers or otherwise deal in mineral and aerated water and other liquids of every description.
- To carry on business as manufacturers and dealers in plant, machines, machinery, vessels, siphons, filters, bottles, apparatuses, appliances and containers of all kinds for manufacturing, treating, preserving, aerating, bottling and discharging any such liquids.
- To carry on the business of manufacturing, processing, preparing, producing, bleaching, dyeing, pressing, converting, cleaning, commercializing, cutting, stitching, packing, designing, developing, exporting, importing, finishing, weaving, knitting, spinning, grading, marketing, buying, selling or otherwise to deal in all sorts of hosiery cloth, yarn, garments, apparel, fabrics and goods, such as vests, underwear, socks, brassieres, shirts, T-shirts, sweaters, handkerchiefs, mufflers, pullovers, shawls, sports wears, child wears, swimming shirts/suits, jerkins, belts, ribbons, laces, tapes, mantles, towels, bed sheets, wrappers and other allied materials of whatsoever nature whether made fully or partly in combination with cotton, synthetic, hosiery, leather, rexine or other dress materials whether as agent, stockist, distributor, supplier, representative, consultant, collaborator, export house, consignor or otherwise.
- To carry on the business of knitters, processors, manufacturers, dealers, importers, exporters, spinners, weavers, finishers, printers and dyers of all kinds of cotton/man made fibres, cotton yarn/man made fibre yarns of all kinds, man made fibre cords of all kind and fabrics of cotton, wool, silk, rayon, nylon, terene, terelene, and other natural synthetics and also the business of manufacturing, ginning, preparing, combing, spinning, weaving, purchasing, selling, distributing, importing, exporting and dealing in yarns, man made fibres and textiles.
- To establish, encourage, aid and assist and promote friendly feelings amongst employees and with this view, to establish and to adopt all such welfare measures as may seem to the Association expedient.
- To establish and support or aid in the establishment and support of associations, institutions, funds, trusts and conveniences calculated to benefit employees or directors or past employees or directors of the company or of its predecessors in business or the dependents of any such persons; and to grant pensions and allowances; and to make payments towards insurance; and to subscribe or guarantee money for charitable or benevolent objects, or for any exhibition or for any public, general or useful object.
- To set up library and reading rooms, health, educational and other amenities and to provide facilities for practice and knowledge of music, art, drama and other hobbies and to give or to arrange concerts, musical entertainments, programmes, shows, displays, invite writers, speakers, poets, composers, philosophers, religious preachers and to give prizes and awards.
- To provide housing accommodation and for the purpose to purchase, acquire, take on lease or rent land and to construct, renovate, rehabilitate, and develop the same for disposing it of or letting it on hire or lease and for providing facilities to the members or others on such rentals as may be considered in the interest of the Association.
- To manage and provide all reasonable facilities for the purchase and consumption of goods, non alcoholic drinks and to provide reading and writing material and newspaper rooms and library.
- To raise capital by means of donations, grants, contributions from members or others and by way of monthly subscriptions or otherwise from members and also to borrow money on such security and on such terms as the Association may from time to time consider.
- To develop, design, acquire, adopt, deal, host and install Communications Equipments, Computers, computer peripherals, Electronic Instruments & Controls and machineries, plant, apparatus, appliances and equip¬ment of every kind, class and description and to supply and provide services of all kind and to act as sellers, buyers, importers, exporters, retailers, whole-sellers, supplier, indenters, consigners, jobbers, brokers, stockiest, agents, sub-agents, merchants, distributors, consult-ants for Communications Equipments, Computer Hardware, Computer Networks, Computer Peripherals, Computer Services, Computer Storage Devices, Electronic Instruments & Controls, Scientific & Technical Instr. And Software.
- To undertake and provide Internet related services, systems, technology, information and software development services and products, including hardware’s, to any person through agents, franchise, by any available means, in India or abroad including value added services such as interactive, Television, Internet, E-Mail, V-Sat, Telephony, Video Shopping, Entertainment, Infotainment, Teleshopping, E-Commerce, Games, Data Transmission, Computer networking, Video conferencing etc. and to establish links via. Satellite uplink and downlink through available reception systems.
- To manufacture, buy, sell, import, export and deal in wireless transmitting and receiving equipments, including radios, television equipments, broadcasting equipments, microphones, amplifiers, loud speaker and telegraphic instruments, cordless telephones and equipments and also to manufacture parts and accessories for the said instruments, cordless telephones and articles and to maintain service stations in this connection.
- To carry on all or any of the business of designers, manufacturers, installers, maintainers, repairers of and dealers in electrical and electronic appliances and apparatus of every description, and of and in radio, television and telecommunication requisites and supplies, teletext and view data receivers, and electrical and electronic apparatus, appliances, equipment and stores of all kinds.
To manufacture, produce, assemble, alter, fabricate, convert, galvanize, electroplate, coat, process, improve, manipulate, weld, flux, punch, draw, machine, press or otherwise to deal in all specifications, descriptions, applications, sizes, dimensions and uses of wires made of all types of iron, steel, alloy steel or any compounds thereof including barbed wire, steel wire, ropes, twisted wire, tyre bead wires, double lattice wires, crimped wires, half round wires, L shaped wires, Z shaped wires, ring traveller wires, flexible card clothing wires, flat wires, hosiery needle wires, bright annealed wires, hard ended wires, tempered wires, wires coated or plated with tin, aluminum, nickel, cadmium, molybdenum, tungsten, chromium, brass, bronze, plastic, vinyl etc, wires with two or more distinct base metallic or alloy coatings; single flat wire, wire rod, cable wire and wire products including wire cloths & fabrics, wire mesh, wire ropes, wire articles, grills, nettings, fencing, reinforcing fabrics, nails, tags, staples, hooknails, corrugated nails, spiked cramps, studs, spikes and drawing pins, bolts, nuts, rivets, cutters, cotterpins, washers and spring washers, springs, pins, hatpins, hairpins, clings, grips and other allied items, their parts, fittings, accessories and components.
- To buy, sell, grow, prepare for market, manipulate and export timber and wood and to manufacture and deal in furniture and articles of all kinds in the manufacture of which timber or wood is predominantly used such as railway or tramway sleepers, wooden sticks for walking, whips, golf club shafts, umbrella handle, wooden tiles, wooden blocks, wooden frames, wooden packing cases, boxes, crates, drums, casks, barrels, vats, tubs, buckets, household utensils of woods, wooden doors, windows & similar fitting, wooden hardware articles, wooden tools, tool bodies, tool handles, broom and brush bodies and handles, gaskets, cigarette boxes, trays, fruit bowls, ornaments and other fancy articles, wooden handicrafts, sculptures, toys, monuments etc.
- To manufacture, produce, process, cultivate, grow, treat, cure, clean, wash, cut, turn to account, commercialize, season, design, develop, fabricate, finish, manipulate, protect, and to act as agent, broker, contractor, supplier, importer, exporter, buyer, seller, warehouser, stockist, distributor, vendor, job worker, forester or otherwise to deal in all shapes, sizes, forms, varieties, specifications, descriptions, dimensions of wood and wood products, plywood, hardwood including wood logs, billets, twigs, faggots, slices, peels, waste & dust, wood charcoal, wood paving boxes, hoop woods, split poles, piles, pickets & stakes of wood, chip wood, pulpwood in chips or particles, wooden strips & friezes for parquet, veneer sheets and sheets for plywood, blackboard and laminated wood products, inlaid wood and wood marquetry, cellular wood panels, reconstituted wood, wooden moulding.
- To carry on business as timber merchants, saw mill proprietors, forest owners, farm owners and timber growers, and to buy, sell, grow, prepare for market, manipulate, import, export and deal in commercial and non-commercial timber, teak, bamboos, plywood, fire wood and wood of all kinds and to manufacture and deal in articles of all kinds in the manufacture of which timber, plywood or other wood is used.
- To manufacture, process, prepare, treat, cure, comb, spin, buy, sell, import, export and otherwise deal in all kinds of dyed and undyed woollen yarns, fibrous substances, wool hairs, carpets, rugs, floor coverings, and to carry on the business of spinners, doublers, linen and clothe manufacturers, wool merchants, wool combers, worsted spinners, woollen spinners, yarn merchants, worsted stuff manufacturers, bleachers, dyers, and makers of vitriol, bleaching and dyeing materials.
- To weave and otherwise manufacture, buy, sell and deal in all kinds of cloth and other goods and fabrics whether textile, felted, netted, looped or flocked.
- To manufacture, process, prepare, treat, cure, comb, spin, buy, sell, import, export and otherwise deal in all kinds of dyed and undyed woollen yarns, fibrous substances, wool hairs, carpets, rugs, floor coverings, and to carry on the business of spinners, doublers, linen and clothe manufacturers, wool merchants, wool combers, worsted spinners, woollen spinners, yarn merchants, worsted stuff manufacturers, bleachers, dyers, and makers of vitriol, bleaching and dyeing materials.
To weave and otherwise manufacture, buy, sell and deal in all kinds of cloth and other goods and fabrics whether textiled, felted, netted, looped or flocked.
- To negotiate, acquire, buy, sell, take on lease or in exchange or acquire by licence, concession or grant or otherwise, any lands and quarries, mines, mining rights which are believed to contain deposits of granites, marble, sand stones and other stones, metals and minerals; to apply for, obtain, take, lease/s from any state, central, provincial governments or other competent authorities, companies, corporate bodies, firms or private individuals; to prospect for, explore, survey, work, bore, drill, develop, excavate, exploit, derive, extract, refine, convert, exercise with or without the aid of machinery such stones, ores, metals, minerals, oils, coals and other substances whatsoever; to take lands, quarries on sublease from any state or central government, corporations, companies, corporate bodies, partnership firms, individuals, to give on sublease all or any quarries, lands to any company, firm or individual.
- To carry on the business as mining, smelting and refining company.
- To process, convert, refine, import, export, buy,sell, deal in tiles, slabs/ panels, monuments, tombstones, decorative pieces, architectural pieces, idols, construction materials, and all other products of granite, marble, sand stones, and any other stones within India or abroad.
- To manufacture, produce, process, refine, pack, repack, develop, mix, formulate, supply, import, export or otherwise deal in all kinds of salts used in industry, defence, space or household and their compound, raw material, derivatives, intermediates or by products and for the purpose to purchase or acquire any estate or interest therein containing any deposits or other supplies of salt or brine or any other substance required for the purpose of the company, and to work and develop them.
- To supply brine, and to manufacture, purchase, sell, refine or otherwise deal in salt and other chemical products.
- To sink wells and shafts, and to construct, acquire and maintain factories, plant, machinery, railways, docks, reservoirs, roads, culverts and other pipes, plant and installations, and to execute all other works and things required for working, obtaining, sorting, selling, manufacturing and conveying salt, brine and other chemical products.
- To import, export, buy, sell, barter, exchange, pledge, make advances upon or otherwise deal in all kinds of goods, produce, merchandise, raw material items, articles, products such as agricultural, industrial, chemical or marine, stones, pieces of arts, antiques, handicrafts, machinery, equipments, capital goods and any other item capable of purchasing, selling, importing, exporting and trading and to be appointed as agents and/or distributors on commission, allowance, retainership, incentive basis.
- To carry on business as merchants, brokers, traders, commission agents, forwarding agents, ship owners, carriers or in any other capacity in India or elsewhere and to purchase, build, hire, charter or otherwise own, hold, use and dispose of ships and vessels, aircraft and other vehicles and their appurtenances.
- To establish or acquire and carry on office, trading stations, factories, stores and depots in India or elsewhere, and to purchase, lease or otherwise acquire, carry on, develop and improve any business or real or personal property in India or elsewhere.
- To assist any company, firm, association, society in trans fer of any technology whether from India or outside and to render services pertaining to foreign collaboration, project formulation and to act as representative/agents of any domestic or foreign company for the purpose of such technology transfer.
- To apply for, acquire and hold any charters, Acts of Parliament, privileges, monopolies, licences, concessions, patents or other rights or powers from the Indian Government or any other Government or state, or any sovereign or local or other authority in India or elsewhere, and to exercise, carry on and work any powers, rights or privileges obtained, and to constitute or incorporate the company under the laws of any foreign country or state and to grant licences or concessions over and in respect of any property or rights of the company.
To manufacture, produce, process, reprocess, convert, design, develop, distribute, exchange, laminate, knit, coat, dye, blend, fabricate, prepare, supervise, supply, export, buy, sell, use, turn to account, collaborate, or otherwise to deal in all sizes, varieties, colours, capacities, specifications, descriptions & applications of bags, sacks, clothes, containers, pouches, packing materials, gift items, carpets, covers and other allied items made of one or more materials like HDPE, LDPE, PVC, PP, yarn, monofilament yarn, films, coextruded films, wide width films, collapsible tubes & sheets, aluminium foils, laminating materials, thermosettings, thermoplastics, tafflon plastics, esters, resins, wax coating lacquers, chemicals etc.
- To manufacture, process, produce, dye, gin, press, spin, weave, crimp, texturise, card, bleach, comb, double, finish, blend, sort, garnet, stretch, dry, draw, cut, improve, buy, sell, resale, import, export, transport, store, fabricate, develop, market or otherwise to deal in all types of natural & synthetic yarns and fibres made of materials like cotton, flax, hemp, jute linen, wool, nylon, viscose, ramie, polyster, silk, artsilk, terene, jute, staple fibres, cashmilon, filaments, terecotton, monofilaments, multifilaments, acrylics, polynosic, polypropylene, polyamide, polymethane, cellulose, dropping, spun or other fibrous substances or any combination thereof and fabrics made of such yarns or articles in which fabrics of any kind is used.
- To establish and to carry on the business of ginners, spinners, weavers, dyers, balers, processors of all kinds of fibres both natural, synthetic or artificial such as cotton, jute, silk, hemp, flax, wool, hair, rayon, nylon, terylene and cultivators of all such fibres, tailors, drapers, clothiers, apparel designers and manufacturers of hides and skins, raw, semi processed and finished leather and leather articles of all kinds, rexines and other synthetic textiles made out of polyvinyl chloride, foam leather, plastics or other articles out of these products; sport goods and articles of all kinds and to deal in all types of textile making material, paints, dyes, fabric treatment materials, chemicals, tools and implements in India or elsewhere in the world.
To engineer,develop, design, assemble, manufacture, produce, import, export, buy, sell, operate, run, repair, lease, hire or let on lease or hire and otherwise deal in all kinds of earth moving and agricultural machines, petrol and diesel engines, tools, plants, tractors, equipments, spares, appliances, implements, accessories, mobile or other forest cleaning, thrashing, harvesting, sowing, ploughing, digging and all other types of machinery used in agricultural operations; heavy vehicles and machines for agricultural and reclamation drainage, irrigation, waterworks, engineering, forest cleaning, pumping, and other purpose; spraying machines, vehicles and equipments, whether mobile or otherwise; tubewells, pumps, engines, motors and irrigation machinery.
To carry on business as manufacturers, producers, processors, makers, convertors, importers, exporters, traders, buyers, sellers, suppliers, indenters, packers, movers, stockists, agents, subagents, merchants, distributors, consignors, jobbers, brokers or otherwise deal in all kinds of zips made of plastic, any metal or other material, zip fasteners, buttons, elastic, laces, tapes and labels and their raw materials.
- To purchase, construct, build, develop or otherwise acquire any land, or property and to establish a centre where live animals, birds, etc. can be kept, studied, bred and exhibited to the public.
- To undertake and carry on poultry farms, fishery, piggery and dairy farming and for the purpose to prepare stables, dens, sheds, kennels, nests, burrows, dwelling places and grazing pastures, veterinary hospitals for keeping and rearing animals, livestock for safe custody and for improving their breed by cross breeding or otherwise deal in all kinds and classes of animal products including meat, ham, pork, steak, beef, chicken, oils, fats, skins, nails, teeth, hair, hooves, horns, etc..